* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Used to collect various presence related information for the
* extension.
#include "clogspresencetablemanager.h"
#include "clogspresenceindextableentry.h"
#include "clogspresencestatustableentry.h"
#include "clogsextlogidpresidmapping.h"
#include "MLogsEventGetter.h"
#include "logsextconsts.h"
#include "MLogsModel.h"
#include "simpledebug.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsPresenceTableManager* CLogsPresenceTableManager::NewL()
CLogsPresenceTableManager* self = CLogsPresenceTableManager::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsPresenceTableManager* CLogsPresenceTableManager::NewLC()
CLogsPresenceTableManager* self = new( ELeave ) CLogsPresenceTableManager;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::~CLogsPresenceTableManager: begin")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::~CLogsPresenceTableManager: end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::ConstructL()
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ConstructL(): begin")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ConstructL(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
iPresenceStatusTable( KPresenceTableManagerGranularity ),
iPresenceIndexTable( KPresenceTableManagerGranularity ),
iLogIdPresIdMappingArray( KLogIdPresIdMappingArrayGranularity )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::CLogsPresenceTableManager(): begin")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::CLogsPresenceTableManager(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the index of a certain icon in the listbox's icon array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndex(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
TInt& aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndex: begin")
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
TDesC* status = GetStatusFromStatusTable( aServiceId, aPresentityId );
if ( status )
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
error = GetIndexFromIndexTable( aServiceId, *status, index );
if ( KErrNone == error )
if ( index >= 0 )
aIndex = index;
error = KErrNone;
error = KErrNotFound;
else if ( KErrNotFound == error )
error = KErrNotReady;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndex: end (error==%d)",error)
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the index of a certain icon in the listbox's icon array from the
// index table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndexFromIndexTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatusString,
TInt& aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndexFromIndexTable: begin")
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < IndexTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceIndexTableEntry* entry = iPresenceIndexTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresenceStatusString() == aPresenceStatusString )
aIndex = entry->PresenceIconIndex();
error = KErrNone;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetIndexFromIndexTable: end (error=%d)",
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the status of a status entry from the status table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDesC* CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetStatusFromStatusTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetStatusFromStatusTable: begin")
TDesC* presenceStatus = NULL;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetStatusFromStatusTable: count=%d",
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !found && i < StatusTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = iPresenceStatusTable[i];
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::GetStatusFromStatusTable: i=%d",i)
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresentityId() == aPresentityId
&& entry->DisplayPresence()
&& entry->PresenceStatusString() )
_LOGPP("...INSIDE IF i=%d presenceString=%S",
i , entry->PresenceStatusString() )
presenceStatus = entry->PresenceStatusString();
found = ETrue;
return presenceStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new CLogsStatusTableEntry object and adds it to the manager's
// status table (which is iPresenceStatusTable). Before adding an entry to
// the table it is checked whether the entry already exists in the table
// to avoid duplicates. Entries with the same service id and presentity id
// are considered to be duplicates.
// Note: Since the presence status might not being known when adding the
// entry it is possible to leave it unspecified.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToStatusTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
TBool aShowStatus )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToStatusTable: begin")
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
// if entry does not exist -> create it.
if ( !StatusEntryExists( aServiceId, aPresentityId ) )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = NULL;
TRAP( error, entry =
aShowStatus ); );
if ( KErrNone == error )
error = iPresenceStatusTable.Append( entry );
if ( KErrNone != error )
delete entry;
entry = NULL;
error = KErrNoMemory;
// if entry already exists -> dont create it again.
//entry exists already
error = KErrAlreadyExists;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToStatusTable: end (error=%d)",
error )
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new CLogsIndexTableEntry object and adds it to the manager's
// index table (which is iPresenceIndexTable). Before adding an entry to
// the table it is checked whether the entry already exists in the table
// to avoid duplicates. Entries with the same service id and presence
// status are considered to be duplicates.
// Note: Since the index might not being known when adding the
// entry it is possible to leave it unspecified.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToIndexTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatusString )
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToIndexTable: aServiceId=%d",
aServiceId )
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
// if entry does not exist -> create it.
