* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Phonebook 2 contact editor dialog implementation.
#include <AknForm.h>
#include <babitflags.h>
#include <coeutils.h>
#include <MPbk2ContactEditorControl.h>
#include "MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder.h"
#include "MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilderExtension.h"
#include "MPbk2ContactEditorControlExtension.h"
#include "MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver.h"
#include "MPbk2DialogEliminator.h"
#include "TPbk2ContactEditorParams.h"
#include <MVPbkContactStoreObserver.h>
#include "MPbk2BaseCommand.h"
#include "MPbk2ImageFieldObserver.h"
class CAknTitlePane;
class MPbk2ContactEditorStrategy;
class CPbk2FieldPropertyArray;
class CPbk2PresentationContact;
class CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray;
class MPbk2ContactNameFormatter;
class CPbk2UIExtensionManager;
class MPbk2ContactEditorExtension;
class MPbk2EditedContactObserver;
class MPbk2ContactEditorContactRelocator;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class MPbk2ContactEditorUIField;
class CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem;
class CAknInputBlock;
class MPbk2ApplicationServices;
class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
* Phonebook 2 contact editor dialog implementation.
class CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl : public CAknForm,
public MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder,
public MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilderExtension,
public MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver,
public MPbk2DialogEliminator,
public MPbk2ContactEditorControl,
public MPbk2ContactEditorControlExtension,
public MVPbkContactStoreObserver,
public MPbk2ImageFieldObserver,
public MCoeForegroundObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aParams Contact editor parameters.
* @param aContact The contact to edit.
* @param aFieldProperties Field properties.
* @param aContactObserver Observer for the contact being edited.
* @param aEditorStrategy Contact editing strategy.
* @param aRelocator Contact relocator.
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl* NewL(
TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams,
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
CPbk2FieldPropertyArray& aFieldProperties,
MPbk2EditedContactObserver& aContactObserver,
MPbk2ContactEditorStrategy& aEditorStrategy,
MPbk2ContactEditorContactRelocator& aRelocator );
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aParams Contact editor parameters.
* @param aContact The contact to edit.
* @param aFieldProperties Field properties.
* @param aContactObserver Observer for the contact being edited.
* @param aEditorStrategy Contact editing strategy.
* @param aRelocator Contact relocator.
* @param aAppServices Pointer to Pbk2 application services
* @param aTitleText ownership is transferred
* @return A new instance of this class.
static CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl* NewL(
TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams,
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
CPbk2FieldPropertyArray& aFieldProperties,
MPbk2EditedContactObserver& aContactObserver,
MPbk2ContactEditorStrategy& aEditorStrategy,
MPbk2ContactEditorContactRelocator& aRelocator,
MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices,
HBufC* aTitleText = NULL );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl();
public: // Interface
* Executes the dialog.
void ExecuteLD();
* Adds item to the contact. If the given parameter is KErrNotFound
* the add item dialog is run and the user selects the field type.
* @param aFieldTypeResourceId Specifies the field type to add.
* @param aFieldTypeXspName Field type xSP name.
void AddItemToContactL(
TInt aFieldTypeResourceId,
const TDesC& aFieldTypeXspName,
TBool aSetFocus = ETrue );
* Closes an executing dialog nicely with TryExitL and
* without saving any contact data.
* @param aInformObserver Indicates whether the observer
* should be informed about dialog
* closure.
void CloseWithoutSaving( TBool aInformObserver );
* Tries to set the focus to the first field which is of the
* type of the given type.
* @aFieldTypeResId Field type resource id.
* @param aFieldTypeXspName Field type xSP name.
void TryChangeFocusWithTypeIdL(
TInt aFieldTypeResId, const TDesC& aFieldTypeXSpName );
public: // From CCoeControl
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
void GetHelpContext(
TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
public: // From CAknForm
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
void PostLayoutDynInitL();
void SetInitialCurrentLine();
void ProcessCommandL(
TInt aCommandId );
void DynInitMenuPaneL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
TBool OkToExitL(
TInt aKeycode );
void HandleControlStateChangeL(
TInt aControlId );
//Let Avkon know from which base class control has been
//derived from in order to use the correct layout method.
ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType(TInt aControlType) const;
//Provide custom control
SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType);
void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
// Handles a change to the control's resources.
void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilder
CCoeControl* CreateLineL(
const TDesC& aCaption,
TInt aControlId,
TInt aControlType );
CEikCaptionedControl* LineControl(
TInt aControlId ) const;
void DeleteControl(
TInt aControlId );
void TryChangeFocusL(
TInt aControlId );
void SetCurrentLineCaptionL(
const TDesC& aText );
CCoeControl* Control(
TInt aControlId ) const;
void SetEditableL(
TBool aState );
void LoadBitmapToFieldL(
const MPbk2FieldProperty& aFieldProperty,
const CPbk2IconInfoContainer& aIconInfoContainer,
TInt aControlId );
TAny* ContactEditorUiBuilderExtension( TUid aExtensionUid );
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorUiBuilderExtension
CCoeControl* AddCustomFieldToFormL(TInt aIndex, TInt aResourceId);
TBool HandleCustomFieldCommandL(TInt aCommand );
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver
void ContactEditorOperationCompleted(
MVPbkContactObserver::TContactOpResult aResult,
MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver::TParams aParams );
void ContactEditorOperationFailed(
MVPbkContactObserver::TContactOp aOpCode,
TInt aErrorCode,
MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver::TParams aParams,
MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver::TFailParams& aFailParams );
public: // From MPbk2DialogEliminator
void RequestExitL(
TInt aCommandId );
void ForceExit();
void ResetWhenDestroyed(
MPbk2DialogEliminator** aSelfPtr );
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorControl
void SetFocus(
TInt aIndex );
TInt NumberOfControls() const;
TInt IndexOfCtrlType(
TPbk2FieldCtrlType aType,
TInt& aIndex ) const;
TBool AreAllControlsEmpty() const;
TBool IsControlEmptyL(
TInt aIndex ) const;
TBool IsCustomControlEmptyL(TInt aIndex, TBool& aRet) const;
MPbk2ContactEditorField& EditorField(
TInt aIndex ) const;
virtual TAny* ContactEditorControlExtension(
TUid /*aExtensionUid*/ );
public: // From MPbk2ContactEditorControlExtension
void UpdateControlsL();
TInt FocusedControlType();
public: // From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
void StoreReady(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore );
void StoreUnavailable(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TInt aReason );
void HandleStoreEventL(
MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent );
public: // From MPbk2ImageFieldObserver
* Called when image has bee loaded.
TInt ImageLoadingComplete();
* Called when image loading failed.
TInt ImageLoadingFailed();
* Called when image loading was cancelled.
TInt ImageLoadingCancelled();
private: // From MCoeForegroundObserver
void HandleGainingForeground();
void HandleLosingForeground();
private: // From CEikDialog
void LineChangedL(
TInt aControlId );
private: // Implementation
void DoImageLoadingCompleteL();
TPbk2ContactEditorParams& aParams,
CPbk2PresentationContact& aContact,
CPbk2FieldPropertyArray& aFieldProperties,
MPbk2EditedContactObserver& aContactObserver,
MPbk2ContactEditorStrategy& aEditorStrategy,
MPbk2ContactEditorContactRelocator& aRelocator,
MPbk2ApplicationServices* aAppServices = NULL,
HBufC* aTitleText = NULL );
void ConstructL();
void StoreTitlePaneTextL();
void ConstructContextMenuL();
void ConstructNaviPaneL();
void UpdateTitleL();
void UpdateTitlePictureL();
void CloseDialog(
MVPbkContactObserver::TContactOp aOpCode,
TBool aInformObserver );
void ExitApplication(
MVPbkContactObserver::TContactOp aOpCode,
TInt aCommandId );
void CmdAddItemL();
void CmdDeleteItemL();
void CmdEditItemLabelL();
void CmdDoneL(
MPbk2ContactEditorEventObserver::TParams& aParams );
TInt FocusedFieldIndexL();
void SetCbaButtonsL();
TBool EmptyContextMenuL();
TBool OkToExitApplicationL(
TInt aCommandId );
void ForwardOkToExitL( TInt aKeycode );
void SetCbaCommandSetL( TInt aResourceId );
void UpdateCbasL(CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem* aItemToUpdate = NULL);
void DimItem( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, TInt aCmd );
void UnDimItem( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, TInt aCmd );
TBool CheckBaseCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
TBool ExecuteBaseCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
TBool CheckFieldSpecificCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
void RemoveAndReAddCurrentFieldL();
void DynInitRingtoneL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
MPbk2ContactEditorField& aCurrentField );
void DynInitImageL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
MPbk2ContactEditorField& aCurrentField );
void DynInitSyncL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
MPbk2ContactEditorField& aCurrentField );
void DynInitAddressL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
void ExecuteAddressDlgL(TPbk2ContactEditorParams::TActiveView aActiveView);
void ClearControls();
TBool ContactHasAddress(TPbk2FieldGroupId aAddressGroup);
void AddGroupFieldsL(TPbk2FieldGroupId aGroupId);
TBool AreAllFieldsEmpty();
TBool IsUIDataChanged();
TBool IsAddressValidated(TPbk2FieldGroupId aGroupId);
void DeleteActiveAddressGeoCoords();
void SetAddressValidationIconsL();
void WaitFinishL();
void CloseDialog();
TBool IsUnicodeL( const TDesC& aText );
TBool IsCheckPointEvent(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
void CheckCurrentFieldTextL(
CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem* aCurrentField,
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
void RestorePrevNaviDecoratorL();
void RestoreStatusPaneL();
private: // Data structures
* Exit states.
