--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines_old/contactsmodel/cntplsql/src/cntpersistenceutility.cpp Fri Jun 11 13:29:23 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "cntpersistenceutility.h"
+#include "dbsqlconstants.h"
+#include "CNTSTD.H"
+#include <cntfield.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+Utility method used to read blob fields from contacts database, Provides a mechanism to
+fill a contact item with informations stored in blob fields within contact database.
+Currently we have two types of blobs within contact database: text blobs and binary blobs.
+This method will forward the call to utility methods to read from text blob and from binary
+blob as well.
+A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
+if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
+be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from blob fields.
+@param aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from blob fields
+@param aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
+@param aDatabase RSqlDatabase reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadBlobL(CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate, RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ ReadTextBlobL(aItem, aView, aTemplate, aDatabase);
+ ReadBinaryBlobL(aItem, aView, aTemplate, aDatabase);
+ }
+Utility method used to read text blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
+fill a contact item with informations stored in text blobs within contact database.
+A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
+if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
+be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.
+@param aTextHeader reference to a read stream from which header values will be read
+@param aTextValues reference to a descriptor from which text values will be read
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from text blob field.
+@param aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from text blob field
+@param aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadTextBlobL(CEmbeddedStore& aTextHeaderStore, TPtrC& aTextValues, CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate)
+ {
+ HBufC* textFieldsBuf = aTextValues.AllocLC();
+ if (aTemplate)
+ {
+ // If a system template is provided, we create a new CContactItemFieldSet object
+ // and restore it based on provided template (CContactItemField objects composing
+ // template). CContactItem object will be set with the newly created CContactItemFieldSet.
+ CContactItemFieldSet* original = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
+ RestoreTextL(*original, aTextHeaderStore, aTextHeaderStore.Root(), textFieldsBuf, aView, aTemplate);
+ for(TInt loop = 0;loop < original->Count();loop++)
+ {
+ CContactItemField* additionalField = CContactItemField::NewLC((*original)[loop]);
+ aItem.CardFields().AddL(*additionalField);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(additionalField);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(original);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there is no template provided, we will fill the CContactItemField set provided
+ // in the curent CContactItem object
+ RestoreTextL(aItem.CardFields(), aTextHeaderStore, aTextHeaderStore.Root(), textFieldsBuf, aView, NULL);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textFieldsBuf);
+ }
+Utility method used to read text blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
+fill a contact item with informations stored in text blobs within contact database.
+A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
+if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
+be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from text blob field.
+@param aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from text blob field
+@param aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
+@param aDatabase RSqlDatabase reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadTextBlobL(CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate, RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ HBufC* selectString = HBufC::NewLC(KSelectTwoFields().Length() + KContactTextFieldHeader().Length() + KContactTextFields().Length() + KSqlContactTableName().Length() + KContactId().Length());
+ TPtr ptrSelectString = selectString->Des();
+ ptrSelectString.Format(KSelectTwoFields, &KContactTextFieldHeader, &KContactTextFields, &KSqlContactTableName, &KContactId, aItem.Id());
+ RSqlStatement selectStmt;
+ CleanupClosePushL(selectStmt);
+ User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.Prepare(aDatabase, ptrSelectString));
+ TInt err = selectStmt.Next();
+ if(err != KSqlAtRow)
+ {
+ if(err == KSqlAtEnd)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ }
+ TPtrC8 textHeader;
+ selectStmt.ColumnBinary(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactTextFieldHeader)), textHeader);
+ RDesReadStream textHeaderStream(textHeader);
+ CleanupClosePushL(textHeaderStream);
+ CEmbeddedStore* textHeaderStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(textHeaderStream);
+ TPtrC textFieldPtrC = selectStmt.ColumnTextL(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactTextFields)));
+ ReadTextBlobL(*textHeaderStore, textFieldPtrC, aItem, aView, aTemplate);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, selectString); // textHeaderStore, textHeaderStream, selectStmt, selectString
+ }
+Utility method used to read binary blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
+fill a contact item with informations stored in binary blobs within contact database.
+A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
+if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
+be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.
+@param aBinaryHeader reference to a read stream from which header will be read
+@param aBinaryValues reference to a read stream from which binary values will be read
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from binary blob field.