TBool entryexists( ETrue );
entryexists = IndexEntryExists( aServiceId, aPresenceStatusString );
if ( !entryexists )
CLogsPresenceIndexTableEntry* entry = NULL;
TRAP( error,
entry = CLogsPresenceIndexTableEntry::NewL( aServiceId,
aPresenceStatusString ) );
if ( KErrNone == error )
error = iPresenceIndexTable.Append( entry );
if ( KErrNone != error )
delete entry;
entry = NULL;
error = KErrNoMemory;
// if entry already exists -> dont create it again.
//entry exists already
error = KErrAlreadyExists;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddEntryToIndexTable: end (error==%d)",
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the presence icon index is available or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsPresenceTableManager::PresenceIconIndexAvailable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::PresenceIconIndexAvailable: begin")
TBool IsIndexAvailable( EFalse );
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
TInt error ( GetIndex( aServiceId, aPresentityId, index ) );
switch( error )
case KErrNone:
if ( index >= 0 )
IsIndexAvailable = ETrue;
case KErrNotReady:
case KErrNotFound:
IsIndexAvailable = EFalse;
if ( IsIndexAvailable )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::PresenceIconIndexAvailable: end...")
_LOG("... PresenceIndex => available")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::PresenceIconIndexAvailable: end...")
_LOG("... PresenceIndex => NOT available")
return IsIndexAvailable;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the status of a certain status entry of the status table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetStatusInStatusTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatusString,
TBool aShowStatus )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetStatusInStatusTable: begin")
TInt error( KErrGeneral );
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !found && i < StatusTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = iPresenceStatusTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresentityId() == aPresentityId )
found = ETrue;
entry->SetDisplayPresence( aShowStatus );
error = entry->SetPresenceStatusString( aPresenceStatusString );
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetStatusInStatusTable: end (error=%d)",
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the status of a certain status entry of the status table to the
// initial value. Presense status is not displayed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::UpdateStatusTableEntry(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
TBool aShowStatus )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetStatusTableEntry: begin")
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !found && i < StatusTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = iPresenceStatusTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresentityId() == aPresentityId )
entry->SetDisplayPresence( aShowStatus );
found = ETrue;
error = KErrNone;
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetStatusTableEntry: end (error==%d)",
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the status of all status entries of the status table to the initial
// value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetStatusTableEntries()
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetStatusTableEntries: begin")
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < StatusTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = iPresenceStatusTable[i];
if ( entry )
entry->SetDisplayPresence( EFalse );
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetStatusTableEntries: end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the presence icon index values to initial values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetState()
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetIndexTableEntries: begin")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::ResetIndexTableEntries: end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the index of a certain index entry of the index table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetIndexInIndexTable(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatusString,
const TInt aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetIndexInIndexTable: begin")
TInt error( KErrGeneral );
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !found && i < IndexTableEntriesCount() ; i++ )
CLogsPresenceIndexTableEntry* entry = iPresenceIndexTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresenceStatusString() == aPresenceStatusString )
found = ETrue;
error = entry->SetPresenceIconIndex( aIndex );
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::SetIndexInIndexTable: end (error==%d)",
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks the existance of a status entry with the specified arguments.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusEntryExists(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusEntryExists: begin")
TBool exists( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !exists && i < StatusTableEntriesCount(); i++ )
CLogsPresenceStatusTableEntry* entry = iPresenceStatusTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresentityId() == aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusEntryExists: entry exists")
exists = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusEntryExists: end")
return exists;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks the existance of a index entry with the specified arguments.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsPresenceTableManager::IndexEntryExists(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatus )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::IndexEntryExists: begin")
TBool exists( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); !exists && i < IndexTableEntriesCount() ; i++ )
CLogsPresenceIndexTableEntry* entry = iPresenceIndexTable[i];
if ( entry
&& entry->ServiceId() == aServiceId
&& entry->PresenceStatusString() == aPresenceStatus )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::IndexEntryExists: entry exists")
exists = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::IndexEntryExists: end")
return exists;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the number of entries in the status table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusTableEntriesCount()
