* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Profile structure mapped to server side data sync profile
#include <e32base.h>
#include <ecom.h>
#include <calsession.h>
#include <SyncMLClient.h> // for RSyncMLSession
#include <SyncMLClientDS.h> // for RSyncMLDataSyncProfile
#include "AspDefines.h"
#include "AspUtil.h"
//For Error EAZG-7KGAK8. Language definiton not found in elang.h
const TInt ELangIndon_Apac=327;
const TUid KCRUidDSDefaultProfileInternalKeys = { 0x20021338 };
const TInt KNsmlDsDefaultProfile = 0x0;
// Visibility settings for operator specific sync profiles on UI
// - Normal = Profile shown without any specific formatting
// - ReadOnly = Profile fields locked (non-editable), deletion not allowed
// - Hidden = Profile not shown in UI
enum TOperatorProfileVisibility
EProfileVisibilityNormal = 0,
EProfileVisibilityReadOnly = 1,
EProfileVisibilityHidden = 2
class CAspProfile;
* TAspProfileItem
* TAspProfileItem contains sync profile data.
* Get profile name.
* @param None.
* @return Profile name.
const TDesC& Name();
* Get profile name.
* @param None.
* @return Profile name.
HBufC* NameLC();
* Set profile name.
* @param aName.
* @return None.
void SetName(const TDesC& aName);
* Initalize object data.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void Init();
* Compare two profile items.
* @param aFirst.
* @param aSecond.
* @return Compare result.
static TInt CompareItems(const TAspProfileItem& aFirst, const TAspProfileItem& aSecond);
// profile name
TBuf<KBufSize> iProfileName;
// profile id
TInt iProfileId;
// is profile synced
TInt iSynced;
// last sync time
TTime iLastSync;
// bearer type
TInt iBearer;
// is server alert sync activated
TInt iActive;
// can profile be deleted
TBool iDeleteAllowed;
// application id
TInt iApplicationId;
// is all mandatory data found
TInt iMandatoryCheck;
// number of sync tasks
TInt iTaskCount;
// application specific sync task id
TInt iTaskId;
// server id check sum
TUint16 iServerIdCheckSum;
* TAspTaskItem
* TAspTaskItem contains sync task data.
// task id
TInt iTaskId;
// sync direction
TInt iSyncDirection;
// is remote database defined
TBool iRemoteDatabaseDefined;
// is local database defined
TBool iLocalDatabaseDefined;
// is task included in sync
TBool iEnabled;
// id of data provider that this task uses
TInt iDataProviderId;
// last sync time
TTime iLastSync;
// task display name
TBuf<KBufSize> iDisplayName;
TBuf<KBufSize> iClientDataSource;
* TAspDataProviderItem
* TAspDataProviderItem contains data provider data.
enum TProviderListSortOrder
EOrderContact = 4,
EOrderCalendar = 3,
EOrderNotes = 2,
EOrderEmail = 1,
EOrderOther = 0
* Compare two profile items.
* @param aFirst.
* @param aSecond.
* @return Compare result.
static TInt CompareItems(const TAspProviderItem& aFirst, const TAspProviderItem& aSecond);
static TInt SortOrder(TInt aDataProviderId);
// data provider id
TInt iDataProviderId;
// can more than one database be synced
TBool iAllowMultipleDataStores;
// is default data store defined
TBool iHasDefaultDataStore;
// sync protocol
TInt iSyncProtocol;
// id of sync task that is using this data provider
TBool iTaskId;
// display name
TBuf<KBufSize> iDisplayName;
// default data store name
TBuf<KBufSize> iDefaultDataStore;
// is this provider included in sync (profile specific)
TBool iIsIncludedInSync;
* TAspFilterInfo
* TAspFilterInfo contains profile list filtering data.
enum TFilterType
// filter type
TInt iFilterType;
// filter id (eg. application id
TBool iFilterId;
// filter text
TBuf<KBufSize> iFilterText;
* CAspContentList
* CAspContentList contains sync task list and data provider list.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CAspContentList): public CBase
enum TListMode
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspContentList* NewLC(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspContentList* NewL(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAspContentList();
* C++ default constructor.
CAspContentList(const TAspParam& aParam);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Sets sync profile.
* @param aProfile.
