--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/tsrc/t_speeddialtest.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <cntdb.h>
+#include <cntitem.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+#include <cntview.h>
+#include "t_utils2.h"
+#include <coreappstest/testserver.h>
+#include "t_speeddialtest.h"
+// Constants.
+// Configure database locations
+_LIT(KLongNumSpeedDialDbName, "c:LongNumSpeedDialDb.cdb");
+// Configure .ini file location
+const TInt KNumSmsContacts=5;
+const TInt KSpeedDialPositionOne = 1;
+const TInt KSpeedDialPositionTwo = 2;
+const TInt KSpeedDialContact = 3;
+const TInt KSpeedDialContactA = 4;
+const TInt KSpeedDialContactB = 5;
+// Global Data
+RTest g_test( KTestName );
+// Class CLockServerTester Implementation
+CLockServerTester* CLockServerTester::NewL()
+ {
+ CLockServerTester* self=new(ELeave) CLockServerTester();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ DeleteProcess();
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CLockServerTester::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+void CLockServerTester::FindServerAndKillItL()
+ {
+ SetupProcessL();
+ OpenAndKillProcess();
+ }
+void CLockServerTester::OpenAndKillProcess()
+ {
+ iProcess.iExecution->Open(iProcessFullName);
+ iProcess.iExecution->Kill(KErrNone);
+ }
+void CLockServerTester::SetupProcessL()
+ {
+ iProcess.iFind = new (ELeave) TFindProcess(_L("cntsrv*"));
+ iProcess.iExecution = new (ELeave) RProcess();
+ iProcess.iFind->Next(iProcessFullName);
+ }
+void CLockServerTester::DeleteProcess()
+ {
+ delete iProcess.iFind;
+ if (iProcess.iExecution != NULL) iProcess.iExecution->Close();
+ delete iProcess.iExecution;
+ iProcess.iFind = NULL;
+ iProcess.iExecution = NULL;
+ }
+// Function Implementation
+TBool ContactIsASpeedDial(const CContactItem& aItem)
+ {
+ TBool retval = EFalse;
+ CContactItemFieldSet& fields = aItem.CardFields();
+ const TInt max = fields.Count();
+ TInt counter = 0;
+ for (counter = 0; counter < max; counter++)
+ {
+ retval = fields[counter].IsSpeedDial();
+ if (retval) break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+TBool ContactIsASpeedDialL(TInt aContactId, CContactDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ CContactItem* item = NULL;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ item = aDatabase.OpenContactL(aContactId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ const CContactItemFieldSet& fields = item->CardFields();
+ const TInt count = fields.Count();
+ for (TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
+ {
+ if (fields[index].IsSpeedDial())
+ {
+ result = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aDatabase.CloseContactL(aContactId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ return result;
+ }
+TInt DeleteIniFile()
+ {
+ TInt retval = KErrNone;
+ //TInt deleteSuccess;
+ // Delete any existing ini file so that we can be sure this test is ok
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ TRAPD (deleteSuccess, serv.DeleteFileL(KContactsModelIniFile));
+ if ( deleteSuccess != KErrNotFound && deleteSuccess != KErrNone )
+ {
+ retval = deleteSuccess;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+void AddContactsL(CRandomContactGenerator& aGenerator)
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<KNumSmsContacts;ii++)
+ {
+ TInt bit=0;
+ bit |= CContactDatabase::ESmsable;
+ aGenerator.AddTypicalContactForFilterL(bit);
+ }
+ }
+CContactDatabase* ReplaceDatabaseAndCreateContactsLC()
+ {
+ CContactDatabase* database = CContactDatabase::ReplaceL(KDbFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(database);
+ CreateContactsL(*database);
+ return database;
+ }
+void CreateContactsL(CContactDatabase& aDb)
+ {
+ CRandomContactGenerator* generator = CRandomContactGenerator::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( generator );
+ generator->SetDbL(aDb);
+ AddContactsL(*generator);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generator );
+ }
+CContactDatabase* SetupLC()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( DeleteIniFile() );
+ return ReplaceDatabaseAndCreateContactsLC();
+ }
+void AssignSpeedDialL( TInt aContact, TInt aSpeedDialID, CContactDatabase& database )
+ {
+ CContactItem* item = NULL;
+ item = database.OpenContactL( aContact );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( item );
+ if ( ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ) )
+ {
+ g_test.Printf( _L("Contact is a speed dial !!! \n") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_test.Printf( _L("Contact is NOT A SPEED DIAL \n") );
+ }
+ CContactItemFieldSet &fieldSet = item->CardFields();
+ for(TInt index = fieldSet.Count() - 1; index > 0; --index)
+ {
+ if(fieldSet[index].StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
+ {
+ //set the last text field from the fieldset as speeddial field.
