--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/inc/CNTDB.H Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __CNTDB_H__
+#define __CNTDB_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <cntdef.h>
+#include <cntdbobs.h>
+#include <cntsync.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <versit.h>
+#include <collate.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+// Classes referenced
+class CContactViewDef;
+class CFoundMatches;
+class CContactTextDef;
+class CContactItem;
+class CContactItemViewDef;
+class CContactItemFieldSet;
+class CContactItemFieldDef;
+class CContactActiveCompress;
+class CContactActiveRecover;
+class CContactDatabase;
+class CContactTables;
+class CCntFilter;
+class CContentType;
+class CContactItemField;
+class CIdleFinder;
+class CContactClientSession;
+class CPrivConverter;
+class RCntModel;
+class CProxyFactory;
+class CCntTemplateCache;
+class CSortArray;
+class CCntIdleSorter;
+class MLplPersistenceLayerFactory;
+class CContactOpenOperation;
+class CDataBaseChangeObserver;
+class CContactConverter;
+class CContactSynchroniser;
+// Constants
+Maximum string length used to separate the fields in the text definition.
+@see TContactTextDefItem
+const TInt KMaxContactTextSeperator=4;
+Constant used during sorting and searching of contacts.
+const TInt KTextFieldMinimalLength=64;
+Maximum number of fields that can be set as filterable fields by licensees.
+const TInt KMaxCustomFilterableFields=4;
+/** @internalComponent */
+const TInt KMajorVersion=1;
+/** @internalComponent */
+const TInt KMinorVersion=0;
+/** @internalComponent */
+const TInt KBuildNumber=40;
+// Classes used for compact
+class MContactStorageObserver
+Mixin used to observe low disk events
+ {
+ virtual void HandleDiskSpaceEvent(TInt aDrive) = 0;
+ };
+class MContactUiCompactObserver
+/** Mixin used to observe contact database compaction status
+ {
+ virtual void Step(TInt aStep)=0;
+ virtual void HandleError(TInt aError)=0;
+ };
+class MContactUiActive
+/** Mixin used to register the observer.
+ {
+ virtual void Cancel()=0;
+ virtual void SetObserver(MContactUiCompactObserver *aObserver)=0;
+ virtual TInt StepsTogo() const=0;
+ virtual TInt Step()=0;
+ virtual TInt Error() const=0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void MContactUiActive_Reserved1();
+ };
+class CContactActiveBase : public CBase, public MContactUiActive
+ {
+ ~CContactActiveBase();
+ void SetObserver(MContactUiCompactObserver *aObserver);
+ void Cancel();
+ TInt StepsTogo() const;
+ TInt Step();
+ TInt Error() const;
+ void SetContactDatabase(CContactDatabase* aContactDatabase);
+ void SetFileManagerL(RCntModel& aCntSvr);
+ MContactUiCompactObserver *iObserver;
+ RCntModel* iCntSvr;
+ CIdle *iIdle;
+ TInt iStep;
+ TInt iError;
+ CContactDatabase* iContactDatabase;
+ };
+class CContactActiveCompress : public CContactActiveBase
+ {
+ void ConstructL(RDbNamedDatabase /* &aDataBase */) {};
+ };
+class CContactActiveRecover : public CContactActiveBase
+ {
+ void ConstructL(RDbNamedDatabase /* &aDataBase */) {};
+ };
+class TContactTextDefItem
+/** An item in a text definition.
+A TContactTextDefItem has a field type and an optional separator string
+with a maximum length of 4 characters.
+@see CContactTextDef
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem();
+ IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem(TFieldType aFieldType);
+ IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem(TFieldType aFieldType, const TDesC &aSeperator);
+ /** The field type. */
+ TFieldType iFieldType;
+ /** The string used to separate the fields in the text definition. */
+ TBuf<KMaxContactTextSeperator> iSeperator;
+ };
+class CContactTextDef : public CArrayFixFlat<TContactTextDefItem>
+/** Defines a way of grouping fields to form a string which represents
+a contact item.
+A text definition is implemented as an array of text definition items
+For example, CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL() uses a text definition to
+build up a string from a contact item. When creating the string, it searches
+the item for fields whose type matches one of the fields specified in the text
+definition. The contents of the first matching field of each type found in the
+item are read into the string. These strings may be separated using a field
+separator, which is also specified in the text definition. A separator is not
+appended to the last field used to make up the string. It is only inserted when
+there is a following non-empty field.
+Additionally, the text definition may also contain a fallback field
+type. This is used when none of the fields specified in the text
+definition contain any text. If the item's fallback field contains no text
+either, or if the fallback field type's value is KUidContactFieldNone, the
+text is read from the first non-empty field in the item.
+A contact database can have a default text definition which is set using CContactDatabase::SetTextDefinitionL().
+This may be overridden using the variants of CContactDatabase::ReadContactTextDefL()
+which take a CContactTextDef* argument.
+CContactTextDef is derived from CArrayFixFlat<TContactTextDefItem>, so all
+relevant functions can be used, e.g. to add and remove elements.
+ {
+ friend class CContactDatabase;
+ friend class CContactTables;
+ CContactTextDef();
+ IMPORT_C static CContactTextDef* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static CContactTextDef* NewLC();
+ static CContactTextDef* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void SetFallbackField(TFieldType iFieldType);
+ IMPORT_C TFieldType FallbackField() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool ExactMatchOnly();
+ IMPORT_C void SetExactMatchOnly(TBool aExactMatchOnly);
+ void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ TFieldType iFallbackFieldType;
+ TBool iExactMatchOnly;//Default to EFalse cause ReadInTextDef to only match the chosen fields and not attempt a matchall
+ };
+class CContactItemViewDef : public CBase
+/** A view definition for a contact item.
+When reading or opening a contact item using the CContactDatabase class,
+a view definition may be specified to indicate which field data should be
+retrieved. See for instance CContactDatabase::ReadContactL().
+A view definition for a contact item contains an array of field types, a use
+(CContactItemViewDef::TUse) and a mode (CContactItemViewDef::TMode). The use
+indicates whether the field types contained in the view definition should
+be included in or excluded from the view. The mode indicates whether fields
+with the hidden attribute should be included or excluded.