* @return None.
void SetProfile(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Find out whether iProfile has been set.
* @param None.
* @return TBool.
TBool IsLocked();
* Returns data provider count.
* @param None.
* @return Data provider count.
TInt ProviderCount();
* Returns Data provider.
* @param aIndex List index.
* @return Data provider.
TAspProviderItem& ProviderItem(TInt aIndex);
* Returns list index.
* @param aId.
* @return List index.
TInt FindProviderIndex(TInt aId);
* Returns list index.
* @param aId.
* @return List index.
TInt FindProviderIndexForTask(TInt aId);
* Returns task count.
* @return Task count.
TInt TaskCount();
* Returns task item.
* @param aIndex.
* @return Task item.
TAspTaskItem& TaskItem(TInt aIndex);
* Returns list index.
* @param aId.
* @return List index.
TInt FindTaskIndex(TInt aId);
* Returns list index.
* @param aId.
* @return List index.
TInt FindTaskIndexForProvider(TInt aId);
* Returns task id.
* @param aId.
* @return Task id.
TInt FindTaskIdForProvider(TInt aId);
* Checks that data provider has default local database.
* @param aDataProviderId.
* @return ETrue if database exists, EFalse otherwise.
//TBool DefaultLocalDatabaseExist(TInt aDataProviderId);
* Checks that all content items are valid.
* @param aContentCount.
* @return Return code.
TInt CheckMandatoryDataL(TInt& aContentCount);
* Read sync data providers from RSyncMLSession.
* @return None.
void InitDataProvidersL();
* Read sync data providers from RSyncMLSession.
* @return None.
void DoInitDataProvidersL();
* Read all tasks from profile into task list.
* @return None.
void InitAllTasksL();
* Read one task from profile into task list.
* @return None.
void InitTaskL(TInt aTaskId);
* Remove task that uses dataprovider aDataProviderId.
* @param aDataProviderId.
* @return None.
void RemoveTask(TInt aDataProviderId);
* Remove all tasks from task list.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void RemoveAllTasks();
* Remove data provider with id aDataProviderId.
* @param aDataProviderId.
* @return None.
void RemoveDataProvider(TInt aDataProviderId);
* Read one task item from profile.
* @param aProfile.
* @param aTaskId.
* @return Task item.
static TAspTaskItem ReadTaskItemL(RSyncMLDataSyncProfile& aProfile, TInt aTaskId);
TInt CreateTaskL(TAspProviderItem& aDataProvider);
void CreateTaskL(TInt aDataProviderId, const TDesC& aLocalDatabase,
const TDesC& aRemoteDatabase, TBool aEnabled, TInt aSyncDirection);
void CreateTask(TInt aDataProviderId, const TDesC& aLocalDatabase,
const TDesC& aRemoteDatabase, TBool aEnabled, TInt aSyncDirection);
void ReadTaskL(TInt aDataProviderId, TDes& aLocalDatabase, TDes& aRemoteDatabase, TBool& aEnable, TInt& aSyncDirection);
void IncludeTaskL(TAspProviderItem& aDataProvider);
void IncludeTasks(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aIncludedProviderList);
void ModifyTaskIncludedL(TInt aDataProviderId, TBool aIsIncluded, const TDesC& aLocalDatabase);
void ModifyTaskIncludedL(TAspProviderItem& aProvider, TBool aIsIncluded, const TDesC& aLocalDatabase);
void ModifyTaskDirectionL(TAspProviderItem& aProvider, TInt aDirection);
void ModifyTaskDirectionsL(TInt aSyncDirection);
TBool CheckTaskDirectionsL();
void SetIncludedProviders(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aIncludedProviderList);
void GetIncludedProviders(CArrayFix<TInt>* aIncludedProviderList);
void GetLocalDatabaseList(TInt aDataProviderId, CDesCArray* aList);
void GetLocalDatabaseListL(TInt aDataProviderId, CDesCArray* aList);
void UpdateLocalDatabaseL();
TInt SyncDirection();
TSmlSyncType SmlSyncDirection();
TBool TaskEnabled(TInt aDataProviderId);
void Sort();
void UpdateDataProviderL(TInt aDataProviderId);
void ReadDataProviderItemL(RSyncMLDataProvider& aProvider, TAspProviderItem& aItem);
void CreateCalLocalDatabaseL(TDes& aCalName);
void RetrieveCalLocalDatabaseL(TDes& aCalName);
TBool IsCalNameAvailableL(CCalSession& aSession ,TDes& aCalName);
* Utility function.
