changeset 63 f4a778e096c2
child 64 c1e8ba0c2b16
equal deleted inserted replaced
62:5b6f26637ad3 63:f4a778e096c2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *           Provides Phonebook2 image reader class methods.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "CPbk2ImageReader.h"
    23 // From Phonebook2
    24 #include "MPbk2ImageReaderObserver.h"
    25 #include "TPbk2ImageManagerParams.h"
    26 #include "Pbk2PresentationUtils.h"
    28 // From Virtual Phonebook
    30 // From System
    31 #include <imageconversion.h>
    32 #include <bitmaptransforms.h>
    33 #include <JP2KUids.hrh>
    34 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    35 #include <StringLoader.h>
    36 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    38 /// Unnamed namespace for local defintions
    39 namespace {
    41 // ============== LOCAL CONSTANTS AND MACROS ===============
    43 enum TReaderState
    44     {
    45     EStateIntialize = 0,
    46     EStateOpenImage,
    47     EStateConvertImageToBitmap,
    48     EStateScaleBitmap,
    49     EStateComplete,
    50     EStateCancelled
    51     };
    53 // Definition for max mime type length
    54 const TInt KMaxMimeTypeLength(256);
    56 #ifdef _DEBUG
    57 enum TPanicCode
    58     {
    59     EPanicPreCond_ConvertImageToBitmapL = 1,
    60     EPanicPreCond_ScaleBitmapL,
    61     EPanicPreCond_Complete,
    62     EPanicPostCond_Complete,
    63     EPanicPostCond_OptimalLoadingSize
    64     };
    65 #endif // _DEBUG
    68 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
    70 #ifdef _DEBUG
    71 void Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode)
    72     {
    73     _LIT(KPanicText, "CPbk2ImageReader");
    74     User::Panic(KPanicText, aPanicCode);
    75     }
    76 #endif  // _DEBUG
    78 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 /**
    81  * Comparison operator for TSize objects. Compares width and height members.
    82  *
    83  * @param aLhs Reference to left hand side TSize
    84  * @param aRhs Reference to right hand side TSize
    85  * @return ETrue if lhs's width and height are less or equal to rhs's
    86  *         width and height. Otherwise returns EFalse.
    87  */
    88 inline TBool operator<=(const TSize& aLhs, const TSize& aRhs)
    89     {
    90     return (aLhs.iWidth<=aRhs.iWidth && aLhs.iHeight<=aRhs.iHeight);
    91     }
    93 /**
    94  * Ceils division result based on modulus.
    95  *
    96  * @param aVal Divident. 
    97  * @param aDiv Divider.
    98  * @return If modulus is zero, returns the result of aVal / aDiv. Otherwise
    99  *         returns returns the result of aVal / aDiv increased by one. 
   100  *
   101  * NOTE: Copied from CPalbBitmap, remove when possible
   102  */
   103 TInt Ceil(const TInt aVal, const TInt aDiv)
   104     {
   105     return (((aVal%aDiv)>0) ? (TInt)((aVal/aDiv)+1):(TInt)(aVal/aDiv));
   106     }
   108 /**
   109  * Calculates the the size based on divider. Uses Ceil function for ceiling
   110  * the calculated size.
   111  *
   112  * @param aSize Orginal size.
   113  * @param aDiv Divider.
   114  * @return Calculated size. The result's width and height might be adjusted
   115  *         according to the results of calling Ceil function.
   116  *
   117  * @see Ceil
   118  *
   119  * NOTE: Copied from CPalbBitmap, remove when possible
   120  */
   121  TSize SizeDividedByValueAndCeil(const TSize& aSize, const TInt aDiv)
   122     {
   123     return TSize(
   124         Ceil( aSize.iWidth, aDiv), 
   125         Ceil( aSize.iHeight, aDiv) );
   126     }
   128 /**
   129  * Calculates the optimal loading size. If optimal loading size cannot be
   130  * calculated, function panics with 
   131  * CPbk2ImageReader:EPanicPostCond_OptimalLoadingSize panic code.
   132  *
   133  * @param aOriginalSize Orginal size.
   134  * @param aNeededSize Needed size.
   135  * @return Calculated optimal size.
