Bug 1745 - Fix types for passing function pointers.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <c32comm.h>
#include <e32keys.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <etel.h>
#include <etelmm.h>
#include <cntdb.h>
#include <testconfigfileparser.h>
#include <test/testexecuteserverbase.h>
#include <connect/sbeclient.h>
#include "phbksync.h"
#include "simtsy.h"
using namespace conn;
// Test macros
_LIT(KTestCheckFailText, "Failed: Got %d while expecting %d.");
_LIT(KTestCheckConditionFailText, "Failed: Condition was false.");
_LIT(KTestCheckStringFailText, "Failed: Got \"%S\" while expecting \"%S\".");
#define TESTCHECKL(a, b) \
{ \
if((a)!=(b)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF3(KTestCheckFailText, a, b); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
User::Leave(EFail); \
} \
{ \
if (!(a)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF1(KTestCheckConditionFailText); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
User::Leave(EFail); \
} \
#define TESTCHECKSTRL(a, b) \
{ \
if((a)!=(b)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF3(KTestCheckStringFailText, &(a), &(b)); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
User::Leave(EFail); \
} \
#define TESTCHECK(a, b) \
{ \
if((a)!=(b)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF3(KTestCheckFailText, a, b); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
} \
{ \
if (!(a)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF1(KTestCheckConditionFailText); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
} \
#define TESTCHECKSTR(a, b) \
{ \
if((a)!=(b)) \
{ \
INFO_PRINTF3(KTestCheckStringFailText, &(a), &(b)); \
SetTestStepResult(EFail); \
} \
_LIT16(KName1, "Name1");
_LIT16(KName2, "Name2");
_LIT16(KName3, "Name3");
_LIT16(KName4, "Name4");
_LIT16(KName5, "Name5");
_LIT16(KAdditionalNumber1, "2345678901");
_LIT16(KAdditionalNumber2, "3456789012");
_LIT16(KAdditionalString1, "NumberString1");
_LIT16(KAdditionalString2, "NumberString2");
//static RMobilePhone::TMobileTON KAdditionalTON1 = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber;
//static RMobilePhone::TMobileTON KAdditionalTON2 = RMobilePhone::ENationalNumber;
_LIT16(KGroup1, "Group1");
_LIT16(KGroup2, "Group2");
_LIT16(KGroup3, "Group3");
_LIT16(KGroup4, "Group4");
_LIT16(KGroup5, "Group5");
_LIT16(KEmail1, "EmailName1@some.com");
_LIT16(KEmail2, "EmailName2@some.com");
_LIT16(KEmail3, "EmailName3@some.com");
_LIT16(KEmail4, "EmailName4@some.com");
_LIT16(KEmail5, "EamilName5@some.com");
//static TUid KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebookCallByRef = {KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebookValue};
//static TUid KUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebookCallByRef = {KUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebookValue};
//static TUid KUidIccGlobalLndPhonebookCallByRef = {KUidIccGlobalLndPhonebookValue};
//static TUid KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebookCallByRef = {KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebookValue};
//static TUid KUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebookCallByRef = {KUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebookValue};
enum {KTotalNumberOfPhoneBook = 5};
enum {KOneSeconduS = 1000000}; // 1 second in uS
const TInt KFieldLength = 16;
const TInt KSyncArrayGranularity=4;
const TInt KMaxPhBkNameSize=241;
// This class is copied from phbksync server side since it is not supposed
// to be seen by client. This is defined here just for test purpose.
