changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <es_sock.h>
    17 #include <utf.h>
    18 #include "pbapappheader.h"
    20 #include "btaccesshostlog.h"
    23 /*static*/ CPbapAppHeader* CPbapAppHeader::NewL()
    24 	{
    26 	return new(ELeave) CPbapAppHeader;
    27 	}
    30 CPbapAppHeader::CPbapAppHeader()
    31 	{
    32 	LOG_FUNC
    33 	Reset();
    34 	}	
    36 CPbapAppHeader::~CPbapAppHeader()
    37 	{
    38 	LOG_FUNC
    39 	iSearchValue.Close();
    40 	}	
    42 /**
    43 Set values to defaults defined in the PBAP specification
    44 */
    45 void CPbapAppHeader::Reset()
    46 	{
    47 	LOG_FUNC
    49 	iTagsPresent.Reset();
    50 	iMaxListCount = KMaxTUint16;
    51 	iListStartOffset = 0;
    52 	iAttributeMask = SymbianPBAP::KPbapAttributeAll;
    53 	iVCardVersion = EPBAPVCard21;
    54 	iOrder = SymbianPBAP::EIndexed;
    55 	iSearchValue.Close();
    56 	iSearchAttribute = SymbianPBAP::EName;
    57 	iOperation = EUnknownOperation;
    58 	iIsAbsolutePathOp = EFalse;
    59 	}
    61 /**
    62 Parse the application parameters header for the underlying "PBAP PDU"
    63 this PBAP "PDU" is composed of the TLVs in the App Params Header
    64 */
    65 void CPbapAppHeader::ParseL(const TDesC8& aObexApplicationHeader)
    66 	{
    67 	LOG_FUNC
    68 	if (aObexApplicationHeader!=KNullDesC8)
    69 		{
    70 		TUint8 parseIndex = 0;		
    71 		TUint8 appHeaderLength = aObexApplicationHeader.Length();
    72 		while (parseIndex < appHeaderLength)
    73 			{
    74 			// get 'tag' from the header
    75 			TApplicationHeaderTagId tag = static_cast<TApplicationHeaderTagId>(aObexApplicationHeader[parseIndex]);
    77 			// check weather  'length' is present, then get 'length'
    78 			if(++parseIndex == appHeaderLength)
    79 				{
    80 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    81 				}
    82 			TUint8 length = static_cast<TUint8>(aObexApplicationHeader[parseIndex]);
    83 			// check weather 'length' is longer than the remaining header
    84 			if (appHeaderLength-parseIndex <= length)
    85 				{
    86 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    87 				}
    89 			TPtrC8 nextValue = aObexApplicationHeader.Mid(++parseIndex,length);
    91 			if (nextValue.Length() != length)
    92 				{
    93 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    94 				}
    96 			switch (tag)
    97 				{
    98 				case EOrder:
    99 					{	
   100 					LOG(_L("Order tag present"));
   101 					// check whether the parameters header is valid
   102 					if (length!=1)
   103 						{
   104 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   105 						}
   106 					iOrder = ConvertToOrder(nextValue[0]);
   107 					LOG1(_L("Order = %d"), iOrder);
   108 					if (iOrder == SymbianPBAP::EUnknownOrder)
   109 						{
   110 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   111 						}
   112 					}
   113 					break;
   114 				case ESearchValue:
   115 					{
   116 					LOG(_L("SearchValue tag present"));			
   118 					// the search string may have a null terminator, if so remove it
   119 					TPtrC8 searchValue(nextValue);
   120 					if (length && searchValue[length-1]=='\0')
   121 						{
   122 						LOG(_L("Removing null terminator from search value"));	
   123 						searchValue.Set(searchValue.Left(length-1));
   124 						}
   126 					// convert the search string from UTF-8 to unicode
   127 					iSearchValue.Assign(CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(searchValue)); // ownership transferred
   128 					LOG1(_L("SearchValue = %S"), &iSearchValue);
   129 					}
   130 					break;
   131 				case ESearchAttribute:
   132 					{
   133 					LOG(_L("SearchAttribute tag present"));
   134 					if (length!=1)