+ database.SetFieldAsSpeedDialL(*item, index, aSpeedDialID );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_test.Next( _L("Contact changed to speed dial") );
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
+ }
+void UpdateSpeedDialL(TInt aContact, TInt aSpeedDialID, CContactDatabase& database )
+ {
+ CContactItem* item = NULL;
+ item = database.OpenContactL( aContact );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( item );
+ if ( ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ) )
+ {
+ g_test.Printf( _L("Contact is a speed dial !!! \n") );
+ database.SetFieldAsSpeedDialL(*item, item->Id(), aSpeedDialID );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_test.Printf( _L("Contact is NOT A SPEED DIAL \n") );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
+ }
+void RemoveSpeedDialL(TInt aContact, TInt aSpeedDialId, CContactDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.RemoveSpeedDialFieldL(aContact, aSpeedDialId));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ }
+void RemoveSpeedDialWhenOpenL(TInt aContact, TInt aSpeedDialID, CContactDatabase& aDatabase)
+ {
+ CContactItem* card1 = 0;
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ // First open the contact, which locks it:
+ card1 = aDatabase.OpenContactL(aContact);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(card1);
+ // Now attempt to open the contact (must fail with in use):
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.OpenContactL(aContact));
+ g_test(error == KErrInUse);
+ // Now remove the speed dial on that contact (must fail with in use):
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.RemoveSpeedDialFieldL(aContact, aSpeedDialID));
+ g_test(error == KErrInUse);
+ // Now remove the speed dial on that contact again (must fail with in use):
+ // Defect was application crash.
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.RemoveSpeedDialFieldL(aContact, aSpeedDialID));
+ g_test(error == KErrInUse);
+ // Now attempt to open the contact (must fail with in use):
+ // Defect was fails with wrong error/no error.
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.OpenContactL(aContact));
+ g_test(error == KErrInUse);
+ // Cleanup and close:
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(card1);
+ TRAP(error, aDatabase.CloseContactL(aContact));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ }
+void TestDatabaseWithSpeedDialsL()
+ {
+ g_test.Next(_L("Setting up..."));
+ CContactDatabase* database = SetupLC();
+ g_test.Next(_L("First Speed dial assignment"));
+ // Assign First time ok !
+ TRAPD(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next(_L("Second Speed dial assignment"));
+ // Assign Second time falls over !
+ TRAP(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next(_L("Open contact, remove from speed dial, open again"));
+ // The remove from speed dial on the open contact should return KErrInUse.
+ // The second open should also return KErrInUse.
+ TRAP(error, RemoveSpeedDialWhenOpenL(KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( database );
+ // wait until Contacts Lock Server shuts down
+ User::After(6000000);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Try to open db again"));
+ database = CContactDatabase::OpenL(KDbFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(database);
+ CContactItem* item = database->ReadContactL(KSpeedDialContact);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Speed dial is remembered"));
+ g_test(item->Id() == KSpeedDialContact);
+ // retored item should be a SpeedDial
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ }
+void TestOneL()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-T-SPEEDDIALTEST-0001 Create Database with Speed Dials then Delete and Create database"));
+ TestDatabaseWithSpeedDialsL();
+ g_test.Next(_L("Delete database"));
+ CContactDatabase::DeleteDatabaseL(KDbFileName);
+ g_test.Next( _L("open database should fail"));
+ CContactDatabase* database = NULL;
+ TRAPD(openError, database = CContactDatabase::OpenL(KDbFileName));
+ g_test(openError == KErrNotFound && database == NULL);
+ g_test.Next( _L("create replacement database"));
+ database = CContactDatabase::CreateL(KDbFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(database);
+ CreateContactsL(*database);
+ CContactItem* item = database->ReadContactL(KSpeedDialContact);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Speed dial is forgotten"));
+ g_test(item->Id() == KSpeedDialContact);
+ // retored item should not be a SpeedDial
+ g_test(!ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+void TestTwoL()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("Create Database with Speed Dials then Replace database"));
+ TestDatabaseWithSpeedDialsL();
+ g_test.Next(_L("Replace database"));
+ CContactDatabase* database = ReplaceDatabaseAndCreateContactsLC();
+ CContactItem* item = database->ReadContactL(KSpeedDialContact );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ g_test.Next(_L("Check that Speed dial is forgotten"));
+ g_test(item->Id() == KSpeedDialContact);
+ // retored item should not be a SpeedDial
+ g_test(!ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+void TestThreeL()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("Check that Settings are saved - normal shutdown"));
+ g_test.Next(_L("Setting up..."));
+ CContactDatabase* database = SetupLC();
+ g_test.Next( _L("Assign Speed Dial"));
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Update Speed Dial"));
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, UpdateSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionTwo, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Change Database Drive"));
+ CContactDatabase::SetDatabaseDriveL(TDriveUnit(EDriveD),EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( database );
+ g_test.Next(_L("Wait for Contact Server to shutdown"));
+ // wait until Contacts Lock Server shuts down
+ // applicabale only in the case of transient server.
