--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/tsrc/T_PersistenceLayer.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Persistence Layer Test module
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <coreappstest/testserver.h>
+#include "persistencelayer.h"
+#include "cnttestsynchroniser.h"
+_LIT(KTestName, "T_PersistenceLayer"); // Used by Testhelper
+#include "testhelpers.h"
+#include "NbCntTestLib/NbCntTestLib.h"
+#include "T_PersistenceLayer.h"
+#include "T_CntTestImplDefs.h"
+#define RUN_PL
+#define RUN_CNT
+#define KUidContactFieldCustom1Value 0x101FD209
+#define KUidContactFieldCustom2Value 0x101FD20A
+const TUid KUidContactFieldCustom1={KUidContactFieldCustom1Value};
+const TUid KUidContactFieldCustom2={KUidContactFieldCustom2Value};
+_LIT(KCrudTestDbFile, "C:CRUD_TEST");
+// This test used to spit out a lot of html files which display
+// the contents of contact items. There are a lot of files
+// generated in the process which, as this is normally run on the
+// overnight build, are not read and just take up disk space.
+// Therefore, the call to the contact dumping method has been
+// configured out by #ifdefs and needs to be manually re-activated.
+// So, uncomment the following line to turn on contact dumping.
+void CPersistenceTests::AllTestsL()
+ {
+ FileCreationL();
+ IccL();
+ DuplicatedFieldUidsL();
+ BasicCRUDL();
+ ViewDefsInclL();
+ ViewDefsMaskL();
+ TDriveUnit drv(EDriveC);
+ CDesCArray* arr = iCntTestImpl.ListDatabasesL(drv);
+ delete arr;
+ OomTestL();
+ AccessCountL();
+ TemplateAccessCountL();
+ GroupsL();
+ iCntTestImpl.CloseDatabase();
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::IccL()
+ {
+ CContactSyncChecker::ResetL();
+ CContactItem* iccEntry = CContactICCEntry::NewL(iCntTestImpl.GetSysTemplate());
+ PUSH(iccEntry);
+ TCnt theCnt(iccEntry);
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = _L("Name");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyName] = _L("Example");
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*iccEntry);
+ POPD(iccEntry);
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::OomTestL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("ReadLC OOM test"));
+ CContactItem* cnt = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(1, *iMatchAll);
+ POPD(cnt);
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ for(TInt i=1; i < 2000; ++i)
+ {
+ __UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, i);
+ TRAP(ret, CContactItem* cnt = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(1, *iMatchAll); POPD(cnt); );
+ if (ret == KErrNone)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (ret != KErrNoMemory)
+ {
+ TESTVALUE(ret, KErrNoMemory);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(i % 100))
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("."), i/100);
+ }
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::TemplateAccessCountL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Template Access Count test"));
+ //Create a custom template
+ CContactItem* templ = iCntTestImpl.CreateContactCardTemplateLC(_L("UserTemplate"));
+ TContactItemId templId = templ->Id();
+ POPD(templ); templ = NULL;
+ //Read the template from the database
+ templ = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(templId, *iMatchAll);
+ TESTVALUE(templ->IsDeleted(), EFalse);
+ //Create a contact based on the template
+ CContactItem* card = CContactCard::NewLC(templ);
+ TCnt theCnt(card);
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] += _L("Contact");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyName] += _L("Based on");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KHome += _L("User Template");
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*card);
+ const TInt createdEntryId = card->Id();
+ POPD(card); card = NULL;
+ POPD(templ); templ = NULL;
+ //Try to delete the template (it should only be marked and deleted)
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(templId));
+ //Read the template from the database
+ //It should work and the template must be marked as deleted
+ templ = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(templId, *iMatchAll);
+ TESTTRUE(templ->IsDeleted());
+ POPD(templ); templ = NULL;
+ //Delete the only contact, based on the user template
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(createdEntryId));
+ //Because the contact was the only thing dependant on the template
+ //Template was deleted also
+ TRAPD(err, iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(templId, *iMatchAll); POPD(templ););
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrNotFound);
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::AccessCountL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Access Count test"));
+ static const TInt KAccessReps = 10;
+ TInt i = 0;
+ const CContactTemplate& goldenTemplate = iCntTestImpl.GetSysTemplate();
+ //Create a contact and set Acces Count to 10.
+ CContactItem* card = CContactCard::NewLC(&goldenTemplate);
+ TCnt theCnt(card);
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = _L("Sample");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyName] = _L("Test1");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KHome & KVoice & KCell = _L("mo1 7700900333");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KHome = _L("test@email");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldAddress] & KHome = _L("Home addresssssss");
+// theCnt[KUidContactFieldLocality] & KHome = _L("Rome");
+ for(i = 0; i < KAccessReps; ++i )
+ {
+ card->IncAccessCount();
+ }
+ TESTTRUE(card->AccessCount() == KAccessReps);;
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*card);
+ const TInt createdEntryId = card->Id();
+ POPD(card);
+ //Check is Access cound was saved
+ card = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(createdEntryId, *iMatchAll);
+ TESTTRUE(card->AccessCount() == KAccessReps);;
+ POPD(card);
+ //Try to delete entry 10 times
+ for(i = 0; i < KAccessReps; ++i )
+ {
+ iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(createdEntryId);
+ }
+ //Delete doesn't physically delete an entry, is simply marks is as deleted.
+ //Check is Access count was saved, set it back to 0 and update
+ card = iCntTestImpl.OpenLC(createdEntryId, *iMatchAll);
+ TESTTRUE(card->IsDeleted());
+ TESTTRUE(card->AccessCount() == KAccessReps);;
+ for(i = 0; i < KAccessReps; ++i )
+ {
+ card->DecAccessCount();
+ }
+ iCntTestImpl.UpdateL(*card); //The contact is actually deleted here
+ POPD(card); //because the access count is now 0
+ //The contact should not be there anymore
+ TRAPD(err, card = iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(createdEntryId, *iMatchAll));
+ TESTTRUE(err == KErrNotFound);
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::DuplicatedFieldUidsL()
+ {
+ CContactItem* cntItem = iCntTestImpl.OpenLC(1, *iMatchAll);
+ TCnt theCnt(cntItem);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("Before UID field")));
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KPager = _L("New work pager");
+ iCntTestImpl.UpdateL(*cntItem);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("After UID field")));
+ TPtrC phone = theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KPager;
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ }
+// Implementation of CPersistenceTests member functions
+void CPersistenceTests::FileCreationL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("File creation test"));
+ TRAPD(err,iCntTestImpl.CreateDatabaseL(_L("JustAFilename.ext"), ETrue));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrBadName); //The filename MUST contain a drive name
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateDatabaseL(KCrudTestDbFile, ETrue);
+ const CContactTemplate& goldenTemplate = iCntTestImpl.GetSysTemplate();
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(goldenTemplate, _L("Template")));
+ CContactItem* card = CContactCard::NewLC(&goldenTemplate);
+ TBuf<10> uidStr(_L("UidString"));
+ card->SetUidStringL(uidStr);
+ TCnt theCnt(card);
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = _L("Example1");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyName] = _L("NameL");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KHome & KVoice & KCell = _L("mo1 7700900333");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KHome & KVoice & KCell += _L("mo2 34530903495803948503984545");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KHome = _L("home@email");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldAddress] & KHome = _L("Home addresssssss");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldLocality] & KHome = _L("Glazgo");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldIMAddress] & KHome & KWv = _L("wireless@village");
+ //If the code fails on this line, you most likely haven't built the cnttutil
+ //test library that create the test version of the system template cntmodel.rsc
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldSecondName] = _L("Second name");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldCompanyName] = _L("Test");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldJobTitle] = _L("Name1");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice = _L("work Tel 12345");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KWork = _L("work@email");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldUrl] & KWork = _L("sdfsd");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldAddress] & KWork = _L("afas df asd");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldLocality] & KWork = _L("sdfsd");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldCustom1] = _L("Filterable 1");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldCustom2] = _L("Filterable 2");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenNamePronunciation] = _L("first name re");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyNamePronunciation] = _L("Last name re");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldSIPID] & KPoc = _L("SIP POC");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldSIPID] & KSwis = _L("SIP SWIS");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldSIPID] & KVoip = _L("SIP VOIP");
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*card, _L("Before Creation")));
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*card);
+ POPD(card);
+ card = CContactCard::NewLC(&goldenTemplate);
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = _L("Sample");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldFamilyName] = _L("Test");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldCompanyName] = _L("SYMBIANFOUNDATION");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldJobTitle] = _L("Test");
+ theCnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KHome & KVoice & KCell = _L("tel. 7700900333");
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*card);
+ POPD(card);
+ //Create a group
+ CContactGroup* group1 = iCntTestImpl.CreateGroupLC(_L("MyGroup1"));
+ POPD(group1);
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::ViewDefsMaskL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("View Definition with Masks"));
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Full"), *iMatchAll));
+ //ViewDefinition with masking of normal fields
+ CContactItemViewDef* viewDef0 = CContactItemViewDef::NewLC( CContactItemViewDef::EMaskFields,
+ CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeHiddenFields);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("MaskFields_nothing"), *viewDef0));
+ viewDef0->AddL(KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Mask_GivenName"), *viewDef0));
+ viewDef0->AddL(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Mask_GNameAndPhones"), *viewDef0));
+ viewDef0->AddL(KUidContactFieldEMail);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Mask_GNamePhonesAndEmails"), *viewDef0));
+ viewDef0->Remove(2);
+ viewDef0->Remove(1);
+ viewDef0->Remove(0);
+ viewDef0->AddL(KHome);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Mask_Home"), *viewDef0));
+ viewDef0->Remove(0);
+ POPD(viewDef0);
+ //ViewDefinition with masking of hidden fields
+ CContactItemViewDef* viewDef1 = CContactItemViewDef::NewLC( CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields,
+ CContactItemViewDef::EMaskHiddenFields);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyGivenName_noH"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldPicture);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("noH_Photo"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ POPD(viewDef1);
+ //todo: add more testing for hidden fields.
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::ViewDefsInclL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("View Definition with Inclusions"));
+ CContactItem* cntItem = NULL;
+ //ViewDefinition with inclusion
+ CContactItemViewDef* viewDef1 = CContactItemViewDef::NewLC(CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields,CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeHiddenFields);
+ cntItem = iCntTestImpl.ReadMinimalLC(1);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("Minimal")));
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Full"), *iMatchAll));
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyPhones"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldAddress);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyAddress"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyGivenName"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldEMail);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyEmails"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("Emails_and_Phones"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldFamilyName);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("EmailsPhonesAndFamilyName"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(2);
+ viewDef1->Remove(1);
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldBirthday);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyBirthday"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ viewDef1->AddL(KUidContactFieldPicture);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.PrintCntForViewL(_L("OnlyPicture"), *viewDef1));
+ viewDef1->Remove(0);
+ POPD(viewDef1);
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::GroupsL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Groups testing"));
+ //Create a new group
+ CContactGroup* group1 = iCntTestImpl.CreateGroupLC(_L("NewGroupLabel")); //>>>
+ const TContactItemId newGroupID = group1->Id();
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group1, _L("NewGroup_created")));
+ //Add existing contact to the group
+ iCntTestImpl.GroupAddAndRemove(*group1, 1, -1);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group1, _L("GroupWithContAdded")));
+ //Add another existing contact to the groups
+ iCntTestImpl.GroupAddAndRemove(*group1, 2, -1);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group1, _L("GroupWithCont2Added")));
+ //Add the created group to an existing group
+ CContactGroup* group3 = static_cast<CContactGroup*>(iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(3, *iMatchAll)); //>>>
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group3, _L("ExitstingGroup3")));
+ iCntTestImpl.GroupAddAndRemove(*group3, group1->Id(), -1);
+ POPD(group3); //<<<
+ POPD(group1); //<<<
+ //Print the existing group contents
+ group3 = static_cast<CContactGroup*>(iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(3, *iMatchAll)); //>>>
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group3, _L("Group3AddedGroup1")));
+ POPD(group3); //<<<
+ //Delete one of the contacts, belonging to the newly created group
+ iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(2);
+ group1 = static_cast<CContactGroup*>(iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(newGroupID, *iMatchAll)); //>>>
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group1, _L("GroupWithContRemoved")));
+ POPD(group1); //<<<
+ //Delete new group
+ iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(newGroupID);
+ group3 = static_cast<CContactGroup*>(iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(3, *iMatchAll)); //>>>
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*group3, _L("Group3-Group1WasDeleted")));
+ //
+ TRAPD(err, iCntTestImpl.GroupAddAndRemove(*group3, 238, -1));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrNotFound);
+ TRAP(err, iCntTestImpl.GroupAddAndRemove(*group3, -1, 1257));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrNotFound);
+ POPD(group3); //<<<
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::BasicCRUDL()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Basic CRUD test"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Reading Template\n"));
+ CContactItem* cntItem = iCntTestImpl.ReadMinimalLC(0);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("GoldenTempl")));
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ test.Printf(_L("Reading First contact\n"));
+ cntItem = iCntTestImpl.ReadMinimalLC(1);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("Contact_1")));
+ TCnt theCnt2(cntItem);
+ theCnt2[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KHome & KVoice & KCell = _L("456456456");
+ theCnt2[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice = _L("456456456");
+ //Note that we are trying to create a contact, based on another conact which
+ //was read using ReadMinimal API. This API doest read template information
+ //So the newly created contact will not be bases on any template
+ //(even not on Golden Template e.i. TemplateRefId() == 0)
+ test.Printf(_L("Create new contact\n"));
+ TContactItemId newItemId = 0;
+ TESTTRAP(newItemId = iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*cntItem));
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("InMemoryAfterCreation")));
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ test.Printf(_L("Reading Created contact\n"));
+ cntItem = iCntTestImpl.OpenLC(newItemId, *iMatchAll);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("Created_ReadFromDb")));
+ TCnt theCnt3(cntItem);
+ theCnt3[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = _L("new Given Name");
+ theCnt3[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice = _L("123123123");
+ theCnt3[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice & KCell += _L("123123123");
+ theCnt3[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KHome = _L("new@home");
+ theCnt3[KUidContactFieldAddress] & KHome = _L("new home address");
+ test.Printf(_L("Update contact\n"));
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("BeforeUpdate")));
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.UpdateL(*cntItem));
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("AfterUpdate")));
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ test.Printf(_L("Reading Updated contact\n"));
+ cntItem = iCntTestImpl.ReadMinimalLC(newItemId);
+ TESTTRAP(iCntTestImpl.DumpContactL(*cntItem, _L("Updated_ReadFromDb")));
+ iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(cntItem->Id());
+ POPD(cntItem);
+ }
+//Persistence test construction and destruction
+CPersistenceTests* CPersistenceTests::NewLC (CCntTestImplementor& aCntTestImpl)
+ {
+ CPersistenceTests* self = new (ELeave) CPersistenceTests(aCntTestImpl);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CPersistenceTests::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iMatchAll = CContactItemViewDef::NewLC(CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields,CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeHiddenFields);
+ iMatchAll->AddL(KUidContactFieldMatchAll);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iMatchAll);
+ }
+ {
+ delete iMatchAll;
+ iMatchAll = NULL;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoTestsL()
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(test);
+ CPersistenceTests* cntTester = NULL;
+ test.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-T-PERSISTENCELAYER-0001 Persistency tests"));
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+#ifdef RUN_PL
+ test.Start(_L("Persistence Layer Tests"));
+ CPlTestImpl* plCntTestImpl = CPlTestImpl::NewLC();
+ cntTester = CPersistenceTests::NewLC(*plCntTestImpl);
+ cntTester->AllTestsL();
+ test(__NB_failures == 0);
+ POPD(cntTester);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(plCntTestImpl);
+ plCntTestImpl = NULL;
+ test.End();
+#ifdef RUN_CNT
+ test.Start(_L("Contact model tests"));
+ CCntTestImpl* oldCntTestImpl = CCntTestImpl::NewLC();
+ cntTester = CPersistenceTests::NewLC(*oldCntTestImpl);
+ cntTester->AllTestsL();
+ POPD(cntTester);
+ test(__NB_failures == 0);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(oldCntTestImpl);
+ oldCntTestImpl = NULL;
+ test.End();
+ User::After(1500000);
+ serv.Close();
+ test.End();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // test.Close
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ // Init
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if (!cleanupStack)
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
+ if (!activeScheduler)
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler);
+ // Run the tests
+ TRAPD(err, DoTestsL());
+ test(err == KErrNone);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(CContactDatabase::DeleteDatabaseL(KCrudTestDbFile) );
+ // Cleanup
+ delete activeScheduler;
+ delete cleanupStack;
+ activeScheduler = NULL;
+ cleanupStack = NULL;
+ return err;
+ }