+@param aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from binary blob field
+@param aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadBinaryBlobL(CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryHeaderStore, CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryBlobStore, CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate)
+ {
+ if (aTemplate)
+ {
+ // If a system template is provided, we create a new CContactItemFieldSet object
+ // and restore it based on provided template (CContactItemField objects composing
+ // template).CContactItem object will be set with the newly created CContactItemFieldSet.
+ CContactItemFieldSet* original = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
+ RestoreBinaryL(*original, aBinaryHeaderStore, aBinaryHeaderStore.Root(), &aBinaryBlobStore, aView, aTemplate);
+ for(TInt loop=0;loop < original->Count();loop++)
+ {
+ CContactItemField* additionalField = CContactItemField::NewLC((*original)[loop]);
+ aItem.CardFields().AddL(*additionalField);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(additionalField);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(original);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there is no template provided, we will fill the CContactItemField set provided
+ // in the curent CContactItem object
+ RestoreBinaryL(aItem.CardFields(), aBinaryHeaderStore, aBinaryHeaderStore.Root(), &aBinaryBlobStore, aView, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+Utility method used to read binary blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
+fill a contact item with informations stored in binary blobs within contact database.
+A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
+if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
+be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from binary blob field.
+@param aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from binary blob field
+@param aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
+@param aDatabase RSqlDatabase reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadBinaryBlobL(CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate, RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ HBufC* selectString = HBufC::NewLC(KSelectTwoFields().Length() + KContactBinaryFieldHeader().Length() + KContactBinaryFields().Length() + KSqlContactTableName().Length() + KContactId().Length());
+ TPtr ptrSelectString = selectString->Des();
+ ptrSelectString.Format(KSelectTwoFields, &KContactBinaryFieldHeader, &KContactBinaryFields, &KSqlContactTableName, &KContactId, aItem.Id());
+ RSqlStatement selectStmt;
+ CleanupClosePushL(selectStmt);
+ User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.Prepare(aDatabase, ptrSelectString));
+ TInt err = selectStmt.Next();
+ if(err != KSqlAtRow)
+ {
+ if(err == KSqlAtEnd)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ }
+ TPtrC8 binaryHeader;
+ selectStmt.ColumnBinary(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactBinaryFieldHeader)), binaryHeader);
+ RDesReadStream binaryHeaderStream(binaryHeader);
+ CleanupClosePushL(binaryHeaderStream);
+ CEmbeddedStore* binaryHeaderStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(binaryHeaderStream);
+ TPtrC8 binaryFields;
+ selectStmt.ColumnBinary(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactBinaryFields)), binaryFields);
+ RDesReadStream binaryFieldsStream(binaryFields);
+ CleanupClosePushL(binaryFieldsStream);
+ CEmbeddedStore* binaryBlobStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(binaryFieldsStream);
+ ReadBinaryBlobL(*binaryHeaderStore, *binaryBlobStore, aItem, aView, aTemplate);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6, selectString); //binaryHeaderStore, binaryHeaderStrean, binaryBlobStore, binaryBlobStream, selectStmt, selectString
+ }
+Utility method used to read text fields from blob and fill item field set,Provides a mechanism to restore a
+contact item field set from text blob field within contact database.
+Blob informations are stored based on contact item field. At restore, a reference to a contact item field set
+is provided. For every contact item field in the item field set, a text restore is made.
+@param aFieldSet Reference to CContactItemFieldSet. Item field set that has to be filled with informations from blob
+@param aHeaderStore Stream store containing the header informations
+@param aId Root id for the header stream store
+@param aValuesStore Read stream used to read text fields from text blob
+@param aViewDef View definition indicating which fields have to be read from blob
+@param aTemplate Template indicating if current field set should be filled based on a template
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::RestoreTextL(CContactItemFieldSet& aFieldSet, CStreamStore& aHeaderStore, TStreamId aId, HBufC* textStream, const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef, const CContactItem* aTemplate)
+ {
+ const TBool KIncludeFields = ( aViewDef.Use() == CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields );
+ if (KIncludeFields && aViewDef.Count() == 0)
+ {
+ // If view definition does not contain any field we don't do anything (don't read from
+ // blob). We simply return from method without doing anything.