+ {
+ /** Include or exclude specified fields. */
+ enum TUse
+ {
+ /** Include specified fields in the view. */
+ EIncludeFields,
+ /** Exclude specified fields from the view. */
+ EMaskFields
+ };
+ /** Include or exclude hidden fields.*/
+ enum TMode
+ {
+ /** Include hidden fields in the view. */
+ EIncludeHiddenFields,
+ /** Exclude hidden fields from the view. */
+ EMaskHiddenFields
+ };
+ IMPORT_C static CContactItemViewDef* NewL(TUse aUse, TMode aMode);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactItemViewDef* NewLC(TUse aUse, TMode aMode);
+ static CContactItemViewDef* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream);
+ inline TUid operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(const CContentType &aContentType) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(TFieldType aFieldType) const;
+ inline TInt Count() const;
+ inline void Reset();
+ IMPORT_C void AddL(TFieldType aFieldType);
+ IMPORT_C void Remove(TFieldType aFieldType);
+ IMPORT_C void Remove(TInt aIndex);
+ inline TUse Use() const;
+ inline void SetUse(TUse aUse);
+ inline TMode Mode() const;
+ inline void SetMode(TMode aMode);
+ IMPORT_C TBool Contains(const CContactItem& aItem);
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool MatchesAll() const;
+ CContactItemViewDef(TUse aUse,TMode aMode);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TUid> iFieldTypes;
+ TUse iUse;
+ TMode iMode;
+ };
+class CContactViewDef : public CBase
+/** Specifies a subset of fields to be loaded when reading a contact item.
+A default view definition is owned by the contact database.
+It is set using CContactDatabase::SetViewDefinitionL() and is used in calls
+to CContactDatabase::ReadContactL(), ReadContactLC() and ReadContactAndAgentL()
+when no view definition is specified.
+The view definition owns the item view definition (see the CContactItemViewDef
+class), which stores the view definition's field types, use and mode.
+The following functions declared in class CContactViewDef have not been
+implemented:- Groups(), AddL().
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CContactViewDef* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static CContactViewDef* NewLC();
+ IMPORT_C static CContactViewDef* NewL(CContactItemViewDef* aItemDef);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactViewDef* NewLC(CContactItemViewDef* aItemDef);
+ static CContactViewDef* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C ~CContactViewDef();
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C CContactItemViewDef& ItemDef() const;
+ /** This function is not implemented */
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray& Groups() const;
+ /** This function is not implemented.
+ @param aFieldType The field type to append to the array of field types. */
+ inline void AddL(TFieldType aFieldType);
+ CContactViewDef();
+ void ConstructL(CContactItemViewDef* aItemDef);
+ CContactItemViewDef* iItemDef;
+// CContactIdArray* iGroupIds; // unused for now
+ };
+class TContactIter
+/** Iterates through the sorted contact items in a contact database.
+A value of KNullContactId is returned by the iterator if a requested item cannot
+be found.
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TContactIter(CContactDatabase &aDatabase);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId FirstL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId NextL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId PreviousL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId LastL();
+ IMPORT_C void GotoL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C void Reset();
+ void GotoIndexL(TInt aPos);
+ CContactDatabase &iDatabase;
+ TContactItemId iCursorId;
+ };
+class MIdleFindObserver
+/** The interface for an asynchronous find observer.
+An object which implements this interface is passed to the asynchronous find
+functions defined in class CContactDatabase, (FindAsyncL() and FindInTextDefAsyncL()).
+The observer would typically notify the user of the progress of the operation.
+ {
+ /** Asynchronous find observer callback.
+ If an observer is supplied to CContactDatabase::FindAsyncL()
+ or FindInTextDefAsyncL(), this callback function is called by CIdle::RunL()
+ when nothing of a higher priority can be scheduled. It is called for every
+ 16 items searched to give the application a chance to update its search status.
+ An implementation might test for and handle errors and retrieve information
+ about the progress of the search. This information may be retrieved using
+ functions provided by the CIdleFinder class. */
+ virtual void IdleFindCallback()=0;
+ };
+struct SFindInTextDefWordParser
+/** Search string parser struct.
+An object of this type is used in the callback parser function passed to
+CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefLC(). The parser function must walk
+through and parse iSearchString, adding any words found to iWordArray.
+ {
+ inline SFindInTextDefWordParser(const TDesC *aSearchString, CDesCArray *aWordArray) : iSearchString(aSearchString), iWordArray(aWordArray)
+ /** Initialises the search string and the word array.
+ @param aSearchString Pointer to the input string to be parsed.
+ @param aWordArray Pointer to the array to which words parsed from the input
+ string should be added. */
+ {};
+ /** Pointer to the input string to be parsed. */
+ const TDesC *iSearchString;
+ /** Pointer to the array to which words parsed from the input string should be
+ added. */
+ CDesCArray *iWordArray;
+ };
+class CIdleFinder : public CIdle
+/** Provides information about the progress of an asynchronous contact database search,
+and can be used to get the results of the search.
+An instance of this class is returned by calls to CContactDatabase::FindAsyncL()
+and CContactDatabase::FindInTextDefAsyncL().
+ {
+ ~CIdleFinder();
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsComplete() const;
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray *TakeContactIds();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Error() const;
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ friend class CContactDatabase;
+ static CIdleFinder *NewL(CContactDatabase &aContactDatabase, const TDesC& aText, const CContactItemFieldDef *aFieldDef, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver);
+ static CIdleFinder *NewL(CContactDatabase &aContactDatabase, const MDesCArray* aFindWords,const CContactTextDef* aTextDef, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver, const TCallBack &aWordParserCallback);
+ void DoCancel();
+ void Start();
+ static TInt CallbackL(TAny *aSelf);
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC *aText, const MDesCArray* aFindWords, const TCallBack *aWordParserCallback);
+ TBool ScanForMatchL(const TDesC &aFieldText,const TDesC &aFindText, CFoundMatches *aFoundMatches) const;
+ TBool CheckFindL(TContactItemId aContactId) const;
+ TBool CheckFindL() const;
+ CIdleFinder(CContactDatabase &aContactDatabase, const CContactItemFieldDef *aFieldDef, const CContactTextDef* aTextDef, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver);
+ TBool doFindL();
+ enum TAsyncFindState
+ {
+ EFindInBlobFinished =0x00000001,
+ EFindInIdentityFinished =0x00000002,
+ EFindInEmailFinished =0x00000004,
+ EFindInTextDefFinished =0x00000008
+ };
+ CContactDatabase *iContactDatabase;
+ CContactIdArray *iIdsFound;
+ TBool iOwnsIds;
+ CDesCArray* iFindWords;
+ TInt iReserved1;
+ TInt iReserved2;
+ TInt iReserved3;
+ const CContactItemFieldDef* iFieldDef;
+ const CContactTextDef* iTextDef;
+ MIdleFindObserver *iObserver;
+ TInt iError;
+ TCallBack iWordParserCallback;
+ TInt iReserved4;
+ TInt iReserved5;
+ TInt iReserved6;
+ TInt iReserved7; //was TDbColNo
+ TInt iReserved8; //was RDbView
+ TInt iReserved9; //was RDbView
+ TInt iReserved10; //was CIdentityTableColSet*
+ };
+class MContactDbPrivObserver
+/** Provides notification of database changes to clients.
