changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 68 9da50d567e3c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/logsui/AppSrc/CLogsRecentListAdapter.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     Adaptor to RecentModel, copies data from model listbox
+#include <eiklabel.h>
+#include <eikfrlbd.h>
+#include <eikfrlb.h>
+#include <Logs.rsg>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <VPbkEng.rsg>
+#include <PbkFields.hrh>
+#include "CLogsRecentListAdapter.h"
+#include "CLogsRecentListView.h"
+#include "CLogsRecentListControlContainer.h"    
+#include "CLogsEngine.h"    
+#include "MLogsModel.h"
+#include "MLogsEventGetter.h"
+//For ring duation feature
+#include "MLogsSharedData.h"
+#include "MLogsUiControlExtension.h"
+#include "CPhoneNumberFormat.h"
+#include "LogsConstants.hrh"
+#include "LogsConsts.h"
+//const TInt KVtIconOffsetFromLastOwnIcon = 1;
+//For ring duation feature
+// One minute - 60 seconds
+const TInt KLogsOneMinute = 60;
+// String literal for zero
+_LIT( KLogsOneZero, "0" );
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::NewL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLogsRecentListAdapter* CLogsRecentListAdapter::NewL(
+    CLogsRecentListControlContainer* aContainer,
+    TInt aLastOwnIconOffset )
+    {
+    CLogsRecentListAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CLogsRecentListAdapter(
+        aContainer,        
+        aLastOwnIconOffset );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::CLogsRecentListAdapter
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CLogsRecentListControlContainer* aContainer,        
+    TInt aLastOwnIconOffset ) :
+        iModel( aContainer->View()->CurrentModel() ),
+        iSharedData( *( aContainer->View()->Engine()->SharedDataL() )),
+        iControlExtension( aContainer->ControlExtension() ),
+        iListBox( aContainer->ListBox() ),
+        iLastOwnIconOffset( aLastOwnIconOffset ),
+        iEngine( aContainer->View()->Engine() )
+    {
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::ConstructL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::ConstructL()
+    {   
+    CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
+    iDateResource = env->AllocReadResourceL( R_QTN_DATE_USUAL );
+    iTimeResource = env->AllocReadResourceL( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL );
+    iPrivateNumber = env->AllocReadResourceL(R_DLOGS_DETAILS_PRIVATE_NUMBER);
+    iUnknownNumber = env->AllocReadResourceL(R_DLOGS_DETAILS_UNKNOWN_NUMBER);
+    iPayphoneNumber = env->AllocReadResourceL(R_DLOGS_DETAILS_PAYPHONE_NUMBER);    
+    iSATNumber = env->AllocReadResourceL( R_LOGS_CON_OPER_SERV );
+    iGroupCall = env->AllocReadResourceL( R_LOGS_CON_GROUP_CALL );    
+    iEmergencyCall = env->AllocReadResourceL( R_LOGS_EMERG_CALL );
+    iBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KLogsBuff128 );
+    iListboxFont = LineFont();
+    iPhoneNumber = CPhoneNumberFormat::NewL();
+    // Array for text widths for different resolutions. Initialize to zero 
+    iTextWidth = new (ELeave) TInt[KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons + 1];
+    for(TInt trailIcons = 0; trailIcons <= KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons; trailIcons++) 
+        {
+        iTextWidth[trailIcons] = 0;  
+        }
+    //For ring duation feature
+    iShowRingDuration = iSharedData.ShowRingDuration();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::~CLogsRecentListAdapter
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete[] iTextWidth;
+    delete iBuffer;    
+    delete iDateResource;  
+    delete iTimeResource;
+    delete iPrivateNumber;
+    delete iUnknownNumber;
+    delete iPayphoneNumber;
+    delete iEmergencyCall;
+    delete iSATNumber;
+    delete iGroupCall;    
+    delete iPhoneNumber;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::DateTimeLocalizationL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::DateTimeLocalizationL(
+    const MLogsEventGetter* aEvent,
+    TPtr& aPtr ) const
+    {
+    TTime time( aEvent->Time() );
+    HBufC* dateOrTimeTextBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KLogsBuff128 );
+    TPtr dateOrTimeText = dateOrTimeTextBuf->Des();
+    // Date
+    time.FormatL( dateOrTimeText, *iDateResource );
+    // Arabic & Hebrew conversion if needed.
