author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:57:08 +0300
changeset 61 57a9de0b82e8
parent 14 b922b9936679
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201035 Kit: 201036

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Versit data stripper and merger.

#include <NSmlDataModBase.h>
#include "nsmldebug.h"
#include "nsmlconstants.h"

#include <versit.h>
#include <vcal.h>
#include <vcard.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <stringpool.h>
#include <vtoken.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <DataSyncInternalPSKeys.h>

//Fix to Remove the Bad Compiler Warnings
#ifndef __WINS__
// This lowers the unnecessary compiler warning (armv5) to remark.
// "Warning:  #174-D: expression has no effect..." is caused by 
// DBG_ARGS8 macro in no-debug builds.
#pragma diag_remark 174

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::~CNSmlDataModBase
// Destructor.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CNSmlDataModBase::~CNSmlDataModBase()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::SetOwnStoreFormat
// Sets own database format.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CNSmlDataModBase::SetOwnStoreFormat( CSmlDataStoreFormat& aOwnStoreFormat )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetOwnStoreFormat(): begin");
	iOwnStoreFormat = &aOwnStoreFormat;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetOwnStoreFormat(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::SetPartnerStoreFormat
// Sets remote database format.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CNSmlDataModBase::SetPartnerStoreFormat( CSmlDataStoreFormat& aRemoteStoreFormat )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetPartnerStoreFormat(): begin");
	iRemoteStoreFormat = &aRemoteStoreFormat;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetPartnerStoreFormat(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeType
// Sets mime type that is used for sending and receiving. 
// This method can be called separately before every item.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeType( const RStringF aMimeType, const RStringF aMimeVersion )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeTypeL(): begin");
	iUsedRemoteMimeType = -1;
	if ( !iRemoteStoreFormat )
		_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeTypeL() - Not Found: end");
		return KErrNotFound;
		for ( TInt i = 0; i < iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormatCount(); i++ )
			if ( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeType().DesC().Compare( aMimeType.DesC() ) == 0 )
				if ( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeVersion().DesC().Compare( aMimeVersion.DesC() ) == 0 )
					iUsedRemoteMimeType = i;
					iMimeType = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeType();
					iMimeVersion = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeVersion();
					_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeTypeL() - Found: end");
					return KErrNone;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::SetUsedMimeTypeL() - Not Found: end");
	return KErrNotFound;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::StripTxL
// Strips data that is to be transmitted to the sync partner.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CNSmlDataModBase::StripTxL( CBufBase& aItem )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripTxL(): begin");
	HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(aItem.Size());
	*buf = aItem.Ptr(0);
	TPtr8 ptrBuf = buf->Des();


	aItem.InsertL(0, ptrBuf);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripTxL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::MergeRxL
// Merges received item with item in exported from the local database.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CNSmlDataModBase::MergeRxL( CBufBase& aNewItem, CBufBase& aOldItem, TBool aFieldLevel )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::MergeRxL(): begin");
	if( NeedsMerge() )
        TInt totalSize = aNewItem.Size();
        Extra size is allocated to buffer as versit parser will increase the stream size by spliting 
		the whole data into multiple lines each containing 64 byte data and it will append 6 more bytes
		(4 spaces,one line return and one carriage return)to each line which will result a total 
		increase around 9.375% (6/64) stream size. so here the size is increased by 12.5% to accomodate 
		these extra bytes. 
        totalSize += (totalSize>>3); //increases size of new item by 12.5% 

        totalSize += aOldItem.Size();

        HBufC8* b1 = HBufC8::NewLC(totalSize);
		*b1 = aNewItem.Ptr(0);
		TPtr8 ptrB1 = b1->Des();
		TPtr8 p2 = aOldItem.Ptr(0);

		MergeL( ptrB1, p2, aFieldLevel );

		aNewItem.InsertL(0, ptrB1);
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // b1
	else if ( iUsedRemoteMimeType == -1 )
		User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::MergeRxL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge
// Checks whether merging is needed or not.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge()
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge(): begin");
	iUsedRemoteMimeType = -1;
	if ( !iRemoteStoreFormat )
		_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge() - EFalse: end");
		return EFalse;
		for ( TInt i = 0; i < iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormatCount(); i++ )
			if ( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeType().DesC().Compare( iMimeType.DesC() ) == 0 )
				if ( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).MimeVersion().DesC().Compare( iMimeVersion.DesC() ) == 0 )
					iUsedRemoteMimeType = i;
					if ( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( i ).PropertyCount() > 0 )
						_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge() - ETrue: end");
						return ETrue;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::NeedsMerge() - EFalse: end");
	return EFalse;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::CNSmlDataModBase
// Basic constructor of class.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	iUsedOwnMimeType = -1;
	iUsedRemoteMimeType = -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::StripL
// Strips data that is to be transmitted to the sync partner.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::StripL( TDes8& aItem )
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripL(): begin");
	if ( !NeedsMerge() )
		if ( iUsedRemoteMimeType == -1 )
			User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
	TBool modified( EFalse );
	CVersitParser* parser = ChildCreateParserLC();
	RDesReadStream drs( aItem );
	CleanupClosePushL( drs );
	parser->InternalizeL( drs );

