changeset 52 4f0867e42d62
child 67 2abf74df9cdc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omads/omadsappui/AspSyncUtil/loc/NSmlDSSync.loc	Wed Sep 01 12:30:02 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2070 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Localisation file for OmaDSAppUi/AspSyncUtil
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// main view strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:Title of the application on the title pane
+#define qtn_apps_syncml_title		"Sync"
+//d:Title of the application on the application shell list
+//d: used in app shell
+#define qtn_apps_sml_list			"Sync"
+//d:Title of the application on the application shell grid
+//d: used in app shell
+#define qtn_apps_sml_grid	"Sync"
+//d:Navipane texts on the mainview
+//d:Profile has not been synchronised
+#define qtn_sml_main_sync_no_last	"Not synchronised"
+//d:Text for empty profile
+#define qtn_apps_emptyprofile	"<unnamed set>"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Selects the content
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_mark		"Mark"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Unselects the content
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_unmark		"Unmark"
+//d:Command in options list to open advanced setting
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_advanced_settings		"Advanced settings"
+//d:Roaming setting item (radio button list) 
+#define qtn_ds_set_roaming		"Roaming settings"
+//d:Used in qtn_ds_set_roaming
+#define qtn_sml_always_ask		"Always ask"
+//d:Used in qtn_ds_set_roaming
+#define qtn_sml_always_allow		"Always allow"
+//d:Used in qtn_ds_set_roaming
+#define qtn_sml_never_allow		"Never allow"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Starts the syncronisation
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_sync		"Synchronise"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens dialog for creating new sync set.
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_create_new "Create new"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens settings view with existing profile values
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_edit		"Edit"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Deletes currently selected profile
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_delete		"Delete"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens the profile's last synchronisation log for viewing
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_view_log	"View log"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Deletes phone data and then copies all sync data from server to phone
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_slow_sync	"Copy all from server"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens selection list for changing active profile.
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_change_profile "Change"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens automatic sync dialog.
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_automatic_sync "Automatic sync"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to start sync using profile that misses 
+//d:some mandatory data.
+#define qtn_sml_query_mandatory_missing "Some compulsory settings are not defined and synchronisation cannot be started. Define now?"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to start sync and there are no sync profiles. 
+#define qtn_sml_query_no_profiles "No sync profiles defined. Define now?"
+//d:Title for dialog that shows profile selection list for deleting one profile.
+#define qtn_sml_query_title_delete_profile "Delete profile"
+//d:Title for dialog that shows profile selection list for changing active profile.
+#define qtn_sml_query_title_change_profile "Change profile"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Shown when user starts synchronization and profile has no contents selected
+#define qtn_sml_err_nocontent "Profile has no content selected"
+//d:This yes/no question is shown to verify command qtn_sml_cmd_slow_sync.
+#define qtn_sml_query_slow_sync_conf "This operation replaces all phone data with data from the server. Do you want to continue?"
+//d:Dialog title. Dialog is used for selecting set (from selection list) for syncing. 
+#define qtn_sml_apps_select_set "Select set for sync:"
+//d:This note is shown when user tries to modify read-only profile.
+#define qtn_sml_note_main_locked "This sync profile is read-only and cannot be edited."
+//d:popup note text that is shown when user changes currently open profile
+#define qtn_sml_main_info "profile: %0U, connection method: %1U"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// sync strings needed in other applications
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:Menu command in other application's options menu (not Sync app).
+//d:Opens submenu that contains items qtn_ds_options_sync_settings and qtn_sml_cmd_start.
+#define qtn_ds_options_sync "Synchronization"
+//d:Command in other application (not Sync app) Synchronization sub menu.
+//d:Opens dialog for editing sync settings.
+#define qtn_ds_options_sync_settings "Settings"
+//d:Command in other application (not Sync app) Synchronization sub menu.
+//d:Starts synchronization.
+#define qtn_ds_options_sync_start "Start"
+//d:Command in other application(not sync app) Default dialog list item for qtn_ds_options_sync_settings
+//d:Starts the Profile wizard
+#define qtn_sml_apps_select_profile_create_new "Create new profile"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to start sync using profile that misses 
+//d:some mandatory data.
+#define qtn_sml_note_tarm_mandatory_missing "Unable to synchronise. Profile is locked and mandatory settings are missing."
