changeset 51 8e7494275d3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/connectivitymodules/SeCon/cntparser/src/cntparsercollector.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:05:37 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  CCntParserCollector implementation.
+#include <cntfilt.h>
+#include <cntitem.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+#include <vcard.h>
+#include <versit.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include "cntparsercollector.h"
+#include "cntparserserver.h"
+#include "irmcconsts.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Next values are defined in cntdef.h
+const TUid typesToBeSearched[]={{KUidContactFieldPhoneNumberValue},{KUidContactFieldFaxValue}};
+_LIT( KTotalCountFilePath, "count.txt" );
+_LIT8( KNameProperty, "N" );
+_LIT8( KTelProperty, "TEL" );
+// CCntParserCollector::CCntParserCollector():CActive( 0 )
+CCntParserCollector::CCntParserCollector():CActive( 0 )
+    {
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::~CCntParserCollector()
+    {
+    LOGGER_ENTERFN( "CntParserCollector::~CCntParserCollector()" );
+    if( iVersitTLS )
+        {
+        iVersitTLS->VersitTlsDataClose(); //Close reference 
+        }
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: Versit OK!" );
+    iFsSession.Close();
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: FsSession OK!" );
+    iWriter.Close(); 
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: iWriter OK!" );
+    delete iFilter;
+    LOGGER_LEAVEFN( "CntParserCollector::~CCntParserCollector()" );
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::NewL(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+CCntParserCollector* CCntParserCollector::NewL(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+    {
+    CCntParserCollector* self=NewLC(aServer, aCurrentDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::NewLC(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+CCntParserCollector* CCntParserCollector::NewLC(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+    {
+    CCntParserCollector* self=new (ELeave) CCntParserCollector();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aServer, aCurrentDatabase );
+    return self;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ConstructL(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+void CCntParserCollector::ConstructL(CCntParserServer* aServer,CContactDatabase* aCurrentDatabase)
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ConstructL" );
+    CVersitTlsData& VersitTLS = CVersitTlsData::VersitTlsDataL();   //For speed optimization take a reference to TLS, SEE DESTRUCTOR!!
+    iVersitTLS = &VersitTLS;
+    iServer = aServer;
+    iContactsDb = aCurrentDatabase;
+    PrepareParserL();
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::CreateIrMCL2FileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxNumberOfContacts,TBool aForced)
+TInt CCntParserCollector::CreateIrMCL2FileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxNumberOfContacts,TBool aForced)
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL" );
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CCntParserCollector::CreateIrMCL2FileL aFileName %S", &aFileName );
+    iMaxNumberOfContacts = aMaxNumberOfContacts;
+    CContactIdArray* changedItems;
+    TTime tTime;
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: Does the PB.VCF already exist" );
+    //Is there a previously created pb.vcf file?
+    RFile file;
+    TInt err = file.Open( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareExclusive ); //Open file
+    if( err == KErrNone )
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: Yes, when created" );
+        file.Modified(tTime);   //When modified
+        }
+    file.Close();
+    err = iWriter.Open( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareExclusive ); //Open stream
+    CleanupClosePushL( iWriter );   //Yes, this is a member variable, but it's considered
+    if( err == KErrPathNotFound )
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: dir did not exist, creating..." );
+        err = iFsSession.MkDir( aFileName );
+        LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CCntParserCollector MkDir returned %d", err );
+        if ( err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: New file after MkDir" );
+            //This is the situation that the file is created for the first time
+            User::LeaveIfError( iWriter.Create( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareExclusive ) );
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: New file created after MkDir" );
+            CleanupStack::Pop();    //iWriter
+            ParseCntDatabaseL(); //create IrMC L2 stuff
+            SaveTotalCountL();
+            return KErrNone;    //File created normally
+            }
+        }
+    if( err == KErrNotFound ) // file does not exist - create it
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: New file" );
+        //This is the situation that the file is created for the first time
+        User::LeaveIfError( iWriter.Create( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareExclusive ) );
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: New file created" );
+        CleanupStack::Pop();    //iWriter
+        ParseCntDatabaseL(); //create IrMC L2 stuff
+        SaveTotalCountL();
+        return KErrNone;    //File created normally
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CreateIrMCL2FileL errror leaving %d", err );
+            User::Leave(err);   
+            }
+        iWriter.Close();
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: File exists, any changes in CDB?" );
+        //The file exists, but are there any changes?