	// Now we're ready to start analysis
	CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* entities = parser->ArrayOfEntities( EFalse );
	if( entities )
		for( TInt i = 0; i < entities->Count(); i++ )
			StripEntityL( entities->At( i ), modified );
		StripEntityL( parser, modified );

	// Only update if anything was modified in process
	if( modified )
		RDesWriteStream dws( aItem );
		CleanupClosePushL( dws );
		parser->ExternalizeL( dws );
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dws
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // drs, parser
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::StripEntityL
// Strips data that is to be transmitted to the sync partner from entity.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::StripEntityL( CVersitParser* aEntity, TBool& aModified ) const
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripEntityL(): begin");
	StripAllNotOnPartnerListL( aEntity, aModified, ETrue );
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripEntityL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL
// Strips all data from entity that is supported by remote server.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL( CVersitParser* aEntity, TBool& aModified, TBool aParamLevelCheck ) const
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL(): begin");

    if( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount() )
        // Check correct Data Sync protocol
        TInt value( EDataSyncNotRunning );
        TSmlProtocolVersion usedSyncProtocol( ESmlVersion1_2 );
        TInt error = RProperty::Get( KPSUidDataSynchronizationInternalKeys,
                                     value );
        if ( error == KErrNone &&
             value == EDataSyncRunning )
            usedSyncProtocol = ESmlVersion1_1_2;
        TBool wasModified( EFalse );

        CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* allProps = aEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse );
        for( TInt i = 0; i < allProps->Count(); ) // Variable i is not increased here because size of count might be changes during loop
            const CParserProperty& ownProperty = *allProps->At( i );
            CParserPropertyValue* ownValue = ownProperty.Value();

            TBool removeMe( EFalse );
            for( TInt i2 = 0; i2 < iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount(); i2++ )
                const CSmlDataProperty& remoteProperty = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).Property( i2 );
                if( !ownProperty.Name().Compare( remoteProperty.Field().Name().DesC() ) )
                    if( remoteProperty.ParamCount() > 0 && aParamLevelCheck )
                        if ( usedSyncProtocol == ESmlVersion1_1_2 )
                            for( TInt i3 = 0; i3 < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); i3++ )
                                if( ownProperty.Param( remoteProperty.Param( i3 ).Field().Name().DesC() ) )
                                    removeMe = ETrue;
                        else // ESmlVersion1_2
                            CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* ownerparamarray = ownProperty.ParamArray();
                            if(ownerparamarray != NULL)
                                for(TInt ownerparam = 0; ownerparam < ownerparamarray->Count(); ownerparam++)
                                    removeMe = EFalse;
                                    const CParserParam& ownParam = *ownerparamarray->At( ownerparam );
                                     TPtrC8 ownparamname = ownParam.Name();
                                     TPtrC8 ownparamvalue = ownParam.Value();
                                     if(ownparamvalue == _L8(""))
                                         for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++)
                                            TDesC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC();
                                            const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field();
											if(field.EnumValueCount() > 0)
	                                            for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ )
	                                                TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC();
													if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamname)== 0 )
	                                                    removeMe = ETrue;
												removeMe = ETrue;
										//Handling when the device supports VersitTokenType as "Encoding"    
										if(ownparamname == KVersitTokenENCODING)
											removeMe = ETrue;
	                                         for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++)
	                                            if(ownparamname.Compare(remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC()) == 0)
	                                                const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field();
													if( field.EnumValueCount() > 0 )
		                                                for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ )
		                                                     TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC();
		                                                     if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamvalue)== 0 )
		                                                         removeMe = ETrue;
														removeMe = ETrue;
                                    	if( !removeMe )
                                removeMe = ETrue;
                        removeMe = ETrue;

