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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Phonebook 2 command handler.
    15 *
    16 */
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include <MPbk2CommandHandler.h>
    25 #include <MPbk2ContactUiControl.h>
    26 #include <Pbk2Commands.hrh>
    28 // FORWARDS
    29 class MPbk2CommandFactory;
    30 class CEikMenuPane;
    31 class CPbk2CommandStore;
    32 class CPbk2AiwInterestArray;
    33 class MPbk2ViewExplorer;
    34 class MPbk2Command;
    35 class CPbk2AppViewBase;
    36 class CPbk2UIExtensionManager;
    37 class CVPbkContactStoreUriArray;
    38 class CPbk2ContactRelocator;
    39 class CPbk2ApplicationServices;
    40 class MVPbkContactLink;
    44 /**
    45  * Phonebook 2 command handler.
    46  * Responsible for handling all Phonebook 2 commands and
    47  * filtering of Phonebook 2 menus.
    48  */
    49 class CPbk2CommandHandler : public CBase,
    50                             public MPbk2CommandHandler
    51     {
    52     public: // Construction and destruction
    54         /**
    55          * Creates a new instance of this class.
    56          *
    57          * @return  A new instance of this class.
    58          */
    59         IMPORT_C static CPbk2CommandHandler* NewL();
    61         /**
    62          * Destructor.
    63          */
    64         ~CPbk2CommandHandler();
    66     public: // From MPbk2CommandHandler
    67         TBool HandleCommandL(
    68                 const TInt aCommandId,
    69                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
    70                 const CPbk2AppViewBase* aAppView );
    71         void DynInitMenuPaneL(
    72                 TInt aResourceId,
    73                 CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
    74                 CPbk2AppViewBase& aViewBase,
    75                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
    76         void RegisterAiwInterestL(
    77                 const TInt aInterestId,
    78                 const TInt aMenuResourceId,
    79                 const TInt aInterestResourceId,
    80                 const TBool aAttachBaseService );
    81         TInt ServiceCmdByMenuCmd(
    82                 TInt aMenuCmdId ) const;
    83         void AddAndExecuteCommandL(
    84                 MPbk2Command* aCommand );
    85         void AddMenuCommandObserver(
    86                 MPbk2MenuCommandObserver& aObserver );
    87         void RemoveMenuCommandObserver(
    88                 MPbk2MenuCommandObserver& aObserver );
    89         void DynInitToolbarL(
    90                 TInt aResourceId,
    91                 CAknToolbar* aToolbar,
    92                 const CPbk2AppViewBase& aAppView,
    93                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
    94         void OfferToolbarEventL(
    95                 TInt aCommand,
    96                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
    97                 const CPbk2AppViewBase* aAppView );
    99     private: // Command handlers, use Cmd prefix
   100          void CmdOpenSettingsViewL(
   101                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
   102                 const CPbk2AppViewBase* aAppView,
   103                 TUid aViewId );
   104         void CmdOpenPreviousViewL(
   105                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
   106                 const CPbk2AppViewBase* aAppView );
   107         void CmdOpenHelpL(
   108                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
   109                 const CPbk2AppViewBase* aAppView );
   110         TBool CmdGenericCommandL(
   111                 TPbk2CommandId aCommandId,
   112                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   114     private: // Implementation
   115         CPbk2CommandHandler();
   116         void ConstructL();
   117         void PerformStandardMenuFilteringL(
   118                 TInt aResourceId,
   119                 CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
   120                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   121         void PerformStoreSpecificFilteringL(
   122                 TInt aResourceId,
   123                 CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
   124                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   125         void PerformFieldTypeBasedFilteringL(
   126                 TInt aResourceId,
   127                 CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
   128                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   129         TBool AreSelectedContactsFromReadOnlyStoreL(
   130                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   131         TBool IsFromReadOnlyStore(
   132                 const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink ) const;
   133         TBool HasSpeedDialL(
   134                 MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl );
   135         TInt ToStoreFieldIndexL(
   136                 TInt aPresIndex,
   137                 const MVPbkStoreContact* aStoreContact );
   139     private: // Data
   140         /// Own: Command factory
   141         MPbk2CommandFactory* iCommandFactory;
   142         /// Own: Command store
   143         CPbk2CommandStore* iCommandStore;
   144         /// Own: AIW interest array
   145         CPbk2AiwInterestArray* iAiwInterestArray;
   146         /// Own: Application services
   147         CPbk2ApplicationServices* iAppServices;
   148         /// Own: Extension manager
   149         CPbk2UIExtensionManager* iExtensionManager;
   150         /// Own: Contact relocator
   151         CPbk2ContactRelocator* iContactRelocator;
   152     };
   154 #endif // CPBK2COMMANDHANDLER_H
   156 // End of File