+        changedItems = iContactsDb->ContactsChangedSinceL( tTime ); //Create a contactidarray, user takes the ownership
+        CleanupStack::PushL(changedItems);
+        LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CreateIrMCL2FileL changedItems %d", changedItems->Count() );
+        LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CreateIrMCL2FileL aForced %d", aForced );
+        //Are there changes in any contact
+        if( changedItems->Count()!=0 || aForced || ContactCountChanged() )
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: Changes in CDB, replace existing PB.VCF" );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(changedItems);
+            //Create pb.vcf
+            User::LeaveIfError( iWriter.Replace( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareExclusive) );
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: file replaced" );
+            CleanupStack::Pop();    //iWriter
+            ParseCntDatabaseL(); //create IrMC L2 stuff
+            SaveTotalCountL();
+            return KErrNone;    //File created normally
+            }
+        //No changes
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(changedItems);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CreateIrMCL2FileL: No Changes in CDB, keep old PB.VCF" );
+        }   
+    return KPBNotUpdated;   //No error occured, KPBNotUpdated used as return value to tell that the file was not created..
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ParseCntDatabaseL()
+void CCntParserCollector::ParseCntDatabaseL()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ParseCntDatabaseL" );
+    iCurrentItem = 0;
+    iCancel = EFalse;
+    iContactsSaved = 0;
+    //Create owncard (it's always included, even if it's empty)
+    TFileName defaultDb;
+    CContactDatabase::GetDefaultNameL( defaultDb );
+    TFileName currentDb;
+    iContactsDb->GetCurrentDatabase( currentDb );
+    if( defaultDb.CompareF(currentDb) == 0 || currentDb == KNullDesC16 /*|| currentDb.CompareF(KSimDummyDatabase)==0*/) //Is current database also default?
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ParseCntDatabaseL: Using default database" );
+        TContactItemId ownCardId = iContactsDb->OwnCardId();
+        ExternalizeCurrentContactL( iContactsDb, ownCardId, ETrue);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ParseCntDatabaseL: Not using default database" );
+        CContactDatabase* db=CContactDatabase::OpenL(); //My contact card is only in default db, so open it
+        CleanupStack::PushL(db);
+        TContactItemId ownCardId = db->OwnCardId();
+        ExternalizeCurrentContactL( db, ownCardId, ETrue );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
+        }
+    //Start running RunL method and create everything else..
+    TRequestStatus* s = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( s, KErrNone );
+    SetActive();
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::CloseResources()
+void CCntParserCollector::CloseResources()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: CloseResources: Closing resources (iWriter)" );
+    iWriter.Close();
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::PrepareParserL()
+void CCntParserCollector::PrepareParserL()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: PrepareParserL" );
+    iFilter = CCntFilter::NewL();   //Filter all contact cards out of others
+    iFilter->SetContactFilterTypeALL( EFalse );
+    iFilter->SetContactFilterTypeCard( ETrue );
+    iContactsDb->FilterDatabaseL( *iFilter );
+    iIds=iFilter->iIds; //Get IDs to filtered contacts
+    iCount=iIds->Count(); //Get number of contacts to be collected
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Connect() ); //Connect to the file server
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: PrepareParserL: iCount == %d", iCount);
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::RunL()
+void CCntParserCollector::RunL()
+    {
+    //MaxNumberOfContacts-1 for OwnCard
+    if( iCurrentItem < iCount && (iCurrentItem < ( iMaxNumberOfContacts - 1 ) || iMaxNumberOfContacts == -1 ) ) //If no more contacts left or maximum number of contacts already parsed
+        {
+        ExternalizeCurrentContactL( iContactsDb, (*iIds)[iCurrentItem], EFalse );
+        iCurrentItem++;
+        TRequestStatus* s = &iStatus;       //Let's rerun this RunL method as soon as possible
+        User::RequestComplete( s, KErrNone );
+        SetActive();
+        return;
+        }
+    iCurrentItem++; //for OwnCard that is created separately
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: RunL: No more items" );
+    CloseResources();
+    iServer->CompletePhoneBookRequests( KErrNone );
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ExternalizeCurrentContactL(CContactDatabase* aContactsDb,TInt aCurrentItem,TBool ExternalizeEmpty)
+void CCntParserCollector::ExternalizeCurrentContactL(CContactDatabase* aContactsDb,TInt aCurrentItem,TBool ExternalizeEmpty)
+    {
+    CContactItem* ownCard;
+    if( aCurrentItem < 0 )
+        {
+        ownCard = CContactCard::NewLC();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ownCard = aContactsDb->ReadContactLC( aCurrentItem );   //Take a new contact item
+        }
+    CParserVCard* VCard=CParserVCard::NewL();   //Create new VCard
+    CleanupStack::PushL( VCard );
+    TInt nField = ownCard->CardFields().Find( KUidContactFieldGivenName );
+    TInt fField = ownCard->CardFields().Find( KUidContactFieldFamilyName );
+    TInt cField = ownCard->CardFields().Find( KUidContactFieldCompanyName );
+    //FOR NAMES
+    //N: -field always included even if it's empty
+    CDesC16Array* ValueArray=new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( ValueArray );
+    CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray* NameValues=new (ELeave) CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray( ValueArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( NameValues );
+    CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* parameters=new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>(1);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( parameters );
