// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "pltables.h"
#include "dbsqlconstants.h"
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 4;
@param aDatabase A handle to the database.
@return A pointer to a new CPplGroupsTable object.
CPplGroupsTable* CPplGroupsTable::NewL(RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
CPplGroupsTable* self = CPplGroupsTable::NewLC(aDatabase);
return self;
@param aDatabase A handle to the database.
@return A pointer to a new CPplGroupsTable object.
CPplGroupsTable* CPplGroupsTable::NewLC(RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
CPplGroupsTable* self = new (ELeave) CPplGroupsTable(aDatabase);
return self;
Set up the CCntSqlStatement objects held by the class.
void CPplGroupsTable::ConstructL()
// Statement types
TCntSqlStatementType insertType(EInsert, KSqlContactGroupTableName);
TCntSqlStatementType selectType(ESelect, KSqlContactGroupTableName);
TCntSqlStatementType updateType(EUpdate, KSqlContactGroupTableName);
TCntSqlStatementType deleteType(EDelete, KSqlContactGroupTableName);
TCntSqlStatementType countContactsType(ESelect, KSqlContactTableName);
// Where clauses
// sizes of the clauses
const TInt KWhereGroupClauseBufSize(KGroupContactGroupId().Size() +
KWhereStringEqualsStringFormatText().Size() + KGroupContactGroupIdParam().Size() );
const TInt KWhereMemberClauseBufSize(KGroupContactGroupMemberId().Size() +
KWhereStringEqualsStringFormatText().Size() + KGroupContactGroupMemberIdParam().Size() );
const TInt KWhereOrClauseBufSize(KWhereGroupClauseBufSize + KSqlOr().Size() + KWhereMemberClauseBufSize);
// for WHERE contact_group_id = [contact id value]
HBufC* whereGroupIdClause = HBufC::NewLC(KWhereGroupClauseBufSize);
&KGroupContactGroupId, &KGroupContactGroupIdParam );
// for WHERE contact_group_member_id = [contact id value]
HBufC* whereMemberIdClause = HBufC::NewLC(KWhereMemberClauseBufSize);
&KGroupContactGroupMemberId, &KGroupContactGroupMemberIdParam );
// for WHERE contact_group_id = [contact id value]
// OR contact_group_member_id = [contact id value]
HBufC* whereGroupOrMemberIdClause = HBufC::NewLC(KWhereOrClauseBufSize);
TPtr whereGroupOrMemberIdClausePtr = whereGroupOrMemberIdClause->Des();
&KGroupContactGroupId, &KGroupContactGroupIdParam);
&KGroupContactGroupMemberId, &KGroupContactGroupMemberIdParam);
// for WHERE contact_id = [contact_id]
HBufC* whereContactIdClause = HBufC::NewLC(KWhereGroupClauseBufSize);
&KContactId, &KContactIdParam );
// insert group-member relationships
// For a statement in the following format:
// INSERT INTO groups
// (group_id, contact_group_id, contact_group_member_id)
// VALUES (NULL, [contact group id value], [contact group member id value]);
iInsertStmnt = TSqlProvider::GetSqlStatementL(insertType);
iInsertStmnt->SetParamL(KGroupContactGroupId(), KGroupContactGroupIdParam());
iInsertStmnt->SetParamL(KGroupContactGroupMemberId(), KGroupContactGroupMemberIdParam());
// select group id
// For a statement in the following format:
// SELECT contact_group_id FROM groups
// WHERE contact_group_member_id = [contact id value];
iSelectGroupsStmnt = TSqlProvider::GetSqlStatementL(selectType);
iSelectGroupsStmnt->SetParamL(KGroupContactGroupId(), KNullDesC() );
// select member id
// For a statement in the following format:
// SELECT contact_group_member_id FROM groups
// WHERE contact_group_id = [contact id value];
iSelectMembersStmnt = TSqlProvider::GetSqlStatementL(selectType);
iSelectMembersStmnt->SetParamL(KGroupContactGroupMemberId(), KNullDesC() );
// delete all where group or member equals id
// For a statement in the following format:
// DELETE FROM groups WHERE contact_group_id = [contact id value]
// OR contact_group_member_id = [contact id value];
iDeleteStmnt = TSqlProvider::GetSqlStatementL(deleteType);
// SELECt count(*) FROM contact WHERE contact_id = [contact_id]
iCountContactsStmnt = TSqlProvider::GetSqlStatementL(countContactsType);
iCountContactsStmnt->SetParamL(KSqlCount, KSpace);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, whereGroupIdClause); // and whereContactIdClause, whereMemberIdClause, whereGroupOrMemberIdClause
Tidy up CCntSqlStatement objects
delete iInsertStmnt;
delete iSelectGroupsStmnt;
delete iSelectMembersStmnt;
delete iDeleteStmnt;
delete iCountContactsStmnt;
Does nothing. An empty implementation to override the pure virtual method in the base class.
void CPplGroupsTable::CreateInDbL(CContactItem& /*aItem*/)
// Do nothing.
// Inserting new records in the groups table is done through the UpdateL() method.
ReadL has a dual functionality. If passed parameter is a group, will be filled to contacts
bellonging to that group. Otherwirse, the contact item will be filed with all groups to which
it belongs
@param aItem Reference to contact item.
void CPplGroupsTable::ReadL(CContactItem& aItem)
const TContactItemId KItemId(aItem.Id() );
const TUid KType(aItem.Type() );
if (KType == KUidContactGroup)
CContactGroup& group = static_cast<CContactGroup&>(aItem);
group.SetItems(GetListForItemL(KItemId, ETrue));
if (KType == KUidContactCard || KType == KUidContactOwnCard || KType == KUidContactICCEntry || KType == KUidContactGroup)
CContactItemPlusGroup& item = static_cast<CContactItemPlusGroup&>(aItem);
item.SetGroups(GetListForItemL(KItemId, EFalse));
Updates informations related to passed contact item within group table
@param aItem Reference to contact item.
void CPplGroupsTable::UpdateL(const CContactItem& aItem)
// Only write to the table if it's a group. If we add the relationship from both sides
// (i.e. once for the group and once for the item) we will have duplicate records.
if (aItem.Type() == KUidContactGroup)
Deletes group informations related to passed contact item from group table
@param aItem Reference to contact item.