+ User::After(6000000);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Try to open Database again"));
+ database = CContactDatabase::OpenL(KDbFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(database);
+ TDriveUnit driveUnit;
+ CContactDatabase::DatabaseDrive(driveUnit);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Database Drive is changed"));
+ g_test(driveUnit==TDriveUnit(EDriveD));
+ CContactItem* item = database->ReadContactL(KSpeedDialContact);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Speed Dial is remembered"));
+ g_test(item->Id() == KSpeedDialContact);
+ // retored item should be a SpeedDial
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ // reset Database Drive
+ g_test.Next( _L("Reset Database Drive setting"));
+ CContactDatabase::SetDatabaseDriveL(TDriveUnit(EDriveC),EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+void TestFourL()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("Check that Settings are saved - killing ContactLockSrv"));
+ g_test.Next(_L("Setting up..."));
+ CLockServerTester* lockSrvTester = CLockServerTester::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(lockSrvTester);
+ CContactDatabase* database = SetupLC();
+ g_test.Next( _L("Assign Speed Dial"));
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Update Speed Dial"));
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(error, UpdateSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContact, KSpeedDialPositionTwo, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Change Database Drive"));
+ CContactDatabase::SetDatabaseDriveL(TDriveUnit(EDriveD),EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ // Kill ContactLockServer process
+ g_test.Next( _L("Kill CntServer"));
+ lockSrvTester->FindServerAndKillItL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lockSrvTester );
+ g_test.Next( _L("Open Database"));
+ database = CContactDatabase::OpenL(KDbFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(database);
+ TDriveUnit driveUnit;
+ CContactDatabase::DatabaseDrive(driveUnit);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Database Drive is changed"));
+ g_test(driveUnit==TDriveUnit(EDriveD));
+ CContactItem* item = database->ReadContactL(KSpeedDialContact);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(item);
+ g_test.Next( _L("Check that Speed Dial is remembered"));
+ g_test(item->Id() == KSpeedDialContact);
+ // retored item should be a SpeedDial
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDial( *item ));
+ // reset Database Drive
+ g_test.Next( _L("Reset Database Drive setting"));
+ CContactDatabase::SetDatabaseDriveL(TDriveUnit(EDriveC),EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMDEF INC097895
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Pbk2 AIW: Speed dial is removed from incorrect entry
+1. Add speed dials for contact A and B
+2. Try to reset speed dial belonging to A by using B's id
+3. Reset speed dials using the correct contacts
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Speed dial is still active when reset is attempted by wrong contact
+void TestFiveL()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-T-SPEEDDIALTEST-INC097895-0001 Checking that the correct contact resets the speed dial number"));
+ g_test.Next(_L("Setting up..."));
+ CContactDatabase* database = SetupLC();
+ g_test.Next(_L("First Speed dial assignment"));
+ TRAPD(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContactA, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ // Check that a speed dial is assigned
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactA, *database));
+ g_test.Next(_L("Second Speed dial assignment"));
+ TRAP(error, AssignSpeedDialL( KSpeedDialContactB, KSpeedDialPositionTwo, *database ) );
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ // Check that a speed dial is assigned
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactB, *database));
+ // Here, the wrong contact (B) is trying to reset the speed dial number
+ // which is set by contact A.
