changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 24 0ba2181d7c28
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/tsrc/t_iccview.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1239 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <cntdb.h>
+#include <cntitem.h>
+#include <cntfield.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <phbksync.h>
+#include "cntsyncecom.h"
+#include "T_UTILS.H"
+#include "cntsyncchecker.h"
+#include "CContactViewEventQueue.h"
+#include "CContactDbEventQueue.h"
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+// include templates for CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T)
+#include "cntviewprivate.h"
+_LIT(KTestName,"@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-T-ICCVIEW-0001 t_iccview");
+_LIT(KTestDbName, "c:T_ICCView.cdb");
+_LIT(KPluginName,"phone book synchronizer Implementation");
+_LIT(KTestPluginName,"Test phone book synchronizer Implementation");
+LOCAL_D RTest test(KTestName);
+LOCAL_D CContactSyncChecker* syncChecker;
+class CICCViewTest : public CBase
+	{
+	static CICCViewTest* NewLC(const RArray<TUid>& aPhonebookList);
+	~CICCViewTest();
+	void TestOneOrFiveL(TBool aCreateViewBeforeSync);
+	void TestTwoL();
+	void TestThreeOrSixL(TBool aCreateViewBeforeSync);
+	void TestFourL();
+	void TestSevenL();
+	void TestConcurrenceL();
+	enum TSyncStatus 
+		{
+		ENotSynchronised,
+		ESynchronised,
+		ESyncIccLocked,
+		};
+	CICCViewTest(const RArray<TUid>& aPhonebookList);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void CreateViewsL();
+	void CheckViewCreateAndSyncEventsL(TInt aSyncCompletionError, TInt aIsSyncError);
+	void CheckEventsForTestFourL();
+	void SyncThenCreateViewCheckEventsL(TInt aSyncCompletionError, TInt aIsSyncError);
+	void CheckEventsForTestSevenL();
+	void CreateEntriesL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIsIccEntry=EFalse);
+	void CreateEntriesNoVerifyL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIsIccEntry=EFalse);
+	void DeleteEntriesL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIccEntry=EFalse);
+	void CreateEntryL(TBool aIsIccEntry=EFalse);
+	void VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(TSyncStatus aSyncStatus);
+	void SetRandomAlphaString(TDes& aBuf,TInt aLength);
+	TText RandomCharCode(TText aLowerBound,TText aUpperBound,TText aException);
+	TText RandomCharCode(TText aLowerBound,TText aUpperBound);
+	const RArray<TUid>& iPhbkList;
+	CContactDatabase* iDb;
+	CContactItem* iEntry;
+	CContactViewEventQueue* iViewEventQueue;
+	RContactViewSortOrder iViewSortOrder;
+	CContactLocalView* iContactsView;
+	CContactLocalView* iIccView;
+	CContactLocalView* iContactsAndIccView;
+	CContactViewEventQueue* iFilteredViewEventQueue;
+	CContactItem* iTemplate;
+	RArray<TContactItemId>	iIccContacts;
+	RArray<TContactItemId>	iNonIccContacts;
+	TInt64 iRandSeed;
+	TInt iInitialIccCount;
+	};
+CICCViewTest* CICCViewTest::NewLC(const RArray<TUid>& aPhonebookList)
+    {
+    CICCViewTest* self = new(ELeave) CICCViewTest(aPhonebookList);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+CICCViewTest::CICCViewTest(const RArray<TUid>& aPhonebookList) : iPhbkList(aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::ConstructL()
+    {
+	// reset method call count & phonebook sync state
+	// Set-up responses from the phonebook plug-in 
+	syncChecker->ResetEverythingL();
+	// tell phonebook sync simulator what phonebooks to use
+	test(syncChecker->SetPhonebookListL(iPhbkList) == KErrNone);
+	// put one contact in the first ICC Phonebook
+	test(syncChecker->AddContactToPhonebookL(iPhbkList[0], _L("John Brown"), _L("1234")) == KErrNone);
+	// put one contact in the last ICC Phonebook
+	test(syncChecker->AddContactToPhonebookL(iPhbkList[iPhbkList.Count()-1], _L("Al Capone"), _L("9876")) == KErrNone);
+	// number of ICC contacts expected in Views after Synchronisation
+	iInitialIccCount = 2;
+    // start test with empty database
+	iDb = CContactDatabase::ReplaceL(KTestDbName);
+    iViewEventQueue = CContactViewEventQueue::NewL();
+    iViewSortOrder.AppendL(KUidContactFieldFamilyName);
+    iViewSortOrder.AppendL(KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+    iViewSortOrder.AppendL(KUidContactFieldCompanyName);
+	}
+// Create 3 views: non-icc contacts, icc contacts, and both
+void CICCViewTest::CreateViewsL()
+	{
+    iContactsView = CContactLocalView::NewL(*iViewEventQueue, *iDb, iViewSortOrder, EContactsOnly);
+	iIccView = CContactLocalView::NewL(*iViewEventQueue, *iDb, iViewSortOrder, EICCEntriesOnly);
+	iContactsAndIccView = CContactLocalView::NewL(*iViewEventQueue, *iDb, iViewSortOrder, EICCEntriesAndContacts);
+	}
+ Test View notifications when Phonebook Synch finishes
+ Takes parameters to stimulate error conditions in the synchronisation
+ Method: Creates 3 views for Contacts, ICC Entries and Mixed Contacts & ICC Entries
+ Count/check the View events.
