changeset 39 a6539d1e8e43
parent 23 5586b4d2ec3e
child 45 34879f5cfc63
--- a/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccapp/ccapputil/src/ccappstatuscontrol.cpp	Tue May 25 12:26:45 2010 +0300
+++ b/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccapp/ccapputil/src/ccappstatuscontrol.cpp	Wed Jun 09 09:26:27 2010 +0300
@@ -280,14 +280,17 @@
 void CCCAppStatusControl::SetVariableLayouts( TInt aOption )
     const TRect rect(Rect());
-    // set background graphics layout
-    const TAknWindowComponentLayout innerLayout(
-            AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_button_pane_cp033( aOption ) );
+    // Set background and border graphics layout
+    //
+    // Avkon LAF needs to be used because phob2_cc_button_pane does not have
+    // definition for inner rect (to make border visible) and LAF change to 
+    // phob2_cc_button_pane was not accepted. If the border layout at some
+    // point gets broken, then custom LAF for the border is needed.
     TAknLayoutRect innerLayoutRect;
-    innerLayoutRect.LayoutRect( rect, innerLayout.LayoutLine() );
-    const TRect innerRect( innerLayoutRect.Rect() );
-    iBgContext->SetFrameRects( rect, innerRect );      
+    innerLayoutRect.LayoutRect( rect,
+        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::bg_button_pane_g1() );
+    iBgContext->SetFrameRects( rect, innerLayoutRect.Rect() );      
     // status icon
     const TAknWindowComponentLayout statusIconLayout(