+    AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(dateOrTimeText);
+    aPtr.Append( dateOrTimeText );
+    aPtr.Append(KSpace); 
+    // Time
+    time.FormatL( dateOrTimeText, *iTimeResource);
+    // Arabic & Hebrew conversion if needed.
+    AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(dateOrTimeText);
+    aPtr.Append( dateOrTimeText );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dateOrTimeTextBuf );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::MdcaCount
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt  CLogsRecentListAdapter::MdcaCount () const 
+    {
+    return iModel->Count();   
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::MdcaPoint
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TPtrC16  CLogsRecentListAdapter::MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const
+    {
+    TBuf<KNonClipDuplBufferLength> duplBuffer( KNullDesC );   
+    TInt duplBufferPixels( 0 );
+    // double graphic style "0\tText\tText2\t1
+    TPtr ptr( iBuffer->Des() );
+    const MLogsEventGetter* event = iModel->At( aIndex );
+    /********************************************************************************
+    //Show corresponding icon for this type of phonenumber. FieldId is in the 
+    //event data, iIconIdArray contains corresponding iconId for this phonebook field.
+    TInt iconIndex( KErrNotFound );
+    TInt fldId = event->FieldId();
+    if( fldId >= 0 && fldId <= iIconIdArray->Count() )
+        {
+        iconIndex = iIconIdArray->At( fldId );
+        }
+    //Default icon for phone number type. If no icon available for this field type, we use the 
+    //second icon (offset 1) as default icon (offset 0 is empty icon).
+    if( iconIndex == KErrNotFound && iIconIdArray->Count() >= 1 )
+        {
+        iconIndex = 1;  //Offset 1 icon used as default icon (offset 0 is empty icon)
+        }
+    ********************************************************************************/        
+    //Trailing icons need to be loaded now that we know to leave enough room to them.
+    //Max KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons icons can be shown simultaneously 
+    //on a line. Presence icon is always most right. Video telephony/ALS icon 
+    //on the left side of presence icon. VT cannot be received to
+    //alt line so VT and ALS are mutually exclusive
+    TBuf<KRecentMaxTextLength> iconBuff(0);  //Initial size 0
+    TInt numIcons(0);
+    // ALS2 icon is last own icon in icon array      
+    if( ( numIcons <= KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons ) && // Append only if room for trailing icons
+        ( iLastOwnIconOffset > 0 )			      && //				
+        ( event->ALS() ) ) 							 // and the ALS event flag is set
+        {
+        iconBuff.Append( KTab );
+        iconBuff.AppendNum( EIconAls );
+        numIcons++;
+        }
+    // Show new missed call icon if the event is unread 
+    // (set to read for received and dialed calls - see CLogsEvent.cpp)
+     if (!event->Event()->IsRead()) 
+        {
+        if( ( numIcons <= KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons) &&  //append only if room for trailing icons
+        	  iLastOwnIconOffset > 0 )
+        	{
+        	iconBuff.Append( KTab );
+        	iconBuff.AppendNum( EIconNewMissed ); // 
+        	numIcons++;
+        	}
+        } 
+    /********************************************************************************    
+    Presence is not part of 3.x anymore
+    //Presence icon
+    TInt pecIconIndex( KErrNotFound );
+    TBool pecRc( EFalse );
+    TRAPD( pecErr, ( pecRc = iControlExtension->GetIconIndexL( 
+                                event->Contact(), pecIconIndex ) ) );
+    if( ( numIcons <= KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons) &&     //append only if room for trailing icons
+        pecErr == KErrNone && pecRc && pecIconIndex > 0 )
+        {
+        iconBuff.Append( KTab );
+        iconBuff.AppendNum( pecIconIndex );
+        numIcons++;
+        }
+    ********************************************************************************/                
+    // First part: Show icon corresponding the phone number type
+    if( event->LogsEventData()->PoC() )
+        {        
+        ptr.Num( EIconPoc );
+        }
+    else if( event->LogsEventData()->VoIP() )
+        {        
+        ptr.Num( EIconVoip );        
+        }
+    else if( event->LogsEventData()->VT() )
+        {        
+        ptr.Num( EIconVideo );        
+        }
+    else 
+        {        
+        ptr.Num( NumberIconTypeFromPbkField( event->NumberFieldType() ) );        
+        }
+    //Second part: Show name, number... 