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// setting view strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state 
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_profile	"Sync set name"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state 
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_server_id "Server Id"
+//d:Title of settings item
+ //l:list_setting_pane_t1/opt1
+#define qtn_sml_set_bearertype "Bearer type"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_access		"Access point"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_host		"Host address"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_port		"Port"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_username	"User name"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_password	"Password"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state 
+#define qtn_ds_set_lbl_active "Allow sync request"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_https_username	"Https user name"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+ //l:list_setting_pane_t1/opt1 
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_https_password	"Https password"
+//d:Application dialog setting item for selecting sync type (eg. One-way into device)
+#define qtn_sml_sync_type "Sync type"
+//d:Value used in qtn_ds_set_lbl_active
+//d:Auto-accept means that server alerts are automatically accepted
+#define qtn_sml_set_sync_req_auto "Auto-accept"
+//d:Value used in qtn_ds_set_lbl_active
+//d:Ask first means server alerts are always confirmed
+#define qtn_sml_set_sync_req_ask_always "Ask first"
+//d:Value used in qtn_ds_set_lbl_active
+//d:Not allowed means server alerts are never accepted
+#define qtn_sml_set_sync_req_never "Not allowed"
+//d:This yes/no question is shown when user has given profile server id that already exists.
+#define qtn_sml_query_serverid_exists "There is already a profile created for this server. Exit anyway ?"
+//d:Value used in qtn_sml_sync_type list.
+//d:Normal sync. Sync items (eg. contatcs) are send from phone to sync server
+//d: and from sync server to phone.
+#define qtn_sml_sync_type_normal "Normal"
+//d:Value used in qtn_sml_sync_type list
+//d:Sync items (eg. contatcs) are send from phone to sync server.
+#define qtn_sml_sync_type_one_way_dev_to_srv "One-way from device"
+//d:Value used in qtn_sml_sync_type list
+//d:Sync items (eg. contatcs) are send from sync server to phone.
+#define qtn_sml_sync_type_one_way_srv_to_dev "One-way into device"
+//d:NOTE: This is defined in "s60\ConnectionUiUtilities\inc\ConnectionUiUtilities.loc"
+//d:This string is used as connection dialog access point (qtn_sml_set_list_access)
+//d:setting value when user has selected "Always ask" option in access point selection dialog.
+#define qtn_ds_sett_always_ask		"Always ask"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to start sync when sync is already running. 
+#define qtn_ds_note_hidden_ongoing "Unable to start synchronisation. Other sync process already ongoing."
+//d:Text on the information note that is shown when user tries to edit setting that is 
+#define qtn_ds_note_read_only "This is read-only setting and cannot be edited"
+//d:This yes/no question is shown if user has not filled mandatory field(s) in a dialog.
+#define qtn_ds_conf_mandatory_missing "Some settings are compulsory and must be defined. Exit anyway?"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+//d:Used also as a title in editing state
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_protocol_version "SyncML version"
+//d:Value used in setting view's protocol version list
+#define qtn_sml_syncml_1_1 "SyncML 1.1"
+//d:Value used in setting view's protocol version list
+#define qtn_sml_syncml_1_2 "SyncML 1.2"
+//d:Text on the information note that is shown when user changes sync protocol 
+//d:from 1.2 to 1.1. and sync set includes email application.
+//d:This is needed because SyncML version 1.1 does not support email sync.
+#define qtn_sml_info_proc_change "You cannot synchronise email with SyncML version 1.1"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// setting wizard strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:Setting item (profile name) title.
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_destination_name	"Destinations's name"
+//d:Setting item (profile name) title. (new)
+#define qtn_sml_set_list_content_selection	"Sync contents"
+//d:This Start/Cancel note is shown when user starts profile wizard.
+#define qtn_ds_conf_profile_wizard_start "This wizard will guide you to create the basic settings for a new synchronisation profile."
+//d:Profile wizard's last page text when wizard is launched from sync app (cba Activate/Later).
+#define qtn_ds_conf_profile_wizard_end "New profile settings saved. For details, see Options and Edit. Activate new profile now?"
+//d:Profile wizard's last page text when wizard is launched from other application (cba Ok).
+#define qtn_ds_conf_profile_wizard_end_app "New profile settings saved. Select Options/Synchronisation/Start to synchronise."
+//d:Profile wizard's last page text when wizard is launched from other application (cba Ok).
+#define qtn_ds_conf_profile_wizard_end_email "New profile settings saved. Start synchronisation from options menu."
+//d:Setting item (profile name) title.