+ */
+void CICCViewTest::CheckViewCreateAndSyncEventsL(TInt aSyncCompletionError, TInt aIsSyncError)
+	{
+    // Wait for local views to get ready
+	TInt readyCount(0);
+	TInt sortErrorCount(0);
+    TContactViewEvent event;
+	// create the view to test
+	CreateViewsL();
+	// Contact only view should Ready
+	test(iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event));
+	// Expecting EReady event
+	test.Printf(_L("Event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+	test(event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EReady);
+	readyCount++;
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	TInt notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// Phbk Watchers should be created when views were created - check number of plug-in calls
+	test(syncChecker->SyncMethodCallCountL() == (2 + 4 * iPhbkList.Count()));
+	// synchronise all phonebooks
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, aSyncCompletionError, aIsSyncError) == KErrNone);
+	// views with ICC entries should become ready now
+	while (((readyCount + sortErrorCount) < 3) && iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event))
+		{
+		// Expecting EReady events
+		switch (event.iEventType)
+			{
+		case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded\n"));
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EReady:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EReady\n"));
+			readyCount++;
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::ESortError:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - ESortError\n"));
+			if (aSyncCompletionError != KErrNone)
+				{
+				test(event.iInt == aSyncCompletionError);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				test(event.iInt == aIsSyncError);
+				}
+			sortErrorCount++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+			test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	// either received all events or timed out waiting
+	if (aSyncCompletionError == KErrNone && aIsSyncError == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// all 3 views should be ready
+		test(readyCount == 3);
+		// check number of entries in views (ICC is synchronised)
+		VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// ICC views should have had sort errors
+		test(sortErrorCount == 2);
+		// check number of entries in views (ICC is not synchronised)
+		VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ENotSynchronised);
+		}
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// Check the number of requests made to the plug-in
+	const TInt methodCount = syncChecker->SyncMethodCallCountL();
+	if (aSyncCompletionError == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// There should be 1 call plus 4 per phonebook to the Phonebook Sync plug-in
+		// PhonebookList + N * 2 * (NotifySyncStateChange, IsSynchronised)
+		test(methodCount == 2 + (8 * iPhbkList.Count()));  
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// There should be 1 call plus 2 per phonebook to the Phonebook Sync plug-in
+		// PhonebookList + N * (NotifySyncStateChange, IsSynchronised, NotifySyncStateChange)
+		test(methodCount == 2 + (6 * iPhbkList.Count())); 
+		}
+    // Flush all other events
+	iViewEventQueue->Flush();
+	}
+ Test Objective: Test Phonebook Synch for SIM card that starts Locked and becomes Unlocked.
+ - tests View events and number of contacts in views
+ Method: Creates 3 views for Contacts, ICC Entries and Mixed Contacts & ICC Entries.
+   Simulated Phonebook Synch fails with ICC card locked, subsequently card becomes unlocked
+   and Phonebook Synch succeeds.
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Create some non-ICC Contacts.
+ 2. Contacts only view becomes ready, while PhoneBook Synch waits to Synchronise.
