changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 15 e8e3147d53eb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // pbapvcardexporterimpl.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "pbapvcardexporterutil.h"
    20 #include <cntitem.h>
    21 #include <s32strm.h>
    22 #include <vprop.h>
    23 #include <vcard.h>
    25 #include "vcard3.h"
    26 #include "cntdb_internal.h"
    27 #endif
    28 #include <vtoken.h>
    29 #include "pbaplogeng.h"
    30 #include "btaccesshostlog.h"
    33 //constants
    35 _LIT8(KVersitParamMISSED,"MISSED");
    36 _LIT8(KVersitParamRECEIVED,"RECEIVED");
    37 _LIT8(KVersitParamDIALED,"DIALED");	// US English spelling to conform with spec
    40 /*static*/ CPbapVCardExporterUtil* CPbapVCardExporterUtil::NewL(CContactDatabase& aDatabase, 
    41 																CPbapLogWrapper* aLogWrapper)
    42 	{
    44 	CPbapVCardExporterUtil* self = new(ELeave) CPbapVCardExporterUtil(aDatabase, aLogWrapper);
    45 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    46 	self->ConstructL();
    47 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    48 	return self;
    49 	}
    51 CPbapVCardExporterUtil::CPbapVCardExporterUtil(CContactDatabase& aDatabase, CPbapLogWrapper* aLogWrapper)
    52 : iDatabase(aDatabase), iLogWrapper(aLogWrapper)
    53 	{
    54 	LOG_FUNC
    55 	}
    57 void CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ConstructL()
    58 	{
    59 	LOG_FUNC
    60 	CVersitTlsData::VersitTlsDataL();		
    61 	User::LeaveIfError(iTzClient.Connect());
    62 	}
    64 CPbapVCardExporterUtil::~CPbapVCardExporterUtil()
    65 	{
    66 	LOG_FUNC
    67 	iTzClient.Close();
    68 	CVersitTlsData::CloseVersitTlsData();
    69 	}
    71 /**
    72  Export a contact as vCard.
    74  @param aContactId Contact item ID to export. If this value is set to KNullContactId an empty vCard
    75        containing only the mandatory properties defined in the PBAP specification will be exported
    76  @param aWriteStream Stream to externalize vCard data to
    77  @param aFormat Version of vCard specification 2.1 or 3.0
    78  @param aFilter Defines properties to be exported
    79  */
    80 void CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ExportContactL(TContactItemId aContactId, 
    81 											RWriteStream& aWriteStream,
    82 											TVCardVersion aFormat, 
    83 											TUint64 aFilter)
    84 	{
    85 	LOG_FUNC
    86 	CContactIdArray* contactIdArray = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
    87 	contactIdArray->AddL(aContactId);
    88 	iDatabase.ExportSelectedContactsL(TUid::Uid(KUidPBAPVCardConvImpl), *contactIdArray, aWriteStream, 
    89 										0, aFilter, NULL, aFormat, ETrue);
    90 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(contactIdArray);
    91 	}
    94 /**
    95  Export log engine event as a vCard.
    97  @param aEvent Log engine event to be exported
    98  @param aWriteStream Stream to externalize vCard data to
    99  @param aFormat Version of vCard specification 2.1 or 3.0
   100  @param aFilter Defines properties to be exported
   101  */
   102 void CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ExportCallHistoryL(const CLogEvent& aLogEvent, 
   103 												RWriteStream& aWriteStream,
   104 												TVCardVersion aFormat, 
   105 												TUint64 aFilter)
   106 	{
   107 	LOG_FUNC
   108 	TContactItemId contactId = aLogEvent.Contact();	
   110 	if (ContactExistsL(contactId))
   111 		{
   112 		// store the log event, format and filter parameters to use in the callback
   113 		// from the contacts vCard converter
   114 		iLogEvent = &aLogEvent;
   115 		iFormat = aFormat;
   116 		iFilter = aFilter;
   118 		CContactIdArray* contactIdArray = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
   119 		contactIdArray->AddL(contactId);
   120 		iDatabase.ExportSelectedContactsL(TUid::Uid(KUidPBAPVCardConvImpl), *contactIdArray, aWriteStream, 0, aFilter, this, aFormat, EFalse);
   121 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(contactIdArray);
   122 		}
   123 	else
   124 		{