+* Provides information about database change event details and the type of changed event.
+ {
+ virtual void HandleDatabaseEventL(RDbNotifier::TEvent)=0;
+ virtual void HandleDatabaseEventL(const TContactDbObserverEvent &aEvent)=0;
+ };
+class MContactSortObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ virtual void HandleSortEventL(TInt aContactsSorted, TInt aContactsTotal)=0;
+ };
+class MConverterCallBack
+Interface class for providing Intra-Contact Properties during a PBAP specific contacts export.
+ public:
+ /**
+ PBAP clients are supposed to provide any information regarding the contact item represented by aContactId.
+ This information should be in form of standard vCard property, all such properties should be appended to the array aPropertyList.
+ */
+ virtual void AddIntraContactPropertiesL(const TContactItemId& aContactId, CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* aPropertyList) = 0;
+class MConverterCallBack;
+enum TVCardVersion
+Specifies type of export of contact items.
+PBAP clients should use EPBAPVCard21 and EPBAPVCard30.
+ {
+ EVCardUDEF = -1,
+ EVCard21 = 0,
+ EVCard30,
+ EPBAPVCard21,
+ EPBAPVCard30
+ };
+class CContactDatabase : public CBase, public MContactDbPrivObserver, public MContactStorageObserver
+/** A database of contact items.
+Contact items can be added to and removed from the database and items in the
+database can be opened or read. To edit an item, it must first be opened.
+Changes to the item can then be committed using CommitContactL()
+(committing can only take place to an open item).
+If the available disk space is less than 128 kilobytes then changes to the
+contact database cannot be started, and methods such as CreateL() or CommitContactL()
+will leave with a KErrDiskFull error. Less obviously OpenL() can also fail with
+KErrDiskFull when trying to update the system template.
+Each item has an access count. An item cannot be fully deleted unless its
+access count is zero. This is to prevent items which have been
+synchronised with another contacts application from being deleted.
+Also, if the item is a template, it cannot be deleted if other items are based
+on it.
+More than one contact database can exist on a phone, but there is a
+default contact database. Its filename is contacts.cdb. It
+can be moved between drives.
+CContactDatabase implements searching and sorting and also provides
+separate phone number matching functions. These provide a fast way of indexing
+and looking up phone numbers, e.g. for looking up caller IDs on incoming
+The database owns speed dial information. This is a mapping between a single
+digit integer and a telephone number. There may be up to 9 speed dial telephone
+numbers; each of them belongs to a contact item in the database. If a
+contact item is deleted, its speed dial mapping is removed.
+The following functions defined in class CContactDatabase are not
+supported. If called, they leave with KErrNotSupported.
+- ReplacePrefL()
+- ReadPrefL()
+- CreatePrefL()
+ {
+ friend class TContactIter;
+ friend class CIdleFinder;
+ friend class CCntIdleSorter;
+ friend class CContactLocalView;
+ friend class CContactOpenOperation;
+ friend class RContactRemoteView;
+ friend class CViewIteratorProxyManager;
+ friend class CCollectionProxy;
+ friend class CContactActiveBase;
+ class TSortPref
+ /** Specifies the field type and order preferences used for sorting items in the
+ contacts database.
+ The contents of the first field in a contact item matching the field type
+ is used as the data to sort on. The order can either be ascending or descending.
+ @see CContactDatabase::SortL()
+ @see CContactDatabase::SortArrayL()
+ @publishedAll
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ {
+ public:
+ /** The sort order. */
+ enum TOrder
+ {
+ /** Ascending sort order. */
+ EAsc,
+ /** Descending sort order. */
+ EDesc
+ };
+ public:
+ inline TSortPref();
+ inline TSortPref(TFieldType aFieldType,TOrder aOrder=EAsc);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ public:
+ /** Specifies whether the sort should be ascending or descending. */
+ TOrder iOrder;
+ /** The first field matching this field type is used for the text to sort on. */
+ TFieldType iFieldType;
+ };
+ /** Import and export format flags. Contacts can be imported into
+ or exported from the contact database as vCards.
+ The following options are available during import and export.
