changeset 75 4ecbe3571b5a
child 81 640d30f4fb64
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookui/cntcommonui/contactcard/cntcontactcardview_p.cpp	Mon Oct 04 00:06:02 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1746 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "cntcontactcardview_p.h"
+#include "cntthumbnailmanager.h"
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <cntservicescontact.h>
+#include <qtcontacts.h>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <hbscrollarea.h>
+#include <hblabel.h>
+#include <hbmenu.h>
+#include <hbview.h>
+#include <hbtoolbar.h>
+#include <hbgroupbox.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <hbmessagebox.h>
+#include <hbicon.h>
+#include <hbparameterlengthlimiter.h>
+#include <hbframeitem.h>
+#include <hbframedrawer.h>
+#include <hbselectiondialog.h>
+#include <hblistview.h>
+#include <hblistviewitem.h>
+#include <shareui.h>
+#include <maptileservice.h>  //For maptile processing
+#include <qversitcontactexporter.h>
+#include <qversitwriter.h>
+#include <xqservicerequest.h>
+#include <QTimer>  //Progress indication icon
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <cntdebug.h>
+#include "cntcontactcarddatacontainer.h"
+#include "cntcontactcardheadingitem.h"
+#include "cntcontactcarddataitem.h"
+#include "cntcontactcarddetailitem.h"
+#include "cntcontactcardcontextmenu.h"
+#include "cntmainwindow.h"
+#include "cntstringmapper.h"
+#include "cntdocumentloader.h"
+#include "cntimagelabel.h"
+#include "cntimageutility.h"
+#include "cntfavourite.h"
+#include "cntactionlauncher.h"
+#include "cntpresencelistener.h"
+#include "cntactionpopup.h"
+#include "cntvcarddetailhandler.h"
+#include "cntsavemanager.h"
+#include "cntextensionmanager.h"
+#include <cntabstractengine.h>
+#include <cntuiextensionfactory.h>
+#include <cntuicontactcardextension.h>
+#include <cntuisocialextension.h>
+#define CNT_MAPTILE_PROGRESS_TIMER  100 // 100 msec
+// A few list items (CntInitialPopulation) will be populated before the first view;
+// if there are more list items, they will be fetched and added one by one after the
+// first view has been shown to the user
+static const int CntListPopulationNotInProgress = -1;
+static const QEvent::Type ProcessPopulateListEvent = QEvent::User;
+static const int CntInitialPopulation = 8;
+const char *CNT_CONTACTCARDVIEW_XML = ":/xml/contacts_contactcard.docml";
+const char *CNT_MAPTILE_INPROGRESS_ICON = "qtg_anim_small_loading_1";
+const char *CNT_MAPTILE_SEARCH_STOP_ICON = "qtg_mono_search_stop";
+Constructor, initialize member variables.
+\a viewManager is the parent that creates this view. \a parent is a pointer to parent QGraphicsItem (by default this is 0)
+CntContactCardViewPrivate::CntContactCardViewPrivate(bool isTemporary) :
+    QObject(),
+    mContainerLayout(NULL),
+    mContainerWidget(NULL),
+    mContact(NULL),
+    mDataContainer(NULL),
+    mAvatar(NULL),
+    mLoader(NULL),
+    mVCardIcon(NULL),
+    mShareUi(NULL),
+    mAcceptSendKey(true),
+    mPresenceListener(NULL),
+	mIsTemporary(isTemporary),
+	mIsExecutingAction(false),
+    mMyCardId(0),
+    mSaveManager(NULL),
+    mListPopulationProgress(CntListPopulationNotInProgress),
+    mStopListPopulation(false)
+    bool ok;
+    document()->load(CNT_CONTACTCARDVIEW_XML, &ok);
+    if (!ok) 
+    {
+        qFatal("Unable to read :/xml/contacts_contactcard.docml");
+    }
+    mView = static_cast<HbView*>(document()->findWidget("view"));
+    //back button
+    mBackKey = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, mView);
+    mView->setNavigationAction(mBackKey);  
+    connect(mBackKey, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPreviousView()));
+    mProgressTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    mProgressTimer->setSingleShot(true);
+    connect(mProgressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),this, SLOT(updateSpinningIndicator()));
+    mMaptile = new MapTileService;
+    if( mMaptile->isLocationFeatureEnabled(MapTileService::AppTypeContacts) )
+    {
+        //Connect for maptile status evenet
+        QObject::connect( mMaptile, SIGNAL(maptileFetchingStatusUpdate(int, 
+            int,int)),this,SLOT(mapTileStatusReceived(int,int,int)));
+    }
+    mScrollArea = static_cast<HbScrollArea*>(document()->findWidget(QString("scrollArea")));
+    mHeadingItem = static_cast<CntContactCardHeadingItem*>(document()->findWidget(QString("cnt_contactcard_heading")));
+    mImageLabel = static_cast<CntImageLabel*>(document()->findWidget("cnt_contactcard_image"));
+    // presence listener
+    mPresenceListener = new CntPresenceListener();
+    connect(mPresenceListener, SIGNAL(fullPresenceUpdated(bool)), mHeadingItem, SLOT(setOnlineStatus(bool)));
+    connect(mPresenceListener, SIGNAL(accountPresenceUpdated(const QString&, bool)), 
+            this, SLOT(updateItemPresence(const QString&, bool)));
+    mSaveManager = new CntSaveManager();
+    // stop the progress timer
+    if ( mProgressTimer && mProgressTimer->isActive())
+    {
+        mProgressTimer->stop();
+    }
+    // Clear the container to avoid double deletion
+    if (mContainerLayout != NULL)
+    {
+        int count = mContainerLayout->count();
+        for (int i=0; i<count; i++) 
+        {
+            // do not delete items. They will be deleted automatically
+            mContainerLayout->removeAt(i);
+        }
+    }
+    // Delete all the detail pointers if any
+    qDeleteAll(mDetailPtrs);
+    mDetailPtrs.clear();
+    mView->deleteLater();
+    delete mContact;
+    mContact = NULL;
+    delete mDataContainer;
+    mDataContainer = NULL;
+    delete mAvatar;
+    mAvatar = NULL;
+    delete mLoader;
+    mLoader = NULL;
+    if (mVCardIcon) 
+    {
+        delete mVCardIcon;
+        mVCardIcon = NULL;
+    }
+    if (mShareUi) 
+    {
+        delete mShareUi;
+        mShareUi = NULL;
+    }
+    delete mPresenceListener;
+    mPresenceListener = NULL;
+    delete mMaptile;
+    mMaptile = NULL;
+    //delete maptile label memory
+    for ( int index = 0; index < mMaptileLabelList.count(); index++ )
+    {
+        if( mMaptileLabelList[index] )
+        {
+           delete mMaptileLabelList[index];
+           mMaptileLabelList[index] = NULL ;
+        }
+    }
+    delete mSaveManager;
+    mSaveManager = NULL;
+Activates a previous view
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::showPreviousView()
+    // stop list population, if it is still in progress
+    mStopListPopulation = true;
+    int returnValue = KCntServicesReturnValueContactNotModified;
+    //save the contact if avatar has been changed.