   125 		//no associated contact so only export properties which map to log entry fields
   126 		CParserVCard* vCard = CreateVCardParserLC(aFormat);
   127 		vCard->SetDefaultCharSet(Versit::EUTF8CharSet);
   129 		// N property mandated by vCard 2.1 and 3.0 specifications
   130 		vCard->AddPropertyL(EmptyNamePropertyL());
   132 		// FN property mandated by vCard 3.0 specification
   133 		if (aFormat==EPBAPVCard30)
   134 			{
   135 			//add empty FN property
   136 			vCard->AddPropertyL(DesPropertyL(KVersitTokenFN, KNullDesC));
   137 			}
   139 		// add mandatory TEL property using number from call log
   140 		vCard->AddPropertyL(DesPropertyL(KVersitTokenTEL, aLogEvent.Number()));
   142 		// add the X-IRMC-CALL-DATETIME property
   143 		if (aFilter == SymbianPBAP::KPbapAttributeAll || aFilter&SymbianPBAP::KPbapAttributeMaskCallDateTime)
   144 			{
   145 			vCard->AddPropertyL(CallDateTimePropertyL(aLogEvent, aFormat));
   146 			}
   148 		vCard->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   149 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCard);
   150 		}
   151 	}
   153 /**
   154 Writes a vCard to the stream containing only the mandatory properties defined in the PBAP specification
   155 with all properties set to empty (null) values
   156 */
   157 void CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ExportEmptyVCardL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, TVCardVersion aFormat)
   158 	{
   159 	LOG_FUNC
   160 	CParserVCard* vCard = CreateVCardParserLC(aFormat);
   161 	vCard->SetDefaultCharSet(Versit::EUTF8CharSet);
   163 	vCard->AddPropertyL(EmptyNamePropertyL());
   165 	if (aFormat == EPBAPVCard30)
   166 		{
   167 		vCard->AddPropertyL(DesPropertyL(KVersitTokenFN, KNullDesC));
   168 		}
   170 	vCard->AddPropertyL(DesPropertyL(KVersitTokenTEL, KNullDesC));
   172 	vCard->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   173 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCard);
   174 	}
   176 /**
   177 PBAP clients are supposed to provide any information regarding the contact item represented by aContactId.
   178 This information should be in form of standard vCard property, all such properties should be appended to the array aPropertyList.
   179 */
   180 void CPbapVCardExporterUtil::AddIntraContactPropertiesL(const TContactItemId& aContactId, 
   181 														CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* aPropertyList)
   182 	{
   183 	LOG_FUNC
   184 	if(iLogEvent && iLogEvent->Contact() == aContactId)
   185 		{
   186 		CParserProperty* property;
   188  		// add mandatory TEL property using number from log event
   189 		property = DesPropertyL(KVersitTokenTEL, iLogEvent->Number());
   190 		CleanupStack::PushL(property);
   191 		aPropertyList->AppendL(property);
   192 		CleanupStack::Pop(property); //ownership passed
   194 		// add X-IRMC-CALL-DATETIME property
   195 		if (iFilter == SymbianPBAP::KPbapAttributeAll || iFilter&SymbianPBAP::KPbapAttributeMaskCallDateTime)
   196 			{
   197 			property = CallDateTimePropertyL(*iLogEvent, iFormat);
   198 			CleanupStack::PushL(property);  
   199 			aPropertyList->AppendL(property);
   200 			CleanupStack::Pop(property); //ownership passed
   201 			}
   203 		iLogEvent = NULL;
   204 		}		
   205 	}
   207 TBool CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ContactExistsL(TContactItemId aContactId)
   208 	{
   209 	LOG_FUNC
   210 	TBool exists = EFalse;
   211 	if (aContactId != KNullContactId)
   212 		{
   213 		CContactItem* contactItem=NULL;
   214 		TRAPD(error, contactItem=iDatabase.ReadMinimalContactL(aContactId));
   215 		if (error==KErrNone)
   216 			{
   217 			if (contactItem && (contactItem->Type()== KUidContactCard || contactItem->Type()== KUidContactOwnCard))
   218 				{
   219 				// the contact item exists in the pb phone book
   220 				exists = ETrue;
   221 				delete contactItem;	
   222 				}
   223 			}
   224 		else if (error != KErrNotFound && error!=KErrNotReady)
   225 			{
   226 			User::Leave(error);			
   227 			}
   228 		}
   229 	return exists;		
   230 	}
