changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Manages adding new items to the contact
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "CPbk2AddItemManager.h"
    23 // Phonebook 2
    24 #include "MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray.h"
    25 #include "MPbk2ContactEditorField.h"
    26 #include <CPbk2PresentationContact.h>
    27 #include <CPbk2PresentationContactField.h>
    28 #include <CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection.h>
    29 #include <CPbk2AddItemToContactDlg.h>
    30 #include <TPbk2AddItemWrapper.h>
    31 #include <MPbk2FieldProperty.h>
    32 #include <MPbk2FieldProperty2.h>
    33 #include <CPbk2FieldPropertyArray.h>
    34 #include <CPbk2StoreConfiguration.h>
    35 #include <CPbk2ContactRelocator.h>
    36 #include <CPbk2FieldGroupPropertyArray.h>
    37 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    38 #include <MPbk2AppUi.h>
    39 #include <MPbk2StoreValidityInformer.h>
    40 #include <CPbk2FieldPropertyGroup.h>
    41 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    43 // Virtual Phonebook
    44 #include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>
    45 #include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
    46 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
    47 #include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
    48 #include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
    49 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    50 #include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>
    51 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    52 #include <MVPbkFieldType.h>
    55 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    56 namespace {
    58 #ifdef _DEBUG
    59 enum TPanicCode
    60     {
    61     EPanicPreCond_MakePhoneContactL = 1,
    62     EPanicPreCond_RetryFieldsAdditionL
    63     };
    64 #endif // _DEBUG
    66 #ifdef _DEBUG
    67 void Panic(TPanicCode aReason)
    68     {
    69     _LIT(KPanicText, "CPbk2AddItemManager");
    70     User::Panic(KPanicText, aReason);
    71     }
    72 #endif // _DEBUG
    74 /**
    75  * Checks is the store valid.
    76  *
    77  * @param aInformer         Store validity informer.
    78  * @param aStoreUri         URI of the store to inspect.
    79  * @return  ETrue if store is valid.
    80  */
    81 TBool IsValidStoreL
    82         ( MPbk2StoreValidityInformer& aInformer, TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr aStoreUri )
    83     {
    84     TBool isValid = EFalse;
    85     CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* currentlyValidStores =
    86         aInformer.CurrentlyValidStoresL();
    87     isValid = currentlyValidStores->IsIncluded( aStoreUri );
    88     delete currentlyValidStores;
    90     return isValid;
    91     }
    93 }  /// namespace
    95 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CPbk2AddItemManager::CPbk2AddItemManager
    97 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 CPbk2AddItemManager::CPbk2AddItemManager
   100         (CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
   101         MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray& aFieldArray, 
   102         TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams,
   103         MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices ) :
   104             iContact(&aContact),
   105             iFieldArray(&aFieldArray),
   106             iParams(aParams),
   107             iAppServices( aAppServices ),
   108             iProperties(&aContact.PresentationFields().FieldProperties() )
   109     {
   110     }
   112 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // CPbk2AddItemManager::~CPbk2AddItemManager
   114 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 CPbk2AddItemManager::~CPbk2AddItemManager()
   117     {
   118     delete iTemporaryPresentationContact;
   119     delete iTemporaryStoreContact;
   120     delete iGroupProperties;
   121     delete iXSpName;
   122     }
   124 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 // CPbk2AddItemManager::NewL
   126 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 //
   128 CPbk2AddItemManager* CPbk2AddItemManager::NewL
   129         ( CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
   130           MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray& aFieldArray, 
   131           TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams,
   132           MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices )
   133     {
   134     CPbk2AddItemManager* self = 
   135         new ( ELeave ) CPbk2AddItemManager( aContact, aFieldArray, aParams, aAppServices );
   136     return self;
   137     }
   139 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 // CPbk2AddItemManager::AddFieldsL
   141 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 //
   143 CPbk2AddItemManager::TReturnValue CPbk2AddItemManager::AddFieldsL
   144  (TInt& aFieldTypeResId, TPtrC& aFieldTypeXspName )
   145     {
   146     CArrayPtr<const MPbk2FieldProperty>* propArray = 
   147         iContact->AvailableFieldsToAddL();
