changeset 19 2691f6aa1921
parent 4 e6e896426eac
child 20 e1de7d03f843
--- a/omads/omadsextensions/adapters/mms/inc/mmsdatastore.h	Tue Feb 02 00:02:49 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Part of SyncML Data Synchronization Plug In Adapter
-#ifndef __MMSDATASTORE_H__
-#define __MMSDATASTORE_H__
-#include <SmlDataProvider.h>
-#include "mmsdataproviderdefs.h" 
-#include "changefinder.h"
-class CMsvSession; 
-class CNSmlDataItemUidSet;
-class CMmsCodecClient;
-class CMmsAdapterMsvApi;
-class CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait;
-class TNSmlSnapshotItem;
-class COMADSFolderObject;
-* @brief This class is derived from ECom Data Store plugin-interface (CSmlDataStore).
-* It performs the actual synchronization commands, which are received from
-* the DS engine.
-class CMmsDataStore : public CSmlDataStore
-    {
-    /**
-    * Constructor
-	*
-	* @return CMmsDataStore*, a new CSmsDataStore instance.
-    */
-    static CMmsDataStore* NewL(CMsvSession &aMsvSession);
-	/**
-    * Destructor
-    */
-    virtual ~CMmsDataStore();
-   	// Virtual functionality from CSmlDataStore, for comments see the CSmlDataStore header file
-	virtual void DoOpenL(const TDesC& aStoreName, MSmlSyncRelationship& aContext, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoCancelRequest();
-	virtual const TDesC& DoStoreName() const;
-	virtual void DoBeginTransactionL();
-	virtual void DoCommitTransactionL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoRevertTransaction(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoBeginBatchL();
-	virtual void DoCommitBatchL(RArray<TInt>& aResultArray, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoCancelBatch();
-	virtual void DoSetRemoteStoreFormatL(const CSmlDataStoreFormat& aServerDataStoreFormat);
-	virtual void DoSetRemoteMaxObjectSize(TInt aServerMaxObjectSize);
-	virtual TInt DoMaxObjectSize() const;
-	virtual void DoOpenItemL(TSmlDbItemUid aUid, TBool& aFieldChange, TInt& aSize,
-	    TSmlDbItemUid& aParent, TDes8& aMimeType, TDes8& aMimeVer, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoCreateItemL(TSmlDbItemUid& aUid, TInt aSize, TSmlDbItemUid aParent,
-	    const TDesC8& aMimeType, const TDesC8& aMimeVer, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoReplaceItemL(TSmlDbItemUid aUid, TInt aSize, TSmlDbItemUid aParent,
-	    TBool aFieldChange, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoReadItemL(TDes8& aBuffer);
-	virtual void DoWriteItemL(const TDesC8& aData);
-	virtual void DoCommitItemL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoCloseItem();
-	virtual void DoMoveItemL(TSmlDbItemUid aUid, TSmlDbItemUid aNewParent, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoDeleteItemL(TSmlDbItemUid aUid, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoSoftDeleteItemL(TSmlDbItemUid aUid, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoDeleteAllItemsL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual TBool DoHasSyncHistory() const;
-	virtual const MSmlDataItemUidSet& DoAddedItems() const;
-	virtual const MSmlDataItemUidSet& DoDeletedItems() const;
-	virtual const MSmlDataItemUidSet& DoSoftDeletedItems() const;
-	virtual const MSmlDataItemUidSet& DoModifiedItems() const;
-	virtual const MSmlDataItemUidSet& DoMovedItems() const;
-	virtual void DoResetChangeInfoL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	virtual void DoCommitChangeInfoL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const MSmlDataItemUidSet& aItems);
-	virtual void DoCommitChangeInfoL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-	/**
-    * C++ Constructor.
-    */
-    CMmsDataStore();
-	/**
-    * 2nd-phase Constructor.
-    *
-    * @param aMsvSession	IN: a session handle to message store
-    */    
-    void ConstructL(CMsvSession &aMsvSession);
-	/**
-    * Registers snapshot to ChangeFinder.
-    */
-	void RegisterSnapshotL() const;
-	/**
-    * Registers a single folder to snapshot, used by RegisterSnapshotL.
-    * 
-    * @param aSnapshot	IN: a snapshot item array.
-    * @param aId		IN: folder id.
-	* @return TInt, Not used.
-    */
-	TInt RegisterFolderL(CSnapshotArray* aSnapshot, const TMsvId& aId) const;
-	/**
-    * Deletes all messages in a specified folder
-    * 
-    * @param aId	IN: a folder id, which is to be emptied
-	* @return TInt, not used.
-    */	
-	TInt DeleteAllMessagesInFolderL(TMsvId aId);
-	/**
-    * Checks whether the specified MMS message exists in message store.
-    * 
-    * @param aId	IN: message ID
-	* @return TBool, ETrue if the item id exists in the message store. Otherwise EFalse.
-    */
-    TBool MmsItemExists(TMsvId aUid);
-	/**
-    * This function resolves the status bits from the message entry
-    * 
-    * @param aUnread  IN: the status bits are determined from this value
-	* @return TUint8, Status byte.
-    */	
-	TUint8 ResolveStatusBits(TBool aUnread);
-	/**
-    * This function reads data of opened message from MMS engine to client buffer.
