author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:24:27 +0300
changeset 45 34879f5cfc63
parent 0 e686773b3f54
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201023 Kit: 2010125

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*     This file contains declarations for resources of Logs.APP.
*     The file can be included in C++ or resource file.

#ifndef     __Logs_App_Menu_HRH__
#define     __Logs_App_Menu_HRH__

#include "LogsConstants.hrh" //KLogsPluginImplUID


 * Logs resource header (.hrh) file. Contains Logs command symbols.

// Menu command codes
enum TLogsCommands
    ELogsCmdNoOperation = 0,
    ELogsCmdHandleTapFocusChange,   // For Toolbar initialisation when focus changed
    ELogsCmdAiwCmdAssign,           // AddToPhonebook (from Toolbar)
    EAocCtCmdMenuDetails,           // AoC duration details for call timers
    EAocCtCmdMenuDetailsVoip,       // AoC duration details for voip call timers
    EAocCtCmdMenuDetailsCs,         // AoC duration details for cellular call timers
    EAocCtCmdMenuClear,             // AoC & CT: Clear costs
    EAocCtCmdMenuFilterAls,         // AoC & CT: Filter ALS
    ELogsCmdSendKeyCall,            // Call function1 (when send key is pressed)
    ELogsCmdLongSendKeyCall,        // Call function2 (when send key is pressed long)    
    ELogsCmdDeviceCallKey,          // Call function3 (when special key is pressed - e.g.
                                    // voice key for PoC call)
    ELogsCmdSingleTapCall,          // Call function4 (when single tapping with touch UI)                                   
    ELogsCmdMenuNumberSubMenu,      // dummy cmd, just for deleting number submenu
    ELogsCmdMenuPrependNumber,      // Prepend number
    ELogsCmdMenuCopyNumber,         // copy number

    ELogsCmdMenuPocAddressSubMenu,  // dummy cmd, just for deleting address submenu
    ELogsCmdMenuVoipAddressSubMenu, // dummy cmd, just for deleting address submenu
    ELogsCmdMenuPrependAddress,     // Prepend address (used for voip and poc)
    ELogsCmdMenuCopyAddress,        // copy sip address (used for voip and poc)
    ELogsCmdShowMyAddress,          // Show user's sip address (used for voip and poc)
    ELogsCmdMenuDelete,             // Delete
    ELogsCmdMenuDeleteAll,          // Delete All
    ELogsCmdFailedDueActiveCall,    // Some options was not allowed due active call
    ELogsCmdMenuSendUi,             // For send message submenu
    ELogsCmdToolBarSendUi,          // For send message without query (Toolbar send message button)

    // Last Logs command (keep this item LAST)
    // Note! There are MORE commands on top of this in PECLogs (EDpbCmdLast)

// Logs application view ID's
enum TLogsViewIds
    ELogAppListViewId = 1,  // Logs application view (when started from appshell). This value *must* be hardcoded 1
                            // as appshell will use this number as view parameter in it's appshelldata.xml for Logs:
                            // <appshell:application uid="101F4CD5" view="1"/>
    ELogEventListViewId,    // Logs event list view 
    ELogDetailViewId,       // Logs detail view 
    ELogSubAppListViewId,   // Logs sub application view
    EStmMissedListViewId,   // STM's missed calls view
    EStmReceivedListViewId, // STM's received calls view
    EStmDialledListViewId,  // STM's dialled calls view
    ECtViewId,              // CT's call counters view
    EGprsCounterViewId,     // GPRS counters
    ELogsDummyViewId = 100, // View Id for experiments only
    ELogSettingsViewId = KLogsPluginImplUID     //Settings view is ecom plugin. To keep things straightforward, we use the
                                                //implementation UID as viewId too. The viewid must be unique inside host
                                                //application (i.e General Settings in addition to Logs app).

// Tab ID's
enum TTabIds
    EMissedTabId = EStmMissedListViewId,        // Missed tab id
    EReceivedTabId = EStmReceivedListViewId,    // Received tab id
    EDialledTabId = EStmDialledListViewId,      // Dialled tab id
    EAppListTabId = ELogAppListViewId,          // AppList tab id
    EEventListTabId = ELogEventListViewId,      // EventList tab id
    ESubAppRecentsTabId = ELogSubAppListViewId, // Sub App Recent tab id
    ESubAppTimersTabId = ECtViewId,             // Sub App Timers tab id
    ESubAppGprsTabId = EGprsCounterViewId       // Sub App Gprs tab id

// Logs subapplication ID's
enum TLogsSubAppIds
    EStmStmSubAppId = 0,

// Logs recent list ID's
enum TLogsRecentListIds
    EStmMissedId = 0,

/// Settings view listbox item's enumerations.
enum TLogsSettingsFunction
    ELogSettingsLogLength = 0
    //, ELogSettingsShowCallDurationPhone = 1

// Additional message id:s for view activation
enum TLogsViewActivationMessages
    ELogsViewActivationNoMessage = 0,
enum TLogsShowToolbar

// Logs application execution modes
enum TLogsExecutionModes
    ELogsInForeground = 0,         //Logs running in foregroung

#endif  // __Logs_App_Menu_HRH__

// End of File