* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Provides additional functionality to the Logs UI application
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include "clogsuicontrolextension.h"
#include "clogspresencetablemanager.h"
#include "clogseventinfomanager.h"
#include "clogsextbrandfetcher.h"
#include "clogsextpresentityidfetcher.h"
#include "tlogseventinfo.h"
#include "clogsiconfileprovider.h"
#include "clogsextservicehandler.h"
#include "LogsConstants.hrh" // for KLogsBuff128
#include "LogsConsts.h" // for KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons, KTab
#include "logsextconsts.h"
#include "tlogsextutil.h"
#include "simpledebug.h"
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsUiControlExtension* CLogsUiControlExtension::NewL()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::NewL()" )
CLogsUiControlExtension* self = CLogsUiControlExtension::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLogsUiControlExtension* CLogsUiControlExtension::NewLC()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::NewLC()" )
CLogsUiControlExtension* self = new( ELeave ) CLogsUiControlExtension;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::ConstructL()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ConstructL() begin" )
iLogEntryInfoManager = CLogsEventInfoManager::NewL();
iPresenceTableManager = CLogsPresenceTableManager::NewL();
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ConstructL() end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
iListBox( NULL ),
iLogsExtObserver( NULL ),
iBrandFetcherArray( KBrandFetcherArrayGranularity ),
iPresentityIdFetcherArray( KPresentityIdFetcherArrayGranularity ),
iServiceHandlerArray( KPresentityIdFetcherArrayGranularity ),
iBitmap( NULL ),
iBitmask( NULL )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CLogsUiControlExtension()" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::~CLogsUiControlExtension() begin" )
delete iLogEntryInfoManager;
delete iPresenceTableManager;
delete iBitmap;
delete iBitmask;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::~CLogsUiControlExtension()..." )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::~CLogsUiControlExtension() end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete member data.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::DoRelease()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoRelease() begin" )
delete this;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoRelease() end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functionality not supported by this dll - function does nothing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendIconsL( CAknIconArray* /*aArray*/ )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendIconsL begin" )
// Reset brand fetcher array. Brand fetchers and icons are reconstructed
// again when when HandleAdditionalData() gets called. We cannot load
// icons here because we don't know yet which icons to load.
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendIconsL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functionality not supported by this dll - function does nothing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::GetIconIndexL( TContactItemId /*aContactId*/,
TInt& /*aIndex*/ )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::GetIconIndexL begin" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::GetIconIndexL end" )
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the observer of the extension (probably a CLogsRecentListView object)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::SetObserver( MLogsExtObserver& aObserver )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetObserver begin" )
iLogsExtObserver = &aObserver;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetObserver end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Starts the additional data handling.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::HandleAdditionalData(
MLogsModel& aModel,
CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox& aListBox )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::HandleAdditionalDataL begin" )
iListBox = &aListBox;
TRAP_IGNORE( DoAdditionalDataHandlingL( aModel ) );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::HandleAdditionalDataL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates and starts all the icon fetching processes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::DoAdditionalDataHandlingL( MLogsModel& aModel )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoAdditionalDataHandlingL begin" )
CreateAndStartBrandFetchersL( aModel );
CreateAndStartPresentityIdFetchersL( aModel );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoAdditionalDataHandlingL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a service handler for a certain service if it not already
// exists and issues the binding request.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL( TUint32 aServiceId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL: begin" )
if ( aServiceId && !ServiceHandlerExists( aServiceId ) )
// create and bind the service handler
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL:..." )
_LOG("... !ServiceHandlerExists")
CLogsExtServiceHandler* serviceHandler =
CLogsExtServiceHandler::NewLC( aServiceId, *this );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL:..." )
_LOG("...iServiceHandlerArray.AppendL( serviceHandler )")
iServiceHandlerArray.AppendL( serviceHandler );
CleanupStack::Pop( serviceHandler );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL: end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates and starts all the brand icon fetching processes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndStartBrandFetchersL(
MLogsModel& aModel )
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aModel.Count() ; i++ )
// Here we go through the list of events an check whether the events
// contain a service id or not.Then a brand fetcher is created for
// each service id.
// PC-lint errors: #1013, #1055, #64
// Explanation: error message occurs because the 'DataField' function
// is flagged by __VOIP and RD_VOIP_REL_2_2 flags; as long as the
// entire logsserviceextension is flagged by __VOIP and
// RD_VOIP_REL_2_2 as well this does not cause any problems
// get the serviceId
TUint32 serviceId ( aModel.At(i)->LogsEventData()->ServiceId() );
if ( serviceId && !BrandFetcherExists( serviceId ) )
// the manager adds a eventInfo object only if it does not
// contain an eventinfo object with the given service id
// --> this acts as a duplicate-elimination
TRAP_IGNORE( iLogEntryInfoManager->AddEventEntryL( serviceId ) );
// create and start the fetcher
CLogsExtBrandFetcher* brandFetcher =
CLogsExtBrandFetcher::NewLC( serviceId, *this );
iBrandFetcherArray.AppendL( brandFetcher );
CleanupStack::Pop( brandFetcher );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates and starts all the presence icon fetching processes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndStartPresentityIdFetchersL(
MLogsModel& aModel )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndStartPresentityIdFetchersL begin " )
// go through all the log events and create the status entries
// (iPresenceTableManager takes care for duplication elimination and returns
// KErrAlreadyExists if one tries to add an entry that already exists)
// create one presence fetcher for each status table entry and start them.
// note: entries to the index table will only be added after the callback
// from the presencefw
// the presence table manager decides which mappings are not needed
// anymore by comparing the log ids of the current view to the
// log ids in the array of mappings; mappings which contain a log id
// that cannot be found from 'aModel' will be deleted.
iPresenceTableManager->RemoveUnneededMappings( aModel );
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aModel.Count() ; i++ )
// PC-lint errors: #1013, #1055
// Explanation: error message occurs because the 'DataField' function
// is flagged by __VOIP and RD_VOIP_REL_2_2 flags; as long as the
// entire logsserviceextension is flagged by __VOIP and RD_VOIP_REL_2_2
// as well this does not cause any problems
TUint32 serviceId( aModel.At(i)->LogsEventData()->ServiceId() );
TPtrC8 contactLink;
TBool contactLinkRetrievalSuccess( EFalse );
if ( KErrNone == aModel.At(i)->
LogsEventData()->GetContactLink( contactLink ) )
contactLinkRetrievalSuccess = ETrue;
if ( serviceId && contactLinkRetrievalSuccess )
//create the presentity id fetcher
DoPresentityIdFetcherCreationL( serviceId,
aModel.At(i)->LogId() );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::CreateAndStartPresentityIdFetchersL end " )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modifies the given icon string.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::ModifyIconString (
TDes& aDes,
const MLogsEventGetter& aLogsEventGetter )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::ModifyIconString begin originalstring=%S",
// only make changes to log entries that contain a service id and
// dont start looking for fetching results before the fetching
// process has been started. (Fetching is initiated through
// HandleAdditionalDataL function call)
TInt result( KErrNone );
TRAP( result, DoIconStringModificationL( aDes, aLogsEventGetter ) );
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::ModifyIconString resulting string=%S",
&aDes )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ModifyIconString end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes the actual modifications to the string.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::DoIconStringModificationL(
TDes& aDes,
const MLogsEventGetter& aLogsEventGetter )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoIconStringModificationL begin" )
// use the parser to extract e.g. the service id from the data field of a
// log event. the information should be tagged like this -> "SI=5",
// whereas "SI" is the identifier for a service id and "5" is its value
// PC-lint errors: #1013
// Explanation: error message occurs because the 'DataField' function
// is flagged by __VOIP and RD_VOIP_REL_2_2 flags; as long as the
// entire logsserviceextension is flagged by __VOIP and RD_VOIP_REL_2_2
// as well this does not cause any problems
TUint32 serviceId( aLogsEventGetter.LogsEventData()->ServiceId() );
if ( serviceId <= 0 )
// without service id we cannont proceed any further...
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
TBool brandIconIndexAvailable(
iLogEntryInfoManager->BrandIconIndexAvailable( serviceId ) );
TBool presenceIconIndexAvailable( EFalse );
const TDesC* presentityId =
presentityId = LookupPresentityId( aLogsEventGetter.LogId() );
//don't leave here: if the presentity id does not exist it means that
//we cannot check the availability of that presentity from the
//presencetablemanager - but we can still try to set the
//brandicon index.
if ( presentityId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoIconStringModificationL ...")
_LOGP("...presentityId=%S", presentityId )
if ( iPresenceTableManager )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoIconStringModificationL..." )
_LOG("...iPresenceTableManager available")
presenceIconIndexAvailable =
serviceId, *presentityId );
// only create the HBufC if either brand- or presence index is available
if ( brandIconIndexAvailable || presenceIconIndexAvailable )
// e.g. aDes = '0\ttext1\ttext2' whereas '\t' is the delimiter
//create an empty local buffer of the same size as aDes
HBufC* temp = HBufC::NewLC( KLogsBuff128 );
TPtr tempDes( temp->Des() );
//create the new icon string:
//if no error occurred while creating the local string data->
//update aDes with the modified version of the icon string
//otherwise the original data will not be modified
if ( brandIconIndexAvailable
&& AddBrandIconIndex( tempDes, serviceId )
&& AddNonIndexData( aDes, tempDes ) )
aDes.Copy( *temp );
// make a copy of the original string (that might contain
// the modified brandicon index already)
tempDes.Copy( aDes );
if ( presenceIconIndexAvailable
&& AddPresenceIconIndex( tempDes, serviceId, *presentityId ) )
aDes.Copy( *temp );
//cleanup the local string buffer
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( temp );
temp = NULL;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoIconStringModificationL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds the branding icon index.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::AddBrandIconIndex( TDes& aTempDes,
const TUint32 aServiceId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddBrandIconIndex begin" )
TBool result( EFalse );
TInt brandIndex( KErrNotFound );
// Check if the brand icon for the specified service id can be found
if ( iLogEntryInfoManager->GetBrandIconIndex( aServiceId, brandIndex ) )
//Add the brand icon index to the temp string
aTempDes.Num( brandIndex );
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddBrandIconIndex BrandIndex=%d",
brandIndex )
// e.g. aTempDes = '7'
result = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddBrandIconIndex end" )
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copies that part of the global icon string to the local copy which contains
// the non-icon index related data.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::AddNonIndexData(
const TDesC& aDes,
TDes& aTempDes )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddNonIndexData begin" )
TBool result( EFalse );
// find the first occurrence of the delimiter in the original
// icon string
TInt Position( aDes.Find( KTab ) );
if ( KErrNotFound != Position )
// position has been found:
// now copy
aTempDes.Append( aDes.Mid( Position ) );
// e.g. aTempDes = '7\ttext1\ttext2'
result = ETrue;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddNonIndexData end" )
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appends the trailing delimiters (if they do not already exist) and the
// presence icon index.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresenceIconIndex(
TDes& aTempDes,
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC16& aPresentityId )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresenceIconIndex begin %d" ,
TBool result( EFalse );
/// determine the number of trailing delimiters and add missing ones
// e.g. Given a) aTempDes = '7\ttext1\ttext2' and
// b) KMaxNbrOfRecentTrailIcons == 2
// --> Add two empty trailing icon indices
// Result: aTempDes = '7\ttext1\ttext2\t\t'
// determine the number of delimiters
TInt numberDelimiters = DetermineNumberDelimiters( aTempDes );
if ( numberDelimiters >= KNumberDelimitersUnmodifiedIconStringMin &&
numberDelimiters <= KNumberDelimitersUnmodifiedIconStringMax )
//add the trailing delimiters to the end of the string
TInt returnValue(
KNumberDelimitersModifiedIconString - numberDelimiters ) );
result = ( KErrNone == returnValue ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
result = EFalse;
//if adding the
if ( result )
// finally append the presence icon index
TInt presenceIndex( KErrNotFound );
/// Check, if the presence icon could be retrieved
if( KErrNone == iPresenceTableManager->GetIndex( aServiceId,
presenceIndex ) )
// Add the presence icon index to the temp string
aTempDes.AppendNum( presenceIndex );
// e.g. aTempDes = '7\ttext1\ttext2\t\t\t8'
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresenceIconIndex ...")
_LOGP("...PresenceIndex=%d", presenceIndex )
result = ETrue;
result = EFalse;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresenceIconIndex end" )
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appends 'aNumber' delimiters to the end of aTempDes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendTrailingDelimiters( TDes& aTempDes,
TInt aNumber )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendTrailingDelimiters begin" )
TInt error( KErrNoMemory );
//make sure the size of descriptor is big enough, so that appending
//won't panic
TInt len( aNumber * KTab().Length() );
if ( aTempDes.Length() + len <= aTempDes.MaxLength() )
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aNumber ; i++ )
aTempDes.Append( KTab );
error = KErrNone;
error = KErrNoMemory;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AppendTrailingDelimiters end" )
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determines the number of delimiters in the specified string
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsUiControlExtension::DetermineNumberDelimiters(
const TDesC& aTempDes )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DetermineNumberDelimiters begin" )
TInt result( 0 );
TPtrC buffer = aTempDes.Left( aTempDes.Length() );
TInt nextTokenStart( KErrNone );
while ( buffer.Length() > 0 && nextTokenStart >= 0 )
nextTokenStart = buffer.Find( KTab );
if ( KErrNotFound != nextTokenStart )
buffer.Set( buffer.Mid( nextTokenStart + 1 ));
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DetermineNumberDelimiters end" )
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callback function that is called by the fetcher objects after they have
// successfully retrieved the bitmaps of the icon.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandIconFetchDoneL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
RFile& aBitmapFile,
const TInt aBitmapId,
const TInt aBitmapMaskId )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandIconFetchDoneL begin %d",aServiceId )
// This is the fetcher-callback; handle the fetched data now:
// - take ownership of the file handle
// - create icon
// - add the data to the to the listbox's icon array (in AppIconL)
// - store the icon's index to the event info manager
// take ownership of file handle
CleanupClosePushL( aBitmapFile );
// File provider duplicates the file handle and close the original.
// Duplication is needed because lifetime of image is different than
// this plugin's file handle's.
CLogsIconFileProvider* ifp = CLogsIconFileProvider::NewL( aBitmapFile );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandIconFetchDoneL close bitmapfile" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aBitmapFile );
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* bitmask = NULL;
// create icons
AknIconUtils::CreateIconL ( bitmap,
aBitmapMaskId );
// in case a new icon is added to the icon array of the listbox
// 'indexOfAppendedIcon' will contain the index of the added icon
// in the icon array
TInt indexOfAppendedIcon( 0 );
// ownership of the bitmaps is transferred to AddIconL
TRAPD( err, AddIconL( bitmap, bitmask, indexOfAppendedIcon ) );
bitmap = NULL;
bitmask = NULL;
if ( KErrNone == err && indexOfAppendedIcon >= 0 )
// store index information into the event info manager
err = SetBrandIndex( aServiceId, indexOfAppendedIcon );
// if setting the index failed, the last icon that was added to the
// icon array must be removed again
if ( KErrNone != err )
CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconList =
iconList->Delete( indexOfAppendedIcon );
if ( KErrNone == err )
NotifyObserverL(); // notify the observer (to update the view)
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandIconFetchDoneL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add the fetched icon to the listbox' icon array
// Returns the index of the appended icon in the icon array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::AddIconL( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmask,
TInt& aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddIconL begin" )
// delete bitmaps before saving new bitmaps
// take ownership of the bitmaps
iBitmap = aBitmap; // Ownership here
iBitmask = aBitmask; // Ownership here
CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconList =
User::LeaveIfNull( iconList );
iBitmap = NULL; // ownership will be transferred to CGulIcon
iBitmask = NULL; // ownership will be transferred to CGulIcon
CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( aBitmap, aBitmask );
CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
iconList->AppendL( icon ); // iconList owns icon now
CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
aIndex = iconList->Count() - 1;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddIconL end... ")