   136  *
   137  * @see SizeDividedByValueAndCeil
   138  * @see Ceil
   139  *
   140  * NOTE: Copied from CPalbBitmap, remove when possible
   141  */
   142 TSize OptimalLoadingSize(const TSize& aOriginalSize, const TSize& aNeededSize)
   143     {
   144     TSize resSize = SizeDividedByValueAndCeil( aOriginalSize, 8 );
   145     if( !(aNeededSize <= resSize) )
   146         {
   147         resSize = SizeDividedByValueAndCeil( aOriginalSize, 4 );
   148         if( !(aNeededSize <= resSize) )
   149             {
   150             resSize = SizeDividedByValueAndCeil( aOriginalSize, 2 );
   151             if( !(aNeededSize <= resSize) )
   152                 {
   153                 resSize = aOriginalSize;
   154                 }
   155             }
   156         }
   158     // if the resulting size is not the original size,
   159     // it has to be between needed size and original size
   160     __ASSERT_DEBUG(resSize == aOriginalSize
   161                    || (aNeededSize <= resSize && resSize <= aOriginalSize),
   162                    Panic(EPanicPostCond_OptimalLoadingSize));
   164     return resSize;
   165     }
   166 }  // namespace
   169 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
   171 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   172 // CPbk2ImageReader::CPbk2ImageReader
   173 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 //
   175 inline CPbk2ImageReader::CPbk2ImageReader
   176         (MPbk2ImageReaderObserver& aObserver) :
   177     CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
   178     iObserver(aObserver)
   179     {
   180     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   181     }
   183 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // CPbk2ImageReader::~CPbk2ImageReader
   185 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 //
   187 CPbk2ImageReader::~CPbk2ImageReader()
   188     {
   189     Cancel();
   190     delete iBitmapScaler;
   191     delete iImageDecoder;
   192     delete iMimeString;
   193     delete iBitmap;
   194     iFsSession.Close();
   195     }
   197 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CPbk2ImageReader::NewL
   199 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 CPbk2ImageReader* CPbk2ImageReader::NewL
   202         (MPbk2ImageReaderObserver& aObserver)
   203     {
   204     CPbk2ImageReader* self = new(ELeave) CPbk2ImageReader(aObserver);
   205     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   206     self->ConstructL();
   207     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   208     return self;
   209     }
   211 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // CPbk2ImageReader::ConstructL
   213 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 void CPbk2ImageReader::ConstructL()
   216     {
   217     User::LeaveIfError(iFsSession.Connect());
   218     }
   220 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // CPbk2ImageReader::ReadFromFileL
   222 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 //
   224 void CPbk2ImageReader::ReadFromFileL
   225         (const TDesC& aFileName, const TPbk2ImageManagerParams* aParams)
   226     {
   227     InitReadL(aParams);
   228     delete iImageDecoder;
   229     iImageDecoder = NULL;
   231     TRAPD( err, iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( iFsSession, aFileName ) );
   233     // Make the open phase asynchronous as well by signaling own iStatus
   234     iState = EStateOpenImage;
   235     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   236     User::RequestComplete( status, err );            
   237     SetActive();
   238     }
   240 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // CPbk2ImageReader::ReadFromBufferL
   242 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 void CPbk2ImageReader::ReadFromBufferL
   245         (const TDesC8& aBuffer, const TPbk2ImageManagerParams* aParams/*=NULL*/)
   246     {
   247     InitReadL(aParams);
   248     delete iImageDecoder;
   249     iImageDecoder = NULL;
   250     TRAPD( err, iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL( iFsSession, aBuffer ) );
   252     // Make the open phase asynchronous as well by signaling own iStatus
   253     iState = EStateOpenImage;
   254     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   255     User::RequestComplete( status, err );
   256     SetActive();
   257     }
   259 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // CPbk2ImageReader::MimeString
   261 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 const TDesC8& CPbk2ImageReader::MimeString() const
   264     {
   265     if (iMimeString)
   266         {
   267         return *iMimeString;
   268         }
   269     else
   270         {
   271         return KNullDesC8;
   272         }
   273     }
   275 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 // CPbk2ImageReader::RecognizeFormatFromFileL
   277 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 //
   279 void CPbk2ImageReader::RecognizeFormatFromFileL(const TDesC& aFileName)
   280     {
   281     delete iMimeString;
   282     iMimeString = NULL;
   283     iMimeString = HBufC8::NewL(KMaxMimeTypeLength);
   284     TPtr8 mimePtr = iMimeString->Des();
   286     TRAPD( err, CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeFileL( iFsSession, aFileName, mimePtr ) );
   288     if( err != KErrNone )
   289         {
   290         iObserver.ImageReadFailed( *this, err );           
   291         }    
   292     }
   294 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CPbk2ImageReader::RecognizeFormatFromBufferL
   296 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void CPbk2ImageReader::RecognizeFormatFromBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   299     {