+    QContact contact = contactManager()->contact(mContact->localId());
+    if ( contact != *mContact && contactManager()->error() == QContactManager::NoError)
+    {
+        disconnect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsRemoved(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)),
+                    this, SLOT(contactDeletedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)));
+        CntSaveManager::CntSaveResult result = mSaveManager->saveContact(mContact, contactManager());
+        if (result != CntSaveManager::ENothingDone)
+            returnValue = KCntServicesReturnValueContactSaved;
+        else
+            returnValue = KCntServicesReturnValueContactNotModified;
+    }
+    emit backPressed(returnValue);
+    mViewManager->back( mArgs );
+Activates the root view
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::showRootView()
+    // stop list population, if it is still in progress
+    mStopListPopulation = true;
+    mViewManager->back( mArgs, true );
+Handle extension action (tapping on activity stream button)
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::handleExtensionAction()
+    CntExtensionManager& mgr = mEngine->extensionManager();
+    for (int i = 0; i < mgr.pluginCount(); i++)
+    {
+        CntUiSocialExtension* socialExtension = mgr.pluginAt(i)->socialExtension();
+        if (socialExtension)
+        {
+            CntViewParameters params;
+            socialExtension->handleToolbarAction(params);
+            if (params.count())
+            {
+                QList<int> keys = params.keys();
+                for (int j = 0; j < keys.count(); j++)
+                {
+                    mArgs.insert(, params.value(;
+                }
+                mViewManager->changeView(mArgs);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Activates a default view and setup name label texts
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::activate(const CntViewParameters aArgs)
+    mArgs = aArgs;
+    mViewManager = &mEngine->viewManager();
+    mThumbnailManager = &mEngine->thumbnailManager();
+    connect(mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void*, int, int)),
+            this, SLOT(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void*, int, int)));
+    HbMainWindow* window = mView->mainWindow();
+    if (window)
+    {
+        connect(window, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)), this, SLOT(setOrientation(Qt::Orientation)));
+        window->installEventFilter(this);
+        setOrientation(window->orientation());
+    }
+    qApp->installEventFilter(this);
+    QContact contact = aArgs.value(ESelectedContact).value<QContact>();
+    mContact = new QContact( contact );
+    //my card
+    mMyCardId = contactManager()->selfContactId();
+    populateHeadingItem();
+    populateListItems();
+    bool myCard = mContact->localId() == mMyCardId;
+    if (myCard)
+    {
+        mView->menu()->clearActions();
+        mView->toolBar()->removeAction(static_cast<HbAction*>(document()->findObject(QString("cnt:history"))));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mView->toolBar()->removeAction(static_cast<HbAction*>(document()->findObject(QString("cnt:sendMyCard"))));
+    }
+    if (mIsTemporary)
+    {
+        mView->menu()->clearActions();
+        mView->toolBar()->clearActions();
+        mView->toolBar()->addAction(static_cast<HbAction*>(document()->findObject(QString("cnt:addtocontact"))));
+    }
+    document()->findWidget("viewToolbar")->setParent(mView);
+    document()->findWidget("viewMenu")->setParent(mView);
+    // Menu items
+    connectAction("cnt:sendbusinesscard", SLOT(sendBusinessCard()));
+    connectAction("cnt:deletecontact", SLOT(deleteContact()));
+    connectAction("cnt:setasfavorite", SLOT(setAsFavorite()));
+    connectAction("cnt:removefromfavorite", SLOT(removeFromFavorite()));
+    connectAction("cnt:placecontacttohs", SLOT(sendToHs()));
+    connectAction("cnt:edit", SLOT(editContact()));
+    connectAction("cnt:history", SLOT(viewHistory()));
+    connectAction("cnt:sendMyCard", SLOT(sendBusinessCard()));
+    connectAction("cnt:addtocontact", SLOT(onAddedToContacts()));
+    connectAction("cnt:activityStream", SLOT(handleExtensionAction()));
+    CntExtensionManager& mgr = mEngine->extensionManager();
+    if (mgr.pluginCount())
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < mgr.pluginCount(); i++)
+        {
+            CntUiSocialExtension* socialExtension = mgr.pluginAt(i)->socialExtension();
+            if (socialExtension)
+            {
+                static_cast<HbAction*> (document()->findObject("cnt:activityStream"))->setEnabled(true);
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                static_cast<HbAction*> (document()->findObject("cnt:activityStream"))->setEnabled(false);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        static_cast<HbAction*> (document()->findObject("cnt:activityStream"))->setEnabled(false);
+    }
+    connect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsRemoved(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)), 
+        this, SLOT(contactDeletedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)));
+    emit viewActivated( mViewManager, aArgs );
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::populateHeadingItem()
+    Q_ASSERT(mHeadingItem != NULL && mContact != NULL);
+    mHeadingItem->setDetails(mContact);
+    bool myCard = mContact->localId() == mMyCardId;
+    if (!mIsTemporary)
+    {
+        connect(mHeadingItem, SIGNAL(passLongPressed(const QPointF&)), this, SLOT(drawMenu(const QPointF&)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(mHeadingItem, SIGNAL(passShortPressed(const QPointF&)), this, SLOT(doChangeImage()), Qt::UniqueConnection); 
+        connect(mImageLabel, SIGNAL(iconClicked()), this, SLOT(doChangeImage()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(mImageLabel, SIGNAL(iconLongPressed(const QPointF&)), this, SLOT(drawMenu(const QPointF&)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mHeadingItem->ungrabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
+        mImageLabel->ungrabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
+    }
+    bool online;
+    mInitiialPrecenceData = mPresenceListener->initialPresences(*mContact, online);
+    mHeadingItem->setOnlineStatus(online);
+    if (!myCard) {
+        bool setAsFavorite = CntFavourite::isMemberOfFavouriteGroup(contactManager(), mContact);
+        mHeadingItem->setFavoriteStatus(setAsFavorite); // if contact is part of favourites group
+        static_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:setasfavorite"))->setVisible( !setAsFavorite );
+        static_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:removefromfavorite"))->setVisible( setAsFavorite );
+    }
+    // avatar
+    QList<QContactAvatar> details = mContact->details<QContactAvatar>();
+    for (int i = 0;i < details.count();i++)
+    {
+        if (
+        {
+            if (!mAvatar)
+            {
+                mAvatar = new QContactAvatar(;
