Merge RCL_3 fixes with latest delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Used to manage TLogsEventInfo objects
#include "clogseventinfomanager.h"
#include "tlogseventinfo.h"
#include "logsextconsts.h"
#include "simpledebug.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsEventInfoManager* CLogsEventInfoManager::NewL()
CLogsEventInfoManager* self = CLogsEventInfoManager::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsEventInfoManager* CLogsEventInfoManager::NewLC()
CLogsEventInfoManager* self = new( ELeave ) CLogsEventInfoManager;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Descructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::~CLogsEventInfoManager(): begin")
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::~CLogsEventInfoManager(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: iEventInfoArray( KEventInfoManagerArrayGranularity )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsEventInfoManager::ConstructL()
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::ConstructL(): begin")
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::ConstructL(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds TLogsEventInfo entry to this manager.Manager takes ownership of the
// entry. Before adding the entry it is checked whether the entry already
// exists to avoid duplicates. Entries with the same service id are considered
// to be duplicates.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsEventInfoManager::AddEventEntryL( TUint32 aServiceId )
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::AddEventEntryL(): begin")
if ( !EntryExists ( aServiceId ) )
// Pc-lint warning: #429: Custodial pointer 'eventInfo'has not been
// freed or returned.
// Explanation: pointer ownership transferred to the array or deleted
// if transfer not successful
TLogsEventInfo* eventInfo =
new( ELeave ) TLogsEventInfo( aServiceId );
TInt error = iEventInfoArray.Append( eventInfo );
if ( KErrNone != error )
delete eventInfo;
eventInfo = NULL;
//entry exists already
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::AddEventEntryL(): end ")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether an entry exists for the specified service id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsEventInfoManager::EntryExists( TUint32 aServiceId )
_LOGP("CLogsEventInfoManager::EntryExists(): begin=%d", aServiceId)
TBool success( EFalse );
for ( TInt i = 0 ; ( i < Count() ) && ( success == EFalse ) ; i++ )
TLogsEventInfo* info = iEventInfoArray[i];
if ( info && info->ServiceId() )
if ( info->ServiceId() == aServiceId )
success = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::EntryExists(): end")
return success;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get an TLogsEventInfo entry with the specified service id. Returns Null if
// such an entry does not exist. Ownership not transferred.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TLogsEventInfo* CLogsEventInfoManager::GetEventInfoEntry(
TUint32 aServiceId ) const
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::GetEventInfoEntry(): begin")
TLogsEventInfo* entry = NULL;
TBool success( EFalse );
for ( TInt i = 0 ; ( i < Count() ) && ( success == EFalse ) ; i++ )
TLogsEventInfo* info = iEventInfoArray[i];
if ( info && info->ServiceId() )
if ( info->ServiceId() == aServiceId )
entry = info;
success = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::GetEventInfoEntry(): end")
return entry;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get an TLogsEventInfo entry with the specified service id. Returns Null if
// such an entry does not exist. Ownership not transferred.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TLogsEventInfo* CLogsEventInfoManager::GetEventInfoEntryByIndex(
TInt aIndex ) const
TLogsEventInfo* entry = NULL;
if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < Count() )
entry = iEventInfoArray[aIndex];
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::GetEventInfoEntryByIndex(): end")
return entry;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the brand icon index of the event info entry with a certain
// service id to 'aBrandingIconIndex'.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsEventInfoManager::SetBrandIndex(
TUint32 aServiceId,
TInt aBrandingIconIndex )
_LOGPP("CLogsEventInfoManager::SetBrandIndex(): %d, %d",
aServiceId, aBrandingIconIndex)
TInt err( KErrNotFound );
TLogsEventInfo* entry = GetEventInfoEntry( aServiceId );
if ( entry )
entry->SetBrandingIconIndex( aBrandingIconIndex );
err = KErrNone;
_LOGP("CLogsEventInfoManager::SetBrandIndex(): end return==%d",err)
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The brand icon index for a log event with the specified service id
// is retrieved and assigned to 'aIndex'.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsEventInfoManager::GetBrandIconIndex( TUint32 aServiceId,
TInt& aIndex) const
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::GetBrandIconIndex(): begin")
TBool success( EFalse );
// find the entry that contains 'aServiceId' and return its brandindex
// or do nothing
for ( TInt i = 0 ; ( i < Count() ) && ( success == EFalse ) ; i++ )
TLogsEventInfo* info = iEventInfoArray[i];
if ( info && info->ServiceId() )
if ( info->ServiceId() == aServiceId )
aIndex = info->BrandingIconIndex();
success = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::GetBrandIconIndex(): end")
return success;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the number of TLogsEventInfo objects that the manager maintains
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsEventInfoManager::Count() const
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry::Count(): =%d",
return iEventInfoArray.Count();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the brand icon index for the specified service
// id is already available or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsEventInfoManager::BrandIconIndexAvailable(
TUint32 aServiceId ) const
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::BrandIconIndexAvailable(): begin")
TBool result( EFalse );
TInt brandIndex( KErrNotFound );
if ( GetBrandIconIndex( aServiceId, brandIndex )
&& brandIndex > KInitialIndexValue )
result = ETrue;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( result )
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::BrandIconIndexAvailable(): end ...")
_LOG("...BrandIndex => available")
_LOG("CLogsEventInfoManager::BrandIconIndexAvailable(): end ...")
_LOG("...BrandIndex => NOT available")
return result;