+ // This is not an error condition
+ return;
+ }
+ RStoreReadStream stream;
+ stream.OpenLC(aHeaderStore,aId);
+ TCardinality fieldCount;
+ stream>>fieldCount;
+ TInt textFieldIndex=0;
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < fieldCount; ++ii)
+ {
+ // Restore text for every CContactItemField in provided CContactItemFieldSet.
+ CContactItemField* field = CContactItemField::NewLC();
+ if(aTemplate)
+ {
+ field->RestoreFieldTypesL(stream, &(aTemplate->CardFields()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field->RestoreFieldTypesL(stream, NULL);
+ }
+ ASSERT(field->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText);
+ TBool fieldDefined = ETrue;
+ if(!aViewDef.MatchesAll())
+ {
+ fieldDefined = (aViewDef.Find(field->ContentType()) != KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ if ((!((fieldDefined && KIncludeFields) || (!fieldDefined && !KIncludeFields))) ||
+ (field->IsHidden() && aViewDef.Mode() == CContactItemViewDef::EMaskHiddenFields))
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(field);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field->RestoreTextL(textStream, textFieldIndex);
+ aFieldSet.AddL(*field);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(field);
+ }
+ ++textFieldIndex;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+ }
+Utility method used to read binary fields from blob and fill item field set,Provides a mechanism to restore a
+contact item field set from binary blob field within contact database.
+Blob informations are stored based on contact item field. At restore, a reference to a contact item field set
+is provided. For every contact item field in the item field set, a text restore is made.
+@param aFieldSet Reference to CContactItemFieldSet. Item field set that has to be filled with informations from blob
+@param aHeaderStore Stream store containing the header informations
+@param aId Root id for the header stream store
+@param aValuesStore Read stream used to read text fields from binary blob
+@param aViewDef View definition indicating which fields have to be read from blob
+@param aTemplate Template indicating if current field set should be filled based on a template
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::RestoreBinaryL(CContactItemFieldSet& aFieldSet, CStreamStore& aHeaderStore, TStreamId aId, CStreamStore* aBlobStore, const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef, const CContactItem* aTemplate)
+ {
+ const TBool KIncludeFields = aViewDef.Use() == CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields;
+ if (KIncludeFields && aViewDef.Count() == 0)
+ {
+ // If view definition does not contain any field we don't do anything (don't read from
+ // blob). We simply return from method without doing anything.
+ // This is not an error condition
+ return;
+ }
+ RStoreReadStream stream;
+ stream.OpenLC(aHeaderStore,aId);
+ TCardinality fieldCount;
+ stream>>fieldCount;
+ TStreamId nestedId;
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < fieldCount; ++ii)
+ {
+ // Restore binary value for every CContactItemField in provided CContactItemFieldSet.
+ CContactItemField* field = CContactItemField::NewLC();
+ if(aTemplate)
+ {
+ nestedId = field->RestoreFieldTypesL(stream, &(aTemplate->CardFields()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nestedId = field->RestoreFieldTypesL(stream, NULL);
+ }
+ ASSERT(field->StorageType() != KStorageTypeText);
+ TBool fieldDefined = ETrue;
+ if(!aViewDef.MatchesAll())
+ {
+ fieldDefined = (aViewDef.Find(field->ContentType()) != KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ if ((!((fieldDefined && KIncludeFields) || (!fieldDefined && !KIncludeFields))) ||
+ (field->IsHidden() && aViewDef.Mode() == CContactItemViewDef::EMaskHiddenFields))
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(field);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RStoreReadStream readStream;
+ readStream.OpenLC(*aBlobStore, nestedId);
+ field->Storage()->RestoreL(*aBlobStore, readStream);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&readStream);
+ aFieldSet.AddL(*field);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(field);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+ }
+Utility method used to write text and binary blob fields into write streams. The write
+streams will be used to persist the blob informations in contact database.
+Provides a mechanism to get information from a contact item and store them in the
+right blob fields within contact database. Template can be NULL.
+@param aTextHeader reference to a write stream in which text header will be written
+@param aTextValues reference to a write stream in which text values will be written.
+ From the caller point of view this reference should be a reference to a RSqlParamWriteStream instance
+@param aBinaryHeader reference to a write stream in which binary header will be written
+@param aBinaryValues reference to a write stream in which binary values will be written.