   135 						{
   136 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   137 						}
   138 					iSearchAttribute = ConvertToSearchAttribute(nextValue[0]);
   139 					LOG1(_L("SearchAttribute = %d"), iSearchAttribute);	
   140 					if (iSearchAttribute == SymbianPBAP::EUnknownSearchAttribute)
   141 						{
   142 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   143 						}
   144 					}
   145 					break;
   146 				case EMaxListCount:
   147 					{
   148 					LOG(_L("MaxListCount tag present"));
   149 					if (length!=2)
   150 						{
   151 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   152 						}
   153 					iMaxListCount = BigEndian::Get16(nextValue.Ptr());
   154 					LOG1(_L("MaxListCount=%d"), iMaxListCount);
   155 					}
   156 					break;
   157 				case EListStartOffset:
   158 					{
   159 					LOG(_L("ListStartOffset tag present"));
   160 					if (length!=2)
   161 						{
   162 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   163 						}
   164 					iListStartOffset = BigEndian::Get16(nextValue.Ptr());
   165 					LOG1(_L("ListStartOffset = %d"), iListStartOffset);
   166 					}
   167 					break;
   168 				case EFilter:
   169 					{
   170 					LOG(_L("Filter tag present"));
   171 					if (length!=8)
   172 						{
   173 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   174 						}					
   175 					iAttributeMask = ConvertToFilter(nextValue.Ptr());
   176 					LOG1(_L("Filter tag = %d"), iAttributeMask);
   177 					}
   178 					break;
   179 				case EFormat:
   180 					{
   181 					LOG(_L("Format tag present"));
   182 					if (length!=1)
   183 						{
   184 						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   185 						}
   186 					iVCardVersion = ConvertToVCardVersionL(nextValue[0]);
   187 					LOG1(_L("vCard version = %d"), iVCardVersion);			
   188 					}
   189 					break;
   190 				default:
   191 					// ignore unknown tag
   192 					break;
   193 				}
   195 			// completely ignore any unspecified tags
   196 			if (tag < EBeginningOfUnspecifiedTags && tag > 0)
   197 				{
   198 				iTagsPresent[tag] = ETrue;
   199 				}
   201 			parseIndex+=length;
   202 			}
   203 		}
   204 	}
   206 /**
   207  convert sort order parameter values defined in PBAP specification to internal enum
   208 */
   209 SymbianPBAP::TOrder CPbapAppHeader::ConvertToOrder(TUint8 aValue) const
   210 	{
   211 	LOG_FUNC
   212 	SymbianPBAP::TOrder order;
   213 	switch (aValue)
   214 		{
   215 		case 0x00:
   216 			order = SymbianPBAP::EIndexed;
   217 			break;
   218 		case 0x01:
   219 			order = SymbianPBAP::EAlphabetical;
   220 			break;
   221 		case 0x02:
   222 			order = SymbianPBAP::EPhonetical;
   223 			break;
   224 		default:
   225 			order = SymbianPBAP::EUnknownOrder;
   226 			break;	
   227 		}
   228 	return order;
   229 	}
   232 /**
   233  convert search attribute parameter values defined in PBAP specification to internal enum
   234 */
   235 SymbianPBAP::TSearchAttribute CPbapAppHeader::ConvertToSearchAttribute(TUint8 aValue) const
   236 	{
   237 	LOG_FUNC
   238 	SymbianPBAP::TSearchAttribute searchAttrib;
   239 	switch (aValue)
   240 		{
   241 		case 0x00:
   242 			searchAttrib = SymbianPBAP::EName;
   243 			break;
   244 		case 0x01:
   245 			searchAttrib = SymbianPBAP::ENumber;
   246 			break;
   247 		case 0x02:
   248 			searchAttrib = SymbianPBAP::ESound;
   249 			break;
   250 		default:
   251 			searchAttrib = SymbianPBAP::EUnknownSearchAttribute;
   252 			break;	
   253 		}
   254 	return searchAttrib;
   255 	}
   257 /**
   258  convert format parameter values defined in PBAP specification to internal enum
   259 */	
   260 TVCardVersion CPbapAppHeader::ConvertToVCardVersionL(TUint8 aValue) const
