changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 68 9da50d567e3c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/logsui/AppSrc/CLogsRecentListControlContainer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     STM's Received Calls view control container
+#include <AknIconArray.h>
+#include <aknnavide.h>
+#include <akntabgrp.h>
+#include <AknsConstants.h>  //For skinned icons
+#include <csxhelp/log.hlp.hrh>
+#include <Logs.rsg>
+#include <logs.mbg>   //Index file for Logs icons.
+#include "CLogsRecentListControlContainer.h"
+#include "CLogsEngine.h"
+#include "MLogsModel.h"
+#include "MLogsSharedData.h"
+#include "CLogsAppUi.h"
+#include "CLogsRecentListView.h"
+#include "CLogsRecentListAdapter.h"
+#include "CLogsViewGlobals.h"
+#include "MLogsExtensionFactory.h"
+#include "MLogsUiControlExtension.h"
+#include "LogsIcons.hrh"
+#include "CLogsNaviDecoratorWrapper.h"
+#include "LogsUID.h"
+// ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::NewL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLogsRecentListControlContainer* CLogsRecentListControlContainer::NewL(
+    CLogsRecentListView* aView, 
+    const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    CLogsRecentListControlContainer* self = new ( ELeave )
+                        CLogsRecentListControlContainer( aView );
+    self->SetMopParent( aView );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aRect );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);  // self
+    return self;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::~CLogsRecentListControlContainer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete iListBox;  
+    Release(iControlExtension);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::CLogsRecentListControlContainer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CLogsRecentListView* aView ) :
+         CLogsBaseControlContainer( aView ),
+         iView( aView )
+    {
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ConstructL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    BaseConstructL();
+    iListBox = new( ELeave ) CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox; 
+    iListBox->ConstructL( this, EEikListBoxMultipleSelection );  
+    //Create control extension (i.e. the extension that provides additional PEC information
+    //if PEC present in the image)
+    CreateControlExtensionL();
+    iControlExtension->SetObserver( *iView );
+    AddControlContainerIconsL();
+    iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );//Ownership of iAdapter transferred 
+    iAdapter = CLogsRecentListAdapter::NewL( this, iLastOwnIconOffset );
+    iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iAdapter );
+    //The below was a bad place for this as container is not deleted when we lose foreground
+    //but we still reread events. Instead we handle this in CLogsRecentListView::StateChangedL 
+    //MakeEmptyTextListBoxL( iListBox, EmptyListboxResource() );  //Shows "no data" in this case
+    MakeScrollArrowsL( iListBox );
+    //Create recent list view tab group (Logs.rss)
+    CAknNavigationDecorator* naviTabGroup = NavigationTabGroupL( R_STM_NAVI_PANE_TAB_GROUP, 
+                                                                 CLogsNaviDecoratorWrapper::InstanceL() );
+    //Get the control inside navigation decorator object
+    CAknTabGroup* tabGroup = static_cast<CAknTabGroup*>( naviTabGroup->DecoratedControl() );
+    // Activate the correct tab that corresponds to current recent view
+    switch( iView->Id().iUid )
+        {
+        case EStmMissedListViewId:
+            MakeTitleL( R_STM_TITLE_TEXT_MISSED );                        
+            if ( tabGroup->ActiveTabId() != EMissedTabId )
+                {
+                tabGroup->SetActiveTabById( EMissedTabId );  //hightlight (activate) the tab
+                }
+            break;
+        case EStmReceivedListViewId:
+            MakeTitleL( R_STM_TITLE_TEXT_RECEIVED );
+            if ( tabGroup->ActiveTabId() != EReceivedTabId )
+                {
+                tabGroup->SetActiveTabById( EReceivedTabId );  //hightlight (activate) the tab
+                }
+            break;
+        case EStmDialledListViewId:
+            MakeTitleL( R_STM_TITLE_TEXT_DIALLED );
+            if ( tabGroup->ActiveTabId() != EDialledTabId )
+                {
+                tabGroup->SetActiveTabById( EDialledTabId );  //hightlight (activate) the tab
+                }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    SetRect( aRect ); 
+    ActivateL();
+    }
+Not in use anymore, Phonebook icons replaced by own icons 
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::AddPhoneTypeIconsL( CAknIconArray* aIcons )
+    {
+    CPbkContactEngine* pbkEngine = iView->LogsAppUi()->Engine()->PbkEngine();
+	CPbkIconInfoContainer* iconInfoContainer = iView->LogsAppUi()->IconInfoContainer();	//Container providing info of pbk's icons.
+	CArrayFix<TPbkIconId>* idArray = iView->LogsAppUi()->IconIdArray(); 		    	//IconIdArray() maps icon ids corresponding to pbk's 
+    idArray->Reset();                                                                   // data fields (one to many).