+ 3. PhoneBook Synch then indicates an error due to SIM card (ICC) locked.
+ 4. The two ICC views become available without ICC entries.
+ 5. The PhoneBook Synch then indicates that the Cache is Valid.
+ 6. The two ICC views are updated (re-sorted) with the ICC entries.
+ 7. Cleanup (deletes all entries)
+ */
+void CICCViewTest::CheckEventsForTestFourL()
+	{
+    // Wait for local views to get ready
+    TContactViewEvent event;
+	TInt readyCount(0);
+	TInt unavailableCount(0);
+	TInt sortOrderChangedCount(0);
+	// create the view to test
+	CreateViewsL();
+	// Test Step 1. Create some non-ICC Contacts.
+	test.Printf(_L("Creating 5 Contacts\n"));
+	CreateEntriesNoVerifyL(5);
+	// This While loop tests for steps:
+	// 2. Contacts only view becomes ready, while PhoneBook Synch waits to Synchronise.
+	// 3. PhoneBook Synch then indicates an error due to SIM card (ICC) locked.
+	// 4. The two ICC views become available without ICC entries.
+	/* Expected events:
+	 * a) EReady (1) => non-ICC Contacts view is ready
+	 * b) [listen times out] test must notify sync SIM lock error
+	 * c&d) EReady (1) => ICC Views become Ready empty or with contacts only
+	 */
+	// Contact only view should Ready
+	test(iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event));
+	// Expecting EReady event
+	test.Printf(_L("Event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+	test(event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EReady);
+	readyCount++;
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	TInt notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// synchronise all phonebooks, with SIM card "access denied" condition
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, KErrNone, KErrAccessDenied) == KErrNone);
+	// views with ICC entries should become ready now
+	while ((readyCount < 3) && iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event))
+		{
+		// Expecting EReady events
+		switch (event.iEventType)
+			{
+		case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded\n"));
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EReady:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EReady\n"));
+			readyCount++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+			test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	test(readyCount == 3);
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// check number of entries in views (ICC locked)
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESyncIccLocked);
+	// Test Step 5. The PhoneBook Synch then indicates that the Cache is Valid.
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, KErrNone, KErrNone) == KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("PhoneBook Synch completed, cache now valid\n"));
+	// Test Step 6. The two ICC views are updated (re-sorted) with the ICC entries.
+	/* The 2 Views with ICC entries will each have 2 events:
+	 * a) EUnavailable (0) => view is unavailable
+	 * b) ESortOrderChanged (2) => view is Ready again
+	 *
+	 * For the 2 Views these can be interleaved
+	 */
+	while ((unavailableCount < 2) || (sortOrderChangedCount < 2))
+		{
+		TBool eventReceived = iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(1,event);
+		if (eventReceived)
+			{
+			switch(event.iEventType)
+				{
+				case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded (Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+					// ignore events from adding contacts
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+					// ignore events from adding contacts
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::ESortOrderChanged:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - ESortOrderChanged\n"));
+					sortOrderChangedCount++;
+					test(sortOrderChangedCount <= unavailableCount);
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::EUnavailable:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EUnavailable\n"));
+					unavailableCount++;
+					test(unavailableCount <= 2);
+					break;
+				default:
+					test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+					test(EFalse);
+					break;
+				}
+			}	
+		}
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// check number of entries in views (ICC synchronised)
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+	// Check the number of requests made to the plug-in
+	// Expecting 6 calls in total from PhbkSync Watcher
+	// (NotifySyncStateChange + IsSynchronised) * 3
+	//
+	// Test Step 7. Cleanup (deletes all entries)
+	// delete non-Icc entries
+	DeleteEntriesL(iNonIccContacts.Count());
+	// delete Icc entries
+	DeleteEntriesL(iIccContacts.Count(), ETrue);
+	// no entries left
+	test((iNonIccContacts.Count() == 0) && (iIccContacts.Count() == 0));
+    // Flush all other events
+	iViewEventQueue->Flush();
+	}
+ Test View notifications when Phonebook Synch finishes
+ Takes parameters to stimulate error conditions in the synchronisation
+ Method: Start synchronisation then creates 3 views for Contacts, ICC Entries and Mixed Contacts & ICC Entries
+ Count/check the View events.