   261 	{
   262 	LOG_FUNC
   263 	TVCardVersion version = EPBAPVCard21;
   264 	switch (aValue)
   265 		{
   266 		case 0x00:
   267 			version = EPBAPVCard21;
   268 			break;
   269 		case 0x01:
   270 			version = EPBAPVCard30;
   271 			break;
   272 		default:
   273 			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   274 			break;	
   275 		}
   276 	return version;
   277 	}
   279 /** 
   280  Converts big-endian formatted descriptor to 64-bit filter mask
   281 */
   282 TUint64 CPbapAppHeader::ConvertToFilter(const TUint8* aPtr) const
   283 	{
   284 	LOG_FUNC
   285 	return ((static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[0])<<56) |
   286 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[1])<<48) |
   287 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[2])<<40) |
   288 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[3])<<32) |
   289 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[4])<<24) |
   290 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[5])<<16) |
   291 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[6])<<8)  |
   292 			(static_cast<TUint64>(aPtr[7]))); 	
   293 	}
   295 /**
   296 Determine the actual PBAP operation from the type header and the parsed
   297 application parameter header 
   298 */		
   299 TPbapOperation CPbapAppHeader::DeterminePBAPOperationL(const TDesC8& aTypeHeader)
   300 	{
   301 	LOG_FUNC
   303 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   304 	RBuf buf;
   305 	buf.CreateL(aTypeHeader.Length());
   306 	buf.Copy(aTypeHeader);
   307 	LOG1(_L("Type header: %S"), &buf);
   308 	buf.Close();
   309 #endif
   311 	TPtrC8 typeHeader(aTypeHeader);
   312 	TInt length = aTypeHeader.Length();
   314 	// obex may append null terminator to type header, if so remove it
   315 	if (length && aTypeHeader[length-1]=='\0')
   316 		{	
   317 		typeHeader.Set(aTypeHeader.Left(length-1));
   318 		}
   320 	if (typeHeader.CompareF(KObexTypeBTvCardPhoneBook)==0)
   321 		{
   322 		if (!iTagsPresent[EMaxListCount])
   323 			{
   324 			LOG(_L("Missing mandatory MaxListCount tag in App Header"));
   325 			// mandatory to have the tag present in this operation
   326 			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   327 			}		
   328 		if (iMaxListCount==0)
   329 			{
   330 			iOperation = ERequestPhoneBookSize;
   331 			LOG(_L("PBAP operation is PullPhoneBook - MaxListCount = 0"));
   332 			}
   333 		else
   334 			{
   335 			iOperation = EPullPhoneBook;
   336 			LOG(_L("PBAP operation is PullPhoneBook"));
   337 			}
   339 		// this type of request operates on absolute paths	
   340 		iIsAbsolutePathOp = ETrue;
   341 		}
   342 	else if (typeHeader.CompareF(KObexTypeBTvCardListing)==0)
   343 		{
   344 		if (!iTagsPresent[EMaxListCount])
   345 			{
   346 			LOG(_L("Missing MaxListCount tag in App Header, continuing due to spec (v1.0) inconsistency"));
   347 			}		
   348 		if (iMaxListCount==0)
   349 			{
   350 			iOperation = ERequestPhoneBookSize;
   351 			LOG(_L("PBAP operation is PullvCardListing - MaxListCount = 0"));
   352 			}
   353 		else
   354 			{
   355 			iOperation = EPullVCardListing;
   356 			LOG(_L("PBAP operation is PullvCardListing"));
   357 			}
   358 		}
   359 	else if (typeHeader.CompareF(KObexTypeBTvCard)==0)
   360 		{
   361 		// leave to folderparser to determine if handle is ok
   362 		iOperation = EPullVCard;
   363 		LOG(_L("PBAP operation is PullvCard"));		
   364 		}		
   365 	else
   366 		{
   367 		// incorrect or nonexistent Type header. Bad.
   368 		LOG(_L("Cannot determine PBAP operation"));
   369 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   370 		}
   372 	return iOperation;
   373 	}