* @return Sync session.
RSyncMLSession& Session();
* Returns sync profile.
* @param None.
* @return Sync profile.
RSyncMLDataSyncProfile* Profile();
#ifdef _DEBUG
void LogL(const TDesC& aText);
void LogTasksL();
void LogDataProvidersL();
void GetTaskLogText(TDes& aText, TAspTaskItem& aTask);
void GetDataProviderIdText(TDes& aText, TInt aId);
// id of the calling application
TInt iApplicationId;
// sync session
RSyncMLSession* iSyncSession;
// sync profile
CAspProfile* iProfile;
// sync list type
TInt iListMode;
// data provider list
RArray<TAspTaskItem> iTaskList;
// data provider id list
RArray<TAspProviderItem> iProviderList;
* CAspProfileList
* CAspProfileList is a list of sync profiles,
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CAspProfileList) : public CBase
enum TListMode
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspProfileList* NewLC(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspProfileList* NewL(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAspProfileList();
* C++ default constructor.
CAspProfileList(const TAspParam& aParam);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Returns profile count.
* @param None.
* @return Profile count.
TInt Count();
* Returns profile count.
* @param aApplicationId.
* @return Profile count.
TInt Count(TInt aApplicationId);
* Returns profile from list.
* @param aIndex List index.
* @return Profile.
TAspProfileItem& Item(TInt aIndex);
* Finds profile with name aProfileName.
* @param aProfileName Profile name.
* @return Profile index or KErrNotFound.
TInt FindProfileIndex(const TDesC& aProfileName);
* Gets the Default Profile ID from the Cenrep
* @param aValue ProfileID read from the Cenrep
void GetDefaultProfileIdL(TInt& aValue);
* Finds last synced profile index.
* @param aProfileName Profile name.
* @return Profile index or KErrNotFound.
TInt FindLastSyncedProfileIndexL();
* Read one profile from database.
* @param aProfile.
* @param aItem.
* @return None.
void ReadProfileItemL(CAspProfile* aProfile, TAspProfileItem& aItem);
* Reads all profiles from database.
* @param aListMode.
* @return None.
void ReadAllProfilesL(TInt aListMode);
* Reads all profiles that contain EMail task that uses aLocalDatabase.
* @param aLocalDatabase.
* @param aListMode.
* @return None.
void ReadEMailProfilesL(const TDesC& aLocalDatabase, TInt aListMode);
* Reads one profile from database.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return None.
void ReadProfileL(TInt aProfileId);
* Sorts profile list.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void Sort();
* Removes profile from profile list.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return None.
void Remove(TInt aProfileId);
* Adds profile into profile list.
* @param aProfileItem.
* @return None.
void AddL(TAspProfileItem& aProfileItem);
* Constructs filtered profile list.
* @param aFilterInfo.
* @return Profile list.
CAspProfileList* FilteredListL(TAspFilterInfo& aFilterInfo);
* Replaces profile item.
* @param aProfileItem.
* @return None.
void ReplaceProfileItemL(TAspProfileItem& aProfileItem);
* Returns profile's list position.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return List index.
TInt ListIndex(TInt aProfileId);
* Returns sync session.
* @param None.
* @return Sync session.
RSyncMLSession& Session();
* Returns number of profiles that can be deleted.
* @param None.
* @return Profile count.
TInt DeletableProfileCount();
TBool IsAutoSyncProfile(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Checks if aServerId is unique in setting databse.
* @param aServerId.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return Return code.
TBool IsUniqueServerId(const TDesC& aServerId, TInt aProfileId);
// sync session
RSyncMLSession* iSyncSession;
// list of profiles
RArray<TAspProfileItem> iList;
// needed for filtering unwanted profiles
TInt iApplicationId;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf<KBufSize255> iBuf;
* CAspProfile
* CAspProfile is used for getting/setting sync profile settings.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CAspProfile) : public CBase
enum TOpenMode
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspProfile* NewLC(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspProfile* NewL(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAspProfile();
* C++ default constructor.
CAspProfile(const TAspParam& aParam);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Open profile.