   232 CParserVCard* CPbapVCardExporterUtil::CreateVCardParserLC(TVCardVersion aFormat)
   233 	{
   234 	LOG_FUNC
   235 	CParserVCard* parser=NULL;
   236 	switch (aFormat)
   237 		{
   238 		case EPBAPVCard21:
   239 			parser=CParserVCard::NewL(); //create vCard 2.1 parser
   240 			break;
   241 		case EPBAPVCard30:
   242 			parser=CParserVCard3::NewL(); //create vCard 3.0 parser
   243 			break;
   244 		default:
   245 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   246 			break;
   247 		}
   248 	CleanupStack::PushL(parser);
   250 	return parser;
   251 	}
   253 CParserProperty* CPbapVCardExporterUtil::EmptyNamePropertyL()
   254 	{
   255 	LOG_FUNC
   256 	CDesCArrayFlat* desArray =new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
   257 	CleanupStack::PushL(desArray);
   258 	desArray->AppendL(KNullDesC);
   259 	CParserPropertyValue* value = new(ELeave) CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray(desArray);
   260 	CleanupStack::Pop(desArray); //ownership passed
   261 	CleanupStack::PushL(value);
   262 	CParserGroupedProperty* property = CParserGroupedProperty::NewL(*value, KVersitTokenN, NULL, NULL);
   263 	CleanupStack::Pop(value); //ownership passed
   264 	return property;
   265 	}
   268 CParserProperty* CPbapVCardExporterUtil::DesPropertyL(const TDesC8& aToken, const TDesC& aDes)
   269 	{
   270 	LOG_FUNC
   271 	CParserPropertyValue* value = CParserPropertyValueHBufC::NewL(aDes);	
   272 	CleanupStack::PushL(value);
   273 	CParserGroupedProperty* property = CParserGroupedProperty::NewL(*value, aToken, NULL, NULL);
   274 	CleanupStack::Pop(value); //ownership passed
   275 	return property;
   276 	}
   278 CParserProperty* CPbapVCardExporterUtil::CallDateTimePropertyL(const CLogEvent& aLogEvent, TVCardVersion aFormat)
   279 	{
   280 	LOG_FUNC
   281 	TTime localTime = aLogEvent.Time();
   282 	TVersitDateTime::TRelativeTime relativeTime = TVersitDateTime::EIsUTC;
   283 	if (iTzClient.ConvertToLocalTime(localTime) == KErrNone)
   284 		{
   285 		relativeTime = TVersitDateTime::EIsMachineLocal;
   286 		}
   288 	TVersitDateTime* dateTime= new(ELeave) TVersitDateTime(localTime.DateTime(), relativeTime);
   289 	CleanupStack::PushL(dateTime);
   290 	CParserPropertyValueDateTime* value = new(ELeave) CParserPropertyValueDateTime(dateTime);
   291 	CleanupStack::Pop(dateTime); //ownership passed
   292 	CleanupStack::PushL(value);
   293 	CParserGroupedProperty* property = CParserGroupedProperty::NewL(*value, KVersitTokenCALLDATETIME, NULL, NULL);
   294 	CleanupStack::Pop(value); //ownership passed
   295 	CleanupStack::PushL(property);
   297 	TPtrC8 paramValue(ParameterValueFromEventL(aLogEvent));
   299 	if (paramValue.Length())
   300 		{
   301 		CParserParam* param;
   302 		if (aFormat == EPBAPVCard30)
   303 			{
   304 			//nameless parameters not allowed for vCard 3.0, so add "TYPE" parameter name
   305 			param= CParserParam::NewL(KVersitTokenTYPE, paramValue);
   306 			}
   307 		else
   308 			{
   309 			param= CParserParam::NewL(paramValue, KNullDesC);
   310 			}
   311 		CleanupStack::PushL(param);
   312 		property->AddParamL(param);
   313 		CleanupStack::Pop(param); //ownership passed
   314 		}
   316 	CleanupStack::Pop(property);
   317 	return property;
   318 	}
   321 TPtrC8 CPbapVCardExporterUtil::ParameterValueFromEventL(const CLogEvent& aLogEvent)
   322 	{
   323 	LOG_FUNC
   324 	if (iLogWrapper)
   325 		{		
   326 		TLogString logString;
   327 		User::LeaveIfError(iLogWrapper->GetString(logString, R_LOG_DIR_MISSED));
   328 		if (aLogEvent.Direction()==logString)
   329 			{
   330 			return KVersitParamMISSED();
   331 			}
   332 		User::LeaveIfError(iLogWrapper->GetString(logString, R_LOG_DIR_IN));
   333 		if (aLogEvent.Direction()==logString)
   334 			{
   335 			return KVersitParamRECEIVED();
   336 			}
   337 		User::LeaveIfError(iLogWrapper->GetString(logString, R_LOG_DIR_OUT));
   338 		if (aLogEvent.Direction()==logString)
   339 			{
   340 			return KVersitParamDIALED();
   341 			}
   342 		}
   343 	//unknown log type, just set parameter value to empty string	
   344 	return KNullDesC8();
   345 	}