changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 68 9da50d567e3c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookui/Phonebook/App/src/CPbkAiwInterestItemCall.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     Implements Call AIW interest item functionality.
+#include "CPbkAiwInterestItemCall.h"
+#include <CPbkContactEngine.h>
+#include <CPbkSendKeyAddressSelect.h>
+#include <Phonebook.hrh>
+#include <CPbkAppGlobalsBase.h>
+#include <MPbkCommand.h>
+#include <MPbkCommandFactory.h>
+#include <MenuFilteringFlags.h>
+#include <MPbkAiwCommandObserver.h>
+#include "CPbkCallTypeSelector.h"
+#include <Phonebook.rsg>
+#include <cntdef.h>
+#include <AiwServiceHandler.h>
+#include <AiwCommon.hrh>
+#include <eikmenup.h>
+#include <FeatMgr.h>
+/// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
+namespace {
+    /**
+     * Sets parameter object's focused field and
+     * default usage values.
+     * @param aParams the parameter object to modify
+     * @param aFocusedField the field to use as focused field
+     */
+    void SetParams(
+        CPbkAddressSelect::TBaseParams& aParams,
+        const TPbkContactItemField* aFocusedField)
+        {
+        if (aFocusedField)
+            {
+            aParams.SetFocusedField(aFocusedField);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            aParams.SetUseDefaultDirectly(ETrue);
+            }
+        }
+} // namespace
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+inline CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::CPbkAiwInterestItemCall
+        (CAiwServiceHandler& aServiceHandler,
+        CPbkContactEngine& aEngine) : 
+            CPbkAiwInterestItemBase(aServiceHandler),
+            iEngine(aEngine)
+    {
+    }
+CPbkAiwInterestItemCall* CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::NewL(
+        CAiwServiceHandler& aServiceHandler,
+        CPbkContactEngine& aEngine)
+    {
+    CPbkAiwInterestItemCall* self =
+        new (ELeave) CPbkAiwInterestItemCall(aServiceHandler, aEngine);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+void CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iSelector = CPbkCallTypeSelector::NewL(iEngine);
+    }
+    {
+    delete iSelector;
+    }
+TBool CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::InitMenuPaneL(
+        TInt aResourceId,
+        CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane,
+        TUint aFlags)
+    {
+    TBool ret = EFalse;
+    // Normal menu
+    if (aResourceId == R_PHONEBOOK_CALL_MENU)
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;
+	    // If the list is empty or it has marked items, hide call option
+        if (!(aFlags & KPbkControlEmpty)
+            && !(aFlags & KPbkItemsMarked))
+            {
+            // Let provider add its menu items to the menu
+            iServiceHandler.InitializeMenuPaneL(
+                aMenuPane,
+                aResourceId,
+                EPbkCmdLast,
+                iServiceHandler.InParamListL());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed(KAiwCmdCall, ETrue);
+            }
+        }
+    // Context menu
+    else if (aResourceId == R_PHONEBOOK_CALL_CONTEXT_MENU)
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;
+        // Hide the item by default
+        aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed(KAiwCmdCall, ETrue);
+        // Get empty parameter list
+        CAiwGenericParamList& paramList =
+            iServiceHandler.InParamListL();
+        if (!(aFlags & KPbkControlEmpty))
+            {
+            if (aFlags & KPbkCurrentFieldPhoneNumber)
+                {
+                aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed(KAiwCmdCall, EFalse);
+                }
+            else if (aFlags & KPbkCurrentFieldVoipAddress)
+                {
+                // If we are on a Internet telephony field,
+                // the Call UI must show only the VoIP option
+                TAiwVariant variant;
+                TAiwGenericParam param(EGenericParamSIPAddress, variant);
+                paramList.AppendL(param);
+                }
+            // Let provider add its menu items to the menu
+            iServiceHandler.InitializeMenuPaneL(
+                aMenuPane,
+                aResourceId,
+                EPbkCmdLast,
+                paramList);
+            }
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+TBool CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::HandleCommandL(
+        TInt aMenuCommandId,
+        const CContactIdArray& aContacts,
+        const TPbkContactItemField* aFocusedField /* =NULL */,
+        TInt aServiceCommandId /* =KNullHandle */,
+        MPbkAiwCommandObserver* aObserver /*= NULL*/)
+    {
+    TBool ret = EFalse;
+    // Only handle this command if service command is call,
+    // note that this section is accessed also when the send key
+    // is pressed and the initiated command object can then be POC
+    // call also
+    if (aServiceCommandId == KAiwCmdCall)
+        {
+        MPbkCommand* cmd = NULL;
+        // Read the first contact of the array
+        const CPbkContactItem* item =
+            iEngine.ReadMinimalContactLC(aContacts[0]);
+        // Because send key is used also to launch POC calls
+        // we have to verify what was the selection and is
+        // it ok to launch a telephony call
+        if (iSelector->OkToLaunchTelephonyCall(aFocusedField))
+            {
+            cmd = CreateCallCmdObjectL
+                (aMenuCommandId, *item, aContacts, aFocusedField);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            cmd = CreatePocCmdObjectL
+                (aMenuCommandId, aContacts, aFocusedField);
+            }
+        if (cmd)
+            {
+		    // Execute the command
+		    cmd->ExecuteLD();
+            // Inform observer
+            if (aObserver)
+                {
+                aObserver->AiwCommandHandledL(aMenuCommandId,
+                   aServiceCommandId, KErrNone);
+                }
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // item
+        ret = ETrue;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+void CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::AttachL(
+        TInt aMenuResourceId,
+        TInt aInterestResourceId,
+        TBool aAttachBaseServiceInterest)
+    {
+    // Always delegate to base class!