+                mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailLarge, mAvatar->imageUrl().toString());
+            }
+            else if (*mAvatar !=
+            {
+                delete mAvatar;
+                mAvatar = new QContactAvatar(;
+                mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailLarge, mAvatar->imageUrl().toString());
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::populateListItems()
+    Q_ASSERT(mContact != NULL && mScrollArea != NULL);
+    if (mListPopulationProgress == CntListPopulationNotInProgress) {
+        mListPopulationProgress = 0;
+        if (!mDataContainer) {
+            mDataContainer = new CntContactCardDataContainer(
+                mMaptile,
+                mEngine->extensionManager(),
+                mView->mainWindow()->orientation());
+        }
+        // fill the data container with contact details
+        mDataContainer->setContactData(mContact);
+        // scroll area + container widget
+        mContainerWidget = mScrollArea->contentWidget();
+        if (!mContainerWidget) {
+            // initialize
+            mScrollArea->setScrollDirections(Qt::Vertical);
+            mContainerWidget = new QGraphicsWidget();
+            mScrollArea->setContentWidget(mContainerWidget); // takes ownership. Old widget is deleted
+            mContainerLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
+            mContainerLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            mContainerLayout->setSpacing(0);
+            mContainerLayout->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
+            mContainerWidget->setLayout(mContainerLayout);   // takes ownership. Old layout is deleted
+        } else {
+            // Already initialized
+            Q_ASSERT(mContainerLayout != NULL);
+            // Clear the container
+            int count = mContainerLayout->count();
+            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                // do not delete items. They will be deleted automatically
+                mContainerLayout->removeAt(i);
+            }
+        }
+        // Delete all the detail pointers if any
+        qDeleteAll(mDetailPtrs);
+        mDetailPtrs.clear();
+    }
+    do {
+        if (mListPopulationProgress == mDataContainer->itemCount() || mStopListPopulation) {
+            // population of the list has completed
+            mListPopulationProgress = CntListPopulationNotInProgress;
+            mStopListPopulation = false;
+            disconnect(mView->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(viewReady()), this, SLOT(populateListItems()));
+            return;
+        }
+        CntContactCardDataItem* dataItem = mDataContainer->dataItem(mListPopulationProgress);
+        int pos = dataItem->position();
+        // communication methods
+        if (pos < CntContactCardDataItem::ESeparator && dataItem->isFocusable())
+        { 
+            CntContactCardDetailItem* item = new CntContactCardDetailItem(mListPopulationProgress, mContainerWidget);
+            mDetailPtrs.append(item);
+            connect(item, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onItemActivated()));
+            if (!mIsTemporary)
+            {
+                connect(item, SIGNAL(longPressed(const QPointF&)), this, SLOT(onLongPressed(const QPointF&)));
+            }
+            if (mContact->isPreferredDetail(dataItem->action(), dataItem->detail()))
+            {
+                dataItem->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon("qtg_mono_favourites"));
+                mPreferredItems.insert(dataItem->action(), item);
+            }
+            if (dataItem->detail().definitionName() == QContactOnlineAccount::DefinitionName)
+            {
+                for (int i = 0;i < mInitiialPrecenceData.keys().count();i++)
+                {
+                    QString fullAccount = mInitiialPrecenceData.keys().at(i);
+                    QContactOnlineAccount account = dataItem->detail();
+                    QString currentFullAccount = account.serviceProvider() + ':' + account.accountUri();
+                    if (fullAccount == currentFullAccount)
+                    {
+                        if (mInitiialPrecenceData.values().at(i))
+                        {
+                            dataItem->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon("qtg_small_online"));
+                        }
+                        mPresenceItems.insert(fullAccount, item);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            item->setDetails(dataItem);
+            mContainerLayout->addItem(item);
+        }
+        // separator
+        else if (pos == CntContactCardDataItem::ESeparator)
+        {      
+            HbFrameItem* frameItem = new HbFrameItem(QString("qtg_fr_list_separator"), HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+            HbLabel* label = static_cast<HbLabel*>(document()->findWidget(QString("separator")));
+            label->setPlainText(dataItem->titleText());
+            label->setBackgroundItem(frameItem); // takes ownership
+            mContainerLayout->addItem(label);
+        }
+        // details
+        else
+        {
+            //map support (image only)
+            if (pos >= CntContactCardDataItem::EAddress && pos <= CntContactCardDataItem::EAddressWork && !dataItem->icon().isNull())
+            {        
+                int addressType = MapTileService::AddressPreference;
+                if( pos == CntContactCardDataItem::EAddressHome  )
+                {
+                    addressType  = MapTileService::AddressHome;
+                }
+                else if( pos == CntContactCardDataItem::EAddressWork )
+                {
+                    addressType  = MapTileService::AddressWork;
+                }
+                HbLabel* maptileLabel = loadMaptileLabel( addressType );
+                setMaptileLabel( maptileLabel, dataItem->icon() );
+                mContainerLayout->addItem(  maptileLabel );
+                mMaptileLabelList.insert( addressType, maptileLabel );
+            } 
+            //other details
+            else
+            {
+                CntContactCardDetailItem* item = new CntContactCardDetailItem(mListPopulationProgress, mContainerWidget, false);
+                mDetailPtrs.append(item);
+                //To check whether maptile status  icon is set with the address 
+                if( ( dataItem->titleText() == hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address") ||
+                      dataItem->titleText() == hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address_home")||  
+                      dataItem->titleText() == hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address_work") ) &&
+                      dataItem->secondaryIcon().iconName() == QString(CNT_MAPTILE_INPROGRESS_ICON) )
+                {
+                    //Information for displaying maptile fetching progress bar.
+                    //Memory will be deleted from the queue.
