Add missing IMPORT_C to two functions, to match the EXPORT_C in the corresponding cpp files
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Phonebook 2 fetch results.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <MVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
#include <MVPbkContactStoreObserver.h>
#include <MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver.h>
class MVPbkContactLink;
class MVPbkStreamable;
class CVPbkContactLinkArray;
class CVPbkContactManager;
class MVPbkContactStoreList;
class MPbk2FetchDlg;
class MPbk2FetchDlgPages;
class MPbk2FetchDlgObserver;
class MPbk2FetchResultsObserver;
* Phonebook 2 fetch results.
* Responsible for managing fetch results
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPbk2FetchResults) : public CBase,
public MVPbkContactLinkArray,
private MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver,
private MVPbkContactStoreObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aContactManager Virtual Phonebook contact manager.
* @param aFetchDlg Fetch dialog.
* @param aPages Fetch dialog pages.
* @param aObserver Fetch dialog observer.
* @param aResultsObserver Results observer.
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CPbk2FetchResults* NewL(
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
MPbk2FetchDlg& aFetchDlg,
MPbk2FetchDlgPages& aPages,
MPbk2FetchDlgObserver& aObserver,
MPbk2FetchResultsObserver& aResultsObserver );
* Destructor
public: // Interface
* Appends a contact link to selection.
* @param aLink The link to append.
void AppendL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
* Appends a delayed contact link to selection.
* @param aLink The link to append.
void AppendDelayedL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
* Appends a contact link to fetch results.
* @param aLink The link to append.
void AppendToResultsL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
* Removes a contact link from selection.
* @param aLink The link to remove.
void RemoveL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
* Resets the array and destroys the links.
void ResetAndDestroy();
public: // From MVPbkContactLinkArray
TInt Count() const;
const MVPbkContactLink& At(
TInt aIndex ) const;
TInt Find(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink ) const;
HBufC8* PackLC() const;
const MVPbkStreamable* Streamable() const;
* Fetch Results Append- and Remove-Contact operation
* representation
class CFRConatactOperation : public CBase
* Contact Operation types
enum EOperationType
EAppendContact = 0x0,
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aContactLink MVPbkContactLink.
* @param aType Operation type.
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CFRConatactOperation* NewL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
const EOperationType aType );
* Destructor
// Get Contact Link
MVPbkContactLink* GetContactLink(){ return iContactLink; };
// Get Operation Type
EOperationType GetOperationType(){ return iType; };
CFRConatactOperation( const EOperationType aType );
void ConstructL( const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
MVPbkContactLink* iContactLink;
const EOperationType iType;
private: // From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
void VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
MVPbkStoreContact* aContact );
void VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
TInt aError );
private: // From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
void StoreReady(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore );
void StoreUnavailable(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TInt aReason );
void HandleStoreEventL(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent );
private: // Implementation
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
MPbk2FetchDlg& aFetchDlg,
MPbk2FetchDlgPages& aPages,
MPbk2FetchDlgObserver& aObserver,
MPbk2FetchResultsObserver& aResultsObserver );
void ConstructL(
CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager );
void DoAppendContactL(
MVPbkStoreContact& aContact,
TBool aDelayed );
void DoRemoveContactL(
MVPbkStoreContact& aContact );
void RemoveFromResultsL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
TInt CountContactsL(
MVPbkStoreContact& aContact,
MVPbkContactLink& aLink );
void HandleContactOperationCompleteL(
MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
MVPbkStoreContact* aContact );
void ProcessNextContactOperationL();
void AppendContactOperationL( CFRConatactOperation* aOperation );
CFRConatactOperation* GetCurrentContactOperation( );
void RemoveCurrentContactOperation( );
private: // Data
/// Own: Fetch results
CVPbkContactLinkArray* iSelectedContacts;
/// Ref: Virtual Phonebook contact manager
CVPbkContactManager& iContactManager;
/// Ref: Contact stores used
MVPbkContactStoreList* iStoreList;
/// Ref: Fetch dialog
MPbk2FetchDlg& iFetchDlg;
/// Ref: Fetch dialog pages
MPbk2FetchDlgPages& iPages;
/// Ref: Observer
MPbk2FetchDlgObserver& iObserver;
/// Ref: Results observer
MPbk2FetchResultsObserver& iResultsObserver;
/// Own: Contact-Operations queue
CArrayFixFlat<CFRConatactOperation*>* iOperationQueue;
/// Own: Contact retrieve operation
MVPbkContactOperationBase* iRetrieveOperation;
// End of File