Add missing IMPORT_C to two functions, to match the EXPORT_C in the corresponding cpp files
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Service icon manager
#include "spbserviceiconprovider.h"
#include <cbsfactory.h>
#include <mbsaccess.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <TPbk2IconId.h>
#include <AknIconUtils.h>
#include <fbs.h>
namespace {
// Application id for branded icons
_LIT8( KApplicationId, "xsp" );
// Staring index for icon id's
const TInt KIconIndexStartValue = 500;
// TODO: aquire proper uid
// Used UID for icon id's
const TInt KIconUidValue = 3;
* Icon information container class
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSpbIconItem ) : public CBase, public MSpbServiceIcon
* Constructor
static CSpbIconItem* NewLC(
const TPbk2IconId& aIconId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aBrandIconId,
CBSFactory& aBrandFactory );
* Destructor
* Constructor
inline CSpbIconItem(
const TPbk2IconId& aIconId,
CBSFactory& aBrandFactory );
* Constructor
inline void ConstructL(
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aBrandIconId );
public: // From MPbk2ServiceIcon
const TPtrC8 BrandId() const { return *iBrandId; }
const TPtrC8 BrandIconId() const { return *iBrandIconId; }
const TPbk2IconId& IconId() const { return iIconId; }
TBool IsValid() const { return iValid; }
* Precreate icon from branding server. Calling this method makes the next
* call to CreateIconLC faster because the icon is already cached.
void PreCreateIconL();
* Create branded icon from branding server. Ownership of the returned
* icon is transferred to caller.
* @return branded icon
CGulIcon* CreateIconLC();
public: // find helpers
* Helper class to store full branding information
class TBrandId
TBrandId( const TDesC8& aBrand, const TDesC8& aIcon ) :
iBrandId( aBrand ), iBrandIconId( aIcon ) {}
const TPtrC8 iBrandId;
const TPtrC8 iBrandIconId;
* Comparison method to check if icon item matches with brand id
static TBool EqualBrand( const TBrandId* aId, const CSpbIconItem& aItem );
* Comparison method to check if icon item matches icon id
static TBool EqualId( const TPbk2IconId* aId, const CSpbIconItem& aItem );
* Returns Access based on language
MBSAccess* AccessL();
/// Own. Branding id for icon
HBufC8* iBrandId;
/// Own. Branding element id for icon
HBufC8* iBrandIconId;
/// Own. Bitmap cache for icon
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
/// Own. Mask cache for icon
CFbsBitmap* iMask;
/// Icon ID
TPbk2IconId iIconId;
/// Not own. Branding server interface
CBSFactory& iBrandFactory;
/// Is icon valid (e.g. no loading errors occured)
TBool iValid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSpbIconItem* CSpbIconItem::NewLC(
const TPbk2IconId& aIconId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aBrandIconId,
CBSFactory& aBrandFactory )
CSpbIconItem* self = new(ELeave) CSpbIconItem( aIconId, aBrandFactory );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aBrandId, aBrandIconId );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::~CSpbIconItem
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iBrandId;
delete iBrandIconId;
delete iBitmap;
delete iMask;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::CSpbIconItem
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CSpbIconItem::CSpbIconItem(
const TPbk2IconId& aIconId,
CBSFactory& aBrandFactory ) :
iIconId( aIconId ),
iBrandFactory( aBrandFactory ),
iValid( ETrue )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void CSpbIconItem::ConstructL(
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aBrandIconId )
iBrandId = aBrandId.AllocL();
iBrandIconId = aBrandIconId.AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::EqualBrand
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSpbIconItem::EqualBrand( const TBrandId* aId, const CSpbIconItem& aItem )
if( aId->iBrandId.Compare( *aItem.iBrandId ) ||
aId->iBrandIconId.Compare( *aItem.iBrandIconId ) )
// not equal
return EFalse;
// equal
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::EqualId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSpbIconItem::EqualId( const TPbk2IconId* aId, const CSpbIconItem& aItem )
return aItem.iIconId == *aId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::AccessL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MBSAccess* CSpbIconItem::AccessL()
MBSAccess* access = NULL;
TInt err = 0;
// try with user lang
TRAP( err, access = iBrandFactory.CreateAccessL( *iBrandId, User::Language() ) );
if( err )
// didn't find it, use international english
access = iBrandFactory.CreateAccessL( *iBrandId, ELangInternationalEnglish );
return access;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::PreCreateIconL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSpbIconItem::PreCreateIconL()
// set invalid until loading is successful
iValid = EFalse;
// access based on language
MBSAccess* access = AccessL();
CleanupClosePushL( *access );
// get icon from branding server
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
access->GetBitmapL( *iBrandIconId, bitmap, mask );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // access
// store icon locally for now
delete iBitmap;
iBitmap = bitmap;
delete iMask;
iMask = mask;
iValid = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbIconItem::CreateIconLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGulIcon* CSpbIconItem::CreateIconLC()
if( !iBitmap )
// we don't have the icon pre-created. create it now.
CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( iBitmap, iMask );
iBitmap = NULL; // give out ownership
iMask = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
return icon;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSpbServiceIconProvider* CSpbServiceIconProvider::NewL()
CSpbServiceIconProvider* self = new( ELeave ) CSpbServiceIconProvider;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::~CSpbServiceIconProvider
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iBrandFactory;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::CSpbServiceIconProvider
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CSpbServiceIconProvider::CSpbServiceIconProvider() :
iNextFreeIconIndex( KIconIndexStartValue )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void CSpbServiceIconProvider::ConstructL()
// no default brand used
iBrandFactory = CBSFactory::NewL( KNullDesC8, KApplicationId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::GetBrandedIconL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSpbServiceIcon* CSpbServiceIconProvider::GetBrandedIconL(
const TDesC8& aBrandId, const TDesC8& aIconId )
CSpbIconItem::TBrandId brand( aBrandId, aIconId );
TInt index = iIconArray.Find( brand, &CSpbIconItem::EqualBrand );
if( index < 0 )
// New icon. Create it
CSpbIconItem* icon = CSpbIconItem::NewLC(
TPbk2IconId( TUid::Uid( KIconUidValue ), iNextFreeIconIndex++ ),
aBrandId, aIconId, *iBrandFactory );
index = iIconArray.Count();
iIconArray.AppendL( icon );
CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
// attempt pre-creation. if it fails the icon is marked as invalid
TRAP_IGNORE( icon->PreCreateIconL() );
return iIconArray[index];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpbServiceIconProvider::CreateIconLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGulIcon* CSpbServiceIconProvider::CreateIconLC( const TPbk2IconId& aIconId )
TInt index = iIconArray.Find( aIconId, &CSpbIconItem::EqualId );
if( index < 0 )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iIconArray[index]->CreateIconLC();
// end of file