* @param aProfileId.
* @param aReadWrite.
* @param aOpenMode.
* @return None.
void OpenL(TInt aProfileId, TInt aReadWrite, TInt aOpenMode);
* Create profile.
* @param aOpenMode.
* @return None.
void CreateL(TInt aOpenMode);
* Create copy profile.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return None.
void CreateCopyL(TInt aProfileId);
* Save profile.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SaveL();
* Save profile.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void Save();
* Set profile name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetNameL(const TDesC& aText);
* Get profile name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetName(TDes& aText);
* Get profile name.
* @param None.
* @return Profile name.
HBufC* NameL();
* Set creator id.
* @param aCreatorId.
* @return None.
void SetCreatorId(TInt aCreatorId);
* Get creator id.
* @param None.
* @return Creator id.
TInt CreatorId();
* Get profile id.
* @param None.
* @return Profile id.
TInt ProfileId();
* Can profile be deleted.
* @param None.
* @return Boolean.
TBool DeleteAllowed();
* Has profile been synced.
* @param None.
* @return Boolean.
TBool IsSynced();
* Last sync time.
* @param None.
* @return Sync time.
TTime LastSync();
* Last sync time.
* @param aTaskId.
* @return Sync time.
TTime LastSync(TInt aTaskId);
// settings that connection dialog displays
* Set server id.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetServerIdL(const TDesC& aText);
* Get server id.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetServerId(TDes& aText);
* Get protocol version.
* @param None.
* @return aProtocolVersion.
TInt ProtocolVersion();
* Set protocol version.
* @param aProtocolVersion.
* @return None.
void SetProtocolVersionL(TInt aProtocolVersion);
* Get bearer type.
* @param None.
* @return Bearer type.
TInt BearerType();
* Set bearer type.
* @param aId.
* @return None.
void SetBearerTypeL(TInt aId);
* Get access point.
* @param None.
* @return Access point.
TInt AccessPointL();
* Set access point.
* @param aId.
* @return None.
void SetAccessPointL(const TInt aId);
* Get host address.
* @param aText.
* @param aPort.
* @return None.
void GetHostAddress(TDes& aText, TInt& aPort);
* Set host address.
* @param aText.
* @param aPort.
* @return None.
void SetHostAddressL(const TDesC& aText, const TInt aPort);
* Get user name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetUserName(TDes& aText);
* Set user name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetUserNameL(const TDesC& aText);
* Get password.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetPassword(TDes& aText);
* Set password.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetPasswordL(const TDesC& aText);
* Set server alert sync state.
* @param aState.
* @return None.
void SetSASyncStateL(TInt aState);
* Get server alert sync state.
* @param None.
* @return Server alert sync state.
TInt SASyncState();
* Set http authentication state.
* @param aEnable.
* @return None.
void SetHttpUsedL(TBool aEnable);
* Get http authentication state.
* @param aEnable.
* @return Boolean.
TBool HttpUsedL();
* Get http user name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetHttpUserNameL(TDes& aText);
* Set http user name.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetHttpUserNameL(const TDesC& aText);
* Get http password.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void GetHttpPasswordL(TDes& aText);
* Set http password.
* @param aText.
* @return None.
void SetHttpPasswordL(const TDesC& aText);
* Open history log.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void OpenHistoryLog();
* Open connection.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void OpenConnection();
* Get RSyncMLDataSyncProfile.
* @param None.
* @return RSyncMLDataSyncProfile.
RSyncMLDataSyncProfile& Profile();
* Get RSyncMLSession.
* @param None.
* @return RSyncMLSession.
RSyncMLSession& Session();
* Get application id.
* @param None.
* @return Application id.
TInt ApplicationId();
* Get connection property name.
* @param aText.
* @param aPropertyPos.
* @return None.
void GetConnectionPropertyNameL(TDes8& aText, TInt aPropertyPos);
* Get sync type.
* @param aSyncTask.
* @return Sync type.
static TInt SyncType(RSyncMLTask& aSyncTask);
* Set default bearer.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void SetDefaultBearerL();
* Get latest history job.
* @param None.
* @return History job.
const CSyncMLHistoryJob* LatestHistoryJob();
* Get latest history job.
* @param aTaskId.