class MyCSyncContactICCEntry : public CBase
typedef TBuf16<KMaxPhBkNameSize> TSyncEntryName;
typedef TBuf16<RMobilePhone::KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> TSyncEntryNumber;
class TSyncAdditionalNumber
void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
TSyncEntryNumber iNumber; // Additional number
TSyncEntryName iNumberString; // Alpha string associated with
// additional number
RMobilePhone::TMobileTON iTON; // TON associated with additional number
enum TSyncPhoneBook
static MyCSyncContactICCEntry* NewL();
// CBufBase* StoreL();
// void StoreL(TDes8& aDes);
// void RestoreL(const TDesC8& aBuf);
// void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
// void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
void ConstructL();
// Usually two representations of same name
CArrayFixFlat<TSyncEntryName>* iNameList;
TSyncEntryNumber iNumber; // Phone number
// List of additional numbers
CArrayFixFlat<TSyncAdditionalNumber>* iNumberList;
// List of groups this entry belongs to
CArrayFixFlat<TSyncEntryName>* iGroupList;
// List of e-mails associated with this entry
CArrayFixFlat<TSyncEntryName>* iEmailList;
TInt iSlotNum; // Slot number
RMobilePhone::TMobileTON iTON; // TON associated with iNumber
TContactItemId iContactUID; // Contacts Unique ID
TSyncPhoneBook iPhonebook; // Phonebook that this entry belongs to
// Hidden entry flag associated with USIM App phonebooks
// only - used when user is creating a hidden entry
TBool iIsHidden;
// This is needed for new entries only, so that server can map this group
TContactItemId iGroupId;
class CTestStepPhbkSync : public CTestStep
// common phone book synchronisation operations
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
void DestroyDefaultIniFileL();
void DestroyDefaultFilesL();
void ChangeSyncModeL(RPhoneBookSession::TPhonebookSyncMode aMode,
TUid aPhonebookUid);
void CheckSyncModeL(RPhoneBookSession::TPhonebookSyncMode aMode,
TUid aPhonebookUid);
void CheckCacheStateValidL(TUid aPhonebookUid);
void CheckCacheStateInvalidL(TUid aPhonebookUid);
void CheckCacheStateErrorL(TUid aPhonebookUid);
void WaitForIccToBecomeLockedL();
MyCSyncContactICCEntry::TSyncPhoneBook convertPhonebookUid2Enum(TUid aPhonebookUid);
// This method is called by all WriteContact() related test steps.
// This method accepts the internal format (see MyCSyncContactICCEntry
// defined in this header file) and then converts it into the
// external/standard format before calling the iSession.WriteContact().
// By doing that, only a simple ICC entry data structure is exposed
// to the tetsers.
void DoWriteContactToICCL(MyCSyncContactICCEntry* iccEntryInternal,
TUid& aPhonebookUid,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
RPhoneBookSession* aSession = NULL);
void DoSyncL(TUid aPhonebookUid, TInt expectedErr, TBool aIgnoreErr=EFalse);
void DoSyncAndNotificationL(TUid aPhonebookUid, TInt aExpectedErr,
RPhoneBookSession::TSyncState aExpectedState,
TRequestStatus& aNotifyStatus, TBool aIgnoreErr=EFalse);
void SetSimTsyTestNumberL(TInt aTestNumber, TBool aIgnoreErr=EFalse);
void SignalSimTsyToReduceTimersL();
void AddTextFieldToIccContactL(TStorageType aType,
TFieldType aFieldType,
TUid aMapping,
TDesC& aField,
CContactICCEntry* aIccEntry,
TInt aCount);
TContactItemId GetValidUIDFromContactsDbL(TUid aPhonebookUid,
TBool aHiddenRequired=EFalse);
TInt GetValidSlotFromContactsDbL(TUid aPhonebookUid,
TBool aHiddenRequired=EFalse);
void InitialiseIccEntryInternalOldL(MyCSyncContactICCEntry& aIccEntryInternal);
void InitialiseIccEntryInternalOldL(MyCSyncContactICCEntry* aIccEntryInternal);
void InitialiseIccEntryInternalNewL(MyCSyncContactICCEntry& aIccEntryInternal);
void InitialiseIccEntryInternalNewL(MyCSyncContactICCEntry* aIccEntryInternal);
void ConfigurePhbkSyncToIdleL();
void ConfigurePhbkSyncToFullL();
RPhoneBookSession iSession;
TUid iPhoneBook[KTotalNumberOfPhoneBook];
TUid iUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebookCallByRef;
TUid iUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebookCallByRef;
TUid iUidIccGlobalLndPhonebookCallByRef;
TUid iUidUsimAppAdnPhonebookCallByRef;
TUid iUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebookCallByRef;
CActiveScheduler* iScheduler;
CSBEClient* iSecureBackupEngine;
#endif // __TE_PHBKSYNCBASE_H__