+    TPtrC fName;
+    TPtrC nName;
+    TPtrC cName;
+    if( fField != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        fName.Set( ownCard->CardFields()[fField].TextStorage()->Text() );
+        }
+    if( nField != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        nName.Set( ownCard->CardFields()[nField].TextStorage()->Text() );
+        }
+    if( cField != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        cName.Set( ownCard->CardFields()[cField].TextStorage()->Text() );
+        }
+    if( fName.Length() == 0)
+        {
+        fField = KErrNotFound;  
+        }
+    if(nName.Length()==0)
+        {
+        nField = KErrNotFound;
+        if( fField==KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            ValueArray->AppendL( cName );   
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            ValueArray->AppendL( fName );   
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ValueArray->AppendL( fName );
+        ValueArray->AppendL( nName );
+        }
+    VCard->AddPropertyL( CParserProperty::NewL((*NameValues),KNameProperty,parameters) );   //Add name property to VCard (VCard takes the ownership of the property)
+    CleanupStack::Pop(3); //parameters namevalues valuearray
+    TBool isNumber = EFalse;
+    TInt typeIndex = 0;
+    TInt index = -1;    //NOTE: +1 added before used first time
+    for(;;) //Go through all fields (Number of fields is unknown)
+        {
+        index = ownCard->CardFields().FindNext(typesToBeSearched[typeIndex],index+1);//Find next field (of current type)
+        if( index == KErrNotFound ) //No more phone numbers, move to the next group -> (See TypesToBeSearched)
+            {
+            typeIndex++;
+            if( typeIndex >= (signed) (sizeof(typesToBeSearched) / sizeof(TUid)) )
+                {
+                break;  //if no more types to search -> exit FOR-loop
+                }
+            index=ownCard->CardFields().FindNext(typesToBeSearched[typeIndex],0); //Find next field
+            if( index==KErrNotFound )
+                {
+                break;  //No fields -> exit
+                }
+            }
+        TPtrC number = ownCard->CardFields()[index].TextStorage()->Text();
+        if( number.Length() != 0)
+            {
+            CDesC16Array* ValueArray2=new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
+            CleanupStack::PushL( ValueArray2 );
+            CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray* NumberValues=new (ELeave) CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray(ValueArray2);
+            CleanupStack::PushL( NumberValues );
+            CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* parameters2=new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>(1);
+            CleanupStack::PushL( parameters2 );
+            //Take label name to parameter
+            for( TInt i=0;i<ownCard->CardFields()[index].ContentType().FieldTypeCount();i++ )
+                {
+                TFieldType fieldType=ownCard->CardFields()[index].ContentType().FieldType(i);
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapWORK) parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Work,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapHOME) parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Home,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapMSG)  parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Msg,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapVOICE)parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Voice,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapFAX)  parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Fax,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapPREF) parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Pref,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapCELL) parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Cell,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapPAGER)parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Pager,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapBBS)  parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Bbs,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapMODEM)parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Modem,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapCAR)  parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Car,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapISDN) parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Isdn,KNullDesC8));
+                if(fieldType==KUidContactFieldVCardMapVIDEO)parameters2->AppendL(CParserParam::NewL(KVersitParam8Video,KNullDesC8));
+                }
+            ValueArray2->AppendL( number );
+            VCard->AddPropertyL(CParserProperty::NewL((*NumberValues),KTelProperty,parameters2)); //VCard takes the ownership of the property
+            isNumber=ETrue;
+            CleanupStack::Pop(3); //parameters2 numbervalues valuearray2
+            }
+        }
+    if( (nField!=KErrNotFound) || (fField!=KErrNotFound) || (cField!=KErrNotFound) || isNumber || ExternalizeEmpty )
+        {
+        if( !isNumber )
+            {
+            //Create empty TEL field (required by the specs)
+            CDesC16Array* ValueArray3=new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(ValueArray3);
+            CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray* NumberValues2=new (ELeave) CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray(ValueArray3);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(NumberValues2);
+            CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* parameters3=new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>(1);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(parameters3);
+            VCard->AddPropertyL(CParserProperty::NewL((*NumberValues2),KTelProperty,parameters3)); //VCard takes the ownership of the property
+            CleanupStack::Pop(3); //parameters3 numbervalues valuearray3
+            }
+        TRAPD( err, VCard->ExternalizeL( iWriter );) //If there are no name or numbers, then no externalizing..