@param aLowDiskErrorOccurred out parameter; will be set to ETrue if there was an attempt to delete
in low disk condition
void CPplGroupsTable::DeleteL(const CContactItem& aItem, TBool& aLowDiskErrorOccurred)
DeleteItemL(aItem.Id(), aLowDiskErrorOccurred);
Creates the groups table and its indexes in the database.
void CPplGroupsTable::CreateTableL()
User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Exec(KGroupsCreateStmnt() ) );
CPplGroupsTable constructor
@param aDatabase reference to contact database
CPplGroupsTable::CPplGroupsTable(RSqlDatabase& aDatabase) :
GetListForItemL has a dual nature. If aIsGroup is ETrue, a list of contact items belonging to
specified group is returned. Otherwise a list of group ids to which contact id belongs is returned.
@param aItemId contact item id
@param aIsGroup ETrue if the method will fill a group.
CContactIdArray* CPplGroupsTable::GetListForItemL(TContactItemId aItemId, TBool aIsGroup)
// Check if group membership information was not requested or if the item
// is not derived from CContactItemPlusGroup.
if (!(aType == KUidContactGroup || aType == KUidContactCard ||
aType == KUidContactOwnCard || aType == KUidContactICCEntry) )
return NULL;
// build the RSqlStatement
RSqlStatement stmnt;
TInt idIndex;
// build the CCntSqlStatement statement
const TInt KWhereParamIndex(KFirstIndex); // only one parameter in the query
if (aIsGroup)
// group -> select members
stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iSelectMembersStmnt->SqlStringL() );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KWhereParamIndex, aItemId ) );
idIndex = stmnt.ColumnIndex(KGroupContactGroupMemberId() );
// member -> select groups
stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iSelectGroupsStmnt->SqlStringL() );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KWhereParamIndex, aItemId ) );
idIndex = stmnt.ColumnIndex(KGroupContactGroupId() );
// fetch the list of any matching ids
CContactIdArray* items = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
TInt err(KErrNone);
while ((err = stmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow)
items->AddL(stmnt.ColumnInt(idIndex) );
// leave if we didn't complete going through the results properly
if(err != KSqlAtEnd)
return items;
Persist the items belonging to curent group into group table
@param aGroup referece to a contact group
void CPplGroupsTable::WriteGroupMembersL(const CContactItem& aGroup)
if (aGroup.Type() != KUidContactGroup)
const TContactItemId KGroupId(aGroup.Id() );
// make sure we clear out any previous, out-of-date data
TBool lowDiskErr(EFalse);
DeleteItemL(KGroupId, lowDiskErr);
if (lowDiskErr)
// build the RSqlStatement
RSqlStatement stmnt;
stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iInsertStmnt->SqlStringL() );
const TInt KGroupIdIndex(KFirstIndex); // first parameter in query...
const TInt KMemberIdIndex(KGroupIdIndex + 1); // ...and the second parameter
// copy and sort the member id array so we can see if there are duplicates
const CContactIdArray* contactIdArray = static_cast<const CContactGroup&>(aGroup).ItemsContained(); //does not take the ownership
const TInt arrayCount = contactIdArray->Count();
CArrayFixFlat<TContactItemId>* sortedList = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TContactItemId>(KArrayGranularity);
for(TInt loop = 0;loop < arrayCount; ++loop)
TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
// insert the group-member relationships
const TInt KCountStmntParamIndex(KFirstIndex); // first and only parameter in query
const TInt listLen(sortedList->Count() );
TInt lastId(0);
for (TInt i = 0; i < listLen; ++i)
TInt itemId((*sortedList)[i]);
//check if a contact item with itemId id really exists in contact database
RSqlStatement countStmnt;
countStmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iCountContactsStmnt->SqlStringL() );
User::LeaveIfError(countStmnt.BindInt(KCountStmntParamIndex, itemId) );
TInt count = 0;
TInt err = KErrNone;
if((err = countStmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow)
count = countStmnt.ColumnInt(iCountContactsStmnt->ParameterIndex(KSqlCount) );
if(count == 0)
// only insert this if we haven't already seen it
if (itemId != lastId || i == 0)
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KGroupIdIndex, KGroupId) );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KMemberIdIndex, itemId) );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.Exec() );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.Reset() );
lastId = itemId;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &stmnt); // and sortedList
Deletes information about group for the passed contact item id
@param aItemId contact item id
@param aLowDiskErrorOccurred out parameter; will be set to ETrue if there was a deletion in
low disk condition
void CPplGroupsTable::DeleteItemL(TContactItemId aItemId, TBool& aLowDiskErrorOccurred)
RSqlStatement stmnt;
stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iDeleteStmnt->SqlStringL() );
const TInt KGroupIdIndex(KFirstIndex); // first parameter in query...
const TInt KMemberIdIndex(KGroupIdIndex + 1); // ...and the second parameter
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KGroupIdIndex, aItemId) );
User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KMemberIdIndex, aItemId) );
TInt err = stmnt.Exec();
if (err == KErrDiskFull)
aLowDiskErrorOccurred = ETrue;