* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Fetch dialog for Phonebook.
#ifndef __CPbkFetchDlg_H__
#define __CPbkFetchDlg_H__
#include <AknDialog.h> // CEikDialog
#include "MPbkFetchDlg.h"
#include <eikcmobs.h>
#include <cntdef.h>
#include <MPbkContactViewListControlObserver.h>
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CPbkContactEngine;
class CPbkContactIdSet;
class MPbkFetchDlgAccept;
class CPbkContextPaneIcon;
class MPbkFetchDlgPages;
class MPbkFetchKeyCallback;
class CPbkExtGlobals;
class MPbkFetchDlgSelection;
* Generic Phonebook fetch dialog -- do not use directly!
* Use CPbkSingleEntryFetch for Single Entry Fetch or
* CPbkMultipleEntryFetch for Multiple entry Fetch.
public CAknDialog,
private MPbkFetchDlg,
private MPbkContactViewListControlObserver
public: // data structures
* Fetch parameter flags.
enum TFetchFlags
* Fetch paramters struct.
* Parameters specify the fetch return value.
class TParams
public: // Input parameters
* Fetch flags, see TFetchFlags.
* Defaults to FETCH_FOCUSED.
TUint iFlags;
* Defaults to Single entry fetch.
TInt iResId;
* MANDATORY: Contacts to display.
CContactViewBase* iContactView;
* Optional fetch key event callback.
MPbkFetchKeyCallback* iKeyCallback;
* Optional fetch accept callback.
MPbkFetchDlgAccept* iAcceptCallback;
* Optional fetch selection callback.
MPbkFetchDlgSelection* iFetchSelection;
* Optional Fetch Softkey resource ID
TInt iCbaId;
public: // Output parameters
* Returns the focused entry if iFlags has FETCH_FOCUSED set.
TContactItemId iFocusedEntry;
* Returns the marked entries if iFlags has FETCH_MARKED set.
* Caller must delete iMarkedEntries when no longer needed.
CContactIdArray* iMarkedEntries;
public: // Interface
* C++ Constructor. Inits this object for single entry fetch.
* Returns a cleanup item which will release all resources
* held by this object in case a leave occurs.
operator TCleanupItem();
// Compiler-generated destructor is ok for this class
private: // Implementation
static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr);
private: // Unimplemented
/// Unimplemented copy constructor
TParams(const TParams&);
/// Unimplemented assignment operator
TParams& operator=(const TParams&);
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates a fetch dialog with specified parameters.
* @param aParams Fetch parameters, see TParams.
* @param aEngine Phonebook engine.
* @return a new instace of this class.
static CPbkFetchDlg* NewL(TParams& aParams, CPbkContactEngine& aEngine);
* Sets aSelfPtr to NULL when this dialog is destroyed.
* @precond !aSelfPtr || *aSelfPtr==this
void ResetWhenDestroyed(CPbkFetchDlg** aSelfPtr);
* Destructor.
public: // Interface
* Executes and deletes (also if a leave occurs) this dialog.
* @return !=0 if dialog was accepted, 0 if canceled.
TInt ExecuteLD();
private: // from CEikDialog
SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType);
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
void PageChangedL(TInt aPageId);
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
void LineChangedL(TInt aControlId);
public: // MEikCommandObserver
void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
private: // from MPbkFetchDlg
CCoeControl* FetchDlgControl(TInt aCtrlId) const;
CContactViewBase& FetchDlgNamesView() const;
CPbkContactIdSet& FetchDlgSelection();
void FetchDlgHandleError(TInt aError);
TRect FetchDlgClientRect() const;
CPbkContactEngine& PbkEngine();
void FetchDlgPageChangedL(MPbkFetchDlgPage& aPage);
void UpdateMSKL( TInt aIndex );
private: // from MPbkContactViewListControlObserver
void HandleContactViewListControlEventL(
CPbkContactViewListControl& aControl,
const TPbkContactViewListControlEvent& aEvent);
private: // Implementation
CPbkFetchDlg(TParams& aParams, CPbkContactEngine& aEngine);
void ConstructL();
void SetCbaCommandSetL(TInt aResourceId);
void SetupStatusPaneL();
void UpdateCbasL();
static TInt TryAcceptSelectionL( TAny* aSelf );
void SkinTabsL();
static TInt DelaySkinning(TAny* aFetchDlg);
private: // types
* Resource data, see PBK_FETCHENTRY_DIALOG.
struct TResData
TInt iDialogId;
TInt iCbaId;
TInt iEmptyCbaId;
TInt iNaviPaneId;
void ReadFromResource(TResourceReader& aReader);
private: // data
/// Ref: paramters
TParams& iParams;
/// Ref: Contact engine
CPbkContactEngine& iEngine;
/// Own: Resource data
TResData iResData;
/// Own: Navi pane control
CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator;
/// Own: Selected contacts array
CPbkContactIdSet* iSelectedIdSet;
/// Ref: is the dialog canceled
TBool* iCanceledPtr;
/// Ref: Set to NULL when this dialog is destroyed.
CPbkFetchDlg** iSelfPtr;
/// Own: Phonebooks application icon
CPbkContextPaneIcon* iContextPaneIcon;
/// Own: dialog pages
MPbkFetchDlgPages* iPages;
/// Ref: currently active page
MPbkFetchDlgPage* iCurrentPage;
/// Own: current CBA command set
TInt iCbaCommandSet;
/// Own: handle to UI extension factory
CPbkExtGlobals* iExtGlobals;
/// Own: Resource id of the caller's status pane
TInt iPreviousStatusPaneLayout;
/// Own: Asynchronous dialog accepter callback
CAsyncCallBack* iDialogAccepter;
/// Own: Delay for tab skinning
CIdle* iTabSkinDelay;
#endif // __CPbkFetchDlg_H__
// End of File