* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CSconVersionInfo implementation.
#include "sconversioninfo.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <DSCapabilityManagementCRKeys.h>
#include <etel3rdparty.h> // read imsi
#include <etel.h>
#include <etelmm.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include "caputils.h"
#include "debug.h"
iSymbianVersionError = KErrNotReady;
iS60VersionError = KErrNotReady;
delete iManufacturer;
delete iModel;
delete iProduct;
delete iRevision;
delete iSWVersion;
delete iSerialNumber;
delete iSysVersionInfo;
delete iLangVersion;
delete iLangSWVersion;
delete iOPVersion;
delete iProductCode;
CSconVersionInfo* CSconVersionInfo::NewL()
CSconVersionInfo* self = new (ELeave) CSconVersionInfo;
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSconVersionInfo::FetchInfoL()
// fetch device info
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSconVersionInfo::FetchInfoL( RFs& aFs )
iSymbianVersionError = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo( iSymbianVersion, aFs );
iS60VersionError = VersionInfo::GetVersion( iS60Version, aFs );
TBuf<KSysVersionInfoTextLength> info;
TBuf<KSysVersionInfoTextLength> productBuf;
TInt err(KErrNone);
delete iSWVersion;
iSWVersion = NULL;
delete iProduct;
iProduct = NULL;
// get SW version, SW version date and model
TRAP( err, CapUtil::GetSWVersionL( info, iDate, productBuf ) );
iSWVersion = info.AllocL();
iProduct = productBuf.AllocL();
LOGGER_WRITE_1("CapUtil::GetSWVersionL err: %d", err);
SysVersionInfo::TProductVersion productVersion;
TInt sysVersionError = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo( productVersion, aFs );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo returned : %d", sysVersionError );
// Use TelServer to get IMEI and also other info if SysVersionInfo is not supported
RTelServer telServer;
User::LeaveIfError( telServer.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( telServer );
RTelServer::TPhoneInfo teleinfo;
User::LeaveIfError( telServer.GetPhoneInfo( 0, teleinfo ) );
RMobilePhone phone;
User::LeaveIfError( phone.Open( telServer, teleinfo.iName ) );
CleanupClosePushL( phone );
TUint32 teleidentityCaps;
phone.GetIdentityCaps( teleidentityCaps );
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 telid;
TRequestStatus status;
phone.GetPhoneId( status, telid );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
if ( status == KErrNone )
if ( sysVersionError )
LOGGER_WRITE("Use info from TMobilePhoneIdentityV1");
delete iModel;
iModel = NULL;
delete iRevision;
iRevision = NULL;
// phone model sales name. For example "N01".
iModel = telid.iModel.AllocL();
// product revision. For example "01"
iRevision = telid.iRevision.AllocL();
delete iSerialNumber;
iSerialNumber = NULL;
// Phone serial number (IMEI or ESN), in character string format.
iSerialNumber = telid.iSerialNumber.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &phone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &telServer );
if ( sysVersionError == KErrNone )
// use information from SysVersionInfo instead of previous APIs.
LOGGER_WRITE("Using SysVersionInfo");
// phone model sales name. For example "N01".
delete iModel;
iModel = NULL;
iModel = productVersion.iModel.AllocL();
// product revision. For example "01"
delete iRevision;
iRevision = NULL;
iRevision = productVersion.iRevision.AllocL();
// manufacturer name. For example "Nokia"
delete iManufacturer;
iManufacturer = NULL;
iManufacturer = productVersion.iManufacturer.AllocL();
// product code name. For example "RM-1"
delete iProduct;
iProduct = NULL;
iProduct = productVersion.iProduct.AllocL();
CapUtil::GetManufacturer( info );
delete iManufacturer;
iManufacturer = NULL;
iManufacturer = info.AllocL();
CapUtil::GetLanguage( iLanguage );
err = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo( SysVersionInfo::EFWVersion, info, aFs );
delete iSysVersionInfo;
iSysVersionInfo = NULL;
if ( !err )
iSysVersionInfo = info.AllocL();
err = SysUtil::GetLangVersion( info );
delete iLangVersion;
iLangVersion = NULL;
if ( !err )
iLangVersion = info.AllocL();
sysVersionError = SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion( info );
delete iLangSWVersion;
iLangSWVersion = NULL;
if ( !sysVersionError )
iLangSWVersion = info.AllocL();
sysVersionError = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo( SysVersionInfo::EOPVersion, info, aFs );
delete iOPVersion;
iOPVersion = NULL;
if ( !sysVersionError )
iOPVersion = info.AllocL();
sysVersionError = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo( SysVersionInfo::EProductCode, info, aFs );
delete iProductCode;
iProductCode = NULL;
if ( !sysVersionError )
iProductCode = info.AllocL();
// read DesktopSync key value
CRepository* repository(NULL);
TRAP( iDesktopSyncError, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidDSDCMOConfig ));
if ( !iDesktopSyncError )
iDesktopSyncError = repository->Get( KNsmlDesktopSync, iDesktopSync );
LOGGER_WRITE_1("iDesktopSyncError: %d", iDesktopSyncError );
LOGGER_WRITE_1("iDesktopSync: %d", iDesktopSync );
delete repository;
LOGGER_WRITE_1("Could not create CRepository, err: %d", iDesktopSyncError );
// screen size
HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayXPixels, iScreenSize.iWidth);
HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayYPixels, iScreenSize.iHeight);
iInfoFetched = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSconVersionInfo::IsReady()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSconVersionInfo::IsReady()
return iInfoFetched;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSconVersionInfo::GetSymbianVersion()
// Get Symbian OS version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSconVersionInfo::GetSymbianVersion( SysVersionInfo::TSymbianOSVersion& aSymbianVersion )
if ( iSymbianVersionError )
return iSymbianVersionError;
aSymbianVersion = iSymbianVersion;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSconVersionInfo::GetS60Version()
// Get S60 platform version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSconVersionInfo::GetS60Version( VersionInfo::TPlatformVersion& aS60Version )
if ( iS60VersionError )
return iS60VersionError;
aS60Version = iS60Version;
return KErrNone;