+ g_test.Next(_L("Wrong contact - should be ignored"));
+ TRAP(error, RemoveSpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactB, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next(_L("The first speed dial is still active"));
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactA, *database));
+ g_test.Next(_L("and the second speed dial is still active"));
+ g_test(ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactB, *database));
+ g_test.Next(_L("Reset allowed by the correct contact"));
+ TRAP(error, RemoveSpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactA, KSpeedDialPositionOne, *database));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next(_L("Check speed dial One has been reset"));
+ g_test(!ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactA, *database));
+ TRAP(error, RemoveSpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactB, KSpeedDialPositionTwo, *database));
+ g_test(error == KErrNone);
+ g_test.Next(_L("Check speed dial Two has been reset"));
+ g_test(!ContactIsASpeedDialL(KSpeedDialContactB, *database));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(database);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void LongNumSpeedDialTestsL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KLongNumSpeedDialTest, "Long Phone Number Speed Dial Test");
+ g_test.Start(KLongNumSpeedDialTest);
+ // create default, empty database
+ CContactDatabase* db = CContactDatabase::ReplaceL(KLongNumSpeedDialDbName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(db);
+ // create a contact and add it to the db
+ CContactItem* contact = CContactCard::NewLC();
+ CContactItemField* fname = CContactItemField::NewLC(KStorageTypeText,
+ KUidContactFieldGivenName);
+ _LIT(KFname, "James");
+ fname->TextStorage()->SetTextL(KFname() );
+ contact->AddFieldL(*fname);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(fname);
+ CContactItemField* phone = CContactItemField::NewLC(KStorageTypeText,
+ KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber);
+ _LIT(KPhoneNum, "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"); // 80 chars
+ phone->TextStorage()->SetTextL(KPhoneNum() );
+ contact->AddFieldL(*phone);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(phone);
+ const TContactItemId KContactId = db->AddNewContactL(*contact);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(contact);
+ contact = NULL;
+ // retrieve contact and assign its number to speed dial #1
+ contact = db->OpenContactL(KContactId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(contact);
+ const TInt KSpeedDial1(1);
+ const TInt KPhoneNumIndex = contact->CardFields().Find(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber);
+ db->SetFieldAsSpeedDialL(*contact, KPhoneNumIndex, KSpeedDial1);
+ TBuf<100> speedDialNumberText;
+ TContactItemId speedDialId = db->GetSpeedDialFieldL(KSpeedDial1, speedDialNumberText);
+ _LIT(KOutputFormat, "retrieved speed dial id: %d;\nretrieved speed dial phone number: ...\n%S\n");
+ g_test.Printf(KOutputFormat, speedDialId, &speedDialNumberText);
+ db->CloseContactL(KContactId);
+ // cleanup
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, db); // and contact
+ CContactDatabase::DeleteDatabaseL(KLongNumSpeedDialDbName);
+ // Since PDEF121954, long phone numbers set as speed dial are truncated to
+ // the length of KSpeedDialPhoneLength. So, we need to get the truncated
+ // version of the phone number for comparison with the speed dial value.
+ TPtrC phoneNum(KPhoneNum().Mid(0, KSpeedDialPhoneLength));
+ g_test(speedDialId == KContactId && speedDialNumberText.CompareC(phoneNum) == 0);
+ g_test.End();
+ g_test.Close();
+ }
+void DoTestL()
+ {
+ CTestRegister * TempFiles = CTestRegister::NewLC();
+ TempFiles->RegisterL(KDbFileName, EFileTypeCnt);
+ TempFiles->RegisterL(KLongNumSpeedDialDbName, EFileTypeCnt);
+ TempFiles->RegisterL(KContactsModelIniFile);
+ TestOneL();
+ g_test.Next(_L(""));
+ TestTwoL();
+ // Added for DEF075241
+ g_test.Next( _L(""));
+ TestThreeL();
+ g_test.Next( _L(""));
+ TestFourL();
+ // End of tests for DEF075241
+ // INC097895 start
+ g_test.Next(_L(""));
+ TestFiveL();
+ // INC097895 end
+ // PDEF121954 start
+ g_test.Next(_L(""));
+ LongNumSpeedDialTestsL();
+ // PDEF121954 end
+ // Delete cntmodel.ini
+ User::LeaveIfError( DeleteIniFile() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TempFiles);
+ g_test.End();
+ }
+// Main.
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ g_test.Start(_L("Speed dial test"));
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler=new CActiveScheduler;
+ if (scheduler)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if (cleanup)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,DoTestL() );
+ g_test(err == KErrNone);
+ delete cleanup;
+ }
+ delete scheduler;
+ }
+ g_test.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }