author Arnaud Lenoir
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 13:34:41 +0100
changeset 76 a7e7933e67a8
parent 63 f4a778e096c2
child 64 c1e8ba0c2b16
child 85 38bb213f60ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added sf_test directory to start the work related to the guidlines for package test organisation (http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Guidelines_for_Package_Test_Organisation).

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*     Logs application UI class

#ifndef     __Logs_App_CLogsAppUi_H__
#define     __Logs_App_CLogsAppUi_H__

#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
#include <AknTabObserver.h>

#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>    
#include <akntoolbar.h>  

#include "Logs.hrh"






class CLogsEngine;
class CLogsDocument;
class CSendUi;
class CAiwServiceHandler;


 * Logs application UI class. 
 * An object of this class is created by the Symbian OS framework by a call to 
 * CLogsDocument::CreateAppUiL(). The application UI object creates and owns
 * the application's views and handles system commands selected from the menu.

class   CLogsAppUi :    public CAknViewAppUi,
						public MAknTabObserver,          
                        public MAknToolbarObserver,
                        public MCoeControlObserver                      
         *  Destructor.

         *  Default constructor.

         *  Constructor.
         *  @param aEngine Logs enegine
        CLogsAppUi( CLogsEngine* aEngine );

         //Constructor, second phase.
        void ConstructL();

        //Callback function for CIdle object that calls ConstructDelayedL()
        static TInt ConstructDelayedCallbackL( TAny* aContainer  );
        //Performs time consuming construction operations once. 
        void DoConstructDelayedL();
    public: // other functions

         *  HandleMessageL. Called by the framework. 
        MCoeMessageObserver::TMessageResponse HandleMessageL(TUint32 aClientHandleOfTargetWindowGroup,
                                                             TUid aMessageUid,
                                                             const TDesC8& aMessageParameters);
         *  ProcessCommandParametersL. Called by the framework. 
         *  IMPORTANT: This command line parameter interface is PRIVATE and may be replaced
         *  in future with more generic solution. So do not use this unless agreed with Logs
         *  project.
        TBool ProcessCommandParametersL(TApaCommand aCommand,
                                        TFileName& aDocumentName,
                                        const TDesC8& aTail);

         * Handles menu commands. Called by the framework. Only application-
         * wide and system commands are handled here. Use 
         * CAknView::ProcessCommandL to handle view- and context-specific 
         * commands.
         * @param aCommand  The command code. Codes are defined in Logs.hrh
         *                  and linked to UI controls (such as menus) in the 
         *                  resource file Logs.rss.
         * @exception anything  thrown during the processing of the command. 
         *                      The application framework will by default trap
         *                      and report uncaught exceptions to the user 
         *                      with a simple pop-up dialog.
        void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );

         *  Returns the pointer of the engine.
         *  @return iEngine
        CLogsEngine* Engine();

         * TPbkIconId array getter
         * @return icon id array
        //Not in use anymore, Phonebook icons replaced by own icons 
        //CArrayFix<TPbkIconId>* IconIdArray();

         * Icon info container getter
         * @return icon info container
        //Not in use anymore, Phonebook icons replaced by own icons 
        //CPbkIconInfoContainer* IconInfoContainer();

         * Activate view
         * @param aView to activate, will create view if it 
         *              doesn't exist.
        void ActivateLogsViewL( TLogsViewIds aView );

         * Activate view
         * @param aView to activate, will create view if it 
         *              doesn't exist.
		 * @param aCustomMessageId id of a custom message sent 
		 *                         with view activation
		 * @param aCustomMessage   a custom message sent
		 *                         with view activation
		 * @param aShowToolbar     show toolbar with
		 *                         view activation
        void ActivateLogsViewL( TLogsViewIds aView,
								TLogsViewActivationMessages aCustomMessageId,  
								const TDesC8 & aCustomMessage );

         * Sets the previous view id.
         * @param aView ID of the view.
        void SetPreviousViewId( TUid aView );

         * Sets the current view id.
         * @param aView id of the current view
        void SetCurrentViewId( TUid aView );

         *  Command handler: exit
        void CmdExit();
         *  Command handler: back
        void CmdBackL();

         * Command OK key handler
         * @param aIndex current item in the listbox
        void CmdOkL( TInt aIndex ); 

         * Active view id
         * @return view id
        TLogsViewIds ActiveViewId();

         * Returns the UId of the previous application
         * @return  id of the previous application
        TUid PreviousAppUid() const;
         * Sets the previous application UId.
         * @param aUid ID of the application.
        void SetPreviousAppUid( TUid aUid );