+#define qtn_sml_wizard_page_counter "Page %0N/%1N"
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter profile name and 
+//d:presses "Next" in profile name editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_profile_name_missing "Profile name must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter host address and 
+//d:presses "Next" in host address editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_host_address_missing "Host address must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user enters incorrect host address. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_incorrect_host_address "Incorrect host address."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter remote 
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_remote_database_missing "Remote database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter MMS
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_mms_db_missing "MMS database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter SMS
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_sms_db_missing "SMS database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter Bookmark
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_bkm_db_missing "Bookmark database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter remote Contacts 
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_contacts_db_missing "Contacts database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter remote Calendar
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_calendar_db_missing "Calendar database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter remote Notes
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_notes_db_missing  "Notes database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter remote Email
+//d:database and presses "Next" in remote database editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_email_db_missing  "Email database must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter user 
+//d:name and presses "Next" in user name editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_username_missing "User name must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user does not enter password 
+//d:and presses "Next" in password editor. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_password_missing "Password must be defined."
+//d:this message is shown in profile wizard when user enters server id that 
+//d:is already used by another profile. 
+#define qtn_sml_note_incorrect_server_id "There is already a profile created for this server."
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for Contact remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_cnt "Contacts database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for Calendar remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_agn "Calendar database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for Notes remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_npd "Notes database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for SyncML EMail remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_eml "SyncML EMail database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for SyncML EMail remote database name.
+ //l:list_setting_pane_t1/opt1 
+#define qtn_sml_local_database_eml "SyncML EMail mailbox"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for SyncML Sms remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_sms "SyncML Sms database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for Multimedia messages remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_mms "MMS database"
+//d:Profile wizard editor title. Editor is for Bookmarks remote database name.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database_bkm "Bookmarks database"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_profile_name "Key in the name for the new sync profile"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_protocol_version "Select the right SyncML version for the sync server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_content_selection "Select the contents you want to synchronise with this profile"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_contacts_db "Key in the name of the Contacts database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_calendar_db "Key in the name of the Calendar database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_notes_db "Key in the name of the Notes database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_email_db "Key in the name of the DS Email database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_mailbox "Select the mailbox you want to synchronise"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_sms_db "Key in the name of the DS Sms database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+//l: popup_preview_text_window/opt3
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_mms_db "Type in the MMS database name"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+//l: popup_preview_text_window/opt3
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_bkm_db "Type in the Bookmarks database name"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_remote_db "Key in the name of the remote database on the server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_connection_type "Select the connection type you want to synchronise by"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_host_address "Key in the host address for the used sync server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_server_id "Key in the ID of the sync server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_username "Key in the user name for the used sync server"
+//d:Synchronisation settings wizard info popup note text. 
+#define qtn_ds_wizard_popup_password "Key in the password for the used sync server"
+//d:General error text indicating that profile wizard could not create new profile
+#define qtn_sml_log_err_profile_wizard "Profile creation failed"
+//d:Default title of the new profile 
+#define qtn_apps_newprofile		"New set (%N)"
+//d:Default title of the new set created in Phonebook application 
+#define qtn_sml_apps_content_pb "Phonebook sync (%N)"
+//d:Default title of the new set created in Calendar application 
+#define qtn_sml_apps_content_cal "Calendar sync (%N)"
+//d:Default title of the new set created in Email application 
+#define qtn_sml_apps_content_syncml "SyncmlEmail sync (%N)"
+//d:Default title of the new set created in Note application 
+#define qtn_sml_apps_content_notes "Note sync (%N)"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Starts profile wizard
+#define qtn_sml_cba_start "Start"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Cancels starting profile wizard
+#define qtn_sml_cba_cancel "Cancel"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Moves to next setting editor in profile wizard
+#define qtn_sml_cba_next "Next"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Moves to previous setting editor in profile wizard
+#define qtn_sml_cba_back "Back"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Activates just created (in profile wizard) profile
+#define qtn_sml_cba_activate "Activate"
+//cba button text.