+                    CntContactCardMapTileDetail* detail = new CntContactCardMapTileDetail;
+                    detail->mContactId = mContact->localId();
+                    if( dataItem->titleText() == hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address") )
+                    {
+                               detail->mAddressType = MapTileService::AddressPreference;
+                    }
+                    else if ( dataItem->titleText() ==  hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address_home") )
+                    {
+                               detail->mAddressType = MapTileService::AddressHome;
+                    }
+                    else if( dataItem->titleText() ==  hbTrId("txt_phob_formlabel_address_work") )
+                        {
+                               detail->mAddressType = MapTileService::AddressWork;
+                    }
+                    detail->mProgressCount = 0;
+                    detail->mDetailItem =  item;
+                    detail->maptileStatus = CNT_UNKNOWN_MAPTILE_STATUS;
+                    mAddressList.append( detail );  
+                    //Update the spinning indicator
+                    updateSpinningIndicator();
+                }
+                item->setDetails(dataItem);
+                mContainerLayout->addItem(item);
+            }
+        }
+        ++mListPopulationProgress;
+    } while (mListPopulationProgress < CntInitialPopulation);
+    if (mListPopulationProgress <= CntInitialPopulation) {
+        connect(mView->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(viewReady()), this, SLOT(populateListItems()));
+    } else {
+        disconnect(mView->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(viewReady()), this, SLOT(populateListItems()));
+        HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(ProcessPopulateListEvent));
+    }
+    Connects the action with a slot and also sets the view as the parent for the action.
+ */
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::connectAction(QString actionName, const char* slot)
+    HbAction *action = qobject_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject(actionName));
+    if (action) {
+        action->setParent(mView);
+        if (slot != NULL) {
+            connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, slot);
+        }
+    }
+    Updates the maptile fetching spinning indicator icon
+ */
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::updateSpinningIndicator()
+    //Check all address details( Preferred, Home, Work )
+    for( int index = 0 ; index < mAddressList.count(); )
+    {
+        //Maptile status not received update the rotating icon
+        if( mAddressList[index]->maptileStatus == CNT_UNKNOWN_MAPTILE_STATUS )
+        {
+             QString iconName("qtg_anim_small_loading_");
+             mAddressList[index]->mProgressCount = mAddressList[index]->mProgressCount % 10 + 1;
+             iconName.append(QVariant(mAddressList[index]->mProgressCount).toString());
+             HbIcon icon(iconName);
+             mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem->setSecondaryIconItem( icon );
+             mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem->update();   
+             mProgressTimer->start(CNT_MAPTILE_PROGRESS_TIMER);
+             index++;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //Maptile status received. Show the maptile image if available
+            MapTileService::AddressType sourceAddressType =
+                    static_cast <MapTileService::AddressType>( mAddressList[index]->mAddressType );
+            QContactLocalId contactId = mContact->localId();
+            if( mAddressList[index] != NULL )
+            {
+                 if( mAddressList[index]->maptileStatus == MapTileService::MapTileFetchingCompleted )
+                 {
+                     //Read the maptile path and update the image
+                     QString imagePath;
+                     mMaptile->getMapTileImage( 
+                                contactId, sourceAddressType, imagePath, mView->mainWindow()->orientation() );
+                     if( !imagePath.isEmpty() )
+                     {
+                         //Empty icon. Clear the inprogress  icon
+                         HbIcon emptyIcon;
+                         mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem->setSecondaryIconItem( emptyIcon );
+                         HbIcon icon( imagePath );
+                         HbLabel* maptileLabel = loadMaptileLabel( sourceAddressType );
+                         setMaptileLabel( maptileLabel, icon );
+                         mMaptileLabelList.insert( sourceAddressType, maptileLabel );
+                         //find the index of the item and insert maptile in the next index 
+                         for( int itemIndex = 0 ; itemIndex < mContainerLayout->count(); itemIndex++ )
+                         {
+                             if( mContainerLayout->itemAt(itemIndex) == mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem )
+                             {
+                                 mContainerLayout->insertItem( itemIndex+1, maptileLabel );
+                                 break;
+                             }
+                         }
+                     }
+                     else
+                     {
+                         //Maptile image not available. Show the search stop icon
+                         setMaptileSearchStopIcon( index );
+                     }
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                     //Maptile fetching failed. Show the search stop icon
+                     setMaptileSearchStopIcon( index );
+                 }
+                 delete mAddressList[index];
+                 mAddressList.removeAt(index);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                 //increment the index now
+                 index++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+* Sets the search stop icon to secondary icon item
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::setMaptileSearchStopIcon( int index )
+    if( index < mAddressList.count() )
+    {
+        QString iconName(CNT_MAPTILE_SEARCH_STOP_ICON);
+        HbIcon icon(iconName);
+        mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem->setSecondaryIconItem( icon );
+        mAddressList[index]->mDetailItem->update();  
+    }
+* Slot to receive the maptile status information
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::mapTileStatusReceived( int contactid, int addressType, int status)
+    //Update the maptile status information for all 3( Preferred, Work, Home ) address
+    for( int index = 0 ; index < mAddressList.count(); index++  )
+    {
+        if( mAddressList[index]->mContactId == contactid &&  
+                 mAddressList[index]->mAddressType == addressType )
+        {
+            mAddressList[index]->maptileStatus = status;
+        }
+    }
+    updateSpinningIndicator();
+* Updates correct maptile image when screen orientation changes.