+    ptr.Append( KTab );
+    //Duplicate count "(n)" is added to end of contact, if duplicates
+    // and event is unread (new missed call)
+    if( event->Duplicates() > 0 && !event->Event()->IsRead()) 
+        {
+        duplBuffer.Append( KOpenBracket );              
+        duplBuffer.AppendNum( event->Duplicates() );
+        duplBuffer.Append( KCloseBracket );              
+        AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( duplBuffer );    
+        duplBufferPixels = iListboxFont->TextWidthInPixels( duplBuffer );            
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        duplBufferPixels = 0;    
+        }
+     // For emergency calls, we prefer showing predefined string instead of possible 
+     // remoteparty (EJYU-79BCJY).
+    if ( event->EventType() == ETypeEmerg )
+            {
+            BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                                iEmergencyCall->Des() );
+            }
+    else if( event->RemoteParty() ) 
+        {
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            *(event->RemoteParty()) );
+        }
+    else if( event->EventType() == ETypePrivate )
+        {        
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            iPrivateNumber->Des() );
+        }
+    else if( event->EventType() == ETypePayphone )
+        {        
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            iPayphoneNumber->Des() );
+        }
+    else if ( event->EventType() == ETypeSAT )
+        {
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            iSATNumber->Des() );
+        }
+    else if ( event->EventType() == ETypePoCGroupCall ) //Nothing in remote party and is PoC group call, 
+        {                                               //so show "Group call"
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            iGroupCall->Des() );
+        }
+    else if( event->Number() )                          
+        {
+        //We prefer showing phone number over sip uri although for making calls uri is preferred (if both
+        //available, Poc has made a "best guess" for corresponding msisdn for subsequent cs calls).
+        TBuf<KRecentMaxTextLength> formattedNbr(KNullDesC);
+        iPhoneNumber->PhoneNumberFormat( *(event->Number()), formattedNbr ); 
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            formattedNbr,  
+                            AknTextUtils::EClipFromBeginning ); 
+        }
+    else if( event->LogsEventData()->Url().Length() > 0 ) 
+        {
+        TBuf<KRecentMaxTextLength> buf;                        
+        iEngine->ConvertToUnicode( event->LogsEventData()->Url(), buf ); 
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            buf );
+        }
+    else                                                 //Nothing to show. Display "Unknown"
+        {
+        BuildDisplayString( ptr, duplBufferPixels, duplBuffer, numIcons,
+                            iUnknownNumber->Des() );
+        }
+    //Third part: Show date & time (displayed on the second double graphic style row)
+    ptr.Append( KTab );
+    TRAPD( err, DateTimeLocalizationL( event, ptr) );
+    if( err ==  KErrOverflow || err == KErrGeneral )
+        {
+        ptr.Append(KSpace);  
+        }
+    else if (err)
+        {
+        CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError( err );   
+        }
+    //Fourth part: Show trailing icons, if any.
