changeset 41 d11de32a5e6f
parent 40 b46a585f6909
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines_old/contactsmodel/cntplsql/inc/persistencelayerimpl.h	Tue Jun 15 14:45:31 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "persistencelayer.h" // For interface definitions.
+#include "pplcontactitemmanager.h"
+#include "pltables.h"
+#include <sqldb.h>
+class CContactItemManger;
+class CCntSqlStatement;
+#define KIgnorePhbkSync 0
+The CPplContactsFile class represents a single contacts database file and
+provides all common database file operations such as open, close, create and
+class NONSHARED CPplContactsFile:  public CBase, public MLplContactsFile, public MLplTransactionManager
+	{
+public: // MLplContactsFile interface.
+	static CPplContactsFile* NewL(CLplContactProperties& aProps, MContactDbObserver* aObserver);
+	~CPplContactsFile();
+	IMPORT_C void CreateL(const TDesC& aFileName, TPlCreateMode aMode = EPlLeaveIfExist);
+	void OpenL(const TDesC& aFileName, TBool aNotify = EFalse);  
+	void Close(TBool aNotify = EFalse);
+	void DeleteL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	CDesCArray* ListL(TDriveUnit* aDriveUnit = NULL);
+	inline TBool IsOpened() const;
+	virtual void CloseTablesL(TBool aNotify);
+	virtual void OpenTablesL(TBool aNotify = EFalse);	
+	inline MLplPersistenceBroker& PersistenceBroker();
+	inline MLplTransactionManager& TransactionManager();
+	inline MLplFieldMatcher& FieldMatcher();
+	void DatabaseDrive(TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit);
+	TBool DatabaseExistsL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	TInt FileSize() const;
+	// Non-interface methods.
+	void RegisterDbObserver(MContactDbObserver& aDbObserver);
+	inline RSqlDatabase& NamedDatabase();
+	inline CLplContactProperties& ContactProperties();
+	void StartTransactionL();
+	void CommitCurrentTransactionL(TUint aSessionId);
+	void RollbackCurrentTransactionL(TUint aSessionId);
+	inline TBool IsTransactionActive() const;
+	void NotifyObserver() const;
+private: // General methods used to implement all interfaces.
+	CPplContactsFile(CLplContactProperties& aProps, MContactDbObserver* aObserver);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void GenerateNotificationEventL(TBool aNotify = EFalse);
+	void GetPhysicalPathL(TDes& aPhysicalFileName, const TDesC& aSecuredFileName);
+	void GetPhysicalFileNameL(TDes& aPhysicalFileName, const TDesC& aSecuredFileName);
+	inline void LocalFsL();
+private: // Member variables used by several interfaces.
+	TBool iActive;  // Member variables used by MLplTransactionManager interface.
+	RFs iLocalFs;
+	CPplContactItemManager* iItemManager;
+  	MContactDbObserver* iDbObserver;  
+  	CLplContactProperties& iContactProperties;
+	RSqlDatabase iDatabase;     // owned
+	TDriveUnit iDatabaseDrive;
+	TBool iFileIsOpen;
+	RPplIccContactStore iIccContactStore; //owned
+	HBufC8* iConfigureStr;
+	};
+inline void CPplContactsFile::LocalFsL()
+  	{
+  	if(iLocalFs.Handle() == 0)
+  		{
+  		User::LeaveIfError(iLocalFs.Connect());
+  		}
+  	}
+inline RSqlDatabase& CPplContactsFile::NamedDatabase()
+	{
+	return iDatabase;
+	}
+inline CLplContactProperties& CPplContactsFile::ContactProperties()
+	{
+	return iContactProperties;
+	}
+inline TBool CPplContactsFile::IsTransactionActive() const 
+	{
+	return iActive;
+	}
+inline TBool CPplContactsFile::IsOpened() const
+	{
+	return iFileIsOpen;
+	}
+inline MLplPersistenceBroker& CPplContactsFile::PersistenceBroker()
+	{
+	return *(static_cast<MLplPersistenceBroker*>(iItemManager));
+	}
+inline MLplTransactionManager& CPplContactsFile::TransactionManager()
+	{
+	return *this;
+	}
+inline MLplFieldMatcher& CPplContactsFile::FieldMatcher()
+	{
+	return *(static_cast<MLplFieldMatcher*>(iItemManager));
+	}
+// Forward class reference.