-    * Data is retriveved from MMS engine in chunks whose size can be less that 
-    * client buffer size, for effectivity client buffer is allways filled with data.
-    * Recursive algorith is used for that.
-    * 
-    * @param aBuffer	   OUT: client data buffer
-	* @return TInt, KErrNone or KErrOverflow if all MMS message data has been read.
-    */		
-	TInt ReadDataRecursively(TDes8& aBuffer);
-	/**
-    * This function updates MMS message status
-    * 
-    * @param aId  IN: Identifies MMS message in message store
-	* @param aUnread IN:  New status (unread/read)
-    */		
-	void UpdateMmsStatusL(TMsvId aId, TBool aUnread);
-    /**
-    * Registers user folder messages to snapshot, used by RegisterSnapshotL.
-    * 
-    * @param aSnapshot	IN: a snapshot item array.
-	* @return TInt, Not used.
-    */	
-    TInt RegisterUserFoldersL(CSnapshotArray* aSnapshot) const;
-    /**
-    * Cleans all user folders from SMS messages
-    *
-    * @return   KErrNone in case of success
-    */	   
-    TInt CleanUserFoldersL(); 
-private: // Data members
-	/**
-	* @brief Data Store states:
-	* EMmsClosed:			Store is closed.
-    * EMmsOpenAndWaiting:	Store is ready to be used.
-    * EMmsItemOpen:			Item is being read.
-    * EMmsItemCreating:		Item is being created.
-    * EMmsItemUpdating:		Item is being updated.
-	*/
-    enum TState
-        {
-        EMmsClosed = 0,
-        EMmsOpenAndWaiting,
-        EMmsItemOpen,
-        EMmsItemOpenFieldUpdate,
-        EMmsItemCreating,
-        EMmsItemUpdating,
-        EFolderOpen,
-        EFolderCreating,
-        EFolderUpdating
-        };  	
-    /**
-	* A flag indicating the existence of synchronization history.
-	*/
-    TBool iHasHistory;
-    /**
-	* Flag indicating, whether database is opened.
-	*/
-    TBool iDataBaseOpened;
-    /**
-	* The state of the active object.
-	*/
-	TState iCurrentState;	
-    /**
-	* Access to streams, used by ChangeFinder.
-	*/
-    MSmlSyncRelationship* iContext;
-    /**
-	* Key that is used in sorting snapshot.
-	*/
-    const TKeyArrayFix iKey;
-    /**
-	* Change finder, used to determine db modifications.
-	*/
-    CChangeFinder* iChangeFinder;
-    /**
-	* Used to access MMS message store
-	*/
-    CMmsCodecClient* iCodecClient;
-    /**
-	* Used to access message folders
-	*/    
-    CMmsAdapterMsvApi* iMsvApi;
-    /**
-	* Waiter object for asynchronous operations
-	*/
-    CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* iMsvWait;
-    /**
-	* Message server session handle
-	*/
-    CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
-    /**
-	* The location for temporary data
-	*/
-    CBufFlat* iDataBuffer;
-    /**
-	* Counter of partial data reading
-	*/   
-    TInt iReadCounter;
-    /**
-	* To store information whether current MMS message is unread
-	*/     
-    TBool iUnread;
-    /**
-	* Data chunk used in partial data reading from MMS engine
-	*/        
-    TPtrC8 iReadDataChunk;
-    /**
-	* Current read position at the data chunk from MMS engine
-	*/      
-    TInt iReadPosition;
-    /**
-	* Indicates wheter this is the last data chunk from MMS engine
-	*/        
-    TBool iLastDataChunk;
-    /**
-	* Indicates whether all data related to current message has been read
-	*/         
-    TBool iReadAllData;
-    /**
-	* Counter of partial data writing
-	*/   
-    TInt iWriteCounter;
-    /**
-	* Indicates wheter this was only status update
-	*/      
-    TInt iWrittenDataLength;
-    /**
-	* Stores the currently active message id.
-	*/
-    TMsvId iCurrentId;
-    /**
-	* Pointer to the variable, receiving the created Uid.
-	*/
-	TSmlDbItemUid* iCreatedUid;  
-    /**
-	* Stores the parent id of currently active message.
-	*/
-    TMsvId iParentId;
-    /**
-	* Used to get asynchronous return values.
-	*/
-    TRequestStatus*  iCallerStatus;
-    /**
-	* Used to store new items.
-	*/
-	CNSmlDataItemUidSet* iNewItems;
-    /**
-	* Used to store deleted items.
-	*/
-    CNSmlDataItemUidSet* iDeletedItems;
-    /**
-	* Used to store updated items.
-	*/
-    CNSmlDataItemUidSet* iUpdatedItems;
-    /**
-	* Used to store moved items.
-	*/
-    CNSmlDataItemUidSet* iMovedItems;
-    /**
-	* Used to store soft-deleted items (not supported).
-	*/
-    CNSmlDataItemUidSet* iSoftDeletedItems;
-    /**
-	* Used to parse OMA DS Folder Objects
-	*/    
-    COMADSFolderObject* iFolderObjectParser;   
-    /**
-	* Reserved pointer for future extension.
-	*/
-    TAny* iReserved;
-    };
-#endif // __MMSDATASTORE_H__  