+//d:Does not activate just created (in profile wizard) profile
+#define qtn_sml_cba_later "Later"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// automatic sync setting strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting profile that is used in auto sync (radio button list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_profile "Automatic sync profile"
+//d:Default value for qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_profile
+#define qtn_sml_sett_value_not_defined "Not defined"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting contents to be synchronized (multi selection list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_contents "Automatic sync contents"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_contents
+//d:Setting value when user has selected all contents
+#define qtn_sml_sett_value_all_contents "All"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_contents
+//d:Setting value when user has selected more than one but not all contents
+#define qtn_sml_sett_value_selected_contents "Selected Contents"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting sync interval (radio button list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq "Sync frequency"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq_value_manual "Manual"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq_many_a_day "Many times per day"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_24_hours "Once a day"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_2_days "Every 2 days"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_4_days "Every 4 days"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_7_days "Once a week"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_14_days "Every 2 weeks"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_freq
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_30_days "Once a month"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting peak sync interval (radio button list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule "Peak sync interval"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_manual "Manual"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_15_mins "Every 15 minutes"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_30_mins "Every 30 minutes"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_1_hour "Every 1 hour"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_2_hours "Every 2 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_4_hours "Every 4 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_8_hours "Every 8 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_12_hours "Every 12 hours"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting off-peak sync interval (radio button list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_offpeak_schedule "Off-peak sync interval"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_manual "Manual"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_15_mins "Every 15 minutes"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_30_mins "Every 30 minutes"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_1_hour "Every 1 hour"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_2_hours "Every 2 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_4_hours "Every 4 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_8_hours "Every 8 hours"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_off_peak_schedule
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_value_off_12_hours "Every 12 hours"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting sync days (multi selection list) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days "Peak days"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+//d:Setting value when user has selected all days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_all_days "All days"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+//d:Setting value when user has selected more than one but not all days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_sel_days "Selected days"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_mon "Monday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_tue "Tuesday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_wed "Wednesday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_thu "Thursday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_fri "Friday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_sat "Saturday"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_days
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_sun "Sunday"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting sync time when sync interval is >= 1 day
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_time "Synchronisation time"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting peak start time
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_start "Peak start time"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting peak end time
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_peak_end "Peak end time"
+//d:Title of the automatic profile setting dialog
+#define qtn_sml_title_profile_settings "Profile settings"
+//d:Title of the automatic sync setting dialog
+#define qtn_sml_title_automatic_sync_settings "Scheduling settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_setting_folder_profile "Profile settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_setting_folder_schedule "Scheduling settings"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to delete a profile that is selected for auto sync
+#define qtn_ds_conf_query_delete_auto_sync_profile "Deleting this profile will end automatic synchronisation. Continue?"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to edit profile settings for a profile that is selected for auto sync
+#define qtn_sml_note_modify_auto_sync_settings "Modifying this setting may prevent automatic synchronisation with this profile"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to edit scheduling settings from a profile
+//d:and auto sync is set for another profile
+#define qtn_sml_query_auto_sync_on "Scheduled sync is currently set for another profile. Cancel schedule and define settings for this profile?"
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to select a profile that has access point in "ask always" 
+//d;state for auto sync ,or when user edits access point for a profile that is selected for auto sync
+#define qtn_sml_query_iap_no_ask_always "Automatic synchronisation will not be possible without selecting an access point for profile. Select now?"
+//d:this message is shown when sync application is launched ,if auto sync is enabled 
+#define qtn_sml_main_note_auto_on "Next sync:   %0U ,profile:   %1U"
+//d:this message is shown while closing auto sync setting dialog
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_done "Automatic sync is now on. Next sync will happen at %U."
+//d:this message is shown when user tries to save auto sync setting ,without defining
+//d:content setting
+#define qtn_sml_note_auto_contents_missing_settings "Some compulsory settings missing for selected contents. Define now?"
+//d:this message is shown as a link to log view in the auto sync error note.
+#define qtn_sml_main_auto_error_log_link "View details"
+//d:this message is shown when auto sync profile is set active profile
+//d:and there has been error in automatic sync. 
+#define qtn_sml_main_info_error "An error has occurred in automatic synchronization. Please check sync log for more details."
+//d:this message is shown when auto sync setting page is tried to save with an invalid peak time definition 
+#define qtn_sml_incorrect_peak_time "Incorrect peak time definition"
+//d:this message is shown during application launch, if auto sync has been failed for a profile because of on going manual sync
+//d:for another profile 
+#define qtn_sml_manual_sync_override "Auto sync cancelled. Manual sync in progress"
+//d:One of the setting items in automatic sync settings dialog
+//d:Setting for selecting whether user wants to synchronize while roaming
+//d:(phone is not within home network) 
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_roaming "Sync while roaming"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_interval
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_roaming_on "Yes"
+//d:Used in qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_interval
+#define qtn_sml_sett_auto_sync_roaming_off "Only in home network"
+//d:Title of the content list
+#define qtn_sml_auto_sync_view_contents_head  "Contents"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Opens selected profile's content list
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_view_contents		"View contents"
+//d:Command in options list.