   148     CleanupStack::PushL(propArray);
   150     CPbk2ContactRelocator* contactRelocator = CPbk2ContactRelocator::NewL();
   151     CleanupStack::PushL( contactRelocator );
   153     if (!contactRelocator->IsPhoneMemoryContact( *iContact ) &&
   154             contactRelocator->IsPhoneMemoryInConfigurationL() &&
   155             IsValidStoreL ( Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().
   156                 StoreValidityInformer(), VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri() ) )
   157         {
   158         // Expand the property array with phone memory field types
   159         AddPhoneMemoryFieldTypesL(*propArray);
   160         }
   162     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactRelocator );
   165     // Create group properties
   166     if ( iGroupProperties )
   167         {
   168         delete iGroupProperties;
   169         iGroupProperties = NULL;                
   170         }
   172     iGroupProperties = CPbk2FieldGroupPropertyArray::NewL( *iProperties );
   174     TReturnValue ret = DoAddFieldsL(*propArray, aFieldTypeResId, aFieldTypeXspName);
   176     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propArray);
   177     return ret;
   178     }
   180 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 // CPbk2AddItemManager::AddFieldsToUiAndContactL
   182 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   183 //
   184 inline CPbk2AddItemManager::TReturnValue CPbk2AddItemManager::AddFieldsToUiAndContactL(
   185     const TPbk2AddItemWrapper& aWrapper)
   186     {
   187     TReturnValue ret;
   188     TInt controlId = KErrUnknown;
   189     const TInt count = aWrapper.PropertyCount();
   190     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   191         {
   192         const MPbk2FieldProperty& prop = aWrapper.PropertyAt(i);
   195         MPbk2FieldProperty2* fieldPropertyExtension =
   196             reinterpret_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty2*>(
   197                 const_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty&>( prop ).
   198                     FieldPropertyExtension(
   199                         KMPbk2FieldPropertyExtension2Uid ) );
   200         User::LeaveIfNull( fieldPropertyExtension ); 
   202         TInt tmpId = iFieldArray->AddNewFieldL( prop.FieldType(),
   203             fieldPropertyExtension->XSpName() );
   204         if (controlId == KErrUnknown)
   205             {
   206             controlId = tmpId;
   207             }
   208         }
   210     if( aWrapper.Group() )
   211     	{
   212     	ret.iGruopId = aWrapper.Group()->GroupId();
   213     	}
   215     ret.iControlId = controlId;
   216     return ret;
   217     }
   219 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   220 // CPbk2AddItemManager::RunDialogAndAddFieldsL
   221 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 //
   223 inline CPbk2AddItemManager::TReturnValue CPbk2AddItemManager::RunDialogAndAddFieldsL
   224         ( RArray<TPbk2AddItemWrapper>& aWrappers,
   225           TInt& aFieldTypeResId, 
   226           TPtrC& aFieldTypeXspName )
   227     {
   228     TReturnValue ret;
   229     ret.iControlId = KErrUnknown;
   230     TInt selectionIndex( KErrNotFound );
   232     if (aWrappers.Count() > 0)
   233         {
   234         if ( aFieldTypeResId != KErrNotFound )
   235             {
   236             // Make a conversion from ResId to selection
   237             TInt wrapCount( aWrappers.Count() );
   238             for ( TInt i(0); i < wrapCount && selectionIndex == KErrNotFound; ++i)
   239                 {
   240                 TPbk2AddItemWrapper* wrapper = &aWrappers[i];
   241                 TInt propCount( wrapper->PropertyCount() );
   242                 for ( TInt j(0); j < propCount && selectionIndex == KErrNotFound; ++j )
   243                     {
   244                     const MPbk2FieldProperty& prop = wrapper->PropertyAt(j);
   245                     MPbk2FieldProperty2* fieldPropertyExtension =
   246                         reinterpret_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty2*>(
   247                             const_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty&>( prop ).