+@param aItem Contact item to be filled with information from text blob field.
+@param aSysTemplate System template item.
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::WriteBlobL(CEmbeddedStore& aTextEmbeddedStore, RWriteStream& aTextValues, CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryEmbeddedStore, CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, const CContactItem& aItem, const CContactTemplate* aSysTemplate)
+ {
+ CContactItemFieldSet& fieldSet = aItem.CardFields();
+ CContactItemFieldSet* textFieldSet = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
+ CContactItemFieldSet* binaryFieldSet = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < fieldSet.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ CContactItemField* item = CContactItemField::NewL((aItem.CardFields())[i]);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ if(item->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
+ {
+ textFieldSet->AddL(*item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ binaryFieldSet->AddL(*item);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop(item);
+ }
+ TStreamId rootId = textFieldSet->StoreL(aTextEmbeddedStore, aSysTemplate, aTextValues, aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, NULL);// *textEmbeddedBlobStore);
+ aTextEmbeddedStore.SetRootL(rootId);
+ aTextEmbeddedStore.CommitL();
+ rootId = binaryFieldSet->StoreL(aBinaryEmbeddedStore, aSysTemplate, aTextValues, aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, NULL);
+ aBinaryEmbeddedStore.SetRootL(rootId);
+ aBinaryEmbeddedStore.CommitL();
+ aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, textFieldSet); //binaryFieldSet, textFieldSet
+ }
+Utility class to read text blob from given header stream and text buffer, and
+return an array of contact item fields defined in aTextDef.
+The method loops through the fields of the given text definition and adds (text)
+fields from text buffer which match the text definition field types.
+@param aHeaderStream the read stream contains text header blob data
+@param aTextBuffer text buffer storing text fields.
+@param aTextDef The text defintion containing the fields IDs required in the
+ view contact.
+@param aSearchFastAccessFields Return value indicating that additional fields can
+ be found in the Fast Access fields.
+@return An array of contact item fields.
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadTextBlobL(RReadStream& aHeaderStream, const HBufC* aTextBuffer, const CContactTextDef& aTextDef, const CContactTemplate& aSystemTemplate, RPointerArray<CContactItemField>& aFields, TBool& aSearchFastAccessFields)
+ {
+ TInt max = aTextDef.Count();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<max; ++i)
+ {
+ aFields.AppendL(NULL);
+ }
+ // Extract the number of fields from the header stream.
+ TCardinality headerFieldCount;
+ aHeaderStream>>headerFieldCount;
+ TInt textFieldIndex = 0;
+ const TInt KMaxTextDefFlds = aTextDef.Count();
+ CContactItemField* itemField = CContactItemField::NewLC();
+ for(TInt hdrFldIndex = 0; hdrFldIndex < headerFieldCount; ++hdrFldIndex)
+ {
+ // Internalization in RestoreFieldTypesL() moves headerStream on to
+ // point to the next element. RestoreFieldTypesL() knows how to format
+ // a header element.
+ itemField->RestoreFieldTypesL(aHeaderStream, &aSystemTemplate.CardFields());
+ // Loop through all the text definition fields.
+ for(TInt defIndex = 0; defIndex < KMaxTextDefFlds; ++defIndex)
+ {
+ // Check if text definition field and current header field types
+ // match.
+ if((itemField->ContentType().ContainsFieldType(aTextDef.At(defIndex).iFieldType)
+ || aTextDef.At(defIndex).iFieldType == KUidContactFieldMatchAll)
+ && itemField->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
+ {
+ // They do match but take care of duplicates.
+ if(aFields[defIndex] == NULL)
+ {
+ itemField->ResetStore();
+ // Restore field text from the searchable buffer.
+ itemField->RestoreTextL(const_cast<HBufC*>(aTextBuffer), textFieldIndex);
+ // Although there's an entry there may be more tables to
+ // read.
+ if(itemField->TextStorage()->Text().Length() == KNullBlobTextField().Length()
+ && itemField->TextStorage()->Text().Compare(KNullBlobTextField) == 0)
+ {
+ aSearchFastAccessFields = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Assign the array in correct sequence then clone a new one
+ // to continue the search in case there's more than one of
+ // this field type.