   300     delete iMimeString;
   301     iMimeString = NULL;
   302     iMimeString = HBufC8::NewL(KMaxMimeTypeLength);
   303     TPtr8 mimePtr = iMimeString->Des();
   304     TRAPD( err, CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeDataL( aBuffer, mimePtr ) );
   306     if( err != KErrNone )
   307         {
   308         iObserver.ImageReadFailed( *this, err );           
   309         }    
   310     }
   312 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313 // CPbk2ImageReader::FrameInfo
   314 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 //
   316 void CPbk2ImageReader::FrameInfo(TInt aFrame, TFrameInfo& aInfo) const
   317     {
   318     aInfo = iImageDecoder->FrameInfo(aFrame);
   319     }
   321 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 // CPbk2ImageReader::FrameCount
   323 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 //
   325 TInt CPbk2ImageReader::FrameCount() const
   326     {
   327     return iImageDecoder->FrameCount();
   328     }
   330 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 // CPbk2ImageReader::NextStateL
   332 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //
   334 void CPbk2ImageReader::NextStateL()
   335     {
   336     ++iState;
   338     switch (iState)
   339         {
   340         case EStateConvertImageToBitmap:
   341             {
   342             ConvertImageToBitmapL();
   343             break;
   344             }
   345         case EStateScaleBitmap:
   346             {
   347             CropImageToSquareL();
   348             ScaleBitmapL();
   349             break;
   350             }
   351         case EStateComplete:
   352             {
   353             Complete();
   354             break;
   355             }
   356         default:
   357             {
   358             // iImageReader might sometimes complete although it has been canceled.
   359             // Catch those cases here.
   360             break;
   361             }
   362         }
   363     }
   365 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 // CPbk2ImageReader::ConvertImageToBitmapL
   367 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //
   369 void CPbk2ImageReader::ConvertImageToBitmapL()
   370     {
   371     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iImageDecoder && !iBitmap, 
   372         Panic(EPanicPreCond_ConvertImageToBitmapL));
   374     // Get image size
   375     const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = 
   376         iImageDecoder->FrameInfo(iParams.iFrameNumber);
   377     TSize bitmapSize = frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels;
   378     if (iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EScaleImage)
   379         {
   380         // Get optimal loading size >= desired size
   381         bitmapSize = OptimalLoadingSize(bitmapSize,iParams.iSize);
   382         }
   384     // Create bitmap
   385     delete iBitmap;
   386 	iBitmap = NULL;
   387     iBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   388     User::LeaveIfError(iBitmap->Create(bitmapSize, iParams.iDisplayMode));
   390     // Convert image to bitmap
   391     iImageDecoder->Convert(&iStatus, *iBitmap, iParams.iFrameNumber);
   392     SetActive();
   393     }
   395 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // CPbk2ImageReader::CropImageToSquareL
   397 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 //
   399 void CPbk2ImageReader::CropImageToSquareL()
   400 	{
   401 	// if cropping is wanted
   402 	if( iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::ECropImage )	
   403 		{
   404         Pbk2PresentationImageUtils::CropImageL( 
   405                 *iBitmap, 
   406                 Pbk2PresentationImageUtils::EOptimizedCropping, 
   407                 iParams.iSize );
   408 		}
   409 	}
   411 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CPbk2ImageReader::ScaleBitmapL
   413 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 //
   415 void CPbk2ImageReader::ScaleBitmapL()
   416     {
   417     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBitmap, Panic(EPanicPreCond_ScaleBitmapL));
   419     const TSize bitmapSize = iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   420     if ((iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EScaleImage) && 
   421          !(iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EUseFastScaling) &&
   422          (iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EUseSpeedOptimizedScaling) &&
   423          ( bitmapSize.iHeight == bitmapSize.iWidth ) )
   424         {
   425         if( bitmapSize.iWidth > iParams.iSize.iWidth || 
   426             bitmapSize.iHeight > iParams.iSize.iHeight )
   427             {
   428             // Use avkon scaler
   429             TRect targetRect(TPoint(0,0), 
   430                     TSize( ( iParams.iSize.iWidth ), 
   431                            ( iParams.iSize.iHeight ) ) );
   433             CFbsBitmap* target = new( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
   434             CleanupStack::PushL( target );
   435             User::LeaveIfError( target->Create( 
   436                     targetRect.Size(), iBitmap->DisplayMode() ) );
   438             AknIconUtils::ScaleBitmapL( targetRect, target, iBitmap );
   440             iBitmap->Reset();
   441             User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap->Duplicate( target->Handle() ) );
   442             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( target );
   444             NextStateL();
   445             return;
   446             }
   447         }
   448     else if ((iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EScaleImage) && 