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::updateMaptileImage()
+    //If there is no maptile displayed, return immediately
+    if( mMaptileLabelList.count() > 0 )
+    {
+        QContactLocalId contactId = mContact->localId();
+        QList<QContactAddress> addressDetails = mContact->details<QContactAddress>();
+        //address
+        QString contextHome(QContactAddress::ContextHome.operator QString());
+        QString contextWork(QContactAddress::ContextWork.operator QString());
+        MapTileService::AddressType sourceAddressType 
+                                             = MapTileService::AddressPreference;
+        QString imagePath;
+        for ( int i = 0; i < addressDetails.count(); i++ )
+        {
+            if ( !addressDetails[i].contexts().isEmpty() && 
+                   addressDetails[i].contexts().at(0) == contextHome )
+            {
+                sourceAddressType = MapTileService::AddressHome;
+            }
+            else if ( !addressDetails[i].contexts().isEmpty() && 
+                         addressDetails[i].contexts().at(0) == contextWork )
+            {
+                sourceAddressType = MapTileService::AddressWork;
+            }
+            int status = mMaptile->getMapTileImage( 
+                                             contactId, 
+                                             sourceAddressType, 
+                                             imagePath, 
+                                             mView->mainWindow()->orientation() );
+            if( !imagePath.isEmpty() )
+            {
+                HbIcon icon( imagePath );
+                HbLabel* label = mMaptileLabelList.value( sourceAddressType );
+                if( label )
+                {
+                    setMaptileLabel( label, icon );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+* Asscoiate the maptile label widget with maptile image
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::setMaptileLabel( HbLabel*& mapLabel, const HbIcon& icon )
+    mapLabel->clear();
+    mapLabel->setIcon( icon );
+	qreal leftMarginSize;
+	mapLabel->getContentsMargins( &leftMarginSize, 0 , 0 , 0 );
+    mapLabel->setPreferredSize( 
+          QSizeF(icon.width() + leftMarginSize, icon.height()));
+* Load the maptile label based on the address type
+HbLabel* CntContactCardViewPrivate::loadMaptileLabel( int addressType )
+    HbLabel* maptileLabel = NULL;
+    if( addressType == MapTileService::AddressPreference )
+    {
+        maptileLabel = static_cast<HbLabel*>(document()->findWidget(QString("maptilePreferenceWidget")));
+    }
+    else if( addressType == MapTileService::AddressHome  )
+    {
+        maptileLabel  = static_cast<HbLabel*>(document()->findWidget(QString("maptileHomeWidget")));
+    }
+    else if( addressType == MapTileService::AddressWork )
+    {
+        maptileLabel  = static_cast<HbLabel*>(document()->findWidget(QString("maptileWorkWidget")));
+    }
+    return maptileLabel;
+* Update the presence status icon of action item with the given accountUri
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::updateItemPresence(const QString& accountUri, bool online)
+    CntContactCardDetailItem* item = mPresenceItems.value(accountUri);
+    if (item)
+    {
+        if (online)
+        {
+            mDataContainer->dataItem(item->index())->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon("qtg_small_online"));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            mDataContainer->dataItem(item->index())->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon());
+        }
+        item->setDetails(mDataContainer->dataItem(item->index()));
+    }
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::thumbnailReady(const QPixmap& pixmap, void *data, int id, int error)
+    Q_UNUSED(data);
+    Q_UNUSED(id);
+    if (!error)
+    {
+        HbIcon icon(pixmap);
+        mHeadingItem->setIcon(icon);
+        mVCardIcon = new HbIcon(pixmap);
+        mImageLabel->clear();
+        mImageLabel->setIcon(pixmap);
+    }
+Place contact to homescreen as widget
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::sendToHs()
+    QVariantHash preferences;
+    preferences["contactId"] = mContact->localId();
+    XQServiceRequest snd("",
+                         "addWidget(QString,QVariantHash)"
+                         ,false);
+    snd << QString("contactwidgethsplugin");
+    snd << preferences;
+    snd.send();
+    /* 
+    if (mRequest)
+    {
+        delete mRequest;
+        mRequest = 0;
+    }
+    mRequest = mAppManager.create("", "addWidget(QString,QVariantHash)", false);
+    if (mRequest)
+    {
+        QList<QVariant> args;
+        QVariantHash preferences;
+        preferences["contactId"] = mContact->localId();
+        args << preferences;
+        args << QString("contactwidgethsplugin");
+        mRequest->setArguments(args);
+        mRequest->send();
+    }
+    */
+Launch contact editor 
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::editContact()
+    QVariant var;
+    var.setValue(*mContact);
+    mArgs.insert(ESelectedContact, var);
+    mArgs.insert(EViewId, editView);
+    mViewManager->changeView( mArgs );
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::addToGroup()
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::setAsFavorite()
+    QContactId id = mContact->id();
+    CntFavourite::addContactToFavouriteGroup( contactManager(), id );
+    QContact c = contactManager()->contact(mContact->localId());
+    delete mContact;
+    mContact = NULL;
+    mContact = new QContact(c);
+    qobject_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:removefromfavorite"))->setVisible(true);
+    qobject_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:setasfavorite"))->setVisible(false);
+    mHeadingItem->setFavoriteStatus(true);  
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::removeFromFavorite()
+    QContactId id = mContact->id();   
+    CntFavourite::removeContactFromFavouriteGroup( contactManager(), id );
+    QContact c = contactManager()->contact(mContact->localId());
+    delete mContact;
+    mContact = NULL;
+    mContact = new QContact(c);
+    qobject_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:removefromfavorite"))->setVisible(false);
+    qobject_cast<HbAction *>(document()->findObject("cnt:setasfavorite"))->setVisible(true);
+    mHeadingItem->setFavoriteStatus(false); 
+Delete contact
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::deleteContact()
+    QString name = contactManager()->synthesizedContactDisplayLabel(*mContact);
+    if (name.isEmpty())
+    {
+        name = hbTrId("txt_phob_list_unnamed");
+    }
+    HbMessageBox::question(HbParameterLengthLimiter(hbTrId("txt_phob_info_delete_1")).arg(name), this, SLOT(handleDeleteContact(int)),
+            HbMessageBox::Delete | HbMessageBox::Cancel);
+Handle action for deleting a contact
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::handleDeleteContact(int action)
+    if (action == HbMessageBox::Delete)
+    {
+        disconnect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsRemoved(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)),
+                this, SLOT(contactDeletedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)));
+        bool success = contactManager()->removeContact(mContact->localId());
+        int returnValue = success ? KCntServicesReturnValueContactDeleted : KCntServicesReturnValueContactNotModified;
+        emit backPressed(returnValue);  
+        mViewManager->back( mArgs, true );
+    }
+Launch history view 
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::viewHistory()
+    QVariant var;
+    var.setValue(*mContact);
+    mArgs.insert(ESelectedContact, var);
+    mArgs.insert(EViewId, historyView);
+    mViewManager->changeView( mArgs );
+Deactivate the view
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::deactivate()
+Send the business card / my card 
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::sendBusinessCard()
+    // Check if the contact has an image.