                    if( removeMe )
            if( removeMe )
                #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
                    TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() );
                    DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL(): Dropping %S"), &pn);
                #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__
                delete allProps->At( i );
                allProps->Delete( i );
                wasModified = ETrue;
                aModified = ETrue;
                #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
                    TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() );
                    DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL(): NOT dropping %S"), &pn);
                #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__
        // can't use aModified as that may have been set earlier!
        if( wasModified )
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllOnPartnerListL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL
// Strips all data from entity that is not supported by remote server.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL( CVersitParser* aEntity, TBool& aModified, TBool aParamLevelCheck ) const
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): begin");
    TInt remotepropertycount = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount();
    if( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount() )
        // Check correct Data Sync protocol
        TInt value( EDataSyncNotRunning );
        TSmlProtocolVersion usedSyncProtocol( ESmlVersion1_2 );
        TInt error = RProperty::Get( KPSUidDataSynchronizationInternalKeys,
                                     value );
        if ( error == KErrNone &&
             value == EDataSyncRunning )
            usedSyncProtocol = ESmlVersion1_1_2;

        TBool wasModified( EFalse );

        CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* allProps = aEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse );
        for( TInt i = 0; i < allProps->Count(); ) // Variable i is not increased here because size of count might be changes during loop
            const CParserProperty& ownProperty = *allProps->At( i );
            CParserPropertyValue* ownValue = ownProperty.Value();

            TBool removeMe( ETrue );
            for( TInt i2 = 0; i2 < iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount(); i2++ )
                const CSmlDataProperty& remoteProperty = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).Property( i2 );
                TPtrC8 remotename = remoteProperty.Field().Name().DesC();
                if( !ownProperty.Name().Compare( remoteProperty.Field().Name().DesC() ) )
                    TInt remoteparamcount = remoteProperty.ParamCount();
                    if( remoteProperty.ParamCount() > 0 && aParamLevelCheck )
                        if ( usedSyncProtocol == ESmlVersion1_1_2 )
                            const CParserProperty* p = allProps->At( i );
                            TInt entityParamCount = (( CNSmlProperty* )p)->ParamCount();
                            if( entityParamCount > 0)
                            for( TInt i3 = 0; i3 < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); i3++ )
                                TPtrC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( i3 ).Field().Name().DesC();
                                if( ownProperty.Param( remoteProperty.Param( i3 ).Field().Name().DesC() ) )
                                    removeMe = EFalse;
                                removeMe = EFalse;
                        else // ESmlVersion1_2
                            CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* ownerparamarray = ownProperty.ParamArray();
                            if(ownerparamarray != NULL)
                                for(TInt ownerparam = 0; ownerparam < ownerparamarray->Count(); ownerparam++)
									removeMe = ETrue;
                                    const CParserParam& ownParam = *ownerparamarray->At( ownerparam );
                                     TPtrC8 ownparamname = ownParam.Name();
                                     TPtrC8 ownparamvalue = ownParam.Value();
                                     if(ownparamvalue == _L8(""))
                                         for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++)
                                            TDesC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC();
                                            const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field();
											if( field.EnumValueCount() > 0)
												for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ )
													TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC();
													if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamname)== 0 )
														removeMe = EFalse;
												removeMe = EFalse;
										//Handling when the device supports VersitTokenType as "Encoding"    
										if(ownparamname == KVersitTokenENCODING)
											removeMe = EFalse;
	                                         for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++)
	                                            TDesC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC();
	                                            if(ownparamname.Compare(remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC()) == 0)
	                                                const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field();
													if( field.EnumValueCount() > 0)
		                                                for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ )
		                                                     TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC();
		                                                     if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamvalue)== 0 )
		                                                         removeMe = EFalse;
														removeMe = EFalse;
                                        if( removeMe )
                                removeMe = EFalse;
                        removeMe = EFalse;

                    if( !removeMe )
            if( removeMe )
                #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
                    TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() );
                    DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): Dropping %S"), &pn);
                #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__
                delete allProps->At( i );
                allProps->Delete( i );
                wasModified = ETrue;
                aModified = ETrue;
                #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
                    TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() );
                    DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): NOT dropping %S"), &pn);
                #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__
        // can't use aModified as that may have been set earlier!
        if( wasModified )
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): end");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::MergeL
// Merges data from old item to new item.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::MergeL( TDes8& aNewItem, const TDesC8& aOldItem,TBool aFieldLevel )
	TBool modified( EFalse );
	CVersitParser* newItemParser = ChildCreateParserLC();
	RDesReadStream newStream( aNewItem );
	CleanupClosePushL( newStream );
	newItemParser->InternalizeL( newStream );
	CVersitParser* oldItemParser = ChildCreateParserLC();
	RDesReadStream oldStream( aOldItem );
	CleanupClosePushL( oldStream );
	oldItemParser->InternalizeL( oldStream );