   449              !(iParams.iFlags & TPbk2ImageManagerParams::EUseFastScaling) )
   450         {
   451         if (bitmapSize.iWidth > iParams.iSize.iWidth || 
   452             bitmapSize.iHeight > iParams.iSize.iHeight)
   453             {
   454             if (!iBitmapScaler)
   455                 {
   456                 iBitmapScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
   457                 }
   458             iBitmapScaler->Scale(&iStatus, *iBitmap, iParams.iSize);
   459             SetActive();
   460             return;
   461             }
   462         }
   464     // No scaling requested or needed, go directly to next state
   465     NextStateL();
   466     }
   468 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 // CPbk2ImageReader::Complete
   470 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 //
   472 void CPbk2ImageReader::Complete()
   473     {
   474     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iImageDecoder && iBitmap, Panic(EPanicPreCond_Complete));
   476     // End state machine
   477     ++iState;
   479     // Close the image source
   480     CloseImage();
   482     // Release ownership of iBitmap
   483     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iBitmap;
   484     iBitmap = NULL;
   486     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iImageDecoder && !iBitmap, 
   487         Panic(EPanicPostCond_Complete));
   489     // Notify observer about completion
   490     iObserver.ImageReadComplete(*this,bitmap);
   491     }
   493 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 // CPbk2ImageReader::InitReadL
   495 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 void CPbk2ImageReader::InitReadL(const TPbk2ImageManagerParams* aParams)
   498     {
   499     Cancel();
   500     if (aParams)
   501         {
   502         iParams = *aParams;
   503         }
   504     iState = EStateOpenImage;
   505     }
   507 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 // CPbk2ImageReader::CloseImage
   509 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   510 //
   511 void CPbk2ImageReader::CloseImage()
   512     {
   513     delete iImageDecoder;
   514     iImageDecoder = NULL;
   515     }
   517 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 // CPbk2ImageReader::RunL
   519 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   520 //
   521 void CPbk2ImageReader::RunL()
   522     {
   523     TInt status = iStatus.Int();
   525     switch (status)
   526         {
   527         case KErrNone:
   528             {
   529             if (iState == EStateOpenImage)
   530                 {
   531                 iObserver.ImageOpenComplete(*this);
   532                 }
   533             NextStateL();
   534             break;
   535             }
   536         case KErrCancel:
   537             {
   538             // In case of cancel the observer is not signaled
   539             break;
   540             }
   541         default:
   542             {                              
   543             // Jpeg2000 decoder might need more heap than Phonebook can 
   544             // provide, the situation is handled so, that "Feature not 
   545             // supported" -note is shown if memory runs out when decoding 
   546             // Jpeg2000 image instead of "Out of memory" -note.
   547             //
   548             // Small jp2 images (e.g. 50*50 pixels) can be decoded, but
   549             // heap runs out when decoding e.g. 1 mega pixel image. 
   550             //
   551             // Increasing phonebook heap size doesn't help on this issue,
   552             // since jp2 decoder heap usage is increased linearly when a bigger
   553             // image is tried to be decoded.
   554             if ( status == KErrNoMemory )            
   555                 {
   557                 TUid imageType;
   558                 TUid imageSubType;
   559                 iImageDecoder->ImageType(iParams.iFrameNumber, 
   560                                          imageType, 
   561                                          imageSubType);
   563                 if ( imageType.iUid == KImageTypeJ2KUid )
   564                     {
   565                     status = KErrNotSupported;
   566                     }
   567                 }                   
   569             iObserver.ImageReadFailed(*this, status);
   570             break;
   571             }
   572         }
   573     }
   575 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // CPbk2ImageReader::Cancel
   577 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 //
   579 void CPbk2ImageReader::Cancel()
   580     {
   581     if (!IsActive())
   582         {
   583         DoCancel();
   584         }
   585     else
   586         {
   587         CActive::Cancel();
   588         }
   589     }
   591 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   592 // CPbk2ImageReader::RunError
   593 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 //
   595 TInt CPbk2ImageReader::RunError(TInt aError)
   596     {
   597     iObserver.ImageReadFailed(*this, aError);
   598     return KErrNone;
   599     }
   601 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   602 // CPbk2ImageReader::DoCancel
   603 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 //
   605 void CPbk2ImageReader::DoCancel()
   606     {
   607     if (iImageDecoder)
   608         {
   609         iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   610         }
   611     if (iBitmapScaler)
   612         {
   613         iBitmapScaler->Cancel();
   614         }
   615     CloseImage();
   616     delete iBitmap;
   617     iBitmap = NULL;
   618     iState = EStateCancelled;
   619     }
   621 //  End of File