* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: DS contacts dataprovider.
#include <f32file.h>
#include <SmlDataProvider.h>
#include "NSmlContactsDataStore.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlContactsDataProvider
// @lib nsmlcontactsdataprovider.lib
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CNSmlContactsDataProvider : public CSmlDataProvider
* Two-phased constructor.
IMPORT_C static CNSmlContactsDataProvider* NewL();
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CNSmlContactsDataProvider();
* Two-phased constructor.
IMPORT_C static CNSmlContactsDataProvider* NewLC();
* This method handles framework events.
* @param Frameworks event.
* @param aParam1 First parameter.
* @param aParam2 Second parameter.
IMPORT_C void DoOnFrameworkEvent(TSmlFrameworkEvent, TInt aParam1, TInt aParam2);
* Check if operation is supported by dataprovider.
* @param aOpId Operations type.
* @return ETrue if the operation is supported.
IMPORT_C TBool DoSupportsOperation(TUid aOpId) const;
* Gets dataproviders own StoreFormat.
IMPORT_C const CSmlDataStoreFormat& DoStoreFormatL();
* Lists all contacts databases on client.
* @return List of contact databases.
IMPORT_C CDesCArray* DoListStoresLC();
* Gets default storename on client.
* @return Default storename.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& DoDefaultStoreL();
* Constructs new instance of datastore.
* @return Newly created instance.
IMPORT_C CSmlDataStore* DoNewStoreInstanceLC();
This method returns the set of filters that can be used to send to the SyncML server.
* @return New filters.
IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter>& DoSupportedServerFiltersL();
This method checks what filters are supported by server.
@param aServerDataStoreFormat The store format of server
@param aFilters The array that includes filters
@param aChangeInfo The change information about changes that data provider did
IMPORT_C void DoCheckSupportedServerFiltersL(const CSmlDataStoreFormat& aServerDataStoreFormat, RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter>& aFilters, TSyncMLFilterChangeInfo& aChangeInfo);
This method updates dynamic filters up-to-date.
@param aFilters The array that includes filters
@param aChangeInfo The change information about changes that data provider did
IMPORT_C void DoCheckServerFiltersL(RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter>& aFilters, TSyncMLFilterChangeInfo& aChangeInfo);
This method generates a record filter query to be sent to the SyncML server for the provided filters.
@param aFilters The filters to be used for the query generation
@param aMatch The filter match type to be used
@param aFilterMimeType The mime type of the returned filter query
@param TSyncMLFilterType The filter type of the returned filter query
@param aStoreName The name of used store
@return The record filter query to be sent to the SyncML server - empty if no record filter involved
for this specific filter
IMPORT_C HBufC* DoGenerateRecordFilterQueryLC(const RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter>& aFilters, TSyncMLFilterMatchType aMatch, TDes& aFilterMimeType, TSyncMLFilterType& aFilterType, TDesC& aStoreName);
This method generates a field filter query to be sent to the SyncML server for the provided filters.
@param aFilters The filters to be used for the query generation
@param aFilterMimeType The mime type of the returned filter query
@param aProperties The field filter query to be sent to the SyncML server - empty if no field filter involved
for this specific filter
@param aStoreName The name of used store
IMPORT_C void DoGenerateFieldFilterQueryL(const RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter>& aFilters, TDes& aFilterMimeType, RPointerArray<CSmlDataProperty>& aProperties, TDesC& aStoreName);
* C++ constructor.
IMPORT_C CNSmlContactsDataProvider();
* 2nd phase constructor.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
protected: // New
IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC& GetStoreFormatResourceFileL() const;
IMPORT_C virtual CNSmlContactsDataStore* CreateDataStoreLC() const;
private: // data
CNSmlContactsDataStore* iContactsDataStore;
RPointerArray<CSyncMLFilter> iFilterArray;
RFs iRfs;
RStringPool iStringPool;
CSmlDataStoreFormat* iStoreFormat;
// End of File