+ */
+void CICCViewTest::SyncThenCreateViewCheckEventsL(TInt aSyncCompletionError, TInt aIsSyncError)
+	{
+    // Wait for local views to get ready
+	TInt readyCount(0);
+	TInt sortErrorCount(0);
+    TContactViewEvent event;
+	// synchronise all phonebooks
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, aSyncCompletionError, aIsSyncError) == KErrNone);
+	// create the view to test
+	CreateViewsL();
+	// Contact only view should Ready
+	test(iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event));
+	// Expecting EReady event
+	test.Printf(_L("Event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+	test(event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EReady);
+	readyCount++;
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	TInt notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// Phbk Watchers should be created when views were created - check number of plug-in calls
+	//test(syncChecker->SyncMethodCallCountL() == (1 + 2 * iPhbkList.Count())); Johan
+	// views with ICC entries should become ready now
+	while (((readyCount + sortErrorCount) < 3) && iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event))
+		{
+		// Expecting EReady events
+		switch (event.iEventType)
+			{
+		case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded\n"));
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EReady:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EReady\n"));
+			readyCount++;
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::ESortError:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - ESortError\n"));
+			if (aSyncCompletionError != KErrNone)
+				{
+				test(event.iInt == aSyncCompletionError);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				test(event.iInt == aIsSyncError);
+				}
+			sortErrorCount++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+			test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	// either received all events or timed out waiting
+	if (aSyncCompletionError == KErrNone && aIsSyncError == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// all 3 views should be ready
+		test(readyCount == 3);
+		// check number of entries in views (ICC is synchronised)
+		VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// ICC views should have had sort errors
+		test(sortErrorCount == 2);
+		// check number of entries in views (ICC is not synchronised)
+		VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ENotSynchronised);
+		}
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// Check the number of requests made to the plug-in
+	const TInt methodCount = syncChecker->SyncMethodCallCountL();
+	if (aSyncCompletionError == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// There should be 1 call plus 2 per phonebook to the Phonebook Sync plug-in
+		// PhonebookList + N * (NotifySyncStateChange, IsSynchronised)
+		test(methodCount == 2 + (4 * iPhbkList.Count())); 
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// There should be 1 call plus 2 per phonebook to the Phonebook Sync plug-in
+		// PhonebookList + N * NotifySyncStateChange + N * 2 * (IsSynchronised, NotifySyncStateChange)
+		test(methodCount == 1 + (5 * iPhbkList.Count())); 
+		}
+    // Flush all other events
+	iViewEventQueue->Flush();
+	}
+ Test Objective: Test Phonebook Synch for SIM card that starts Locked and becomes Unlocked.
+ - tests View events and number of contacts in views
+ Differs from test 4 in that the initial Phonebook Sync state (SIM locked) is indicated
+ before the views are created.
+ Method: Creates 3 views for Contacts, ICC Entries and Mixed Contacts & ICC Entries.
+   Simulated Phonebook Synch fails with ICC card locked, subsequently card becomes unlocked
+   and Phonebook Synch succeeds.
+ Test steps:
+ 1. PhoneBook Synch fails with an error due to SIM card (ICC) locked.
+ 2. Create Views and some non-ICC Contacts.
+ 2. Contacts only view becomes ready
+ 4. The two ICC views become available without ICC entries.
+ 5. The PhoneBook Synch then indicates that the Cache is Valid.
+ 6. The two ICC views are updated (re-sorted) with the ICC entries.
+ 7. Cleanup (deletes all entries)
+ */
+void CICCViewTest::CheckEventsForTestSevenL()
+	{
+    // Wait for local views to get ready
+    TContactViewEvent event;
+	TInt readyCount(0);
+	TInt unavailableCount(0);
+	TInt sortOrderChangedCount(0);
+	// Test step 1. synchronise all phonebooks, with SIM card "access denied" condition
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, KErrNone, KErrAccessDenied) == KErrNone);
+	// Test Step 2. Create views and some non-ICC Contacts.
+	CreateViewsL();
+	test.Printf(_L("Creating 5 Contacts\n"));
+	CreateEntriesNoVerifyL(5);
+	// This While loop tests for steps:
+	// 2. Contacts only view becomes ready, and 
+	// 3. The two ICC views become available without ICC entries.
