Add missing IMPORT_C to two functions, to match the EXPORT_C in the corresponding cpp files
* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Phonebook 2 contact editor field array.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray.h"
#include "TPbk2ContactEditorParams.h"
#include "CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem.h"
#include "Pbk2UIFieldProperty.hrh"
class MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder;
class CPbk2PresentationContact;
class CPbk2PresentationContactField;
class CPbk2IconInfoContainer;
class MPbk2ContactEditorField;
class MVPbkFieldType;
class CVPbkContactManager;
class CPbk2ReadingFieldEditorVisitor;
class MPbk2ContactEditorFieldVisitor;
class MPbk2ContactEditorExtension;
class CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory;
class CPbkIconInfoContainer;
class CPbk2UIFieldArray;
class MPbk2ApplicationServices;
* An array of editor fields.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray) :
public CBase,
public MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aManager Virtual Phonebook contact manager.
* @param aContact The presentation level contact.
* @param aUiBuilder A reference to the dialog builder.
* @param aEditorExtension Contact editor extension.
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray* NewL(
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder& aUiBuilder,
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory& aFieldFactory);
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aManager Virtual Phonebook contact manager.
* @param aContact The presentation level contact.
* @param aUiBuilder A reference to the dialog builder.
* @param aEditorExtension Contact editor extension.
* @param aAppServices Pointer to application services
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray* NewL(
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder& aUiBuilder,
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory& aFieldFactory,
MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices );
* Destructor.
public: // Interface
* Creates editor fields from the store contact.
void CreateFieldsFromContactL(TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams);
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray
inline TInt Count() const;
inline CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem& At(
TInt aIndex );
void SaveFieldsL();
TBool FieldsChanged() const;
TBool AreAllUiFieldsEmpty() const;
void SetFocus(
TInt aFieldIndex );
CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem* Find(
TInt aControlId );
TInt FindIndex(
TInt aControlId );
TInt AddNewFieldL(
const MVPbkFieldType& aFieldType );
void AddNewFieldL(
const TPbk2FieldGroupId aAddressGroup );
void RemoveField(
CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem& aField );
void RemoveFieldFromUI(
TInt aIndex );
TInt AddNewFieldL(
const MVPbkFieldType& aFieldType, const TDesC& aName );
void UpdateControlsL();
public: // Implementation
TBool IsEditorFieldControlEmpty( TInt aIndex ) const;
TBool IsEditorUiFieldControlEmpty( TInt aIndex ) const;
private: // Implementation
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder& aUiBuilder,
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory& aFieldFactory,
MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices = NULL );
void ConstructL(
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager );
TInt GetUiFieldIndex(
TInt aContactFieldIndex );
TInt GetUiFieldIndex(
TPbk2FieldGroupId aContactAddressGroupID );
void AcceptL(
MPbk2ContactEditorFieldVisitor& aVisitor );
void __DbgTestInvariant() const;
TBool IsFieldPartOfAddress(CPbk2PresentationContactField& aField);
void CreateUIFieldL(
CPbk2UIFieldArray& aFieldsArr,
TPbk2FieldGroupId aAddressGroup,
TPbk2FieldOrder aOrder,
TInt& aNextFreePos );
private: // Data
/// Ref: The contact that is edited
CPbk2PresentationContact& iContact;
/// Ref: Editor UI creator
MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder& iUiBuilder;
/// Own: An array of dialog fields
RPointerArray<CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem> iFieldArray;
/// Own: Reading field visitor
CPbk2ReadingFieldEditorVisitor* iReadingFieldBinder;
/// Ref:Field factory
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory& iFieldFactory;
/// Own:Contact editor params
TPbk2ContactEditorParams iParams;
/// Own: icon info container
CPbk2IconInfoContainer* iIconInfoContainer;
// Ref: Pointer to Pbk2 application services
MPbk2ApplicationServices* iAppServices;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray::Count
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline TInt CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray::Count() const
return iFieldArray.Count();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray::At
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem& CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray::At
( TInt aIndex )
return *iFieldArray[aIndex];
// End of File