enum TExitState
* Using states.
enum TUseState
private: // Data
/// Ref: Editor parameters
TPbk2ContactEditorParams& iParams;
/// Own: Context menu bar
CEikMenuBar* iContextMenuBar;
/// Ref: Application's title pane
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;
/// Own: Title pane text to restore on exit
HBufC* iStoredTitlePaneText;
/// Ref: A strategy for the editor
MPbk2ContactEditorStrategy& iEditorStrategy;
/// Ref: Phonebook 2 field properties
CPbk2FieldPropertyArray& iFieldProperties;
/// Ref: Presentation level contact
CPbk2PresentationContact& iContact;
/// Ref: For setting the title of the contact
MPbk2ContactNameFormatter* iNameFormatter;
/// Own: Manages dialog fields
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray* iUiFieldArray;
/// Own: Exit information for TExitState
TBitFlags8 iExitRecord;
/// Own: Contact editor extension
MPbk2ContactEditorExtension* iEditorExtension;
/// Ref: Observer for the contact being edited
MPbk2EditedContactObserver& iContactObserver;
/// Own: Add item selection index
TInt iAddItemSelectionIndex;
/// Ref: Contact relocator
MPbk2ContactEditorContactRelocator& iRelocator;
/// Ref: Extension manager
CPbk2UIExtensionManager* iExtensionManager;
/// Ref: Status pane handle
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviContainer;
/// Ref: Pointer to dialog eliminator
MPbk2DialogEliminator** iSelfPtr;
/// Own: Current CBA command set
TInt iCbaCommandSet;
///Own: Handle to basecommand object
MPbk2BaseCommand* iPbk2BaseCommand;
//Ref: Temp holder for last created custom control
CCoeControl* iLastCreatedCustomControl;
// Own: In order to prevent execution of multiple commands in case
// user taps fast enough touch ui.
TBool iCommandPending;
/// Own: 'end-key' was pressed
TBool iEndKeyWasPressed;
/// Field factory
CPbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory* iFieldFactory;
/// Ref: Instance of Address View
CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl* iAddressView;
/// Own: If we are in stand alone Address View
TBool iAddressViewStandalone;
/// Dialog using state
TUseState iUseState;
/// Own: Wait until finish contact store operation
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWaitFinish;
/// Own: User input blocker
CAknInputBlock* iInputBlock;
// Own: Whether the service has been canceled
TBool iServiceCanceled;
// Own: A store contact
MVPbkStoreContact* iStoreContact;
// Ref: Pbk2 application services
MPbk2ApplicationServices* iAppServices;
// Own: Custom title text
HBufC* iTitleText;
/// Own: Converts text between Unicode and SMS 7-bit
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iConverter;
/// Ref: A pointer to stack variable in CloseDialog() for knowing
/// if the destructor has already been called
TBool* iDestroyedPtr;
/// Ref: Holds the TopMost NaviDecorator before pushing
/// the empty one on to the top.
/// Doesnt Own.
CAknNavigationDecorator* iPrevNaviDecorator;
TInt iCurrentstatuspane;
// End of File