+	/* Expected events:
+	 * a) EReady (1) => non-ICC Contacts view is ready
+	 * b&c) EReady (1) => ICC Views become Ready empty or with contacts only
+	 */
+	// views with ICC entries should become ready now
+	while ((readyCount < 3) && iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event))
+		{
+		// Expecting EReady events
+		switch (event.iEventType)
+			{
+		case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded\n"));
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+			// ignore events from adding contacts
+			break;
+		case TContactViewEvent::EReady:
+			test.Printf(_L("Event received - EReady\n"));
+			readyCount++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+			test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	test(readyCount == 3);
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	TInt notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// check number of entries in views (ICC locked)
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESyncIccLocked);
+	// Test Step 5. The PhoneBook Synch then indicates that the Cache is Valid.
+	test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, KErrNone, KErrNone) == KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("PhoneBook Synch completed, cache now valid\n"));
+	// Test Step 6. The two ICC views are updated (re-sorted) with the ICC entries.
+	/* The 2 Views with ICC entries will each have 2 events:
+	 * a) EUnavailable (0) => view is unavailable
+	 * b) ESortOrderChanged (2) => view is Ready again
+	 *
+	 * For the 2 Views these can be interleaved
+	 */
+	while ((unavailableCount < 2) || (sortOrderChangedCount < 2))
+		{
+		TBool eventReceived = iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(1,event);
+		if (eventReceived)
+			{
+			switch(event.iEventType)
+				{
+				case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EItemAdded (Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+					// ignore events from adding contacts
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EGroupChanged (group Id %i)\n"), event.iContactId);
+					// ignore events from adding contacts
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::ESortOrderChanged:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - ESortOrderChanged\n"));
+					sortOrderChangedCount++;
+					test(sortOrderChangedCount <= unavailableCount);
+					break;
+				case TContactViewEvent::EUnavailable:
+					test.Printf(_L("Event received - EUnavailable\n"));
+					unavailableCount++;
+					test(unavailableCount <= 2);
+					break;
+				default:
+					test.Printf(_L("Unexpected event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+					test(EFalse);
+					break;
+				}
+			}	
+		}
+	// there should be 1 Synch Change Notification request outstanding per phonebook
+	notificationCount = syncChecker->TotalNotificationPendingCountL();
+	test(notificationCount == iPhbkList.Count());
+	// check number of entries in views (ICC synchronised)
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+	// Check the number of requests made to the plug-in
+	// Expecting 6 calls in total from PhbkSync Watcher
+	// (NotifySyncStateChange + IsSynchronised) * 3
+	//
+	TInt methodCount = syncChecker->SyncMethodCallCountL();
+	// Number of expected calls to syncChecker->MethodCalledL()
+	test(methodCount = 6); 
+	// Test Step 7. Cleanup (deletes all entries)
+	// delete non-Icc entries
+	DeleteEntriesL(iNonIccContacts.Count());
+	// delete Icc entries
+	DeleteEntriesL(iIccContacts.Count(), ETrue);
+	// no entries left
+	test((iNonIccContacts.Count() == 0) && (iIccContacts.Count() == 0));
+    // Flush all other events
+	iViewEventQueue->Flush();
+	}
+    {
+	iIccContacts.Reset();
+	iIccContacts.Close();
+	iNonIccContacts.Reset();
+	iNonIccContacts.Close();
+    if (iContactsView)
+		iContactsView->Close(*iViewEventQueue);
+    if (iIccView)
+		iIccView->Close(*iViewEventQueue);
+    if (iContactsAndIccView)
+		iContactsAndIccView->Close(*iViewEventQueue);
+	delete iViewEventQueue;
+    iViewSortOrder.Close();
+	delete iEntry;
+	delete iTemplate;
+    delete iDb;
+    TRAP_IGNORE(CContactDatabase::DeleteDatabaseL(KTestDbName));
+    }
+void CICCViewTest::CreateEntriesL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIsIccEntry)
+	{
+	iViewEventQueue->Flush();
+	for	(TInt i=0; i<aNumberOfEntries; i++)
+		{
+		CreateEntryL(aIsIccEntry);
+		}
+	// wait for views to be updated
+	TContactViewEvent event;
+	test(iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event));
+	test((event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded) || (event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged));
+    // Eat away events
+    do{}
+	while (iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(1,event));
+	// Check views