+    ptr.Append( iconBuff );
+    //For ring duation feature
+    //Fifth part: Show ring duration for missed call
+    TLogsDirection dir = event->Direction();
+    if (( iShowRingDuration ) && ( dir == EDirMissed ))
+       {
+       AppendRingDuration( *event, ptr );
+       }
+// Sawfish VoIP changes  >>>>
+    // Modify the string so, that the correct icon indices appear in the string
+    // Details: This function creates an icon string (e.g. '0\tLabel1\tLabel2') 
+    // whereas '0' refers to the icon index in the listbox's icon array. A possible 
+    // modified icon string for the example icon string given above would be: 
+    // '6\tLabel1\tLabel2\t\t\t8' ('6' is the index of an icon in the A-column, '8' 
+    // the index of an icon in the D-column of a listbox-entry)
+    if ( iControlExtension && event )
+        {        
+        iControlExtension->ModifyIconString( 
+            ptr, 
+            *event );
+        }
+// <<<<  Sawfish VoIP changes  
+    return *iBuffer;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::BuildDisplayString
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::BuildDisplayString(
+    TDes&  aDest,
+    TInt   aDuplBufPixels,
+    TDesC& aDuplBuffer,
+    TInt   aNumIcons,
+    TPtrC  aOriginal,
+    AknTextUtils::TClipDirection aClipDirection  //Beginning=>Treat this as phonenumber, 
+    ) const                                      //End=>Treat as 'normal' string
+    {
+    TBuf<KRecentMaxTextLength> clippedText;  
+    //If the original text is longer than KRecentMaxTextLength, cut it first
+    TInt origLen = aOriginal.Length();  
+    clippedText.Append( aOriginal.Ptr(), 
+         ( origLen < KRecentMaxTextLength ) ? origLen : 
+         KRecentMaxTextLength );
+    // Lets replace paragraph delimiters with single white space, fix for EBWG-6ZPCMZ        
+    TBuf<1> charsToRemove;
+    charsToRemove.Append(TChar(TInt(CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter)));
+    AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters(clippedText, charsToRemove, TChar(TInt(CEditableText::ESpace)));
+    // Lets strip control chars like tabulator marks which would break the listbox descriptor, see OJON-7CA9SU
+    AknTextUtils::StripCharacters(clippedText, KAknStripListControlChars);
+    TInt widthToClip = iTextWidth[aNumIcons]  - aDuplBufPixels;  
+/*  FIXME: These rows should not be needed anymore and can be removed later. Replaced by row above  
+    //TInt widthToClip = iTextWidth[aNumIcons]  - aDuplBufPixels -1;  //We need -1 pixels when there's trailing icon in mirrored layout
+    // The row above did not work properly in other resolutions than 176*208, therefore temporarily replaced by the row below because we 
+    // need to leave enough room for text in all layout combinations. For this reason we additionally narrow the width by 
+    // amount needed by one trailing icon: (iTextWidth[1] - iTextWidth[2]). 
+    TInt widthToClip = iTextWidth[aNumIcons]  - aDuplBufPixels - (iTextWidth[1] - iTextWidth[2]);
+    AknTextUtils::ClipToFit
+            (     clippedText
+                , *iListboxFont  //current font used for rendering listbox row
+                , widthToClip
+                , aClipDirection //Clip from beginning or from end
+                , KDefaultClipWidth
+                , KThreeDots     //three dots to end or beginning of number string
+            );
+    //Append first part of string
+    if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() && aClipDirection == AknTextUtils::EClipFromBeginning )   //We have phone number
+        {
+        //There has to be some additional room for directionality marks
+        aDest.Append( 0x202A );         //LRE: Treat the following text as embedded left-to-right       
+        aDest.Append( clippedText );    //Show phone number completely left to right also in A&H
+        aDest.Append( 0x202C );         //PDF: Restore the bidirectional state to what it was before the last LRE, RLE, RLO, LRO
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        aDest.Append( clippedText );   
+        }
+    //Append second part of string (if exists)
+    if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
+        {
+        aDest.Append( 0x200F );         //This puts the following stuff to the left when mirrored layout
+        aDest.Append( 0x202A );         //This keeps the brackets correctly on both sides of the duplicate number
+                                        //We need this if there are western characters to be displayed with arabic layout
+        }
+    aDest.Append( aDuplBuffer );        //Finally append duplicates. We should have enough room to append the duplicate string without
+                                        //another clipping (and another string of three dots) by listbox row.                                            
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::SetLineWidth
+// Sets the maximum width in pixels for the detail line. This needs to be called from controller's
+// SizeChanged() method.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::SetLineWidth(
+    TInt aTextWidth, 
+    TInt aNumOfTrailingIcons )
+    {
+    iTextWidth[aNumOfTrailingIcons] = aTextWidth;
+    iListboxFont = LineFont();  //Update font too as probably it has also changed.
