author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:12:17 +0200
changeset 0 e686773b3f54
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201005

* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Header file for Presence Cache Server session


#include <e32base.h>

#include <badesca.h>

#include "presencecachedefs2.h"

 * Presence cache server session class.
 * @since S60 v3.2
class CPresenceCacheServer;
class MPresenceInfo;
class MPresenceBuddyInfo2;
class CCacheSessionActiveHelper;
class CPresenceCacheBuddyStore;
class CPresenceCacheEvent;

//Include Cache server namespace
using namespace NCacheSrv2;

class CPresenceCacheSession : public CSession2
    friend class CCacheSessionActiveHelper;
    public: // Constructors and destructors

        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aServer The server.
        * @return Pointer to created CPresenceCacheSession object.
        static CPresenceCacheSession* NewL( CPresenceCacheServer& aServer );

        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aServer The server.
        * @return Pointer to created CPresenceCacheSession object.
        static CPresenceCacheSession* NewLC( CPresenceCacheServer& aServer );

        * ~CPresenceCacheSession.
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CPresenceCacheSession();
    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CSession
        void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
    public: // own
        * This is called by some other session to inform this session that given
        * buddy's presence has been changed. The informing session first make
        * sure that this session has subscribed for the changes in given buddy.
        *@param pointer to CPresenceBuddyInfoImp, ownership doesnt transfer.
        void NotifyPresenceChangeL(const MPresenceBuddyInfo2* aPresenceBuddyInfo);             

    private: // Constructors and destructors

        * C++ default constructor.
        * @param aServer The server.
        CPresenceCacheSession( CPresenceCacheServer& aServer );

        * Construct.
        * 2nd phase constructor
		void ConstructL();

    private: // New methods

        * Packs PresenceInfo object into a data packet.
        * @param aPresInfo PresenceInfo object.
        * @return HBufC* data packet.
        HBufC8* PackPresenceInfoLC(const MPresenceBuddyInfo2& aPresInfo);        
        * Cancels the async request, this is called by docancel of active helper
        void Cancel();
        * Tries writing given buddy to presence cache
        * @param aBuddyPresInfo object to write.
        * @return TInt error code
        TInt TryWriteBuddyToCacheL(MPresenceBuddyInfo2* aBuddyPresInfo);
        * Removes all subscriptions stored by this session in iSubscribedStores
        void RemoveMySubscriptions();
        * Notify to subscribers in given buddy store's presence change. This method
        * goes through all subscribed sessions and call their NotifyPresenceChangeL
        * methods. Ownership of store is not transferred.
        * @param aBuddyStore pointer to changed CPresenceCacheBuddyStore
        void NotifyAllSubscribersL(CPresenceCacheBuddyStore* aBuddyStore);
        * Pack buddy's presence info into descriptor.
        * @param aBuddyPresInfo buddy's presence info, ownership doesnt transfer
        * @param HBufC8* packed presence info
        HBufC8* PackBuddyPresenceInfoLC(
            const MPresenceBuddyInfo2* aBuddyPresInfo );
                                    // const CPresenceBuddyInfoImp* aBuddyPresInfo);
        void EmptyNotificationQueue();

         * Add into event queueu
         * @param aMsg message contect, ownership is taken in successful case
        void AddIntoQueueL( HBufC8* aMsg );

         * Write next event into client.
        void SendNextEventL( const RMessage2& aMessage );  
         * Complete pending notification wait in client if there is an event in the event queue.
        void SendNextEventNotificationL();        
     private: // New Massage processors, these are called to process messages.
        void HandlePrepReadPresenceInfoSyncL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleWritePresenceInfoSyncL(const RMessage2& aMessage ); 
        void HandleGetLastPreparedPacketL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleGetLastPreparedAsyncPacketL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleBuddyCountInAllServicesL(const RMessage2& aMessage ); 
        void HandleBuddyCountInServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleWritePresenceInfoAsyncL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandlePrepReadAllBuddiesPresenceInService(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleGetServiceCountL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleDeleteServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleCancel(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleDeletePresenceL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        // subscribe notification related
        void HandleSubscribeBuddyPresenceChangeL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleUnSubscribeBuddyPresenceChangeL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleGetLastNotifiedtPacketL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleWaitingForNotificationL(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        void HandleCancelWaitingForNotification(const RMessage2& aMessage );
        * Writes Presence info async. to cache, its called on each runl cycle
        * and it takes data to write from member data holders.
        void WritePresenceInfoAsyncL();
        * Reads all buddies presence info in given service. It takes data from 
        * stored message.
        void ReadAllBuddiesPresenceInServiceL();
         * Get Service name from given xsp id
         * @param aXspId xsp id e.g.
         * @return ServiceName returned here
        TPtrC GetServiceName(const TDesC& aXspId);
    private: // Data

        * iMessage, the message exchange data with the server.
        RMessage2 iMessage;
        * iMessage, the message holder for notification wating.
        * This is always pending when some client subscribe for notifications.
        RMessage2 iMessageForNoti;

        * iServer, reference to the server.
        CPresenceCacheServer& iServer;
        * Own: used for sync messages
        HBufC8* iDataPack;
        * Own: used for async messages
        HBufC8* iDataPackAsync;
        * Own: used for subscribe notify message
        // HBufC8* iDataPackNotifier;
        * Own: used for ansync requests
        NRequest::TOpAsyncCodes iAsyncReq;
        RPointerArray<MPresenceBuddyInfo2> iBuddypresInfoList;
        TInt iLastServiceCount;
        CCacheSessionActiveHelper* iActiveHelper;
        * Pointers not owned.
        RPointerArray<CPresenceCacheBuddyStore> iSubscribedStores;

         * Presence notification queue
        RPointerArray<CPresenceCacheEvent> iNotifyEvents;        

* This class is used by CPresenceCacheSession for dividing long running async.
* tasks into smaller units. The CPresenceCacheSession itself was not made 
* active, since that results in c++ ambiguousness problems in CPresenceCacheSession
* because of inheriting twice from CBase.
* @since S60 v3.2
class CCacheSessionActiveHelper : public CActive
	public: // public functions
        * Default 1st phase factory method.
        * Creates an instance of CCacheSessionActiveHelper
        * @return created instance of the CCacheSessionActiveHelper
        static CCacheSessionActiveHelper* NewL(CPresenceCacheSession* aSession );
        * Destructor
        ~CCacheSessionActiveHelper( );
        * Active object start
		void Start();
	private: // private functions
        * Constructor
        CCacheSessionActiveHelper(CPresenceCacheSession* aSession);

        * Active object RunL
		void RunL();
        * Active object DoCancel
		void DoCancel();
        * ConstructL
		void ConstructL();
		TInt RunError(TInt aError);
        * pointer to CPresenceCacheSession doesnt own
		CPresenceCacheSession* iCacheSession;

// End of File