Add missing IMPORT_C to two functions, to match the EXPORT_C in the corresponding cpp files
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Definition of the class CPbkxRclSearchResultDlg.
#include <coemain.h>
#include "cpbkxrclbasedlg.h"
#include "pbkxrclengineconstants.h"
#include "fsccontactactionmenudefines.h" //"pbkxcontactactionmenudefines.h"
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CContactCard;
class CPbkContactEngine;
class CPbkxRclActionServiceWrapper;
class CPbkxContactActionMenu;
class CGulIcon;
class CFscContactActionMenu;
class CAknLongTapDetector;
* Dialog for showing remote contact lookup search results.
* Offers menu options and acion menu to initiate actions for contacts.
class CPbkxRclSearchResultDlg :
public CPbkxRclBaseDlg,
public MCoeForegroundObserver,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MFsActionMenuPositionGiver
public: // constructor and destructor
* Creates new object and returns pointer to it.
* @param aIndex Index which user selected from the list (probably not used?)
* @param aArray Array of items.
* @param aCommand Command observer for observing menu commands.
* @param aContactItems Contact items to be shown on the dialog.
* @param aContactEngine Contact engine for creating pbk contact items.
* @param aActionService Action service wrapper.
* @param aNaviText Navi text to be displayed.
* @param aContactSelectorEnabled Flag indicating whether RCL is in contact
* selector mode or not.
* @return Created object.
static CPbkxRclSearchResultDlg* NewL(
TInt &aIndex,
CDesCArray* aArray,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommand,
RPointerArray<CContactCard>& aContactItems,
CPbkContactEngine& aContactEngine,
CPbkxRclActionServiceWrapper& aActionService,
TBool aContactSelectorEnabled,
TBool aMoreThanMaxResults);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPbkxRclSearchResultDlg();
public: // methods from base classes
* Hides menu items that are not usable.
* @param aResourceId Menu resource id.
* @param aMenu Menu pane.
virtual void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane );
* Gets help context for this view.
* @param aContext On return, contains help context information
virtual void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* Dialog is popped on foreground.
virtual void HandleGainingForeground();
* Dialog is popped background.
virtual void HandleLosingForeground();
* From MEikListBoxObserver
* Handles listbox pointer events
void HandleListBoxEventL(
CEikListBox *aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
public: // new methods
* Executes dialog and destroys it after dialog is closed.
void ExecuteLD();
* Returns index of the currently selected item.
* @return Index of the currently selected item.
TInt CurrentItemIndex() const;
* Sets index of the currently selected item.
* @param aIndex Index to be set.
void SetCurrentItemIndexL( TInt aIndex );
* Sets current contact to action service.
* This affect menu item visibility.
void SetCurrentContactToActionServiceL();
* Closes dialog.
void Close();
* Updates search result dialog.
* @param aNaviText New navi text.
void UpdateDialogL();
* Sends business card of the currently selected contact.
void SendBusinessCardL();
//Fix for: PKAO-7NNCJ2
* Informs dialog that info dialog is visible.
void InfoDlgVisible( TBool aVisible );
protected: // redefinition of functions of the base class
* From CAknSelectionListDialog.
* Handles key events.
* @param aKeyEvent Key event.
* @param aType Type of the key event.
* @return Key response (handled/not handled).
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
private: // methods used internally
* Sets up title pane text.
void SetTitlePaneTextL();
* Sets up status pane.
void SetupStatusPaneL();
* Updates status pane.
void UpdateStatusPaneL();
* Resets status pane.
void ResetStatusPane();
* Creates list box entries.
void CreateListBoxEntriesL();
* Creates given list box entry.
* @param aIndex Index of the list box entry.
void CreateListBoxEntryL( TInt aIndex );
* Updates given list box entry.
* @param aIndex List box entry index.
void UpdateListBoxEntryL( TInt aIndex );
* Loads navi text from resources.
* @return Navi text.
void LoadNaviTextL();
* Returns ETrue if there is at least one call action available.
* @return ETrue if there is at least one call action available.
