* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* A class to contain functions to handle contact field action.
#include <badesca.h>
class CPbkContactEngine;
class CPbkContactItem;
class CParserProperty;
class CPbkAttachmentFile;
class CPbkFieldInfo;
class CParserPropertyValue;
class CBCardParserParamArray;
class CBCardFieldUidMapping;
class TPbkContactItemField;
class TPbkMatchPriorityLevel;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBCardEngine::CBCardFieldAction) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates a new instance of this class.
* @param aEngine phonebook engine reference
* @param aNameUidMap name UID map reference
* @param aPictureFileName picture file name
* @param aThumbnailFileName thumbnail file name
static CBCardFieldAction* NewL(
CPbkContactEngine& aEngine,
CBCardFieldUidMapping& aNameUidMap,
HBufC& aPictureFileName,
HBufC& aThumbnailFileName);
* Destructor.
public: // Interface
* Adds a field.
* @param aDestItem target item
* @param aProperty the property
* @param aPriorityLevel the priority
* @return ETrue if success
TBool AddFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CParserProperty& aProperty,
TPbkMatchPriorityLevel& aPriorityLevel);
* Adds a compact card field.
* @param aDestItem target item
* @param aFieldId the field id
* @param aValue the value
* @param aPhoneNumber phonenumber field flag
* @param aLabel the label
* @return ETrue if success
TBool AddCompactCardFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
TPbkFieldId aFieldId,
const TDesC& aValue,
TBool aPhoneNumber = EFalse,
const TDesC* aLabel=NULL);
* Gets additional parameters.
* @param aField the field
* @param aParameters the parameters
* @return not used
TBool GetAdditionalParametersL(
TPbkContactItemField& aField,
CBCardParserParamArray& aParameters,
CPbkContactItem& aItem);
* Exports a contact field.
* @param aExportProperty export property
* @param aParser vCard parser
* @param aSourceItem the source item
* @param aField the field to export
void ExportContactFieldL(
const CBCardExportProperty& aExportProperty,
CParserVCard& aParser,
CPbkContactItem& aSourceItem,
TPbkContactItemField& aField);
* Exports an array of contact fields.
* @param aParser vCard parser
* @param aSourceItem the source item
* @param aField the field to export
* @param aExportProperty export property
void ExportArrayOfFieldsL(
CParserVCard& aParser,
CPbkContactItem& aSourceItem,
const CBCardExportProperty& aExportProperty);
* Maps image type to a string.
* @param aType image type enumeration
* @return image description string
static const TDesC& MapImageTypeToString(const TInt aType);
private: // Constructors
CPbkContactEngine& aEngine,
CBCardFieldUidMapping& aNameUidMap,
HBufC& aPictureFileName,
HBufC& aThumbnailFileName);
private: // Implementation
TInt FindFieldMaximumLength(TPbkFieldId aFieldId);
TBool AddFieldWithValueL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CPbkFieldInfo& aFieldInfo,
const TDesC &aValue,
TBool aPhoneNumber=EFalse,
const TDesC* aLabel=NULL);
CParserPropertyValue* GetExportPropertyValueL(
CPbkContactItem& aSourceItem,
TPbkContactItemField& aField,
const TPbkVersitStorageType& aType,
CBCardParserParamArray& aParameters);
TBool AddArrayFieldsL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CParserProperty& aProperty,
TPbkMatchPriorityLevel& aPriorityLevel);
TBool AddTextFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CPbkFieldInfo& aFieldInfo,
CParserProperty& aProperty);
TBool AddBinaryFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CParserProperty& aProperty);
TBool AddDateFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CPbkFieldInfo& aFieldInfo,
CParserProperty& aProperty);
TBool AddPronounciationFieldL(
CPbkContactItem& aDestItem,
CParserProperty& aProperty,
TPbkMatchPriorityLevel& aPriorityLevel);
CParserPropertyValue* GetExportTextValueL(
TPbkContactItemField& aField);
CParserPropertyValue* GetExportBinaryValueL(
CPbkContactItem& aSourceItem,
CBCardParserParamArray& aParameters);
CParserPropertyValue* GetExportDateValueL(
TPbkContactItemField& aField);
CParserPropertyValue* GetExportArrayValueL(
CPbkContactItem& aSourceItem,
const CBCardExportProperty& aExportProperty,
CBCardParserParamArray& aParameters);
TBool InsertExportArrayTextL(
TPbkContactItemField& aField, CDesCArrayFlat& aArray);
HBufC* GetFirstNameFieldTextL(const CDesCArray& aValues) const;
HBufC* GetCompanyNameFieldTextL(const CDesCArray& aValues) const;
HBufC* GetArrayValueCollectedL(
const CDesCArray& aValues,
const TInt aStartIndex,
const TInt aEndIndex,
const TInt aSkipIndex ) const;
HBufC8* GetHBufCOfCBufSegL(CBufSeg* aBufSeg) const;
TBool ContainsValidTextualDataL(TPtrC aDataText) const;
private: // Data
/// Ref: phonebook engine
CPbkContactEngine* iEngine;
/// Ref: name UID mapping
CBCardFieldUidMapping* iNameUidMap;
/// Ref: file name of the picure
HBufC* iPictureFileName;
/// Ref: file name of the thumbnail
HBufC* iThumbnailFileName;
// End of File