         * If dialled/missed view is called from another program
         * @param aProvideOnlyRecentViews Is dialled/missed view called Idle etc so 
         *                                that not all views are provided
        void SetProvideOnlyRecentViews( TBool aProvideOnlyRecentViews );

         * Is dialled/missed view is called from another program.
         * @return Is dialled/missed view called from another program.
        TBool ProvideOnlyRecentViews() const;

         * Log view current list position getter
         * @return current position
        TInt EventListViewCurrent() const;

         * Log view current list position setter
         * @param aCurrent position
        void SetEventListViewCurrent( TInt aCurrent );

		 * Gets the current execution mode for the app
		 * @return current execution mode
		TInt ExecutionMode() const;

		 * Sets the current execution mode for the app
		 * @param aMode the new execution mode
		void SetExecutionMode( TInt aMode );
         * When Logs regains foreground this checks wether Logs was actually
         * left to background (soft exit) and we should open Logs main view.
         * Otherwise the dialled calls view would be opened as we activate
         * the dialled calls when  Logs is left to background.
         * By default this is OFF:
         *   -> so normal foreground lost\regain not affected by this
         * Set ON when user selects 'Exit':
         *   -> so when regaining fg without commandline parameter Logs main view is shown.
         * Set OFF if commandline parameter received
         * @return true/false open Logs main view
		TBool ResetViewOnFocusRegain() const;
         * Set the resetting to main ON\OFF after regaining foreground
         * @param aReset true/false open Logs main view on foreground regain
		void SetResetViewOnFocusRegain(TBool aReset);
		void HideLogsToBackgroundL();

		 * Returns refrence to single instance of SendUi
		 * (ownership remains in ClogsAppUi)		 
		CSendUi* SendUiL();		
		 * Returns refrence to single instance of CallUi ServiceHandler for Phone calls 
		 * (ownership remains in ClogsAppUi)
         * @param ETrue If a special case of resetting callui needs to be done, use EFalse normally
        CAiwServiceHandler* CallUiL( TBool aReset = EFalse );
         * Returns wether Logs was started with Send key from idle
         * @return true/false 
        TBool LogsOpenedWithSendKey();
         * Setter for iLogsOpenedWithSendKey
         * @param true/false 
        void SetLogsOpenedWithSendKey(TBool aLogsOpenedWithSendKey);
         *  Returns whether Logs is background.
        TBool IsBackground() const;

	public: // from MAknTabObserver
		void TabChangedL(TInt aIndex);

        void HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination );
		 * Sets the current execution mode for the app
		 * @param aUid      Uid of the app
		 * @param aTail		Command line parameter for the app
        TBool StartApplicationL( TUid aUid, const TDesC8& aTail );

        FIXME: Toolbar is currently always on - keeping the toolbar visibility  *
               handling sources in comments for now - remove later.             */
         * Toolbar Visibility setting
         * @return Toolbar Visibility setting
         // TBool ToolbarVisibility()  const;    
         * Records Toolbar visibility setting
         // void RecordToolbarVisibility();
    private: // From MAknToolbarObserver
        void DynInitToolbarL(TInt aResourceId,
                CAknToolbar* aToolbar );
        void OfferToolbarEventL(TInt aCommand);

        //from MCoeControlObserver        
        void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType);        

    private: // data

        /// Own: id of the previous view
        TUid iPreviousViewId;

        /// Own: id of the current view
        TUid iCurrentViewId;

        /// Ref: Pointer to application model.
        CLogsEngine* iEngine;   
        Not in use anymore, Phonebook icons replaced by own icons 
        /// Own: icon id array
        CArrayFix<TPbkIconId>*   iIconIdArray;

        /// Own: icon info container
        CPbkIconInfoContainer*   iIconInfoContainer;

        /// Own: resource file for recent view icons ( from phonebook )
        TBool               iResetToMain;
        /// Own id of the previous application
        TUid iPreviousAppUid;

        /// Own: Is dialled/missed view is called from another program.
        TBool iProvideOnlyRecentViews;
        TBool iLogsOpenedWithSendKey;

		/// Own: current execution mode
		TInt iExecutionMode;
        enum TExitEndPressed

        TExitEndPressed		iExitOrEndPressed;	//Relates to KAknUidValueEndKeyCloseEvent		
        CSendUi*            iSendUi;            //Own: Instance of SendUi
        CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;    //own: ServiceHandler for CallUi, Pbk etc
        CIdle*              iConstructDelayed;  //own
        FIXME: Toolbar is currently always on - keeping the toolbar visibility   *
               handling sources in comments for now - remove later.              *
        TBool               iShowToolbar;        *********************************/

#endif  // __Logs_App_CLogsAppUi_H__

// End of File