+    QList<QContactAvatar> avatars = mContact->details<QContactAvatar>();
+    bool imageExists( false );
+    /*foreach(QContactAvatar a, mContact->details<QContactAvatar>())
+    {
+        if (!a.imageUrl().isEmpty())
+        {
+            imageExists = true;
+            HbMessageBox *note = new HbMessageBox(
+                    hbTrId("txt_phob_info_add_contact_card_image_to_business_c"),
+                    HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
+            note->setIcon(*mVCardIcon);
+            note->clearActions();
+            HbAction* ok = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"), note);
+            HbAction* cancel = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"), note);
+            ok->setObjectName( "ok" );
+            cancel->setObjectName( "cancel" );
+            note->addAction( ok );
+            note->addAction( cancel );
+            note->setModal( true );
+            note->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+            note->open( this, SLOT(handleSendBusinessCard(HbAction*)));
+            break;
+        }
+    }*/
+    if ( !imageExists )
+    {
+        CNT_LOG_ARGS("snd vCard without image")
+        handleSendBusinessCard( NULL ); // no image
+    }
+Set orientation of the view
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) 
+    {
+        // reading "portrait" section
+        document()->load(CNT_CONTACTCARDVIEW_XML, "portrait");
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+        // reading "landscape" section
+        document()->load(CNT_CONTACTCARDVIEW_XML, "landscape");
+    }
+	//Update the maptile image
+	updateMaptileImage();
+Called after user clicked on the listview.
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::onItemActivated()
+    CntContactCardDetailItem *item = qobject_cast<CntContactCardDetailItem*>(sender());
+    int index = item->index();
+    CntContactCardDataItem& dataItem = *mDataContainer->dataItem(index);
+    QString action = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->action();
+    CntUiContactCardExtension* extension = dataItem.contactCardExtension();
+    if (!extension)
+    {
+        //It's not an extension action.
+        // Check if action is internal
+        QList<QContactActionDescriptor> actionDescriptors = QContactAction::actionDescriptors(action, "symbian", 1);
+        if (0 < actionDescriptors.count())
+        {
+            // These actions are considered internal(vendor=symbian and version=1)
+            executeAction(*mContact, dataItem.detail(), action, item);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //Handle dynamic actions differently
+            executeDynamicAction(*mContact, dataItem.detail(), dataItem.actionDescriptor());
+        }
+    } else {
+        // The action is from an extension
+        int indexWithinPlugin = dataItem.contactCardExtensionActionIndex();
+        extension->handleShortPress(indexWithinPlugin);
+    }
+Execute the call / message / email action
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::executeAction(QContact& aContact, const QContactDetail& aDetail, const QString& aAction, CntContactCardDetailItem* aItem)
+    if (mIsExecutingAction)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mIsExecutingAction = true;
+    }
+    CntActionLauncher* other = new CntActionLauncher(*contactManager(), aAction);
+    connect(other, SIGNAL(actionExecuted(CntActionLauncher*)), this, SLOT(actionExecuted(CntActionLauncher*)));
+    if (aItem && aContact.preferredDetail(aAction).isEmpty())
+    {
+        setPreferredAction(aAction, aDetail, aItem);
+    }
+    other->execute(aContact, aDetail);  
+Execute the call / message / email action
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::executeAction(QContact& aContact, const QContactDetail& aDetail, const QString& aAction)
+    //TODO: need refactoring
+    CntContactCardDetailItem* detailItem = NULL;
+    for (int index = 0; index < mDataContainer->itemCount(); index++)
+    {
+        QContactDetail detail = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->detail();
+        QString action = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->action();
+        if (detail == aDetail && action == aAction)
+        {
+            detailItem = static_cast<CntContactCardDetailItem*>(mContainerLayout->itemAt(index));
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    executeAction(aContact, aDetail, aAction, detailItem);
+    mAcceptSendKey=true;
+Execute dynamic action
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::executeDynamicAction(QContact& aContact, QContactDetail aDetail, QContactActionDescriptor aActionDescriptor)
+    if (mIsExecutingAction)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mIsExecutingAction = true;
+    }
+    CntActionLauncher* other = new CntActionLauncher(*contactManager());
+    connect(other, SIGNAL(actionExecuted(CntActionLauncher*)), this, SLOT(actionExecuted(CntActionLauncher*)));
+    other->execute(aContact, aDetail, aActionDescriptor);
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::actionExecuted(CntActionLauncher* aAction)
+    aAction->deleteLater();
+    mIsExecutingAction = false;
+Item specific menu
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::onLongPressed(const QPointF &aCoords)
+    CntContactCardDetailItem *item = qobject_cast<CntContactCardDetailItem*>(sender());
+    int index = item->index();
+    CntContactCardContextMenu *menu = new CntContactCardContextMenu( item );
+    HbAction *communicationAction = 0;
+    HbAction *dynamicAction = 0;
+    HbAction *videoCommunicationAction = 0;
+    HbAction *preferredAction = 0;
+    CntStringMapper stringMapper;
+    QString action = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->action();
+    QContactDetail detail = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->detail();
+    if ("call", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {       
+        QContactDetail detail = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->detail();
+        if (detail.definitionName() == QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName)
+        {
+            QContactPhoneNumber number = static_cast<QContactPhoneNumber>(detail);
+            QString context = number.contexts().isEmpty() ? QString() : number.contexts().first();
+            QString subtype = number.subTypes().isEmpty() ? number.definitionName() : number.subTypes().first();
+            communicationAction = menu->addAction(stringMapper.getItemSpecificMenuLocString(subtype, context));
+            videoCommunicationAction = menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_call_video_number"));
+        }        
+    }
+    else if ("message", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        communicationAction = menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_send_message"));
+    }
+    else if ("email", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        if (!detail.contexts().isEmpty())
+        {
+            communicationAction = menu->addAction(stringMapper.getItemSpecificMenuLocString(detail.definitionName(), detail.contexts().first()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            communicationAction = menu->addAction(stringMapper.getItemSpecificMenuLocString(detail.definitionName(), QString()));
+        }
+    }
+    else if ("url", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        if (!detail.contexts().isEmpty())
+        {
+            communicationAction = menu->addAction(stringMapper.getItemSpecificMenuLocString(detail.definitionName(), detail.contexts().first()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            communicationAction = menu->addAction(stringMapper.getItemSpecificMenuLocString(detail.definitionName(), QString()));
+        }
+    }
+    else if (1 > QContactAction::actionDescriptors(action, "symbian", 1).count())
+    {
+        // Do verification that action is not internal type(vendor=symbian and version=1)
+        // If hard coded action is not found, fetch localization from dynamic action
+        // and create dynamic action item.