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::CreateEntriesNoVerifyL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIsIccEntry)
+	{
+	// add Contacts entries, but don't verify now
+	for	(TInt i=0; i<aNumberOfEntries; i++)
+		{
+		if(aIsIccEntry)
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("  Adding SIM contact - - -\n"));
+			}
+		CreateEntryL(aIsIccEntry);
+		}
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::CreateEntryL(TBool aIsIccEntry)
+	{
+	TBool iccEntry=EFalse;
+	if	(aIsIccEntry)
+		{
+		if (iTemplate == NULL)
+			{
+			TContactItemId templateId = iDb->ICCTemplateIdL(iPhbkList[0]);
+			iTemplate = iDb->ReadContactL(templateId);
+			}
+		iEntry=CContactICCEntry::NewL(*iTemplate);
+		iccEntry=ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iEntry=CContactCard::NewL();
+		}
+	HBufC* buf=HBufC::NewLC(32);
+	TPtr bufPtr=buf->Des();
+	SetRandomAlphaString(bufPtr,16);
+	CContactItemFieldSet& fieldSet=iEntry->CardFields();
+	const TInt pos=fieldSet.Find(KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+	if (pos!=KErrNotFound)
+		fieldSet[pos].TextStorage()->SetTextL(bufPtr);
+	iDb->AddNewContactL(*iEntry);
+	if(iccEntry)
+		{
+		iIccContacts.Append(iEntry->Id());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iNonIccContacts.Append(iEntry->Id());
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
+	delete iEntry;
+	iEntry=NULL;
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::DeleteEntriesL(TInt aNumberOfEntries, TBool aIccEntry)
+	{
+	if(aIccEntry)
+		{
+		const TInt max = iIccContacts.Count();
+		if(aNumberOfEntries > max)
+			{
+			aNumberOfEntries = max;
+			}
+		for(TInt i=0; i<aNumberOfEntries; i++)
+			{
+			iDb->DeleteContactL(iIccContacts[0]);
+			iIccContacts.Remove(0);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		const TInt max = iNonIccContacts.Count();
+		if(aNumberOfEntries > max)
+			{
+			aNumberOfEntries = max;
+			}
+		for(TInt i=0; i<aNumberOfEntries; i++)
+			{
+			iDb->DeleteContactL(iNonIccContacts[0]);
+			iNonIccContacts.Remove(0);
+			}
+		}
+    // Eat away events
+	TContactViewEvent event;
+    do{}
+	while (iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(1,event));
+	// Check views
+	VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(ESynchronised);
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::VerifyNumberOfEntriesInEachViewL(TSyncStatus aSyncStatus)
+	{
+	// any sync status -> check non Icc View
+	TInt nonIcc = iContactsView->CountL();
+	// number items in view matches the number of contacts added?
+	test(nonIcc == iNonIccContacts.Count());
+	// should ICC views be ready?
+	if (aSyncStatus == ESynchronised || aSyncStatus == ESyncIccLocked)
+		{
+		TInt Icc=iIccView->CountL();
+		TInt both=iContactsAndIccView->CountL();
+		if (aSyncStatus == ESynchronised)
+			{
+			test(Icc == iInitialIccCount + iIccContacts.Count());
+			test(both == iInitialIccCount + iNonIccContacts.Count() + iIccContacts.Count());
+			}
+		else // ESyncIccLocked -> no sync of ICC entries
+			{
+			test(Icc == iIccContacts.Count());
+			test(both == iNonIccContacts.Count() + iIccContacts.Count());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::SetRandomAlphaString(TDes& aBuf,TInt aLength)
+	{
+	aBuf.SetLength(aLength);
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aLength;++ii)
+		{
+		aBuf[ii]=RandomCharCode('A','z',' ');
+		}
+	}
+TText CICCViewTest::RandomCharCode(TText aLowerBound,TText aUpperBound,TText aException)
+	{
+	TText charCode=0;
+	do
+		{
+		charCode=RandomCharCode(aLowerBound,aUpperBound);
+		}
+		while (charCode==aException);
+	return charCode;
+	}
+TText CICCViewTest::RandomCharCode(TText aLowerBound,TText aUpperBound)
+	{
+	TText charCode=STATIC_CAST(TText,(Math::Rand(iRandSeed)%(aUpperBound-aLowerBound))+aLowerBound);
+	ASSERT(charCode>=aLowerBound && charCode<=aUpperBound);
+	return charCode;
+	}
+void CheckForPhbkSyncPluginL()
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Check for PhbkSync test plug-in"));
+	RImplInfoPtrArray	implInfoArray;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(implInfoArray);
+	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(KUidEcomCntPhBkSyncInterface, implInfoArray);
+	//Find implementations of KUidEcomCntPhBkSyncInterface
+	TInt availCount = implInfoArray.Count(); 
+	TInt count;
+	for(count = 0; count < availCount; count++)
+		{
+		const TUid firstImplementationFound = implInfoArray[count]->ImplementationUid();
+		CImplementationInformation *info = implInfoArray[count];
+		test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+		test.Printf(_L("PhbkSync plugin #%i, Implementation UID 0x%08X version %i\n"),
+			count + 1, info->ImplementationUid(), info->Version());
+		test.Printf(_L("Plugin name = \"%S\"\n"), &(info->DisplayName()));
+		}
+	// is telephony's plug-in in the list?