+ @deprecated This enum is deprecated. It has been replaced by the TOptions enum in
+ the plugin convertor class CContactVCardConverter, so that each plugin converter
+ can define its own options. */
+ enum TOptions
+ {
+ EDefault=0x0000,
+ /** Handle Symbian's extended vCard format options. */
+ EIncludeX =0x0001,
+ /** Support non-standard extensions requried by Symbian PC connectivity software
+ and Microsoft, amongst others. */
+ ETTFormat =0x0002,
+ /** Don't export the contact ID (for exporting only). */
+ EExcludeUid=0x0004,
+ /** Decrease the contact's access count when importing and exporting. */
+ EDecreaseAccessCount=0x0008,
+ /** Only import the first contact in the read stream (for importing only). */
+ EImportSingleContact=0x0010,
+ /** Increase the contact's access count when importing and exporting. */
+ EIncreaseAccessCount=0x0020,
+ /** Sets a contact item to the local time when importing. */
+ ELocalTime=0x0040,
+ /** Allows you to set a template to a contact item that does not exist. */
+ ENullTemplateId=0x0080,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined1=0x0100,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined2=0x0200,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined3=0x0400,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined4=0x0800,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined5=0x1000,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined6=0x2000,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined7=0x4000,
+ /** For use by implementor of converter plug-in. */
+ EConverterDefined8=0x8000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved1=0x00010000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved2=0x00020000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved3=0x00040000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved4=0x00080000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved5=0x00100000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved6=0x00200000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved7=0x00400000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved8=0x00800000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved9=0x01000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved10=0x02000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved11=0x04000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved12=0x08000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved13=0x10000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved14=0x20000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved15=0x40000000,
+ /** Reserved for use by Symbian. */
+ EConverterReserved16=0x80000000
+ };
+ /** Specifies whether the database can be accessed from single or multiple threads. */
+ enum TThreadAccess
+ {
+ /** Allows access to the contacts database from a single thread only. */
+ ESingleThread,
+ /** Allows for a multi-threaded program to access the contact database from multiple
+ threads but note that the contacts model provides no synchronisation support
+ for such use. */
+ EMultiThread
+ };
+ enum TSortDataSource
+ {
+ ENoOrder,
+ EUsesIdentityTableOnly,
+ EUsesAllTables,
+ EIdentityTableNotUsed //Not used
+ };
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* OpenL(TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* OpenL(const TDesC& aFileName,TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* CreateL(TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* CreateL(const TDesC& aFileName,TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* ReplaceL(TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* ReplaceL(const TDesC& aFileName,TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ // asynchronous Open
+ IMPORT_C static CContactOpenOperation* Open(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactOpenOperation* Open(const TDesC& aFileName, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TThreadAccess aAccess=ESingleThread);
+ IMPORT_C static TBool DatabaseDrive(TDriveUnit &aDriveUnit);
+ inline static TInt NullUidValue();
+ IMPORT_C static void SetDatabaseDriveL(TDriveUnit aDriveUnit, TBool aCopy=ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C static void GetDefaultNameL(TDes &aDes);
+ IMPORT_C static void DeleteDefaultFileL();
+ // database file mangement
+ IMPORT_C static void DeleteDatabaseL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+ IMPORT_C static CDesCArray* ListDatabasesL();
+ IMPORT_C static CDesCArray* ListDatabasesL(TDriveUnit aDriveUnit);
+ IMPORT_C static TBool DefaultContactDatabaseExistsL();
+ IMPORT_C static TBool ContactDatabaseExistsL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+ IMPORT_C ~CContactDatabase();
+ IMPORT_C void SetViewDefinitionL(CContactViewDef* aView);
+ IMPORT_C void SetTextDefinitionL(CContactTextDef* aView);
+ IMPORT_C const CContactTextDef* TextDefinition() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt CountL();
+ IMPORT_C void SetDbViewContactType(const TUid aUid);
+ IMPORT_C TUid GetDbViewContactType() const;
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId AddNewContactL(CContactItem& aContact);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactGroupL(TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactGroupLC(TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactGroupL(const TDesC& aGroupLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactGroupLC(const TDesC& aGroupLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactCardTemplateL(const TDesC& aTemplateLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactCardTemplateLC(const TDesC& aTemplateLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactCardTemplateL(const CContactItem* aTemplate,const TDesC& aTemplateLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateContactCardTemplateLC(const CContactItem* aTemplate,const TDesC& aTemplateLabel,TBool aInTransaction=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* GetCardTemplateIdListL() const;
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* GetGroupIdListL() const;
+ IMPORT_C void AddContactToGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, TContactItemId aGroupId);
+ IMPORT_C void AddContactToGroupL(CContactItem& aItem, CContactItem& aGroup);
+ IMPORT_C void AddContactToGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, TContactItemId aGroupId,TBool aInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveContactFromGroupL(CContactItem& aItem, CContactItem& aGroup);
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveContactFromGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, TContactItemId aGroupId);
+ inline TInt GroupCount() const;
+ inline TInt TemplateCount() const;
+ // speed dial functions
+ IMPORT_C void SetFieldAsSpeedDialL(CContactItem& aItem, TInt aFieldIndex, TInt aSpeedDialPosition);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId GetSpeedDialFieldL(TInt aSpeedDialPosition, TDes& aPhoneNumber);
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveSpeedDialFieldL(TContactItemId aContactId, TInt aSpeedDialPosition);
+ // reading contacts from the db
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadMinimalContactL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadMinimalContactLC(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadContactL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CContactItem>* ReadContactAndAgentL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadContactL(TContactItemId aContactId,const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadContactLC(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* ReadContactLC(TContactItemId aContactId,const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadContactTextDefL(const CContactItem &aItem, TDes &aResult);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadContactTextDefL(const CContactItem &aItem, TDes &aResult,CContactTextDef* aTextDef);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadContactTextDefL(TContactItemId aContactId, TDes &aResult);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadContactTextDefL(TContactItemId aContactId, TDes &aResult,CContactTextDef* aTextDef);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* OpenContactL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* OpenContactL(TContactItemId aContactId,const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* OpenContactLX(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* OpenContactLX(TContactItemId aContactId,const CContactItemViewDef& aViewDef);