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::StatusTableEntriesCount(): count=%d",
return iPresenceStatusTable.Count();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the number of entries in the index table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsPresenceTableManager::IndexTableEntriesCount()
return iPresenceIndexTable.Count();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a mapping (Log Id is mapped to a presentity id).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddMappingL( const TLogId aLogId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddMappingL(): begin")
// if a mapping for aLogId already exists and the two pres ids of both
// mappings are different, only then update the existing mapping with the
// new pres id
const TDesC* presId = NULL;
presId = RetrievePresentityId( aLogId );
if ( presId && ( *presId != aPresentityId ) ) //update mapping
_LOG("... update existing mapping")
UpdateMappingL( aLogId, aPresentityId );
else if( !presId ) // add mapping
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddMappingL(): create new mapping")
AppendMappingL( aLogId, aPresentityId );
_LOGP("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RetrievePresentityId(): #mappings=%d",
iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count() )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AddMappingL(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates the presentity id an existing mapping.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::UpdateMappingL( const TLogId aLogId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::UpdateMappingL(): begin")
// delete the mapping with aLogId
TBool mappingFound( EFalse );
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping* mapping = NULL;
for ( TInt i( 0 );
i < iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count() && !mappingFound;
i++ )
mapping = iLogIdPresIdMappingArray[i];
if ( mapping && ( mapping->LogId() == aLogId ) )
delete mapping;
mapping = NULL;
iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Remove( i );
mappingFound = ETrue;
// create a new mapping
AppendMappingL( aLogId, aPresentityId );
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::UpdateMappingL(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new mapping with the specified arguments.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::AppendMappingL( const TLogId aLogId,
const TDesC& aPresentitytId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AppendMappingL(): begin")
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping* mapping =
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping::NewLC( aLogId, aPresentitytId );
iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.AppendL( mapping );
CleanupStack::Pop( mapping );
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::AppendMappingL(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the presentity id of a mapping using the log id to retrieve the
// mapping.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC* CLogsPresenceTableManager::RetrievePresentityId(
const TLogId aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RetrievePresentityId(): begin")
const TDesC* result = NULL;
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping* mapping = NULL;
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count(); i++ )
mapping = iLogIdPresIdMappingArray[i];
if ( mapping && ( mapping->LogId() == aLogId ) )
result = mapping->PresentityId();
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RetrievePresentityId(): end")
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes unnecessary mappings by comparing the log ids of the current
// view to the log ids in the array of mappings. Those mappings which
// contain a log id that cannot be found from 'aModel' will be deleted.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveUnneededMappings( MLogsModel& aModel )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveUnneededMappings(): begin")
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping* mapping = NULL;
_LOGP("... #mappingsBeforeCleanup=%d",iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count() )
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count(); i++ )
mapping = iLogIdPresIdMappingArray[i];
if ( mapping && !IsLogIdInMappingArray( aModel, mapping->LogId() ) )
RemoveMapping( mapping->LogId() );
_LOGP("... #mappingsAfterCleanup=%d",iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count() )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveUnneededMappings(): end")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if one of the log events in 'aModel' has the same LogId as the one
// that is specified.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsPresenceTableManager::IsLogIdInMappingArray( MLogsModel& aModel,
TLogId aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::IsLogIdInMappingArray(): begin")
TBool isLogIdInMappingArray( EFalse );
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aModel.Count() && !found; i++ )
if ( aModel.At( i ) && aLogId == aModel.At( i )->LogId() )
isLogIdInMappingArray = ETrue;
found = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::IsLogIdInMappingArray(): end")
return isLogIdInMappingArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes a mapping from the array that contains the pointer of all the
// mappings. This includes the deletion of the object whose pointer was
// stored in the mapping array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveMapping( TLogId aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveMapping(): begin ")
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveMapping(): remove mapping...")
_LOGP("... with logId=%d", aLogId )
CLogsExtLogIdPresIdMapping* mapping = NULL;
TBool deleted( EFalse );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Count(); i++ )
mapping = iLogIdPresIdMappingArray[i];
if ( mapping && ( mapping->LogId() == aLogId ) && !deleted )
iLogIdPresIdMappingArray.Remove( i );
delete mapping;
mapping = NULL;
deleted = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveMapping(): mapping...")
_LOGP("... with logId=%d deleted from mapping array", aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsPresenceTableManager::RemoveMapping(): end")