_LOGP("...index of the appended icon in the icon array==%d",
( iconList->Count() - 1 ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the index of a brand icon.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsUiControlExtension::SetBrandIndex( const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TInt aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetBrandIndex" )
return iLogEntryInfoManager->SetBrandIndex( aServiceId , aIndex );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notifies the observer that an icon was added to the listbox's icon array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::NotifyObserverL()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::NotifyObserverL begin" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::NotifyObserverL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the index of a presence icon.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsUiControlExtension::SetPresenceIndex( const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatus,
const TInt aIndex )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetPresenceIndex" )
return iPresenceTableManager->SetIndexInIndexTable( aServiceId,
aIndex );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deletes the icon bitmaps.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::DeleteBitmaps()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DeleteBitmaps begin" )
delete iBitmap;
delete iBitmask;
iBitmap = NULL;
iBitmask = NULL;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DeleteBitmaps end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if service handler exists already
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::ServiceHandlerExists( const TUint32 aServiceId )
TBool handlerFound( EFalse );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ServiceHandlerExists begin" )
// check if there is already a fetcher for the brand
CLogsExtServiceHandler* serviceHandler = NULL;
if ( KErrNone == GetServiceHandler( aServiceId, serviceHandler ) )
handlerFound = ETrue;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( handlerFound )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ServiceHandlerExists YES" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ServiceHandlerExists NO" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ServiceHandlerExists end" )
return handlerFound;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if brandfetcher exists already
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandFetcherExists( const TUint32 aServiceId )
TBool fetcherFound( EFalse );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandFetcherExists begin" )
// check if there is already a fetcher for the brand
CLogsExtBrandFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iBrandFetcherArray.Count()
&& fetcherFound == EFalse; i++)
fetcher = iBrandFetcherArray[i];
if ( aServiceId == fetcher->ServiceId() )
fetcherFound = ETrue;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( fetcherFound )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandFetcherExists YES" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandFetcherExists NO" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::BrandFetcherExists end" )
return fetcherFound;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a single presentity to a service handler.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresentityToServiceHandlerL(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresentityToServiceHandlerL begin" )
CLogsExtServiceHandler* serviceHandler = NULL;
TInt returnValue( GetServiceHandler( aServiceId, serviceHandler ) );
if ( KErrNone == returnValue && serviceHandler )
TInt error( KErrNone );
// add status entry to status table
error = iPresenceTableManager->AddEntryToStatusTable(
EFalse );
if ( KErrNone == error )
// adds the presentity to the service handler;
// the service handler will start to observe the
// status of this presentity and will inform the
// observer in case of status changes of the
// presentity
serviceHandler->AddPresentityL( aPresentityId );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddPresentityToServiceHandlerL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates and starts a single presentity id fetcher.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::DoPresentityIdFetcherCreationL(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC8& aCntLink,
const TLogId aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoPresentityIdFetcherCreationL begin" )
if ( aServiceId )
CLogsExtPresentityIdFetcher* presIdFetcher =
CLogsExtPresentityIdFetcher::NewLC( aServiceId,
*this );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoPresentityIdFetcherCreationL: ...")
_LOGP("...presentity id fetcher created-> serviceid==%d ",aServiceId )
iPresentityIdFetcherArray.AppendL( presIdFetcher );
_LOGP("... #presIdFetcher=%d",iPresentityIdFetcherArray.Count() )
CleanupStack::Pop( presIdFetcher );
// start the fetcher
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::DoPresentityIdFetcherCreationL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callback for the presentity fetchers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::PresentityIdFetchDoneL(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
const TLogId aLogId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::PresentityIdFetchDoneL begin" )
AddLogIdToPresentityIdMappingL( aLogId, aPresentityId );
// create service handler if it not already exists
CreateAndBindServiceHandlerL( aServiceId );
// handle the callback from the presentity fetcher:
// it only creates a new fetcher if there is not already one fetcher with
// the same service id / presentityid
// find the correct service handler and add this presentity
AddPresentityToServiceHandlerL( aServiceId, aPresentityId );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::PresentityIdFetchDoneL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds another mapping to the collection of mappings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::AddLogIdToPresentityIdMappingL(
const TLogId aLogId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId )
iPresenceTableManager->AddMappingL( aLogId, aPresentityId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves a presentity id using the specified log id.ownership is not
// transferred.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC* CLogsUiControlExtension::LookupPresentityId(
const TLogId aLogId )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::LookupPresentityId =%d",aLogId )
return iPresenceTableManager->RetrievePresentityId( aLogId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets the presentity id fetcher array and also deletes the objects whose
// pointers are stored in the array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresentityIdFetcherArray()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresentityIdFetcherArray begin...")
_LOGP("...beforeDeletion=%d",iPresentityIdFetcherArray.Count() )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresentityIdFetcherArray end...")
_LOGP("...afterDeletion=%d",iPresentityIdFetcherArray.Count() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets the presence status of all entries in the status table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresenceStatuses()
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresenceStatuses begin" )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::ResetPresenceStatuses begin" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the service handler of the specified service.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLogsUiControlExtension::GetServiceHandler(
TUint32 aServiceId,
CLogsExtServiceHandler*& aServiceHandler )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::GetServiceHandler begin : aServiceId=%d",
aServiceId )
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
TBool handlerFound( EFalse );
// check if there is already a fetcher for the brand
CLogsExtServiceHandler* handler = NULL;
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iServiceHandlerArray.Count() && !handlerFound; i++ )
handler = iServiceHandlerArray[i];
if ( handler && aServiceId == handler->ServiceId() )
handlerFound = ETrue;
aServiceHandler = handler;
error = KErrNone;
error = handlerFound ? KErrNone : KErrNotFound;
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::GetServiceHandler() error=%d",error )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::GetServiceHandler end" )
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles the service handler's callback.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::HandlePresentityPresenceStatusL(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatus,
TBool aShowStatus )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::HandlePresentityPresenceStatusL begin" )
TInt error( KErrNone );
// 1. find <serviceId,presentityId> entry in the status table and set the
// status entry (that was retrieved by the presence fetcher earlier)
error =
iPresenceTableManager->SetStatusInStatusTable( aServiceId,
aShowStatus );
if( KErrNone == error )
// 2. check whether the presence icon index for
// <serviceId,PresenceStatus> entry from index table is already
// available
TInt presenceIndex ( KErrNotFound );
const TInt indexRetrievalErrorCode =
iPresenceTableManager->GetIndexFromIndexTable( aServiceId,
presenceIndex );
//case 0: ( KErrNone == indexRetrievalErrorCode ) &&
// ( presenceIndex >= 0 )
// -> nothing to do in this case (the icon was added already earlier
// and the index information was already stored to the index table)
//case 1: ( KErrNone == indexRetrievalErrorCode &&
// presenceIndex == KErrNotFound )
//the index entry was found, but the index value in still unchanged.
//needed actions: create icons, add icons to icon list array,determine
//index of the added icon in the icon array,update the index entry in
//the index table
//case 2: ( KErrNone != indexRetrievalErrorCode )
//the index entry was NOT found at all.
//needed actions: create icons, add icons to icon list array,determine
//index of the added icon in the icon array,CREATE an index entry in
// the index table,and update the index entry in the index table
if ( ( KErrNone == indexRetrievalErrorCode &&
presenceIndex == KErrNotFound ) || // case 1
( KErrNone != indexRetrievalErrorCode ) ) // case 2
//get the filehandle and the bitmapIds
RFile bitmapFile;
TInt bitmapId;
TInt bitmapMaskId;
FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL( aServiceId,
bitmapMaskId );
// take ownership of the filehandle
CleanupClosePushL( bitmapFile );
_LOG("...bitmapFile to cleanupstack" )
// File provider duplicates the file handle, close the original.