+ IMPORT_C void CloseContactL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C void CommitContactL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteContactL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteContactsL(const CContactIdArray& aContactIds);
+ IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CContactItem>* ImportContactsL(const TUid& aFormat,RReadStream& aReadStream,TBool& aImportSuccessful,TInt aOption);
+ IMPORT_C void ExportSelectedContactsL(const TUid& aFormat,const CContactIdArray& aSelectedContactIds,RWriteStream& aWriteStream,TInt aOption,TBool aExportPrivateFields=ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void ExportSelectedContactsL(const TUid& aFormat,const CContactIdArray& aSelectedContactIds,RWriteStream& aWriteStream,TInt aOption,const Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet, TBool aExportPrivateFields=ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void CompactL();
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* FindLC(const TDesC& aText,const CContactItemFieldDef *aFieldDef);
+ IMPORT_C CIdleFinder* FindAsyncL(const TDesC& aText,const CContactItemFieldDef *aFieldDef, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* FindInTextDefLC(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, const TCallBack &aWordParserCallback);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* FindInTextDefLC(const MDesCArray& aFindWords,CContactTextDef* aTextDef, const TCallBack &aWordParserCallback);
+ IMPORT_C CIdleFinder* FindInTextDefAsyncL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver, const TCallBack &aWordParserCallback);
+ IMPORT_C CIdleFinder* FindInTextDefAsyncL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords,const CContactTextDef* aTextDef, MIdleFindObserver *aObserver, const TCallBack &aWordParserCallback);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* SortArrayL(const CContactIdArray* aIdArray, const CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* SortArrayLC(const CContactIdArray* aIdArray, const CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ IMPORT_C void SortByTypeL(CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ IMPORT_C void SortL(CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ IMPORT_C void SortAsyncL(CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void CancelAsyncSort();
+ IMPORT_C void SortAsyncL(CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder, TRequestStatus& aStatus, MContactSortObserver& aObserver);
+ IMPORT_C void SetOperationTimeOutL(const TInt aMicroSeconds) const;
+ IMPORT_C TPtrC FileUid();
+ IMPORT_C CContactActiveCompress* CreateCompressorLC();
+ IMPORT_C CContactActiveRecover* CreateRecoverLC();
+ IMPORT_C void RecoverL();
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsDamaged() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool CompressRequired();
+ IMPORT_C void CloseTables();
+ IMPORT_C void OpenTablesL();
+ //New Phone Matching function, takes a number as a TDesc& and will match from the right of the string
+ //by the the number defined
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* MatchPhoneNumberL(const TDesC& aNumber, TInt aMatchLengthFromRight);
+ IMPORT_C const CContactIdArray* SortedItemsL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId TemplateId() const;
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateOwnCardLC();
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem* CreateOwnCardL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId OwnCardId() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetOwnCardL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+// Preferred Template
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId PrefTemplateId() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetPrefTemplateL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+// Current item
+ IMPORT_C void SetCurrentItem(const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId GetCurrentItem() const;
+// Connectivity
+ IMPORT_C void SetDateFormatTextL(const TDesC& aFormat);
+ IMPORT_C void FilterDatabaseL(CCntFilter& aFilter);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* ContactsChangedSinceL(const TTime& aTime);
+ IMPORT_C TContactSyncId SetLastSyncDateL(const TTime& aSyncDate);
+ IMPORT_C void SetLastSyncDateL(TContactSyncId aSyncId, const TTime& aSyncDate);
+ IMPORT_C void GetLastSyncDateL(TContactSyncId aSyncId, TTime& aSyncDate);
+ IMPORT_C TInt FileSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt WastedSpaceInBytes() const;
+ IMPORT_C TUint ConnectionId() const;
+ IMPORT_C const CContentType &TemplateContentType(const CContactItemField &aField) const;
+ IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt64 MachineId() const;
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId ICCTemplateIdL();
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId ICCTemplateIdL(TUid aPhonebookUid);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId PhonebookGroupIdL();
+public: // For test code only
+ IMPORT_C void DamageDatabaseL(TInt aSecretCode); // Don't use this, you don't really want to damage your database do you?
+ IMPORT_C void OverrideMachineUniqueId(TInt64 aMachineUniqueId);
+ IMPORT_C TInt CntServerResourceCount();
+ IMPORT_C void SetCntServerHeapFailure(TInt aTAllocFailType,TInt aRate);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* DeletedContactsLC();
+ IMPORT_C void ResetServerSpeedDialsL();
+public: // For cnt server only
+ void HandleDatabaseEventL(RDbNotifier::TEvent) {};
+ IMPORT_C void HandleDatabaseEventL(const TContactDbObserverEvent &aEvent);
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetCurrentDatabase(TDes& aDatabase) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetCurrentDatabase(const TDesC& aDatabase) const;
+ IMPORT_C void StoreSortOrderL();
+ IMPORT_C void RestoreSortOrderL();
+ IMPORT_C const CArrayFix<TSortPref>* SortOrder() const;
+ //Contact Hint Field Access
+ /** Contact view filter flags.
+ These flags define the bits that can be set in filtered views (CContactFilteredView)
+ and in the filter passed to CContactDatabase::ContactMatchesHintFieldL() for
+ comparing against contact view items (CViewContact).
+ If the item's bit field and the view's filter have the same settings for the
+ CContactDatabase::EHome and CContactDatabase::EWork flags and any of the other
+ flags are set in both, a match occurs and the item is included in the view.
+ Filters only apply to non-hidden contact fields with content. */
+ enum TContactViewFilter
+ {
+ /** The view is unfiltered; it includes all contact items. */
+ EUnfiltered =0x00000000,
+ /** The filter includes items that have an email address. */
+ EMailable =0x00000001,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a mobile telephone number. */
+ ESmsable =0x00000002,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a landline telephone number. */
+ ELandLine =0x00000004,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a fax number. */
+ EFaxable =0x00000008,
+ /** The filter includes items that are phonable. (All items with any of the above
+ three flags set also have this flag set). */
+ EPhonable =0x00000010,
+ /** The filter excludes items without a work telephone number or email address. */
+ EWork =0x00000020,
+ /** The filter excludes items without a home telephone number or email address. */
+ EHome =0x00000040,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a non-empty ring tone field (a ring tone
+ that is associated with the item). */
+ ERingTone =0x00000080,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a non-empty voice dial field (a voice
+ recording associated with a telephone number field in the item). */
+ EVoiceDial =0x00000100,
+ /** The filter includes items that have any non empty instant messaging address field. */
+ EIMAddress =0x00000200,
+ /** The filter includes items that have a non empty Wireless Village ID field.