   248                                 FieldPropertyExtension(
   249                                     KMPbk2FieldPropertyExtension2Uid ) );
   250                     User::LeaveIfNull( fieldPropertyExtension );
   251                     if ( (aFieldTypeResId == prop.FieldType().FieldTypeResId() ) &&
   252                             !aFieldTypeXspName.CompareF(fieldPropertyExtension->XSpName()) )
   253                         {
   254                         selectionIndex = i;
   255                         }
   256                     }
   257                 }
   258             if ( selectionIndex == KErrNotFound )
   259                 {
   260                 // Field cannot be added to current contact
   261                 // propably it already exist and this field type cannot be 
   262                 // more than once in one contact
   263                 ret.iControlId = KErrAlreadyExists;
   264                 }
   265             }
   267         if( ret.iControlId == KErrUnknown )
   268             {
   269             if ( selectionIndex == KErrNotFound )
   270                 {
   271                 CPbk2AddItemToContactDlg* dlg = CPbk2AddItemToContactDlg::NewL( iAppServices );
   272                 TPbk2AddItemDialogParams params(NULL, 0, selectionIndex);
   273                 selectionIndex = dlg->ExecuteLD(aWrappers, &params);
   274                 }
   276             if (selectionIndex != KErrCancel)
   277                 {
   278                 TPbk2AddItemWrapper* wrapper = &aWrappers[selectionIndex];
   279                 MPbk2FieldProperty2* fieldPropertyExtension =
   280                     reinterpret_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty2*>(
   281                         const_cast<MPbk2FieldProperty&>( wrapper->PropertyAt(0) ).
   282                             FieldPropertyExtension(
   283                                 KMPbk2FieldPropertyExtension2Uid ) );
   284                 User::LeaveIfNull( fieldPropertyExtension );
   286                 aFieldTypeResId = wrapper->PropertyAt(0).FieldType().FieldTypeResId();
   287                 aFieldTypeXspName.Set(fieldPropertyExtension->XSpName());
   288                 delete iXSpName;
   289                 iXSpName = NULL;
   290                 if (aFieldTypeXspName != KNullDesC)
   291                     {
   292                     iXSpName = fieldPropertyExtension->XSpName().AllocL();
   293                     }
   294                 aFieldTypeXspName.Set(iXSpName ? *iXSpName : KNullDesC());
   295                 TRAPD(err, ret = AddFieldsToUiAndContactL(*wrapper));
   297                 if (err == KErrNotSupported)
   298                     {
   299                     // KErrNotSupported means that the current
   300                     // contact does not support the selected detail.
   301                     // When receiving this error code the caller
   302                     // may choose to relocate the contact and try again.
   303                     ret.iControlId = KErrNotSupported;
   304                     }
   305                 else
   306                     {
   307                     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   308                     }
   309                 }
   310             }
   311         }
   312     return ret;
   313     }
   315 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // CPbk2AddItemManager::AddPhoneMemoryFieldTypesL
   317 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 //
   319 inline void CPbk2AddItemManager::AddPhoneMemoryFieldTypesL
   320         (CArrayPtr<const MPbk2FieldProperty>& aProperties)
   321     {
   322     // Make a duplicate phone contact instance out of the current contact
   323     MakePhoneContactL(*iContact);
   325     // Get available fields to add to the phone contact
   326     CArrayPtr<const MPbk2FieldProperty>* phonePropArray =
   327         iTemporaryPresentationContact->AvailableFieldsToAddL();
   328     CleanupStack::PushL(phonePropArray);
   330     // Append new properties to the old array
   331     TInt currentPropertyCount = aProperties.Count();
   332     TInt phonePropertyCount = phonePropArray->Count();
   333     for (TInt i=0; i<phonePropertyCount; ++i)
   334         {
   335         TBool found = EFalse;
   336         const MPbk2FieldProperty* phoneProp = phonePropArray->At(i);
   337         for (TInt j=0; j<currentPropertyCount; ++j)
   338             {
   339             const MPbk2FieldProperty* prop = aProperties.At(j);
   340             if (prop->IsSame(*phoneProp))
   341                 {
   342                 found = ETrue;
   343                 break;
   344                 }
   345             }
   346         // Append the property only if not found already
   347         if ( !found && iParams.iActiveView == TPbk2ContactEditorParams::EEditorView )
   348             {
   349             aProperties.AppendL(phoneProp);
   350             }
   351         }
   353     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(phonePropArray);
   355     // Switch properties member to reference the properties of
   356     // the temporary contact
   357     iProperties = &iTemporaryPresentationContact->PresentationFields().