+class CPrivFindViewColSet;
+The CPlCollection class provides the implementation for APIs making simple
+queries to the database as well as the functions for legacy finding and sorting
+class NONSHARED CPlCollection : public CBase , public MLplCollection
+	{
+	static CPlCollection* NewL(CPplContactsFile& aContactsFile);
+	~CPlCollection();
+	CContactIdArray* CollectionL(TLplViewType aViewType,TTime aTime = 0, const TDesC& aGuid = KNullDesC);
+	TInt ContactCountL();
+	TBool ContactMatchesHintFieldL(TInt aBitWiseFilter, TContactItemId aContactId);	
+	CContactIdArray* MatchPhoneNumberL(const TDesC& aNumber, const TInt aMatchLengthFromRight);
+	CContactIdArray* FindL(const TDesC& aText, const CContactItemFieldDef* aFieldDef, TUint aSessionId);	
+	void FindAsyncInitL(const TDesC& aText,CContactItemFieldDef* aFieldDef);
+	void FindAsyncTextDefInitL(const CDesCArray& aWords,CContactTextDef* aTextDef);
+	CContactIdArray* FindAsyncL(TBool& aMoreToGo, TUint aSessionId);
+	TBool UsesIdentityFieldsOnly(TInt aFindFlags);
+	void ConstructBitwiseFlagsFromTextDef(TInt& aFindFlags,TInt& aIdentityColumnsCount,const CContactTextDef* aTextDef);
+	TBool SeekContactL(TContactItemId aReqId,TContactItemId& aId,TUid& aContactType, TBool& aDeleted);	
+    CPlCollection(CPplContactsFile& aContactsFile);
+	void ConstructL();
+	CContactIdArray* GuidL(const TDesC& aGuid);
+	CContactIdArray* ChangedSinceL(TTime aTime);
+	CContactIdArray* UnfiledL();
+	CContactIdArray* DeletedL();
+	TBool PerformFindIterationL(CContactIdArray *aIdsFound, const TDesC& aText, RSqlStatement aStatement, TInt aFieldsToSearch, TUint aSessionId);
+	TBool PerformIdFindIterationL(CContactIdArray *aIdsFound, RSqlStatement aStatement);
+	TBool FindL(CContactIdArray *aIdsFound, const TDesC& aText,const CContactItemFieldDef *aFieldDef, RSqlStatement aStatement, TUint aSessionId);
+	CContactIdArray* FilterDatabaseL(CCntFilter& aFilter);
+	void Reset();
+	TInt MaximumSizeOfIdentitySearchSyntax();
+	TInt ApproximateSizeOfSearchString();
+	void doAppendFieldsToSearchString(HBufC* aOrderFields) const;
+	TBool GetContactIdsForTextDefFindL(CContactIdArray* aIdArray, TUint aSessionId);
+	TBool PerformTextDefFindIterationL(CContactIdArray* aIdArray); 
+	TBool HintFieldMatchesFilter(TInt aHintField, TInt aFilter);
+	enum TAsyncFindState
+		{
+		EFindInBlobFinished				=0x00000001,
+		EFindInIdentityFinished			=0x00000002,
+		EFindInEmailFinished			=0x00000004,
+		EFindInTextDefFinished			=0x00000008,
+		EFindInSIPFinished				=0x00000010
+		};
+	CPplContactsFile&		iContactsFile; // doesn't own
+	CContactItemFieldDef*	iFieldDef;
+	CContactTextDef*		iTextDef;
+	HBufC					*iText;
+	HBufC					*iOriginalText;
+	CDesCArray* 			iFindWords;
+	CDesCArray*				iFindWords2;
+	TInt					iFindFlags;
+	TInt					iNoIdentitySearchColumns;
+	TInt 					iFindState;
+	// The column number of the parent ID in iEmailFindView.
+	CCntSqlStatement*		iSelectStatement;	
+	//RSqlstatements for async find
+	RSqlStatement			selectBlobStatement;
+	RSqlStatement			selectIdentityStatement;
+	RSqlStatement			selectEmailStatement;
+	RSqlStatement			selectSIPStatement;
+	RSqlStatement			selectIdFromIdentityStatement;
+	};
+// Forward class reference.
+class CCntPplViewManager;
+This is the server-side implementation of the MLplPersistenceLayerFactory
+interface.  It is the single access point for all data services required for
+Local View functionality.
+class NONSHARED CLplPersistenceLayerFactory : public CBase, public MLplPersistenceLayerFactory
+	{
+	CLplPersistenceLayerFactory(CPplContactsFile& aContactsFile,CLplContactProperties& aContactProperties);
+	~CLplPersistenceLayerFactory();
+	MLplViewIteratorManager& GetViewIteratorManagerL();
+	MContactSynchroniser& GetContactSynchroniserL(TUint aSessionId);
+	MLplCollection&			GetCollectorL();	
+	CPplContactsFile&		iContactsFile;
+	CLplContactProperties&  iContactProperties;
+	CCntPplViewManager*	    iManager;
+	CPlCollection*			iCollection;
+	};
+Support class useful for testing of the Contacts Model.
+class NONSHARED CLplTester : public MLplPersistenceLayerTest
+	{
+	CLplTester(CLplContactProperties& aProps, CPplContactsFile& aFile);
+	void MergeContactWithTemplateL(CContactItem& aContact, const CContactItem& aTempl, const CContactItemViewDef& aView) const; 
+	void DamageDatabaseL(TInt aSecretCode);
+	CLplContactProperties& iProps;
+	CPplContactsFile&	   iFile;
+	};