* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Editing content settings
#include <e32base.h>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <aknnavide.h>
#include <AknDialog.h>
#include <CAknCommonDialogsBase.h> // TCommonDialogType
#include "AspDialogUtil.h"
* CAspContentDialog
* Content dialog is used to edit sync content (sync task) data.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CAspContentDialog) : public CAknDialog, public MEikListBoxObserver
* Launches content dialog.
* @param aParam Class that contains dialog parameters.
* @return Completion code.
static TBool ShowDialogL(TAspParam& aParam);
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aParam Class that contains dialog parameters.
* @return None.
CAspContentDialog(TAspParam& aParam);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aParam Class that contains dialog parameters.
static CAspContentDialog* NewL(TAspParam& aParam);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAspContentDialog();
* Check if the MSK label is correct for the context
* @param aKeyEvent Key code.
void CheckContentSettingL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent);
* Update the MSK Label
* @param aCommandId command id.
* @param aResourceId resource id .
void UpdateMiddleSoftKeyLabelL(TInt aCommandId,TInt aResourceId);
* From the base class.
* Called when dialog is activated.
* @return None.
void ActivateL();
* From the base class.
* Handles key presses.
* @param aKeyEvent Key code.
* @param aType Key type.
* @return Result code.
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
* From the base class.
* Handles menu events.
* @param aCommandId Command id.
* @return None.
virtual void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
* From the base class
* Called by framework before menu is shown.
* @param aResourceId Menu resource id.
* @param aMenuPane Pointer to the menu.
* @return None.
void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceID, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
* Handle content parameter editing.
* @return None.
void HandleOKL();
* Method to get context sensitive help topic.
* @param aContext Help topic to open.
* @return None.
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
* From the base class.
* Called by framework before exiting the dialog.
* @param aButtonId Id of the pressed button
* @return ETrue to exit\ EFalse to not to exit.
TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
* From the base class.
* Called by framework before the dialog is shown.
* @return None.
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* From MEikListBoxObserver.
* Handle listbox events.
* @param aListBox Pointer to used listbox.
* @param aEventType Event type.
* @return None.
void HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType);
* From base class.
* Called when UI layout changes.
* @param aType.
* @return None.
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
* Set setting list icons.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SetIconsL();
* Check that mandatory fields are set
* @return Index of the invalid mandatory item.
TInt CheckMandatoryFields();
* Save content parameters into profile.
* @return None.
void SaveSettingsL();
* Set filter type setting visibility.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SetFilterVisibility(TInt aVisibility);
* Add settings titles into listbox.
* @param aListBox.
* @param aItemList List of setting items.
* @return None.
void UpdateListBoxL(CEikTextListBox* aListBox, CAspSettingList* aItemList);
* Create one CAspListItemData for each setting.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void CreateSettingsListL();
* Adds one setting item into item list.
* @param aItemId Item id.
* @param aResourceId.
* @return None.
void AddItemL(TInt aItemId, TInt aResourceId);
* Adds one setting item into item list.
* @param aDataProviderId.
* @return None.
void AddRemoteDatabaseL(TInt aDataProviderId);
* Initalizes setting item needed for listbox handling.
* @param aItem.
* @return None.
void InitSettingItemL(CAspListItemData* aItem);
* Handles setting item editing.
* @param aItem Setting item data.
* @return Return code.
TBool EditSettingItemL(CAspListItemData& aItem);
* Change Yes/No value without showing edit dialog.
* @param aItem Setting item data.
* @return Return code.
TBool EditSettingItemYesNoL(CAspListItemData& aItem);
* Shows editor for text type setting.
* @param aItem Setting item data.
* @return Return code.
TBool EditSettingItemTextL(CAspListItemData& aItem);
* Shows editor for list type setting.
* @param aItem Setting item data.
* @return Return code.
TBool EditSettingItemLocalDatabaseL(CAspListItemData& aItem);
* Shows editor for list type setting.
* @param aItem Setting item data.
* @return Return code.
static TBool EditSettingItemListL(CAspListItemData& aItem);
* Utility function.
* @param aIndex Listbox index.
* @return setting item with listbox position aIndex.
CAspListItemData* GetItemForIndex(TInt aIndex);
* Utility function.
* @param aItemId Item id.
* @return Pointer to setting item.
CAspListItemData* Item(TInt aItemId);
* Finds out sync data provider type.
* @param None.
* @return Data provider type.
TInt DataProviderType() const;
* Set setting item visibility (normal/readonly/hidden).
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SetVisibility();
* Set all settings to read-only state.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SetAllReadOnly();
* Read sync profile task data.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void InitTaskDataL();
* Creates icon.
* @param aId.
* @param aFileName.
* @param aFileIndex.
* @param aFileMaskIndex.
* @return Created icon.
CGulIcon* IconL(TAknsItemID aId, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aFileIndex, TInt aFileMaskIndex);
// id of the calling application
TInt iApplicationId;
// list box for setting items
CAknSettingStyleListBox* iListBox;
// setting items
CAspSettingList *iSettingList;
// list that contains all contents (applications)
CAspContentList* iContentList;
// for title and icon handling
CStatusPaneHandler* iStatusPaneHandler;
// session with sync server
RSyncMLSession* iSyncSession;
// sync profile
CAspProfile* iProfile;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf<KBufSize255> iBuf;
// is setting database in read only state
TBool iSettingEnforcement;
// has user changed sync content local or remote datastore
TBool iDataStoreChanged;
// dialog parameters
TAspParam* iDialogParam;
// sync data provider
TInt iDataProviderId;
// is content included in sync
TBool iTaskEnabled;
// sync type
TInt iSyncDirection;
// needed for finding out whether user changed db name
TBuf<KBufSize> iLocalDatabase;
// needed for finding out whether user changed db name
TBuf<KBufSize> iRemoteDatabase;
// names of all available local data stores
CDesCArray* iLocalDataStores;
//is MSK Empty
TBool iMskEmpty;
// End of File