   358         FieldProperties();
   359     }
   361 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // CPbk2AddItemManager::DoAddFieldsL
   363 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 //
   365 inline CPbk2AddItemManager::TReturnValue CPbk2AddItemManager::DoAddFieldsL
   366         (CArrayPtr<const MPbk2FieldProperty>& aProperties,
   367         TInt& aFieldTypeResId,
   368         TPtrC& aFieldTypeXspName )
   369     {
   370     RArray<TPbk2AddItemWrapper> wrappers;
   371     CleanupClosePushL(wrappers);
   373     RPointerArray<const CPbk2FieldPropertyGroup> addedGroups;
   374     CleanupClosePushL(addedGroups);
   376     const CPbk2FieldPropertyGroup* address = NULL;
   377     TInt countAddr = 0;
   378     const TInt count = aProperties.Count();
   379     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   380         {
   381         const MPbk2FieldProperty& prop = *(aProperties)[i];
   382         const CPbk2FieldPropertyGroup* group = 
   383             iGroupProperties->FindGroupForProperty(prop);
   385         TPbk2FieldGroupId propGroup = EPbk2FieldGroupIdNone; 
   386         if( group )
   387         	{
   388         	propGroup = group->GroupId();
   389         	}
   391         if ( propGroup != EPbk2FieldGroupIdNone )
   392         	{
   393         	 if( addedGroups.Find(group) == KErrNotFound  )
   394 	            {
   395 	            addedGroups.AppendL(group); 
   396 	            if (iContact->PresentationFields().ContainsFieldFromGroup(
   397 	                    *group))
   398 	                {
   399 	                if( propGroup != EPbk2FieldGroupIdPostalAddress &&
   400 	            		propGroup != EPbk2FieldGroupIdHomeAddress &&
   401 	            		propGroup != EPbk2FieldGroupIdCompanyAddress || 
   402 	            		aFieldTypeResId > 0 )
   403 	                	{
   404 		                // Item belongs to the group but there are already
   405 		                // items from the same group in the contact
   406 		                wrappers.AppendL(TPbk2AddItemWrapper(prop));
   407 	                	}
   408 	                }
   409 	            else
   410 	                {
   411 	                // Add the whole group of fields
   412 	                wrappers.AppendL(TPbk2AddItemWrapper(*group));
   413 	            	}
   414 	            }
   415             }
   416         else
   417         	{
   418             // Item doesn't belong to group
   419             wrappers.AppendL(TPbk2AddItemWrapper(prop));
   420         	}
   421         }
   423     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // addedGroups
   425     TReturnValue ret = RunDialogAndAddFieldsL(wrappers, aFieldTypeResId,
   426             aFieldTypeXspName);
   427     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wrappers
   429     return ret;
   430     }
   432 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 // CPbk2AddItemManager::IsFieldAdditionPossibleL
   434 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 inline TBool CPbk2AddItemManager::IsFieldAdditionPossibleL
   437         (const CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
   438         const MPbk2FieldProperty& aProperty)
   439     {
   440     TBool ret = EFalse;
   441     // To be able to add field requires that the property must fit
   442     // either into phone memory contact or into the current
   443     // memory contact
   444     if ((aContact.IsFieldAdditionPossibleL(aProperty.FieldType())) &&
   445           (aProperty.Flags() & KPbk2FieldFlagUserCanAddField))
   446         {
   447         ret = ETrue;
   448         }
   450     return ret;
   451     }
   453 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 // CPbk2AddItemManager::MakePhoneContactL
   455 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 //
   457 void CPbk2AddItemManager::MakePhoneContactL
   458         (const CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact)
   459     {
   460     // Get phone memory contact store
   461     MVPbkContactStore* phoneStore =
   462         Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().ContactManager().
   463             ContactStoresL().Find
   464                 (VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri());
   466     __ASSERT_DEBUG(phoneStore,
   467         Panic(EPanicPreCond_MakePhoneContactL));
   469     // Create a temporary contact to phone memory store
   470     iTemporaryStoreContact = phoneStore->CreateNewContactLC();
   471     CleanupStack::Pop(); // CreateNewContactLC
   473     // Make a presentation contact out of it
   474     iTemporaryPresentationContact = CPbk2PresentationContact::NewL
   475         (*iTemporaryStoreContact,
   476         Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().FieldProperties());
   478     // Add the fields of the current store contact in to it
   479     const TInt count(aContact.Fields().FieldCount());
   480     for (TInt i = 0; i<count; ++i)
   481         {
   482         CPbk2PresentationContactField& field =
   483             aContact.PresentationFields().At(i);
   485         if (iTemporaryPresentationContact->IsFieldAdditionPossibleL
   486                 (field.FieldProperty().FieldType()))
   487             {
   488             MVPbkStoreContactField* newField =
   489                 iTemporaryPresentationContact->CreateFieldLC(
   490                     field.FieldProperty().FieldType());
   491             iTemporaryPresentationContact->AddFieldL(newField);
   492             CleanupStack::Pop(); // newField
   493             }
   494         }
   495     }
   497 //  End of File