+ An item with this flag set will also have the EIMAddress flag set. */
+ EWirelessVillage = 0x00000400,
+ /** Reserved filters for future use. */
+ ECustomFilter1 = 0x00000800,
+ /** Reserved filters for future use. */
+ ECustomFilter2 = 0x00001000,
+ /** Reserved filters for future use. */
+ ECustomFilter3 = 0x00002000,
+ /** Reserved filters for future use. */
+ ECustomFilter4 = 0x00004000
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TBool ContactMatchesHintFieldL(TInt aBitWiseFilter,TContactItemId aContactId);
+public: // for vCard converter only
+ IMPORT_C void DatabaseBeginLC(TBool aIsInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C void DatabaseCommitLP(TBool aIsInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItem *UpdateContactLC(TContactItemId aContactId,CContactItem* aNewContact);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId doAddNewContactL(CContactItem& aContact,TBool aIsTemplate,TBool aIsInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C void doCommitContactL(const CContactItem& aContact,TBool aIsInTransaction, TBool aSendChangedEvent);
+ IMPORT_C TContactItemId ContactIdByGuidL(const TDesC& aGuid);
+ IMPORT_C void doDeleteContactL(TContactItemId aContactId, TBool aIsInTransaction, TBool aSendChangedEvent, TBool aDecAccessCount=EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C CContactItemViewDef* AllFieldsView();
+public: // For Symbian use only
+ IMPORT_C void DatabaseBeginL(TBool aIsInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C void DatabaseCommitL(TBool aIsInTransaction);
+ IMPORT_C void DatabaseRollback();
+ IMPORT_C void SetSortedItemsList(CContactIdArray* aSortedItems, CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* UnfiledContactsL();
+ IMPORT_C static void RecreateSystemTemplateL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+public: // For Contacts Lock Server use only
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* LockServerConnectL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+ IMPORT_C static CContactDatabase* LockServerConnectL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aOperation);
+ IMPORT_C TInt LockServerCallBackL(TUint aServerOperation);
+ IMPORT_C void LockServerCleanup();
+ IMPORT_C void ExportSelectedContactsL(const TUid& aFormat, const CContactIdArray& aSelectedContactIds, RWriteStream& aWriteStream, TInt aOption, const TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, const TVCardVersion aVersion, const TBool aExportTel, Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet = Versit::EUTF8CharSet, TBool aExportPrivateFields = ETrue);
+ //for cntiter
+ TInt ContactPosL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ TInt DoGotoL(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void DoReadContactTextDefL(const CContactItemFieldSet* aFieldSet,TDes& aResult,CContactTextDef* aTextDef);
+ CContactItem* OpenNoMergeLCX(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void FetchGroupAndTemplateListsL();
+ void CancelNotifyRequestL();
+ TBool IsICCSynchronisedL();
+ //for LocalView
+ void AddObserverL(MContactDbObserver& aChangeNotifier);
+ void RemoveObserver(const MContactDbObserver& aChangeNotifier);
+ void OpenDatabaseAsyncL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aFileName = KNullDesC);
+ static void CleanupLastLockedContact(TAny *aDatabase);
+ CContactConverter& ConverterL(const TUid& aFormat);
+ CContactConverter& ConverterL(const TUid& aFormat, const TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, const TVCardVersion aVersion,const TBool aExportTel);
+ static void CleanupDatabaseRollback(TAny *aDatabase);
+ CContactIdArray* SortLC(const CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder, const CContactIdArray* aIdArray);
+ TBool CheckType(TUid aUid) const;
+ void SortDuplicatesL(const CArrayFix<TSortPref>& aSortOrder,CSortArray& aList,TInt aPos);
+ void SortDuplicatesL(const CArrayFix<TSortPref>& aSortOrder,CSortArray& aList,
+ TInt aIndex,TInt aStartPos,TInt aEndPos);
+ TBool AddContactToSortListL(TContactItemId aReqId, TContactItemId& aActualId,CBase* aItems, TUid& aFieldType, TBool aHasSortOrder);
+ void RemoveFromSortArray(TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void HandleDbObserverEventGroupDeletedL(const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void RemoveFromGroupIds(const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ static void CleanupTableCancel(TAny *aTable);
+/** A text buffer of KTextFieldMinimalLength used during sorting and searching of contacts */
+ typedef TBuf<KTextFieldMinimalLength> TTextFieldMinimal;
+ static TUid SpeedDialFieldUidFromSpeedDialPosition(TInt aSpeedDialPosition);
+ void HandleDiskSpaceEvent(TInt aDrive);
+ /** State of database connection
+ */
+ enum TDbConnState
+ {
+ /** Database is open, connection is available for use. */
+ EDbConnectionOpen = 0,
+ /** Initial state. */
+ EDbConnectionNotReady,
+ /** Asynchronous Open failed. */
+ EDbConnectionFailed,
+ /** A Rollback has occurred and a Recover is required now. */
+ EDbConnectionRecoverRequired,
+ /** Write access is locked during backup. */
+ EDbConnectionWriteLockedForBackup,
+ /** The database has been closed whilst a Restore is in progress. */
+ EDbConnectionClosedForRestore,
+ /** Restore is in progress need to close after current transaction. */
+ EDbConnectionNeedToCloseForRestore,
+ };
+ /** Currently unused */
+ enum TDirection {EAsc,EDesc}; //unused
+ void SetDbConnectionState(TDbConnState aDbConnectionState);
+ void CheckDbConnForWriteL() const;
+ void CheckDbConnForReadL() const;
+ void CheckDbConnForRecoverL() const;
+ void CheckTemplateField(CContactItem& aCnt);
+ static void ValidateDatabaseNameL(const TParse& aParseName);
+ void StartAsyncActivityL();
+ void EndAsyncActivityL();
+ TBool DatabaseReadyL() const;
+ enum TSvrSessionType //unused
+ {
+ // Server Session is persistent, for Open(L), CreateL or ReplaceL
+ ESvrSessionPersistent,
+ // Server Session is temporary, for a simple static API
+ ESvrSessionTemporary,
+ // Session is from the Contacts Lock Server
+ ESvrSessionFromLockServer,
+ };
+private: // objec construction/destruction
+ CContactDatabase();
+ static CContactDatabase* NewLC();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void CreateViewDefL();
+ MLplPersistenceLayerFactory* FactoryL();
+ CContactItem* doCreateContactGroupLC(const TDesC& aGroupLabel = KNullDesC);
+ void AddCntToOpenedGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, CContactItem& aGroup);
+ void ReadTemplateIdsL();
+ void AddToTemplateListL(const TContactItemId aNewTemplateId);
+ void RemoveFromTemplateList(const TContactItemId aOldTemplateId);
+ TBool SystemTemplateFieldsValid(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ void RespondToEventL(const TContactDbObserverEventType aEventType, const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void HandleDbObserverEventGroupOrContactChangedL(const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ void HandleDbObserverEventGroupOrContactAddedL(const TContactDbObserverEventType aEventType, const TContactItemId aContactId);
+ TBool CheckSortError(TInt aError);
+ TInt NextExistingL(TInt aIndex);
+ TInt PreviousExistingL(TInt aIndex);
+ void ReSortL(CArrayFix<TSortPref>* aSortOrder);
+ void InsertInSortArray(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ void MoveInSortArray(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ void InsertInSortArrayL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ void MoveInSortArrayL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ TInt NewSortIndexL(const CContactItem& aContact,TInt aStartPos,TInt aEndPos);
+ TInt CompareSortFieldsL(const CContactItem& aContact);
+ void ConstructTableUsageFlagsFromSortOrderL(TInt& aFlags);
+ void LoadSyncPluginL();
+ void DeleteContactSendEventActionL(TContactItemId aContactId, TCntSendEventAction aActionType);
+ // Member variables
+ RCntModel* iCntSvr; //was RDbNamedDatabase iDatabase;
+ CProxyFactory* iProxyFactory; //was RDbs iDbsSession;
+ TDbConnState iDbConnectionState; //was CContactClientSession* iContactClientSession;
+ CDataBaseChangeObserver* iDataBaseObserver; //was CPrivateDbChangeNotifier* iDbChangeNotifier;
+ CCntIdleSorter* iIdleSorter; //was CPrivateSvrSessionManager* iServerSessionManager;
+ CPrivConverter* iConv; //was TContactItemId iLastLockedContactId;
+ TBool iTablesOpen; //was TContactItemId iTemplateId;
+ CContactItemViewDef* iAllFieldsView; //was TContactItemId iOwnCardId;
+ TUid iDbViewContactType; //used to select which contact type to sort / search on
+ //These two members are accessed via the inline functions!