+    CPbkAiwInterestItemBase::AttachL(aMenuResourceId,
+        aInterestResourceId,
+        aAttachBaseServiceInterest);
+    }
+MPbkCommand* CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::CreateCallCmdObjectL
+        (TInt aMenuCommandId, const CPbkContactItem& aContact,
+        const CContactIdArray& aContacts,
+        const TPbkContactItemField* aFocusedField)
+    {
+    // We need a bunch of pre-initialized variables    
+    MPbkCommand* cmd = NULL;
+    TBool selectAccepted = ETrue;
+    TBool okToLaunchTelephonyCall = ETrue;
+	const TPbkContactItemField* selectedField = NULL;
+    if (aMenuCommandId == EPbkCmdCall)
+        {
+        // Call launched with send key, before creating the address select
+        // object, we have to spend some time to select which default to use
+        const TPbkContactItemField* defaultField =
+            iSelector->SelectDefaultToUse(aContact);
+        CPbkSendKeyAddressSelect* phoneNumberSelect =
+            new (ELeave) CPbkSendKeyAddressSelect(iEngine);
+        CPbkSendKeyAddressSelect::TParams params(aContact, defaultField);
+        SetParams(params, aFocusedField);
+        selectAccepted = phoneNumberSelect->ExecuteLD(params);
+        if (selectAccepted)
+            {
+            selectedField = params.SelectedField();
+            // Because send key is used also to launch POC calls
+            // we have to verify what was the selection and is
+            // it ok to launch a telephony call
+            okToLaunchTelephonyCall = iSelector->OkToLaunchTelephonyCall
+                (selectedField);
+            }
+        }
+    if (selectAccepted && okToLaunchTelephonyCall)
+        {
+        // Select was either accepted, or we are calling from
+        // CallUI menus. In the latter case, the address select
+        // will be shown later. Next, create the call command object.
+	    cmd = CPbkAppGlobalsBase::InstanceL()->
+		    CommandFactory().CreateCallCmdL(
+		    aContact,
+		    selectedField,
+		    aFocusedField,
+            aMenuCommandId,
+		    iServiceHandler,
+		    *iSelector);
+        }
+    else if (selectAccepted && !okToLaunchTelephonyCall)
+        {
+        // Select was accepted, but the selection indicates
+        // we have to create a POC call
+        cmd = CreatePocCmdObjectL
+            (aMenuCommandId, aContacts, aFocusedField);
+        }
+    return cmd;
+    }
+MPbkCommand* CPbkAiwInterestItemCall::CreatePocCmdObjectL
+        (TInt aMenuCommandId, const CContactIdArray& aContacts,
+        const TPbkContactItemField* aFocusedField)
+    {
+    MPbkCommand* cmd = NULL;
+    // We have to deduct the control flags for the POC cmd
+    TUint controlFlags = 0;
+    if (aFocusedField)
+        {
+        controlFlags |= KPbkInfoView;
+        }
+    // Create the POC call command object
+    cmd = CPbkAppGlobalsBase::InstanceL()->
+	    CommandFactory().CreatePocCmdL(aMenuCommandId,
+        aContacts,
+        controlFlags,
+	    iServiceHandler,
+	    *iSelector);
+    return cmd;
+    }
+//  End of File