+	for(count = 0; count < availCount; count++)
+		{
+		const TUid firstImplementationFound = implInfoArray[count]->ImplementationUid();
+		CImplementationInformation *info = implInfoArray[count];
+		if(info->DisplayName() == KTestPluginName)
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+			test.Printf(_L("This test has now loaded the test plugin"));
+			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+			availCount = 1;
+			break;
+			}		
+		if(info->DisplayName() == KPluginName)
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+			test.Printf(_L("This test only works with Contacts the test plugin and not the original phonebooksync plugin."));
+			test.Printf(_L("Depending on the build to removed the plugin in different ways:"));
+			test.Printf(_L("hardware - delete the line \"ECOM_PLUGIN(phbksyncplugin.dll,1020428C.rsc)\" from phbksync.iby"));
+			test.Printf(_L("winscw - delete phbksyncplugin.dll from %epocroot%/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb or similarly named directory"));
+			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+			test(0);  // stop
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	// only continue test if there is exactly one plug-in present
+	test(availCount == 1);	
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&implInfoArray);
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestOneOrFiveL(TBool aCreateViewBeforeSync)
+    {	
+	// Tests succesful Phonebook Synchronisation
+    if (aCreateViewBeforeSync)
+    	{
+		CheckViewCreateAndSyncEventsL(KErrNone, KErrNone);
+		test.Next(_L("Test creation and deletion of ICC entries"));
+		// create some icc and non-icc entries
+		CreateEntriesL(5);
+		CreateEntriesL(4, ETrue);
+		CreateEntriesL(2);
+		// delete some icc and non-icc entries
+		DeleteEntriesL(3);
+		DeleteEntriesL(iIccContacts.Count(), ETrue);
+		DeleteEntriesL(iNonIccContacts.Count());
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	SyncThenCreateViewCheckEventsL(KErrNone, KErrNone);
+    	}
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestTwoL()
+    {
+    // NB test only valid for creating view before Sync happens
+    // test condition when notification request completes with an error
+	CheckViewCreateAndSyncEventsL(KErrGeneral, KErrNone);
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestThreeOrSixL(TBool aCreateViewBeforeSync)
+    {
+    // test condition where notification completes okay, but IsSynchronisedL() leaves with an error
+    if (aCreateViewBeforeSync)
+    	{
+		CheckViewCreateAndSyncEventsL(KErrNone, KErrGeneral);
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	SyncThenCreateViewCheckEventsL(KErrNone, KErrGeneral);
+    	}
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestFourL()
+    {	
+	CheckEventsForTestFourL();
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestSevenL()
+    {	
+	CheckEventsForTestSevenL();
+	}
+void CICCViewTest::TestConcurrenceL()
+    {
+    test(syncChecker->SynchroniseIccAllPhonebooksL(*iDb, KErrNone, KErrNone) == KErrNone);
+    CContactRemoteView* iccRemoteView = CContactRemoteView::NewL(*iViewEventQueue, *iDb, iViewSortOrder, EICCEntriesOnly);
+    TContactViewEvent event;
+	test(iViewEventQueue->ListenForEvent(10,event));
+	// Expecting EReady event
+	test.Printf(_L("Event received (%i)\n"), event.iEventType);
+	test(event.iEventType == TContactViewEvent::EReady);
+	//Create and close another contact client session
+	CContactDatabase* newDb = CContactDatabase::OpenL(KTestDbName);
+    delete newDb;    	
+    //Close the view to see if there is concurrence resource conflication.
+    iccRemoteView->Close(*iViewEventQueue);
+	//delete all icc and non-icc entries
+	DeleteEntriesL(iIccContacts.Count(), ETrue);
+    }
+void RunTestOneL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test view construction (create view before sync)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestOneOrFiveL(ETrue);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest); 
+	}
+void RunTestTwoL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: NotifySyncStateChange (create view before sync)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestTwoL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void RunTestThreeL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: IsICCSynchronisedL (create view before sync)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestThreeOrSixL(ETrue);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void RunTestFourL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: SIM Locked and then Unlocked (create view before sync)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestFourL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void RunTestFiveL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test view construction (sync before view creation)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestOneOrFiveL(EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest); 
+	}
+void RunTestSixL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: IsICCSynchronisedL (sync before view creation)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestThreeOrSixL(EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void RunTestSevenL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: SIM Locked and then Unlocked (sync before view creation)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest=CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+	viewTest->TestSevenL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void RunConcurrenceTestL(const RArray<TUid> aPhonebookList)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Test error handling: SIM Locked and then Unlocked (sync before view creation)"));
+	CICCViewTest* viewTest = CICCViewTest::NewLC(aPhonebookList);
+    viewTest->TestConcurrenceL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(viewTest);
+	}
+void DoTestsL()
+	{
+	test.Start(KTestName);
+	CheckForPhbkSyncPluginL();
+	syncChecker = CContactSyncChecker::NewL();
+	syncChecker->ResetEverythingL();
+	//syncChecker->EnableVerboseLoggingL();
+	RArray<TUid>	phbkList;
+	CleanupClosePushL(phbkList);
+	for(TInt loop = 0; loop < 3; ++loop)
+		{
+		switch (loop)
+			{
+		case 0:
+			phbkList.Reset();
+			phbkList.AppendL(KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebook);
+			test.Next(_L("Test with GSM Global ADN phonebook"));
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			phbkList.Reset();
+			phbkList.AppendL(KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebook);
+			test.Next(_L("Test with USIM App ADN phonebook"));
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			phbkList.Reset();
+			phbkList.AppendL(KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebook);
+			phbkList.AppendL(KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebook);
+			test.Next(_L("Test with GSM Global and USIM App ADN phonebooks"));
+			break;
+		default:
+			test(0);
+			}
+		test.Start(_L("Phonebook Sync tests"));
+			// all tests work with any number of phonebooks
+		RunTestOneL(phbkList);
+		RunTestTwoL(phbkList);
+		RunTestThreeL(phbkList);
+		RunTestFourL(phbkList);
+		RunTestFiveL(phbkList);
+		RunTestSixL(phbkList);
+		RunTestSevenL(phbkList);
+		test.End();
+		}
+	//The concurrence test is marked off because currently the cntsyncchecker has
+	//problem in remoteview which will block the contact server. -- See INC112963
+	test.Next(_L("Phonebook Sync Concurrence Test"));
+	phbkList.Reset();
+	phbkList.AppendL(KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebook);
+	RunConcurrenceTestL(phbkList);
+	test.End();
+    test.Close();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // phbkList
+	delete syncChecker;
+	syncChecker = NULL;
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	RProcess().SetPriority(EPriorityBackground);
+    CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+    if (!cleanupStack)
+        {
+        return KErrNoMemory;
+        }
+    CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
+    if (!activeScheduler)
+        {
+        return KErrNoMemory;
+        }
+    CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler);
+    // Run the tests
+    TRAPD(err, DoTestsL());
+	if (syncChecker)
+		{
+		delete syncChecker;
+		syncChecker = NULL;
+		}
+	test(err == KErrNone);
+    // Cleanup
+    delete activeScheduler;
+    delete cleanupStack;
+	return err;
+    }