+	const CPbkFieldsInfo& fieldsInfo = pbkEngine->FieldsInfo(); 
+	TInt count( fieldsInfo.Count() );
+    RArray<TInt> readIcons( count ); 					    //Temp array for bookkeeping the already added icons (add icon only once to array)
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) 
+        {
+    	CPbkFieldInfo* field = fieldsInfo.Find( i );        //We add icons in order of Phonebook field type ids, so can assume that 
+        TInt idx( KErrNotFound );                           // first icon relates to EPbkFieldIdNone (so we'll have empty icon as first)
+		if( field )  
+			{
+			TPbkIconId iconId = field->IconId();
+			TPbkIconInfo* iconInfo = const_cast<TPbkIconInfo*>(iconInfoContainer->Find( iconId )); 
+        	if( iconInfo )
+            	{
+            	idx = readIcons.Find( iconInfo->IconId() );
+                if( idx == KErrNotFound )	                //Add only new icons to icon array
+                    {
+                    readIcons.Append( iconInfo->IconId() ); //readIcons needs to be in synch with aIcons  
+                	AddIconWithPathL( aIcons, iconInfo->MbmFileName(),   
+                                      iconInfo->SkinId(), iconInfo->IconId(), iconInfo->MaskId() );
+                    idx = aIcons->Count() - 1;              //Icon was added as last (count - 1)
+                    }   
+            	}
+			}
+		idArray->AppendL( TPbkIconId( idx ));
+        }
+    readIcons.Close();  
+    aIcons->Compress();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ForceEmptyTextListBoxL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ForceEmptyTextListBox()
+    {
+    TRAPD(err, MakeEmptyTextListBoxL( iListBox, KErrNotFound ));
+    if (err)
+        {
+        CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError( err );
+        }   
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::EmptyListboxResource
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLogsRecentListControlContainer::EmptyListboxResourceL() const
+    {   
+    TLogsState state = iView->State();
+    if( state == EStateUndefined || state == EStateInitializing )
+        {
+        return res;                       //Show "retrieving data"
+        }
+    else if( state == EStateReaderDeletedOrStopped || state == EStateArrayReseted)
+        {
+        return KErrNotFound; 
+        }
+    if (iView->Engine()->SharedDataL()->IsLoggingEnabled())
+        {
+        switch( iView->RecentListType() )
+            {
+            case ELogsReceivedModel:
+                res = R_STM_RECEIVED_EMPTY_LISTBOX_TEXT;
+                break;
+            case ELogsDialledModel:
+                res = R_STM_DIALLED_EMPTY_LISTBOX_TEXT;
+                break;
+            case ELogsMissedModel:
+                res = R_STM_MISSED_EMPTY_LISTBOX_TEXT;
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            } 
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        res = R_QTN_LOGS_LOGGING_OFF;
+        }
+    return res;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Possible future need: Initiate some other type of call  
+// with a long tap event (like video call)
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::HandleLongTapEventL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& /* aPenEventLocation */, 
+//                              							   const TPoint& /* aPenEventScreenLocation */ )
+//	{
+//    iView->HandleCommandL( ELogsCmdLongTapCall );    
+//	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ListBox
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox* CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ListBox()
+    {
+    return iListBox;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ComponentControl
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ComponentControl( 
+    TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
+    {
+    return iListBox;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::SizeChanged
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    if( iListBox )
+        {
+        iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );
+        // Calculate line widths and update these to adapter
+        TRect main_pane = iListBox->Rect();
+        TAknWindowLineLayout line3 = AknLayout::list_gen_pane(0);
+        TAknLayoutRect rect2;
+        rect2.LayoutRect(main_pane, line3);
+        TRect list_gen_pane = rect2.Rect();
+        for(TInt trailIcons = 0; trailIcons <= KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons; trailIcons++) 
+            {
+            // Let's first calculate the max width in pixels available for a row for a number of icons
+            TAknWindowLineLayout line2 = AknLayout::list_double_graphic_pane_list_double2_graphic_pane(trailIcons);
+            TAknLayoutRect rect;
+            rect.LayoutRect(list_gen_pane, line2);
+            TRect list_double2_graphic_pane = rect.Rect();
+            TAknTextLineLayout line = AknLayout::List_pane_texts__double_graphic__Line_1( trailIcons );            
+            TAknLayoutText text;
+            text.LayoutText(list_double2_graphic_pane, line);  
+            // Then provide to adapter the pixel value for this number of trailing icons as adapter needs 
+            // to truncate shown data if necessary
+            iAdapter->SetLineWidth( text.TextRect().Width(), trailIcons ); 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::UpdateL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::UpdateL()
+    {    
+    if( iView->CurrentModel()->Count() == 0 )
+        {
+        TInt res( EmptyListboxResourceL() );  //Shows either "retrieving" or "no data"
+        MakeEmptyTextListBoxL( iListBox, res );        
+        iListBox->Reset();
+        }
+    iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::GetHelpContext
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::GetHelpContext( 
+    TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
+    {
+    aContext.iMajor = TUid::Uid( KLogsAppUID3 );
+    if( iView->Id() ==  TUid::Uid( EStmMissedListViewId ) )
+        {
+        aContext.iContext = KSTM_HLP_MISSED;
+        }
+    else if( iView->Id() == TUid::Uid( EStmReceivedListViewId ) )
+        {
+        aContext.iContext = KSTM_HLP_RECEIVED;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aContext.iContext = KSTM_HLP_DIALLED;
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::CreateControlExtensionL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::CreateControlExtensionL()
+    {
+    CLogsViewGlobals* viewGlobals = CLogsViewGlobals::InstanceL();
+    viewGlobals->PushL();
+    iControlExtension = viewGlobals->ExtensionFactoryL().