+//d:Selects profile for automatic sync
+#define qtn_sml_cmd_select		"Select"
+//d:msk button text.
+//d:Selects profile for auto sync
+#define qtn_msk_select		"Select"
+//d:msk button text.
+//d:View selected profile's contents
+#define qtn_msk_view_contents "View contents"
+//d:this message is shown when auto sync profile is set active profile 
+#define qtn_sml_main_info_auto_on "Current profile:%0U, connection method: %1U. Next sync in %0N hours %1N minutes."
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// application specific setting strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:Application dialog setting item for selecting database (selection list)
+//d:that is synced.
+#define qtn_sml_local_database "Local database"
+//d:Application dialog setting item for selecting remote database for syncing.
+#define qtn_sml_remote_database "Remote database"
+//d:Application dialog setting item (Yes/No) for selecting whether sync filters
+//d:should be used in syncing.
+#define qtn_nsml_eml_use_filters "Use filters"
+//d:Value used in qtn_nsml_eml_use_filters setting (Yes/No).
+#define qtn_nsml_eml_use_filters_yes "Yes"
+//d:Value used in qtn_nsml_eml_use_filters setting (Yes/No).
+#define qtn_nsml_eml_use_filters_no	"No"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_pb	"Phonebook settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_cal	"Calendar settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_notes	"Notes settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_email	"Email settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_sms	"Sms settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_mms	"MMS settings"
+//d:One of the setting items in settings view
+ //l:list_setting_pane_t1/opt1
+#define qtn_sml_content_settings_bkm	"Bookmarks settings"
+//d:Display name for Contact content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending Contacts 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_cnt_display_name "Contacts"
+//d:Display name for Calendar content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending Calendar 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_agn_display_name "Calendar"
+//d:Display name for Notes content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending Notes 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_npd_display_name "Notes"
+//d:Display name for EMail content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending EMail 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_eml_display_name "SyncML Email"
+//d:Display name for Sms content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending EMail 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_sms_display_name "Sms"
+//d:Display name for MMS. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending MMS 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_mms_display_name "MMS"
+//d:Display name for Bookmarks content. Used eg. in sync progress text
+//d:"Sending Bookmarks 5/10" 
+#define qtn_nsml_bkm_display_name "Bookmarks"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_contacts "Contacts"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_calendar "Calendar"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_notes "Notes"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_email "SyncML EMail"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_sms "Sms"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_mms "MMS"
+//d:Application dialog title. 
+#define qtn_sml_title_bookmarks "Bookmarks"
+//d:Text on the information note that is shown when user tries to set email mailbox
+//d:in application dialog but no email mailboxes exist. 
+#define qtn_sml_info_no_mailboxes "No mailboxes defined. Check your mailbox settings in Messaging Centre."
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// sync progress dialog strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:progress note window which shows the synchronistion progress
+//d:changing text displayed at connect stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_conn		"Connecting\n"
+//d:changing text displayed at initialising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_init		"Initialising\n"
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_sync		"Synchronising\n"
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_sending	"Sending %0U"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 begins*/
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+//for TD-SCDMA products only
+#define qtn_sml_sync_sending_xofy_tdscdma   "Sending %0N of %1N %0U"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 ends*/ 
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 begins*/
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+//for TD-SCDMA products only
+#define qtn_sml_sync_sending_xofy_cal_tdscdma   "Sending %0N of %1N of calendar entries"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 ends*/ 
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_receiving	"Receiving %0U"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 begins*/ 
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+//for TD-SCDMA products only
+#define qtn_sml_sync_receiving_xofy_tdscdma "Receiving %0U:%0N"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 ends*/ 
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 begins*/ 
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+//for TD-SCDMA products only
+#define qtn_sml_sync_receiving_xofy_cal_tdscdma "Receiving calendar entries:%0N"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 ends*/ 
+//d:changing text displayed at disconnect stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_disconn	"Disconnecting\n"
+//d:changing text displayed after succesful synchronisation
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_end_done	"Completed\n\n"
+//d:changing text displayed at cancelling stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+#define qtn_sml_sync_cancel		"Cancelling\n"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 begins*/ 
+//d:changing text displayed at synchronising stage
+//d:Image replaced by animation
+//for TD-SCDMA products only
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_serverfull_tdscdma  "Server memory is full"
+/* Implementation of CMCC PIM v3 ends*/ 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// sync log dialog strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:texts for the log view window
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_synclog_title	"Sync log" 
+//d:texts for the log view window
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_profile			"Set name" 
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_date			"Date"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_time			"Time"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_remote			"Remote server"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_status			"Status"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_phone			"Phone"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_server			"Server"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_error			"Errors:"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_ok				"Complete"
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_cancelled		"Cancelled"	
+//d:heading for the log view window list
+#define qtn_sml_log_err				"Incomplete"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+//d:%U refers to content name
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_content "Added %U:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+//d:%U refers to content name
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_content	"Updated %U:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+//d:%U refers to content name