+ aFields[defIndex] = CContactItemField::NewL(*itemField);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(itemField->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
+ {
+ ++textFieldIndex;
+ }
+ // Always one left over.
+ itemField->Reset();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemField);
+ }
+Reads the first text field from text fields blob based on aFieldType.
+1. If aFieldType is KUidContactFieldMatchAll:
+If the first text field found in the text fields blob is an Email field,
+then the email address is returned in aText and found exit with ETrue returned,
+If an email address is not returned, the first text field found in the text
+field blob is returned, however it is considered as the best effort text, so
+the calling function will return EFalse indicate the caller to found suitable
+text in Fast Access fields.
+2. If aFieldType is other than KUidContactFieldMatchAll:
+Find the first text field matching aFieldType from given text fields buffer and
+returned the field content in aText with ETrue returned, returning EFalse if it
+can't find matched field.
+@param aHeaderStream The read stream contains text field header
+@param aTextFieldsBuf The text fields blob buffer.
+@param aSystemTemplate Reference to system template class.
+@param aFieldType Field type to match the field
+@param aText Text found in text fields buffer based on a FieldType.
+TBool TCntPersistenceUtility::FindTxtFieldInTextBlobL(RReadStream& aHeaderStream, HBufC* aTextFieldsBuf, const CContactTemplate& aSystemTemplate, const TFieldType& aFieldType, TDes& aText)
+ {
+ // Extract the number of fields from the header stream.
+ TCardinality headerFieldCount;
+ aHeaderStream>>headerFieldCount;
+ TInt txtFldIndex = 0;
+ CContactItemField* itemField = NULL;
+ // Assign to a TInt variable to avoid using the overloaded int operator on
+ // each iteration - improves performance.
+ TInt max = headerFieldCount;
+ // Loop through the header fields and try to retrieve the text from the
+ // searchable text buffer.
+ for(TInt hdrFldIndex = 0; hdrFldIndex < max; ++hdrFldIndex)
+ {
+ itemField = CContactItemField::NewLC();
+ // Using both header-fields and template-fields, setup the field to hold
+ // the correct type UIDs.
+ itemField->RestoreFieldTypesL(aHeaderStream, &aSystemTemplate.CardFields());
+ // Only restore text fields - ignore all other fields.
+ if(itemField->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
+ {
+ if(aFieldType == KUidContactFieldMatchAll)
+ {
+ // Restore the field text from the searchable text buffer.
+ itemField->RestoreTextL(aTextFieldsBuf, txtFldIndex);
+ if(itemField->ContentType().ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldEMail))
+ {
+ if(CopyMinFieldText(itemField->TextStorage()->Text(), aText))
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemField);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(aText.Length() == 0 && itemField->TextStorage()->Text().Length() > 0)
+ {
+ // If there is text in the field then make a copy of the first
+ // KTextFieldMinimalLength characters.
+ CopyMinFieldText(itemField->TextStorage()->Text(), aText);
+ } //else if
+ }
+ else if(itemField->ContentType().ContainsFieldType(aFieldType))
+ {
+ // Restore the field text from the searchable text buffer.
+ itemField->RestoreTextL(aTextFieldsBuf, txtFldIndex);
+ itemField->GetFieldText(aText);
+ //CopyMinFieldText(itemField->TextStorage()->Text(), aText);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemField);
+ return ETrue;
+ } //else if
+ ++txtFldIndex;
+ } //if
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemField);
+ } // for
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Check if the field type is a identity field type.
+@param aFieldType The specific field requested.
+@return ETrue if the type is a identity field type.
+TBool TCntPersistenceUtility::IsFastAccessField(TFieldType aFieldType)
+ {
+ if( aFieldType == KUidContactFieldGivenName
+ ||aFieldType == KUidContactFieldFamilyName
+ ||aFieldType == KUidContactFieldCompanyName
+ ||aFieldType == KUidContactFieldGivenNamePronunciation
+ ||aFieldType == KUidContactFieldFamilyNamePronunciation
+ ||aFieldType == KUidContactFieldCompanyNamePronunciation )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Copy a maximum of KTextFieldMinimalLength characters from aSrc to aDest.
+@param aSrc Source text buffer.
+@param aDest Destination text buffer.