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::LineFont
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CFont* CLogsRecentListAdapter::LineFont()
+    {
+    TAknTextLineLayout line = AknLayout::List_pane_texts__double_graphic__Line_1( 0 );
+    TAknLayoutText text;
+    text.LayoutText( iListBox->Rect(), line );  
+    return text.Font();   // text.Font() not owned
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendRingDuration
+// For ring duation feature
+// Append ring duration for missed calls 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendRingDuration( 
+    const MLogsEventGetter& aEvent,
+    TPtr& aPtr ) const
+    {
+    //Add duration if it is missed call
+    TLogDuration ringDuration = aEvent.RingDuration();
+    aPtr.Append( KSpace );
+    // Format ring duration    
+    TBuf<10> ringDurationTxt( KNullDesC );
+    FormatRingDuration( ringDurationTxt, (TInt)ringDuration );
+    AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( ringDurationTxt ); 
+    aPtr.Append( ringDurationTxt );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::FormatRingDuration
+// Format ring duation as 00:00
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::FormatRingDuration(
+    TDes& aDesc,
+    TInt aSeconds ) const
+    {
+    aDesc.Zero();
+    TLocale locale;
+    TInt minutes = aSeconds / KLogsOneMinute;
+    AppendNum( aDesc, minutes );
+    AppendChar( aDesc, locale.TimeSeparator( 2 ) ); // minute seperator
+    TInt seconds2 = aSeconds - minutes * KLogsOneMinute;
+    AppendNum( aDesc, seconds2 );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendNum
+// Append 2 digit number, if it is one digit number, insert zero before the number
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendNum(
+    TDes& aDesc,
+    TInt aNum ) const
+    {
+    if ( aNum < 0 ) // Negative value not accepted - make it zero
+        {
+        aNum = 0;
+        }
+    if ( aNum >= KLogsOneMinute ) // Too large values are not accepted
+        {
+        aNum = KLogsOneMinute;
+        aNum--;
+        }
+    if ( aNum < 10 ) // Two digits
+        {
+        aDesc.Append( KLogsOneZero );
+        }
+    aDesc.AppendNum( aNum );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendChar
+// Append char if it is valid
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void CLogsRecentListAdapter::AppendChar(
+    TDes& aDesc,
+    TChar aCh ) const
+    {
+    if ( aCh ) // 0 -> no character defined
+        {
+        aDesc.Append( aCh );
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::NumberIconTypeFromVPbk
+// Get the icon type mapped to vpbk field type
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// no use currently, use it just incase the Phone's implementation changes
+RecentListIconArrayIcons CLogsRecentListAdapter::NumberIconTypeFromVPbk( TInt aNumberFieldType ) const
+    {
+    RecentListIconArrayIcons iconType = EIconDefault;
+    switch ( aNumberFieldType ) 
+        {   
+            iconType = EIconMobile;           
+            break;
+            iconType = EIconlandphone;            
+            break;
+            iconType = EIconPager;            
+            break;
+            iconType = EIconFax;           
+            break;
+            iconType = EIconAsstPhone; 
+            break;
+            iconType = EIconCarPhone; 
+            break;                   
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return iconType;  
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListAdapter::NumberIconTypeFromPbkField
+// Get the icon type mapped to phonebook field type
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RecentListIconArrayIcons CLogsRecentListAdapter::NumberIconTypeFromPbkField( TInt aNumberFieldType ) const
+    {
+    RecentListIconArrayIcons iconType = EIconDefault;
+    switch( aNumberFieldType ) 
+        {   
+        case EPbkFieldIdPhoneNumberMobile:
+            iconType = EIconMobile;
+            break;
+        case EPbkFieldIdPhoneNumberGeneral:
+            iconType = EIconlandphone;            
+            break;
+        case EPbkFieldIdPagerNumber:
+            iconType = EIconPager;            
+            break;
+        case EPbkFieldIdFaxNumber:
+            iconType = EIconFax;           
+            break;
+        case EPbkFieldIdAssistantNumber:
+            iconType = EIconAsstPhone; 
+            break;
+        case EPbkFieldIdCarNumber:
+            iconType = EIconCarPhone; 
+            break;                   
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return iconType;  
+    }
+//  End of File