+        dynamicAction = menu->addAction(mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->longPressText());
+    }
+    if ("call", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        preferredAction = menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_set_as_default_number"));
+    }
+    else if ("message", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        preferredAction = menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_set_as_default_number"));
+    }
+    else if ("email", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+    {
+        preferredAction = menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_set_as_default_email"));
+    }
+    if (mContact->isPreferredDetail(action, detail) && preferredAction)
+    {
+        preferredAction->setEnabled(false);
+    }
+    if ( communicationAction )
+    {
+        communicationAction->setObjectName( "communicationAction" );
+    }
+    if ( videoCommunicationAction )
+    {
+        videoCommunicationAction->setObjectName( "videoCommunicationAction" );
+    }
+    if ( dynamicAction )
+    {
+        dynamicAction->setObjectName( "dynamicAction" );
+    }
+    if ( preferredAction )
+    {
+        preferredAction->setObjectName( "preferredAction" );
+        menu->insertSeparator(preferredAction);
+    }
+    menu->setPreferredPos( aCoords );
+    menu->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+    menu->open( this, SLOT(handleMenuAction(HbAction*)) );
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::handleMenuAction(HbAction* aAction)
+    CntContactCardContextMenu* menu = static_cast<CntContactCardContextMenu*>(sender());
+    CntContactCardDetailItem *item = menu->item();
+    int index = item->index();
+    QString action = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->action();
+    QContactDetail detail = mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->detail();
+    QString name = aAction->objectName();
+    if ( name == "communicationAction" )
+    {
+        executeAction(*mContact, detail, action, item);
+    }
+    if ( name == "videoCommunicationAction" )
+    {
+        //service name latter on should come from service table.
+        executeAction(*mContact, detail, "videocall", item);
+    }
+    if ( name == "dynamicAction" )
+    {             
+        executeDynamicAction(*mContact, detail, mDataContainer->dataItem(index)->actionDescriptor());
+    }
+    if ( name == "preferredAction" )
+    {
+        setPreferredAction(action, detail, item);
+    }
+Set selected detail as preferred for selected action in detail item
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::setPreferredAction(const QString &aAction, const QContactDetail &aDetail, CntContactCardDetailItem *aDetailItem)
+    if (aAction == "call" || aAction == "message" || aAction == "email")
+    {
+        mContact->setPreferredDetail(aAction, aDetail);
+        contactManager()->saveContact(mContact);
+        if (mPreferredItems.contains(aAction))
+        {
+           CntContactCardDetailItem *oldItem = mPreferredItems.value(aAction);
+           mDataContainer->dataItem(oldItem->index())->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon());
+           oldItem->setDetails(mDataContainer->dataItem(oldItem->index()));
+        }
+        mDataContainer->dataItem(aDetailItem->index())->setSecondaryIcon(HbIcon("qtg_mono_favourites"));
+        aDetailItem->setDetails(mDataContainer->dataItem(aDetailItem->index()));
+        mPreferredItems.insert(aAction, aDetailItem);
+    }
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::handleSendBusinessCard( HbAction* aAction )
+    Q_UNUSED(aAction);
+    QList<QContact> list;
+    /*if ( aAction && aAction->objectName() == "cancel" )
+    {
+        QContact tmpContact( *mContact );
+        foreach ( QContactAvatar a, tmpContact.details<QContactAvatar>() )
+        {
+            tmpContact.removeDetail( &a );
+        }
+        list.append( tmpContact );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        list.append( *mContact );
+    }*/
+    QContact tmpContact( *mContact );
+    foreach ( QContactAvatar a, tmpContact.details<QContactAvatar>() )
+    {
+        tmpContact.removeDetail( &a );
+    }
+    //temproral solution for a contact without name - add an empty name,
+    //so vcard construction doesn't fail
+    //TODO: use custom handler again when new QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2
+    //(part of QtVersit) is available in the platform
+    QList<QContactName> names = tmpContact.details<QContactName>();
+    if (names.count() > 0)
+    {
+        QContactName name =;
+        if (name.firstName().isEmpty() && name.lastName().isEmpty())
+        {
+            //empty first and last names - update with empty string
+            name.setFirstName(QString(""));
+            tmpContact.saveDetail(&name);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //no name detail - create one
+        QContactName name;
+        name.setFirstName(QString(""));
+        tmpContact.saveDetail(&name);
+    } //temproral solution for a contact without name - add an empty name,
+      //so vcard construction doesn't fail - end
+    list.append( tmpContact );
+    QString tempDir = QDir::tempPath().append("/tempcntvcard");
+    QDir dir(tempDir);
+    // Temporary directory to store the vCard file
+    if (!dir.exists()) 
+    {
+        // Create a temp directory
+        if (!QDir::temp().mkdir("tempcntvcard"))
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+    } 
+    else 
+    {    
+        // Empty the temp directory since the other vCards are not required
+        QStringList l = dir.entryList();
+        foreach(QString s, l) 
+        {
+            if (dir.exists(s))
+            {
+                dir.remove(s);
+            }    
+        }   
+    }
+    QString vCardName;
+    if ( mContact->displayLabel().isEmpty() ) {
+        vCardName = hbTrId("txt_phob_list_unnamed").append(".vcf");
+    } 
+    else {
+        // Remove invalid characters from file name
+        QString filename = mContact->displayLabel().trimmed();
+        QString invalidChars("?*<>/\"|\\:");
+        QChar replaceChar('_');
+        QChar *data =;
+        int count(0);
+        while ( !data->isNull() ) {
+            if ( invalidChars.contains(*data) ) {
+                *data = replaceChar;
+                count++;
+            }
+            ++data;
+        }
+        // Check if filename contains only special characters
+        if ( count == filename.count() )
+            filename = "_";
+        vCardName = filename.append(".vcf");
+    }
+    QString vCardPath = dir.absolutePath().append(QDir::separator());
+    vCardPath.append(vCardName);
+    vCardPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(vCardPath);
+    QVersitContactExporter exporter;
+    //TODO: use custom handler again when new QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2
+    //(part of QtVersit) is available in the platform
+    //CntVCardDetailHandler hanlder;
+    //exporter.setDetailHandler(&hanlder);
+    // The vCard version needs to be 2.1 due to backward compatiblity when sending 
+    if (exporter.exportContacts(list, QVersitDocument::VCard21Type))
+    {
+        CNT_LOG_ARGS("VCard21Type");
+        QList<QVersitDocument> docs = exporter.documents();
+        QFile f(vCardPath);
+        if ( ) 
+        {
+            CNT_LOG_ARGS("write VCard");
+            // Start creating the vCard
+            QVersitWriter writer;
+            writer.setDevice(&f);
+            bool ret = writer.startWriting(docs);
+            ret = writer.waitForFinished();
+            // Create the vCard and send it to messaging service
+            if (!mShareUi) {
+                mShareUi = new ShareUi();
+            }
+            QStringList l;
+            l << vCardPath;
+            mShareUi->send(l, true);
+        }
+    }
+Called after the user clicked "Change Image" from popup menu after 
+longpressing the image in this view.