+ CContactIdArray* iCardTemplateIds;
+ CContactIdArray* iGroupIds;
+ CCntTemplateCache* iTemplateCache; //was CContactTables* iItemTable;
+ CContactTextDef* iTextDef; //remains
+ CContactIdArray* iSortedItems; //remains
+ CContactViewDef* iView; //remains
+ // Used in SetLastSyncDateL() and GetLastSyncDateL()
+ TTime iSyncDate; //was TInt64 iMachineUniqueId;
+ TCollationMethod iCollateMethod; //remains: used for sorting contacts
+ TInt iAsyncActivityCount;
+ CContactSynchroniser* iContactSynchroniser; //a handle to the synchroniser plugin
+ CArrayFix<TSortPref>* iSortOrder; // holds a sort order passed into SortL(), as in cntmodelv1,
+ // for delayed deletion to maintain backwards compatibility
+ };
+class CContactChangeNotifier : public CBase
+/** Receives events reporting changes to a contact database.
+After the change notifier has been created, it notifies the specified
+observer whenever a change takes place to the database.
+ {
+ IMPORT_C ~CContactChangeNotifier();
+ IMPORT_C static CContactChangeNotifier* NewL(CContactDatabase& aDatabase, MContactDbObserver *aObserver);
+ CContactChangeNotifier(CContactDatabase& aDatabase, MContactDbObserver *aObserver);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CContactDatabase &iDatabase;
+ MContactDbObserver* iObserver;
+ };
+/** The UID of the default vCard converter implemented by an ECom plugin.
+#define KUidEComCntVCardConverterDefaultImplementation 0x102035F9
+/** The UID of the default vCard converter plugin implementation. This
+implementation is independent of the plugin framework used.
+#define KUidVCardConvDefaultImpl KUidEComCntVCardConverterDefaultImplementation
+/** The UID of the vCard converter ECom plugin interface.
+const TUid KUidEcomCntVCardConverterInterface = {0x102035F7};
+/** The UID of the phone number parser ECom plugin interface.
+const TUid KUidEcomCntPhoneNumberParserInterface = {0x102035FA};
+/** The UID of PBAP vCard Converter plugin Implementation.
+#define KUidPBAPVCardConvImpl 0xA00015C1
+class TPluginParameters
+Class used to pack the extra arguments required for a PBAP conveter,
+PBAP client provides these arguments using overloaded CContactDatabase::ExportSelectedContacts.
+ TPluginParameters(TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, TVCardVersion aVersion, TBool aExportTel);
+ TInt64 GetFilter()const;
+ MConverterCallBack* GetCallback()const;
+ TVCardVersion GetExportVersion()const;
+ TBool IsExportTel()const;
+ TInt64 iFilter;
+ MConverterCallBack* iCallback;
+ TVCardVersion iVersion;
+ TBool iExportTel;
+inline TBool TPluginParameters::IsExportTel()const
+ {
+ return iExportTel;
+ }
+inline TInt64 TPluginParameters::GetFilter()const
+ {
+ return iFilter;
+ }
+inline MConverterCallBack* TPluginParameters::GetCallback()const
+ {
+ return iCallback;
+ }
+inline TVCardVersion TPluginParameters::GetExportVersion()const
+ {
+ return iVersion;
+ }
+inline TPluginParameters::TPluginParameters(TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, TVCardVersion aVersion, TBool aExportTel):iFilter(aContactFieldFilter), iCallback(aCallback), iVersion(aVersion), iExportTel(aExportTel)
+ {
+ }
+class CContactConverter : public CBase
+/** Provides functionality to import and export vCards.
+One or more vCards can be imported from a read stream (the vCards are converted
+into contact items and added to the database). Also, contact items can be exported as vCards.
+ {
+ virtual CArrayPtr<CContactItem>* ImportL(CContactDatabase& aDb,RReadStream& aReadStream,TBool& aImportSuccessful,TInt aOptions,TBool aImportSingle)=0;
+ virtual void ExportL(CContactDatabase& aDb,const CContactIdArray& aSelectedContactIds,RWriteStream& aWriteStream,TInt aOptions,const Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet,TBool aExportPrivateFields, TInt aCommitNumber=10)=0;
+ };
+class CContactEcomConverter : public CContactConverter
+It provides Ecom Framework based facilities to resolve and load the appropriate implementations at run-time.
+The framework supplies a default resolver for selecting appropriate implementations.
+ {
+ static CContactEcomConverter* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid);
+ static CContactEcomConverter* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid, TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, TVCardVersion aVersion, TBool aExportTel);
+ inline virtual ~CContactEcomConverter();
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ };
+inline CContactEcomConverter* CContactEcomConverter::NewL(TUid aImplementationUid)
+/** Allocates and instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
+@param aImplementationUid Denotes the type of implemetation that needs to be loaded.