+            CreateLogsUiControlExtensionL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewGlobals);    
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ControlExtension
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLogsUiControlExtension* CLogsRecentListControlContainer::ControlExtension()
+    {
+    return iControlExtension;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::View
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLogsRecentListView* CLogsRecentListControlContainer::View()
+    {
+    return iView;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::AddControlContainerIconsL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::AddControlContainerIconsL()
+    {
+    iLastOwnIconOffset = KErrNotFound;
+    //CAknIconArray owns the CGulIcons it contains (for leave-safety). 
+    //Destructor destroys all icons in the array.
+    if( iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray() != NULL )
+        {
+        CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray();
+        delete iconArray;
+        iconArray = NULL;
+        iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray);  
+        }
+    /**********************************************************************
+    Not in use anymore, Phonebook icons replaced by own icons starting from offset 0 below
+    // First load PhoneTypeIcons 
+    TInt count( iView->Engine()->PbkEngine()->FieldsInfo().Count() );
+    CAknIconArray* icons = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( count );  //count = granularity. Needs to be # of icons from Pbk
+    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( icons );   
+    AddPhoneTypeIconsL( icons );
+    //Then load on top of PhoneTypeIcons the other own icons: Poc, Voip, Video, Als2, ... 
+    **********************************************************************/        
+    CAknIconArray* icons = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( KRecentListCCNrOfItems );  
+    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( icons );   
+    //Icons for column A (phone call type). Offsets referred by enum RecentListIconArrayIcons 
+    //EIconDefault;//refers to this icon (offset 0)
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypMobile     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_mobile     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_mobile_mask
+            );
+    //EIconVideo;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypVideo 
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_video      
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_video_mask 
+            );
+    //EIconVoip;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypVoip  
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_voip    
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_voip_mask  
+            );
+    //EIconPoc;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypPoc
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_poc        
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_poc_mask   
+            );
+    //EIconAls;//refers to this icon:
+    AddColorIconL(   icons                       
+            ,   KLogsIconFile
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnIndiAlsLine2Add
+            ,   qgn_indi_als_line2_add
+            ,   qgn_indi_als_line2_add_mask
+            );
+    //EIconNewMissed refers to this icon:
+    AddColorIconL(   icons                       
+            ,   KLogsIconFile
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnIndiLogMissedCallAdd
+            ,   qgn_indi_log_missed_call_add
+            ,   qgn_indi_log_missed_call_add_mask
+            );
+    //EIconLandphone;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypPhone
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_phone        
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_phone_mask   
+            );
+    //EIconPager;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypPager
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_pager        
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_pager_mask   
+            );
+    //EIconFax;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypFax
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_fax        
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_fax_mask   
+            );      
+    //EIconAsstPhone;//refers to this icon:
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypAssistant
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_assistant        
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_assistant_mask   
+            );  
+    //EIconCarPhone;//refers to this icon
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypCar     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_car     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_car_mask
+            );
+    //EIconCommCall;//refers to this icon
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnPropNrtypCall     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_call     
+            ,   qgn_prop_nrtyp_call_mask
+            );
+    /**********************************************************************    
+    Not in use anymore, 
+    EIconPoc2;//refers to this icon:    
+    AddIconL(   icons                      
+            ,   KLogsIconFile 
+            ,   KAknsIIDQgnIndiPocAdd     
+            ,   qgn_indi_poc_add    
+            ,   qgn_indi_poc_add_mask  
+            );
+    **********************************************************************/                    
+    // Offset of last own icon in icon array 
+    iLastOwnIconOffset = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray()->Count() -1;
+    //Finally load other icons related to control extension(if any). Control extension 
+    //takes care of these so we'll discard them in iLastOwnIconOffset
+    //Control extension icons (i.e. PEC)
+    iControlExtension->AppendIconsL( icons );
+    return;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLogsRecentListControlContainer::FocusChanged
+// This is needed to hand focus changes to list. Otherwise animations are not displayed.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLogsRecentListControlContainer::FocusChanged(TDrawNow /* aDrawNow */ )
+    {
+    if( iListBox)
+        {
+        iListBox->SetFocus( IsFocused() );
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File