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::doChangeImage()
+    QVariant var;
+    var.setValue(*mContact);
+    mArgs.insert(ESelectedContact, var);
+    mArgs.insert(EViewId, imageEditorView);
+    mViewManager->changeView( mArgs );
+Called after the user clicked "Remove Image" from popup menu after 
+longpressing the image in this view.
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::doRemoveImage()
+    if (mAvatar) 
+    {
+        CntImageUtility imageUtility;
+        QString filePath=mAvatar->imageUrl().toString();
+        bool success = mContact->removeDetail(mAvatar);
+        if (success) 
+        { 
+            if (!filePath.isEmpty())
+            {
+                // Check if image removable.
+                CntImageUtility imageUtility;
+                if(imageUtility.isImageRemovable(filePath))
+                {
+                    imageUtility.removeImage(filePath);
+                }
+            }
+            mAvatar->setImageUrl(QUrl());
+            mImageLabel->clear();
+            mImageLabel->setAvatarIcon(HbIcon("qtg_large_add_contact_picture"));
+            mHeadingItem->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_large_add_contact_picture"));
+            disconnect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsRemoved(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)),
+                                this, SLOT(contactDeletedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)));
+            CntSaveManager::CntSaveResult result = mSaveManager->saveContact(mContact, contactManager());
+        }
+    }
+Draw the image specific content menu
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::drawMenu(const QPointF &aCoords)
+    HbMenu *menu = new HbMenu();
+    menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_change_picture"), this, SLOT(doChangeImage()) );
+    if (mAvatar && !mAvatar->imageUrl().isEmpty())
+    {
+        menu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_phob_menu_remove_image"), this, SLOT(doRemoveImage()) );
+    }
+    menu->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
+    menu->setPreferredPos( aCoords );
+    menu->open();
+Return the pointer to the document loader
+CntDocumentLoader* CntContactCardViewPrivate::document()
+    if (!mLoader) 
+    {
+        mLoader = new CntDocumentLoader();
+    }
+    return mLoader;
+Return pointer to the contact manager
+QContactManager* CntContactCardViewPrivate::contactManager()
+    return &mEngine->contactManager(SYMBIAN_BACKEND);
+bool CntContactCardViewPrivate::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+    if (event->type() == ProcessPopulateListEvent && obj == this) {
+        populateListItems();
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && obj == mView->mainWindow())
+    {
+        QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
+        if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Yes)
+        {
+            return sendKeyPressed();
+        }
+    }
+    // Update the contact only when the application is in the backgound
+    // This avoids flickering when the contact card is in focus
+    if ( event->type() == QEvent::ApplicationActivate ) 
+    {
+        CNT_LOG_ARGS("app activated")
+        disconnect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsChanged(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)),
+                this, SLOT(contactUpdatedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)));
+        QContact c = contactManager()->contact(mContact->localId());
+        QContactTimestamp latestTimeStamp = c.detail<QContactTimestamp>();
+        QContactTimestamp localTimeStamp = mContact->detail<QContactTimestamp>();
+        // Once we regain focus check if the contact was modified in the background
+        if (contactManager()->error() == QContactManager::NoError 
+            && latestTimeStamp.lastModified() > localTimeStamp.lastModified())
+        {
+            if (mContact)
+                delete mContact;
+            mContact = new QContact(c);
+            populateHeadingItem();
+            populateListItems();
+        }
+    }
+    if ( event->type() == QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate )
+    {
+        CNT_LOG_ARGS("app deactivated")
+        connect(contactManager(), SIGNAL(contactsChanged(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)), 
+            this, SLOT(contactUpdatedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>&)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+    }
+    return false;
+bool CntContactCardViewPrivate::sendKeyPressed()
+    int count = 0;
+    bool keyConsumed = false;
+    for (int index = 0; index < mDataContainer->itemCount(); index++)
+    {
+        CntContactCardDataItem* dataItem = mDataContainer->dataItem(index);
+        if (dataItem->action().compare("call", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
+        {
+            count++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (count)
+    {
+        QContactDetail preferredDetail = mContact->preferredDetail("call");
+        if (!preferredDetail.isEmpty())
+        {
+            keyConsumed = true;
+            executeAction(*mContact, preferredDetail, "call");
+        }
+        else if (count == 1 )
+        {
+            keyConsumed = true;
+            executeAction( *mContact, mContact->details<QContactPhoneNumber>().first(), "call"); 
+        }
+        else if(count >= 2 && mAcceptSendKey)
+        {
+            keyConsumed = true;
+            mAcceptSendKey = false;
+            CntActionPopup *actionPopup = new CntActionPopup(mContact);
+            actionPopup->showActionPopup("call");
+            connect( actionPopup, SIGNAL(executeContactAction(QContact&, QContactDetail, QString)), this, 
+                    SLOT(executeAction(QContact&, QContactDetail, QString)));   
+            connect( actionPopup, SIGNAL(actionPopupCancelPressed()), this, 
+                    SLOT(sendKeyCancelSlot()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //ignore
+        }
+    }
+    return keyConsumed;
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::sendKeyCancelSlot()
+    mAcceptSendKey = true;
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::onAddedToContacts()
+    emit addToContacts();
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::contactDeletedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>& contactIds)
+    if ( contactIds.contains(mContact->localId()) )
+    {
+        // Do not switch to the previous view immediately. List views are
+        // not updated properly if this is not done in the event loop
+        QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showRootView()));
+    }
+void CntContactCardViewPrivate::contactUpdatedFromOtherSource(const QList<QContactLocalId>& contactIds)
+    if ( contactIds.contains(mContact->localId()) )
+    {
+        QContact c = contactManager()->contact(mContact->localId());
+        if (contactManager()->error() == QContactManager::NoError)
+        {
+            if (mContact)
+                delete mContact;
+            mContact = new QContact(c);
+            populateHeadingItem();
+            populateListItems();
+        }
+    }
+// end of file