+        //if error then only current contact card is discarded, but others will be still collected..
+        if( err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            iContactsSaved++;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: RunL: Error,VCARD _NOT_ saved" );
+            }
+        }
+    aContactsDb->CloseContactL( aCurrentItem ); //Close current contact item
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( VCard ); // VCard and all arrays (parameters2, numvervalues, valuearray2) related to this VCard are deleted through the ownership relations
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ownCard );
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::DoCancel()
+void CCntParserCollector::DoCancel()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: DoCancel" );
+    CloseResources();
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::RunError(TInt aError)
+TInt CCntParserCollector::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: RunError!" );
+    CloseResources(); //JIC
+    iServer->CompletePhoneBookRequests( aError );   //complete all requests with an error
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::CurrentItem()
+TInt CCntParserCollector::CurrentItem()
+    {
+    return iCurrentItem;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::Count()
+TInt CCntParserCollector::Count()
+    {
+    return iCount;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ContactsSaved()
+TInt CCntParserCollector::ContactsSaved()
+    {
+    return iContactsSaved;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::SaveTotalCountL() const
+void CCntParserCollector::SaveTotalCountL()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: SaveTotalCount begin" );
+    if( iContactsDb )
+        {
+        iTotalCount = iContactsDb->CountL();
+        LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: SaveTotalCount iTotalCount %d", iTotalCount );
+        }
+    RFs Fs;
+    RFile writer;
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.Connect());   //Connect to the file server
+    CleanupClosePushL(Fs);
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC ));
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.SetSessionToPrivate( EDriveC ));
+    User::LeaveIfError(writer.Replace(Fs,KTotalCountFilePath,EFileWrite)); //Open file
+    CleanupClosePushL(writer);
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: SaveTotalCount file replaced" );
+    // Prepare externalized representation of iTotalCount
+    TBuf8< 256 > countData;
+    RDesWriteStream writeStream( countData );
+    CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
+    writeStream.WriteInt32L( iTotalCount );
+    writeStream.CommitL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
+    // Then write them to the file itself
+    User::LeaveIfError(writer.Write( countData ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //writer
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //Fs
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: SaveTotalCount end" );
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ReadTotalCountL() const
+TInt CCntParserCollector::ReadTotalCountL() const
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ReadTotalCount begin" );
+    TInt total;
+    RFs Fs;
+    RFile reader;
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.Connect());   //Connect to the file server
+    CleanupClosePushL(Fs);
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC ));
+    User::LeaveIfError(Fs.SetSessionToPrivate( EDriveC ));
+    User::LeaveIfError(reader.Open(Fs,KTotalCountFilePath,EFileRead)); //Open file
+    CleanupClosePushL(reader);
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ReadTotalCount file opened" );
+    RFileReadStream readStream(reader);
+    readStream.PushL();
+    total = readStream.ReadInt32L();
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: ReadTotalCount total %d", total );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //readStream
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //writer
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //Fs
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ReadTotalCount end" );
+    return total;
+    }
+// CCntParserCollector::ContactCountChanged() const
+TBool CCntParserCollector::ContactCountChanged()
+    {
+    LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged begin" );
+    TInt oldCount = 0;
+    TInt err( KErrNone );
+    if( iContactsDb )
+        {
+        TRAP( err, iTotalCount = iContactsDb->CountL() );
+        if ( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE_1( "iContactsDb->CountL leaved: %d", err );
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged ETrue" );
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged iTotalCount %d", iTotalCount );
+        }
+    TRAP( err, oldCount = ReadTotalCountL() );
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged err %d", err );
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged oldCount %d", oldCount );
+    LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged iTotalCount %d", iTotalCount );
+    if( err == KErrNone )
+        {
+        if( iTotalCount != oldCount )
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged ETrue" );
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged EFalse" );
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        LOGGER_WRITE( "CntParserCollector: ContactCountChanged ETrue" );
+        return ETrue;               
+        }
+    }
+// end of file