	// Now we're ready to start analysis
	CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* newEntities = newItemParser->ArrayOfEntities( EFalse );
	CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* oldEntities = oldItemParser->ArrayOfEntities( ETrue );

	if( newEntities && oldEntities )
		CleanupPtrArrayPushL( oldEntities );
		for( TInt i = 0; ( i < newEntities->Count() ) && ( i < oldEntities->Count() ); i++ )
			MergeEntityL( newEntities->At( i ), oldEntities->At( i ), modified, aFieldLevel );
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // oldEntities
		MergeEntityL( newItemParser, oldItemParser, modified, aFieldLevel );

	// Only update if anything was modified in process
	if ( modified )
		RDesWriteStream dws( aNewItem );
		CleanupClosePushL( dws );
		newItemParser->ExternalizeL( dws );
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dws

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // oldStream, oldItemParser, newStream, newItemParser

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDataModBase::MergeEntityL
// Merges data from old entity to new entity.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDataModBase::MergeEntityL( CVersitParser* aNewEntity, CVersitParser* aOldEntity, TBool& aModified, TBool aFieldLevel ) const
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::MergeEntityL(): begin");

	// Remove all data that was not supposed to be supported by the partner but
	// it was still sent to us.
	StripAllNotOnPartnerListL( aNewEntity, aModified );
	if( !aFieldLevel )
		// Remove all properties from old item that are supported by remote server.
		// If it is field level then old this is not done.
		StripAllOnPartnerListL( aOldEntity, aModified, ETrue );
		CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* mergeProps = aOldEntity->ArrayOfProperties( ETrue );
		if( mergeProps )
			CleanupStack::PushL( mergeProps );
			for( TInt i = 0; i < mergeProps->Count(); i++ )
				aNewEntity->AddPropertyL( mergeProps->At( i ), ETrue );
			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // mergeProps
    else // Support for Field level merge
        //Field level merge. Merge new item with old item. Properties of 
        //the old item are copied to new item if the new item entity does not 
        //contain certain property.
        // Old                 New                          Merged                 
        // BEGIN:VCARD       -> BEGIN:VCARD                 = BEGIN:VCARD 
        // VERSION:2.1       -> VERSION:2.1                 = VERSION:2.1
        // N:Smith;John      -> N:White;John                = N:White;John
        // ORG:Firm                                         = ORG:Firm
        // TITLE:Boss                                       = TITLE:Boss
        //                   -> TEL;CELL;VOICE:1234         = TEL;CELL;VOICE:1234
        // END:VCARD         -> END:VCARD                   = END:VCARD

        CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* newProps = aNewEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse );
        if( newProps )
            CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* oldProps = aOldEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse );

            // Iterate through old list of properties. Add missing properties from old 
            // contact item, if some of the properties is not included in new item. 
            for( TInt i = 0; i < oldProps->Count(); ) 
                CParserProperty* oldProperty = oldProps->At( i );
                //Check if the property is included in received vCard
                CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* properties = aNewEntity->PropertyL( 
                    oldProperty->Name(), oldProperty->Uid(), EFalse );

                if ( !properties )
                    // New vCard does not include certain property. Copy all matching properties from 
                    // existing contact item.
                    CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* oldProperties =
                        aOldEntity->PropertyL( oldProperty->Name(), oldProperty->Uid(), ETrue );
                    CleanupPtrArrayPushL( oldProperties );
                    for ( TInt j = oldProperties->Count()-1; j >= 0; --j )
                        CParserProperty* property = oldProperties->At( j );
                        oldProperties->Delete( j );
                        CleanupStack::PushL( property );
                        aNewEntity->AddPropertyL( property, EFalse );
                        CleanupStack::Pop( property );
                        aModified = ETrue;
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldProperties );
                    // If new vCard includes at least one property with same name we will not copy 
                    // any any property with same name from existing contact item.
                    delete properties;
	#ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
		CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* props = aNewEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse );
		for( TInt i = 0; i < props->Count(); i++ )
			TBuf8<512> b;
			const CParserProperty* p = props->At( i );
			b = p->Name();
			const CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* pa = ( ( CNSmlProperty* )p )->Parameters();
			if( pa )
				for( TInt i2 = 0; i2 < pa->Count(); i2++ )
					b.Append( _L8(":") );
					b.Append( pa->At( i2 )->Name() );
			DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::MergeEntityL(): %S"), &b);
	#endif // __NSML_DEBUG__
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::MergeEntityL(): end");

// End of file