* @return History job.
const CSyncMLHistoryJob* LatestHistoryJob(TInt aTaskId);
* Find out whether history job contains a task.
* @param aHistoryJob.
* @return Boolean.
TBool TaskExist(const CSyncMLHistoryJob* aHistoryJob, TInt aTaskId);
* Copy values from another profile.
* @param aSource.
* @return None.
void CopyValuesL(CAspProfile* aSource);
* Get default transport id.
* @param None.
* @return Transport id.
TInt DefaultTransportIdL();
* Delete all connections.
* @param aId.
* @return None.
//void DeleteConnectionsL();
* Get new profile name.
* @param aList.
* @param aApplicationId.
* @return Profile name.
static HBufC* GetNewProfileNameLC(CAspProfileList* aList, TInt aApplicationId);
* Set default values.
* @param aProfile.
* @return None.
static void SetDefaultValuesL(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Is other sync running.
* @param aSyncSession.
* @return Boolean.
static TBool OtherSyncRunning(RSyncMLSession* aSyncSession);
* Get current sync job.
* @param aSyncSession.
* @return Sync job.
static TInt CurrentJob(RSyncMLSession* aSyncSession);
* Is this profile PCSuite profile.
* @param aProfile.
* @return Boolean.
static TBool IsPCSuiteProfile(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Is this profile Operator specific profile.
* @param aProfile.
* @return Boolean.
static TBool IsOperatorProfileL(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Get Operator adapter Uid.
* @return Operator adapter Uid .
static TInt OperatorAdapterUidL();
* Get Profile adapter Uid.
* @return Profile adapter Uid .
static TInt ProfileAdapterUidL();
* Get Operator profile visibility setting.
* @return Visibility setting value.
static TInt ProfileVisibilityL();
* Is this profile read-only operator specific profile.
* @return Boolean.
TBool IsReadOnlyOperatorProfileL();
* Is this profile hidden operator specific profile.
* @return Boolean.
TBool IsHiddenOperatorProfileL();
* Does the given serverID equal with the operator specific
* serverID value (defined in central repository).
* @param aServerId to be compared
* @return Boolean
static TBool EqualsToOperatorServerId( const TDesC& aServerId );
* Check mandatory task data.
* @param aProfile.
* @param aContentCount.
* @return Mandatory data status code.
static TInt CheckMandatoryTaskDataL(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt& aContentCount);
* Check mandatory task data.
* @param aProfile.
* @param aContentCount.
* @return Mandatory data status code.
static TInt CheckMandatoryTaskData(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt& aContentCount);
* Check mandatory data.
* @param aProfile.
* @param aContentCount.
* @return Mandatory data status code.
static TInt CheckMandatoryData(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt& aContentCount);
* Check mandatory connection data.
* @param aProfile.
* @return Mandatory data status code.
static TInt CheckMandatoryConnData(CAspProfile* aProfile);
* Delete sync history for a profile
* @param None
* @return None
void DeleteHistory();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAspProfile::GetLocalisedPCSuite
// Returns "PC Suite" string localised to specific language
// Current requirement is to localise to 2 languages TaiwanChinese and ELangHongKongChinese
// For all the rest it will be mapped to "PC suite" only
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GetLocalisedPCSuite(TDes& aText);
//HBufC* HistoryJobsLC();
// historylog open state
TBool iHistoryLogOpen;
// connection open state
TBool iConnectionOpen;
// needed for setting creator id
TInt iApplicationId;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf<KBufSize255> iBuf;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf8<KBufSize255> iBuf8;
// sync session
RSyncMLSession* iSyncSession;
// sync profile
RSyncMLDataSyncProfile iProfile;
// history log
RSyncMLHistoryLog iHistoryLog;
// sync connection
RSyncMLConnection iConnection;
* CAspTask
* TAspTask is used for sync task operations.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (TAspTask) : public CBase
static TInt SyncDirection(TSmlSyncType aSmlSyncDirection);
static TSmlSyncType SmlSyncDirection(TInt aSyncDirection);
static TInt FindTaskIdL(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt aDataProviderId, const TDesC& aLocalDatabase);
static TBool CheckLocalDatabaseL(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt& aDataProviderId);
static TBool CheckLocalDatabase(CAspProfile* aProfile, TInt& aDataProviderId);
#endif // ASPPROFILE_H
// End of file