TBool CallActionsAvailable() const;
* Creates and initializes action menu.
void InitializeActionMenuL();
* Shows action menu and handles possible custom command.
void ShowActionMenuL( const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
* Calculates action menu position based on currently selected
* item.
* @return Action menu position.
TFscContactActionMenuPosition GetActionMenuPosition();
* Returns ETrue if action menu is available.
* @return ETrue if action menu is available.
TBool ActionMenuAvailable() const;
* Creates and adds save as contact action to action menu.
void CreateAndAddSaveAsContactActionL();
* Returns ETrue if scrolling is in progress.
* Scrolling means that user is pressing up or down arrow so that
* it creates multiple key presses.
* @return ETrue if scrolling is enabled.
TBool ScrollingInProgress() const;
* This method is called when scrolling has stopped.
void ScrollingStoppedL();
* Shows a note to user that more than max number of
* results found and only N number of those is shown
void DisplayTooManyResultsInfoNoteL();
private: // constructors
* Constructor.
* @param aIndex Index which user selected from the list (probably not used?)
* @param aArray Array of items.
* @param aCommand Command observer for observing menu commands.
* @param aContactItems Contact items to be shown on the dialog.
* @param aContactEngine Contact engine for creating pbk contact items.
* @param aActionService For executing menu commands.
* @param aContactSelectorEnabled Flag indicating whether RCL is in contact
* selector mode or not.
TInt& aIndex,
CDesCArray* aArray,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommand,
RPointerArray<CContactCard>& aContactItems,
CPbkContactEngine& aContactEngine,
CPbkxRclActionServiceWrapper& aActionService,
TBool aContactSelectorEnabled,
TBool aMoreThanMaxResults);
* Second-phase constructor.
* @param aNaviText Navi text to be displayed.
void ConstructL();
* Constructs menu bar.
* @param aResourceId - menubar resource id
void ConstructMenuBarL( TInt aResourceId );
* From CCoeControl,HandlePointerEventL.
void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* From MFsActionMenuPositionGiver
TPoint ActionMenuPosition();
CAknLongTapDetector& LongTapDetectorL();
private: // data
// Indexes of icon array.
enum TIconIndex
EActionMenuEnabled = 0 // Action menu enabled icon
// Contact engine.
CPbkContactEngine& iContactEngine;
// Contact action service wrapper. Used to execute menu commands.
CPbkxRclActionServiceWrapper& iContactActionService;
// Contact action menu for executing commands. Owned.
CFscContactActionMenu* iActionMenu;
// Items. Not owned.
CDesCArray* iItems;
// Navi pane of the current UI application. Not owned.
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane;
// Navigation label to be shown while result dialog is shown. Owned.
CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator;
// Contact items. Not owned.
RPointerArray<CContactCard>& iContactItems;
// Flag indicating if contact selector is enabled.
TBool iContactSelectorEnabled;
// Flag indicating whether dialog should be closed after processing user command.
TBool iClose;
// Selected item index.
TInt& iSelectedItemIndex;
// Navigation label text. Owned.
RBuf iNaviText;
// Icon for add recipient action menu item. Owned.
CGulIcon* iAddRecipientIcon;
// Flag indicating whether save as contact action menu item is
// already added.
TBool iSaveAsAdded;
// Set when dialog is exiting. After that no key presses are handled.
TBool iExit;
// Flag indicating that up or down arrow is held down.
TBool iKeyDown;
// Counter how many keypresses has occurred since key has been pressed
// down.
TInt iKeyCounter;
//Fix for: PWAN-7MC7WA
//Flag indicating that CAS query was performed
TBool iIsScrollLaunched;
//Fix for: PKAO-7NNCJ2
//Flag indicating that info dialog is visible. Owned.
TBool iIsInfoDlgVisible;
//Holds the position of the Contact Action Menu
TPoint iActionMenuPosition;
//ETrue - If Contact Action Menu is being Shown
TBool iActionMenuStarted;
///ETrue - if the more than max results note needs to be shown
TBool iMoreThanMaxResults;
// Original title pane text. Owned.
HBufC* iOriginalTitleText;
// Pointer reference to title pane. Not owned.
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;