changeset 0 e686773b3f54
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     Sub view to a CContactViewBase.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef __CPbkContactFindView_H__
    21 #define __CPbkContactFindView_H__
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <cntviewbase.h>
    25 #include "MPbkFindPrimitives.h"
    29 class CPbkContactEngine;
    30 class MPbkContactNameFormat;
    31 /// For testing only
    32 class CPbkContactFindView_TestAccess;
    37 /**
    38  * @internal Only Phonebook internal use supported.
    39  *
    40  * Specialized Contact Find View for Phonebook. Implements features needed
    41  * by the Find UI.
    42  */
    43 class CPbkContactFindView :
    44         public CContactViewBase, 
    45         private MContactViewObserver
    46 	{
    47     public:  // Constructors and destructors
    48         /**
    49          * Creates a new instance of this class.
    50          *
    51          * @param aEngine   Phonebook engine.
    52          * @param aBaseView the view this view is based on.
    53          * @param aObserver observer for this contact view.
    54          * @param aNameFormat   contact name formatting interface. Used by
    55          *                      find to filter contacts by name.
    56          * @param aFindPrimitives   find matching primitives to use
    57          * @return a new instance of this class.
    58          */
    59 	    IMPORT_C static CPbkContactFindView* NewL
    60             (CPbkContactEngine& aEngine,
    61             CContactViewBase& aBaseView,
    62             MContactViewObserver& aObserver,
    63             MPbkFindPrimitives& aFindPrimitives);
    65     public:  // New functions
    66         /**
    67          * Filters this view to contain only entries which match a find text.
    68          *
    69          * @param aFindText         text to match.
    70          * @param aIncludeAlways    contacts to include always in this view
    71          *                          even if they don't match aFindText.
    72          * @return ETrue if this view's contents changed.
    73          */
    74         IMPORT_C TBool SetFindTextL
    75             (const TDesC& aFindText,
    76 			const CContactIdArray* aIncludeAlways = NULL);
    78         /**
    79          * Returns the current find text.
    80          */
    81         IMPORT_C const TDesC& FindText() const;
    83         /**
    84          * Stops find filtering of this view.
    85          * @return ETrue if this view's contents changed.
    86          */
    87         IMPORT_C TBool ResetFind();
    89         /**
    90          * Returns the index of first contact in this view matching FindText().
    91          * Returns -1 if there are no matches or FindText() is empty.
    92          */
    93         IMPORT_C TInt IndexOfFirstFindMatchL() const;
    95         /**
    96          * Pointer to a find matching function.
    97          * @param aTargetText   text to search for aFindText
    98          * @param aFindText     text to search from aTargetText
    99          * @return ETrue if aFindText matches aTargetText, EFalse otherwise.
   100          */
   101         typedef TBool (*TFindMatcher)(const TDesC& aTargetText,
   102 			const TDesC& aFindText);
   104     public: // From CContactViewBase.
   105 	    TContactItemId AtL(TInt aIndex) const;
   106 	    const CViewContact& ContactAtL(TInt aIndex) const;
   107 	    TInt CountL() const;
   108 	    TInt FindL(TContactItemId aId) const;
   109 	    HBufC* AllFieldsLC(TInt aIndex,const TDesC& aSeparator) const;
   110 	    TContactViewPreferences ContactViewPreferences();
   111 	    const RContactViewSortOrder& SortOrderL() const;
   112         TAny* CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction,TAny* aParams);
   114     protected:  // Constructors and destructor
   115 	    CPbkContactFindView
   116             (CPbkContactEngine& aEngine, 
   117             CContactViewBase& aBaseView, 
   118             MPbkFindPrimitives& aFindPrimitives);
   119 	    void ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver);
   120 	    ~CPbkContactFindView();
   122     private: // From MContactViewObserver.
   123 	    void HandleContactViewEvent
   124             (const CContactViewBase& aView, const TContactViewEvent& aEvent);
   126    private:  // Implementation
   127 	    void HandleContactViewEventL(const TContactViewEvent& aEvent);
   128         class MState;
   129         friend class MState;
   130         class CStateBase;
   131         friend class CStateBase;
   132         class CNotReadyState;
   133         friend class CNotReadyState;
   134         class CReadyState;
   135         friend class CReadyState;
   136         class CFindState;
   137         friend class CFindState;
   138         inline void SetStateReady();
   139         inline void SetStateNotReady();
   140         /// For testing only
   141         friend class CPbkContactFindView_TestAccess;
   143     private:  // Data
   144         /// Own: current state
   145         MState* iCurrentState;
   146         /// Ref: the contact view this view is based on
   147 	    CContactViewBase& iBaseView;
   148         /// Ref: contact name formatter
   149         MPbkContactNameFormat& iNameFormatter;
   150         /// Ref: find matching primitives
   151         MPbkFindPrimitives* iFindPrimitives;
   152 	};
   155 #endif // __CPbkContactFindView_H__
   157 // End of File