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_content	"Deleted %U:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+//d:%U refers to content name
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_content "Discarded %U:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+//d:%U refers to content name
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_content "Moved %U:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_contacts "Added contacts:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_contacts	"Updated contacts:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_contacts	"Deleted contacts:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_contacts "Discarded contacts:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_contacts "Moved contacts:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_calendar "Added calendar:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_calendar	"Updated calendar:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_calendar	"Deleted calendar:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_calendar "Discarded calendar:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_calendar "Moved calendar:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_notes "Added notes:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_notes	"Updated notes:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_notes	"Deleted notes:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_notes "Discarded notes:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_notes "Moved notes:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_email "Added email:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_email	"Updated email:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_email	"Deleted email:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_email "Discarded email:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_email "Moved email:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_sms "Added Sms:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_sms	"Updated Sms:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_sms	"Deleted sms:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_sms "Discarded sms:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_sms "Moved sms:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_mms "Added MMS:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_mms	"Updated MMS:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_mms	"Deleted MMS:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_mms "Discarded MMS:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_mms "Moved MMS:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_added_bkm "Added Bookmarks:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_updated_bkm	"Updated Bookmarks:" 
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_deleted_bkm	"Deleted Bookmarks:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_discarded_bkm "Discarded Bookmarks:"
+//d:item in the sync log view
+#define qtn_sml_log_moved_bkm "Moved Bookmarks:"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// error strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if system error occured
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_systemerror "System Error"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if system error occured in server
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_servererror "Error in sync server"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if SyncML protocol error occured
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_protocol "Unable to synchronise with server"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if command sent to server was not supported 
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_cmdnotsupported "Unsupported SyncML software version in server"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if server has unsupported version
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_versionnotsupported "Unsupported SyncML software version in server"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if content type is not supported by server
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_contentnotsupported "Unsupported content type"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if client authentication failed
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_clientauth "Invalid user name or password"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if client authentication failed
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_httpauth "Http authentication failed"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if server was busy
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_serverbusy "Synchronisation server was busy"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if opening local database fails
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_localdatabase "Unable to open database"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if local database has changed
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_localdbchanged "Database changed. Synchronization interrupted."
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if remote database name is invalid
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_remotedatabase "Invalid remote database"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if databases cannot be found (?)
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_invaliddatabase "Invalid database"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if server is not responding
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_servernotresponding "Server is not responding"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if server is not responding
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_invalidsynctype "Sync type was not allowed"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if communication error occured
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_comm "Error in communication"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message in log if uri is invalid
+#define qtn_nsml_log_err_uriinvalid "Invalid host address"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+//d:Message when user tries to simultaneously edit one sync set in more 
+//d:than one application (eg. Phonebook and Sync)
+#define qtn_nsml_locked_profile "Sync set already in use by another application"
+//d:Error confirmation dialog
+#define qtn_sml_log_err_untrusted_certificate "Server has untrusted certificate"
+//d:lText of Data synchronization list item in  Control panel Device management view
+//d:Item opens Data sync application
+#define qtn_cp_folder_data_sync "Sync"
+//d: radio button popup menu text
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_netw_conset_sett_default_connection "Default Connection"
+//d: radio button popup menu title text
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_netw_conset_sett_destination "Network connection"
+//d: radio button popup menu text
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_netw_conset_sett_user_defined "User Defined"
+//d:this message is shown when sync is attempted while 'Always ask' is selected and user is in roaming
+#define qtn_sml_note_network_confirmation "Foreign network used. Extra costs may exist. Continue sync?"
+//d:this message is shown when sync is attempted while 'never allow' is selected and user is in roaming
+#define qtn_sml_note_network_not_allowed "Foreign network used. Sync not allowed"
+//d:this message is shown when sync is attempted while roaming setting is blocked
+#define qtn_sml_note_not_home_network "Sync not allowed until in home network"
+//d:Title of the advanced settings in options
+#define qtn_sml_title_adv_settings  "Advanced settings"
+// End of File