// Duplication is needed because lifetime of image is different
// than this plugin's file handle's.
CLogsIconFileProvider* ifp =
CLogsIconFileProvider::NewL( bitmapFile );
CFbsBitmap* bitmap;
bitmap = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* bitmask;
bitmask = NULL;
// create icons
AknIconUtils::CreateIconL ( bitmap,
bitmapMaskId );
error = KErrNone;
// in case a new icon is added to the icon array of the listbox
// 'indexOfAppendedIcon' will contain the index of the added icon
// in the icon array
TInt indexOfAppendedIcon( 0 );
// if AddIconL returns with KErrNone the ownership of the bitmaps
// was successfully transferred
TRAP( error, AddIconL( bitmap, bitmask, indexOfAppendedIcon ) );
bitmap = NULL;
bitmask = NULL;
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::AddIconL returns==%d",
error )
TBool errorAfterIconAddition( EFalse );
if ( KErrNone == error && KErrNone != indexRetrievalErrorCode )
// create the missing index entry for case 2
error =
aPresenceStatus );
errorAfterIconAddition =
( KErrNone == error || KErrAlreadyExists == error ) ?
EFalse : ETrue;
TInt numberIcons ( indexOfAppendedIcon + 1 );
// update the index entry
if ( KErrNone == error )
// store index information into the presence table manager
error = SetPresenceIndex( aServiceId,
indexOfAppendedIcon );
errorAfterIconAddition = ( KErrNone == error ) ? EFalse:ETrue;
// if setting the index failed, the last icon that was added to
// the icon array must be removed again
if ( errorAfterIconAddition && numberIcons > 0 )
CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconList =
iconList->Delete( indexOfAppendedIcon );
if ( KErrNone == error )
NotifyObserverL(); // notify the observer (to update the view)
_LOG("...close bitmapfile" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &bitmapFile );
else if ( ( KErrNone == indexRetrievalErrorCode ) &&
( presenceIndex >= 0 ) ) // case 0
NotifyObserverL(); // notify the observer (to update the view)
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::HandlePresentityPresenceStatusL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is used to notify the observer of a service handler
// if the presence status of a certain presentity should be displayed
// or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag(
const TUint32 aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresentityId,
TBool aDisplayStatus )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag begin" )
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag : aServiceId=%d ",
_LOGP("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag : aPresentityId=%S",
&aPresentityId )
TInt error =
iPresenceTableManager->UpdateStatusTableEntry( aServiceId,
aDisplayStatus );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag : ...")
_LOGP("...UpdateStatusTableEntry error = %d ", error )
//refresh the view, to make changes visible
if ( KErrNone == error )
TRAP_IGNORE( NotifyObserverL(); );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::SetDisplayStatusFlag end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the icon bitmaps from the branding server.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLogsUiControlExtension::FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL(
const TUint aServiceId,
const TDesC& aPresenceStatus,
RFile& aBitmapFile,
TInt& aBitmapId,
TInt& aBitmapMaskId )
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL(): begin" )
// create the elementId string; e.g.: "person:offline:image"
HBufC* elementId = HBufC::NewLC( KPersonPresTmpl().Length() +
aPresenceStatus.Length() );
TPtr ptr( elementId->Des() );
ptr.AppendFormat( KPersonPresTmpl(), &aPresenceStatus );
_LOG( "CLogsUiControlExtension::FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL():...")
_LOGP("...elementId string=%S", elementId )
HBufC8* elementId8 = HBufC8::NewLC( ptr.Length() );
TPtr8 elementIdPtr8( elementId8->Des() );
elementIdPtr8.Copy( ptr );
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL(): ...")
_LOGP("...elementId=%S", &ptr )
CleanupClosePushL( aBitmapFile );
TLogsExtUtil::GetFileHandleL( aServiceId,
aBitmapMaskId );
CleanupStack::Pop( &aBitmapFile );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( elementId8 );
elementId8 = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( elementId );
elementId = NULL;
_LOG("CLogsUiControlExtension::FetchBitmapsFromBrandingServerL() end" )
// End of File