+@return ETrue if copy was successfull, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool TCntPersistenceUtility::CopyMinFieldText(TPtrC aSrc,TDes& aDest)
+ {
+ TBool ret(EFalse);
+ if(aSrc.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ TInt length = aSrc.Length();
+ if (length>KTextFieldMinimalLength)
+ {
+ length=KTextFieldMinimalLength;
+ }
+ aDest.Copy(aSrc.Left(length));
+ ret = ETrue;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+Get the contact hint value from type flags.
+@param aTypeFlags the type flags get from contact table.
+@return the contact hint value.
+TInt TCntPersistenceUtility::TypeFlagsToHint(TInt aTypeFlags)
+ {
+ return aTypeFlags & EContactHintFlags_Mask;
+ }
+Get Contact Type Uid from type flags.
+@param aTypeFlags the type flags get from contact table.
+@return the contact type UID.
+TUid TCntPersistenceUtility::TypeFlagsToContactTypeUid(TInt aTypeFlags)
+ {
+ TInt contactTypeFlags = aTypeFlags >> EContactType_Shift;
+ TUid typeUid;
+ switch(contactTypeFlags)
+ {
+ case EContactTypeFlags_ContactCard:
+ typeUid = KUidContactCard;
+ break;
+ case EContactTypeFlags_Group:
+ typeUid = KUidContactGroup;
+ break;
+ case EContactTypeFlags_OwnCard:
+ typeUid = KUidContactOwnCard;
+ break;
+ case EContactTypeFlags_ICCEntry:
+ typeUid = KUidContactICCEntry;
+ break;
+ case EContactTypeFlags_Template:
+ typeUid = KUidContactTemplate;
+ break;
+ case EContactTypeFlags_CardTemplate:
+ typeUid = KUidContactCardTemplate;
+ break;
+ default:
+ //This is error type, something wrong in database?
+ typeUid = KNullUid;
+ break;
+ }
+ return typeUid;
+ }
+Convert Contact Type Uid to type flags bits.
+@param aTypeFlags the type flags get from contact table.
+@return type flag which put in contact type.
+TInt TCntPersistenceUtility::ContactTypeUidToTypeFlags(TUid aContactTypeUid)
+ {
+ TInt contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_UnknownType;
+ switch(aContactTypeUid.iUid)
+ {
+ case KUidContactCardValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_ContactCard;
+ break;
+ case KUidContactGroupValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_Group;
+ break;
+ case KUidContactOwnCardValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_OwnCard;
+ break;
+ case KUidContactICCEntryValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_ICCEntry;
+ break;
+ case KUidContactTemplateValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_Template;
+ break;
+ case KUidContactCardTemplateValue:
+ contactTypeFlags = EContactTypeFlags_CardTemplate;
+ break;
+ }
+ return contactTypeFlags << EContactType_Shift;
+ }
+Get regarding column name from given fast access field type
+@param aFieldUid The field type uid for specific field requested.
+@return fast access column name for the specific field requrested.
+const TDesC& TCntPersistenceUtility::GetFastAccessColumnNameById(TInt32 aFieldUid)
+ {
+ switch(aFieldUid)
+ {
+ case KUidContactFieldGivenNameValue:
+ return KContactFirstName();
+ case KUidContactFieldFamilyNameValue:
+ return KContactLastName();
+ case KUidContactFieldCompanyNameValue:
+ return KContactCompanyName();
+ case KUidContactFieldGivenNamePronunciationValue:
+ return KContactFirstNamePrn();
+ case KUidContactFieldFamilyNamePronunciationValue:
+ return KContactLastNamePrn();
+ case KUidContactFieldCompanyNamePronunciationValue:
+ return KContactCompanyNamePrn();
+ default:
+ return KNullDesC();
+ }
+ }
+Cleanup stack call up to handle RPointerArray.
+@param aArray Pointer to an RPointerArray<CContactItemField> instance.
+@return None.
+void TCntPersistenceUtility::ResetAndDestroyRPointerArray(TAny *aArray)
+ {
+ RPointerArray<CContactItemField> *parray = static_cast< RPointerArray<CContactItemField> * >(aArray);
+ parray->ResetAndDestroy();
+ parray->Close();
+ }