+@return A pointer to a newly allocated and initialised object of type CContactEcomConverter. */
+ TAny* ptr = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(aImplementationUid,
+ _FOFF(CContactEcomConverter,
+ iDtor_ID_Key));
+ return reinterpret_cast<CContactEcomConverter*>(ptr);
+inline CContactEcomConverter* CContactEcomConverter::NewL(TUid aImplementationUid, TInt64 aContactFieldFilter, MConverterCallBack* aCallback, TVCardVersion aVersion, TBool aExportTel)
+/** Allocates and instantiates an interface implementation for PBAP export.
+@param aImplementationUid Denotes the type of implemetation that needs to be loaded.
+@param aContactFieldFilter Specifies contact fields to be exported.
+@param aCallback Callback to client for providing intra-contact properties.
+@param aVersion Denotes the vCard version for contact export.
+@return A pointer to a newly allocated and initialised object of type CContactEcomConverter. */
+ TPluginParameters partr(aContactFieldFilter,aCallback,aVersion,aExportTel);
+ TAny* ptr = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(aImplementationUid,
+ _FOFF(CContactEcomConverter,
+ iDtor_ID_Key), &partr);
+ return reinterpret_cast<CContactEcomConverter*>(ptr);
+inline CContactEcomConverter::~CContactEcomConverter()
+/** The destruction of the interface implementation referred to by iDtor_ID_Key */
+ {
+ REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);
+ }
+class CContactPhoneNumberParser : public CBase
+/** Provides functionality to extract the real phone number from a contact's phone number field.
+ {
+ virtual void ExtractRawNumber(const TDesC& aTextualNumber, TDes& aRawNumber)=0;
+ };
+class CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser : public CContactPhoneNumberParser
+/** It provides Ecom Framework based facilities to resolve and load the appropriate implementations at run-time.
+The framework supplies a default resolver for selecting appropriate implementations.
+ {
+ static CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid);
+ inline virtual ~CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser();
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ };
+inline CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser* CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser::NewL(TUid aImplementationUid)
+/** Allocates and Instantiates an interface implementation to satisfy the specified interface.
+@param aImplementationUid denotes the type of implemetation that need to be loaded.
+@return A pointer to a newly allocated and initialised object of type CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser. */
+ {
+ TAny* ptr = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(aImplementationUid,
+ _FOFF(CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser,
+ iDtor_ID_Key));
+ return reinterpret_cast<CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser*>(ptr);
+ }
+inline CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser::~CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser()
+/** The destruction of the interface implementation referred to by iDtor_ID_Key */
+ {
+ REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);
+ }
+inline TInt CContactDatabase::TemplateCount() const
+/** Gets the number of contact card templates that exist in the database.
+This does not include the system template.
+@return The number of contact card templates that exist in the database. */
+ { return iCardTemplateIds->Count(); }
+inline TInt CContactDatabase::GroupCount() const
+/** Gets the number of groups that exist in the database.
+@return The number of groups that exist in the database. */
+ { return iGroupIds->Count(); }
+inline TInt CContactDatabase::NullUidValue()
+/** Gets the NULL contact ID value.
+@return KNullContactId. */
+ { return KNullContactId; }
+inline TUid CContactItemViewDef::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+/** Gets the field type located at a specified index position within the field type array.
+@param aIndex The position of the field type in the array, relative to zero. It
+must be non-negative and less than the number of objects in the array otherwise the
+function raises a panic.
+@return The field type located at index aIndex within the array (this is equivalent to a
+TFieldType). */
+ { return iFieldTypes[aIndex]; }
+inline TInt CContactItemViewDef::Count() const
+/** Gets the number of field types in the view definition.
+@return The number of field types in the view definition. */
+ { return iFieldTypes.Count(); }
+inline void CContactItemViewDef::Reset()
+/** Deletes all field types from the view definition's field type array. */
+ { iFieldTypes.Reset(); }
+inline CContactItemViewDef::TUse CContactItemViewDef::Use() const
+/** Gets the view definition's use.
+@return The current TUse setting. */
+ { return iUse; }
+inline void CContactItemViewDef::SetUse(CContactItemViewDef::TUse aUse)
+/** Sets the view definition's use.
+@param aUse The new TUse setting. */
+ { iUse=aUse; }
+inline CContactItemViewDef::TMode CContactItemViewDef::Mode() const
+/** Gets the view definition's mode.
+@return The current TMode setting. */
+ { return iMode; }
+inline void CContactItemViewDef::SetMode(CContactItemViewDef::TMode aMode)
+/** Sets the view definition's mode.
+@param aMode The new TMode setting. */
+ { iMode=aMode; }
+inline CContactDatabase::TSortPref::TSortPref()
+ : iOrder(EAsc), iFieldType(KNullUid)
+/** Constructs a TSortPref object. The order is initialised to EAsc and the field
+type to KNullUid.
+ {}
+inline CContactDatabase::TSortPref::TSortPref(TFieldType aFieldType,TOrder aOrder)
+ : iOrder(aOrder), iFieldType(aFieldType)
+/** Constructs the TSortPref object with a field type and an order.
+@param aFieldType Specifies the field type to sort on.
+@param aOrder Specifies the sort order.
+ {}
+/** A class that manages the asynchronous open operation for a CContactDatabase.
+The object can be deleted before the asynchronous open completes. This will set
+the state of the client supplied TRequestStatus to KErrCancel.
+When the client supplied TRequestStatus is completed with KErrNone the TakeDatabase()
+method is called to pass ownership of the open database to the client.
+@see CContactDatabase::OpenL()
+class CContactOpenOperation : private CActive
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CContactDatabase* TakeDatabase();
+ IMPORT_C ~CContactOpenOperation();
+ static CContactOpenOperation* NewL(TRequestStatus& aPtrStatus);
+ static CContactOpenOperation* NewL(const TDesC& aFileName, TRequestStatus& aPtrStatus);
+ // from CActive (for BC reasons)
+ void RunL();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ void DoCancel();
+ CContactOpenOperation (TRequestStatus& aClientStatus);
+ void ConstructL (const TDesC& aFileName = KNullDesC);
+ TRequestStatus* iClientStatus;
+ CContactDatabase* iContactDatabase;
+ };
+#endif //__CNTDB_H__