* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Creates sync job and receives progress events
#include <e32base.h>
#include <SyncMLObservers.h>
#include <textresolver.h>
#include "AspProgressDialog.h"
#include "AspState.h"
#include "AspProfile.h"
* MAspProgressDialogObserver
* Observer interface function for observing sync events.
* Callback method
* Get's called when a synchronization has completed.
virtual void HandleSyncEventL(TInt aError, TInt aInfo1) = 0;
* TAspSyncParam
* This class is used as sync parameter type.
TAspSyncParam(TInt aApplicationId);
// calling application id
TInt iApplicationId;
// profile id
TInt iProfileId;
// job id
TInt iJobId;
// taskId
TInt iTaskId;
// sync direction
TInt iSyncDirection;
// progress dialog modality
TInt iDialogMode;
* CAspSyncHandler
* CAspSyncHandler handles data synchronizing.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CAspSyncHandler) : public CBase,
public MAspProgressDialogObserver,
public MAspActiveCallerObserver,
public MSyncMLEventObserver,
public MSyncMLProgressObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAspSyncHandler* NewL(const TAspParam& aParam);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAspSyncHandler();
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* C++ default constructor.
CAspSyncHandler(const TAspParam& aParam);
* From MAspProgressDialogObserver
* Gets called when sync progress dialog closes.
* @param aButtonId Button id.
* @return None
void HandleDialogEventL(TInt aButtonId);
private: // from MAspActiveCallerObserver
* From MAspActiveCallerObserver
* Called when CAspActiveCaller completes.
* @param aCallId.
* @return None.
void HandleActiveCallL(TInt aCallId);
private: // from MSyncMLEventObserver
* From MSyncMLEventObserver
* Called when SyncML session events oocur.
* @param aEvent.
* @param aIdentifier.
* @param aError.
* @param aAdditionalData.
* @return None.
void OnSyncMLSessionEvent(TEvent aEvent, TInt aIdentifier, TInt aError, TInt aAdditionalData);
private: //from MSyncMLProgressObserver
* Receives notification of a synchronisation error.
* @param aErrorLevel The error level.
* @param aError The type of error. This is one of the SyncMLError error values.
* @param aTaskId The ID of the task for which the error occurred.
* @param aInfo1 An integer that can contain additional information about the error. Normally 0.
* @param aInfo2 An integer that can contain additional information about the error. Normally 0.
* @return None.
void OnSyncMLSyncError(TErrorLevel aErrorLevel, TInt aError, TInt aTaskId, TInt aInfo1, TInt aInfo2);
* Receives notification of synchronisation progress.
* @param aStatus The current status, e.g. 'Connecting'.
* @param aInfo1 An integer that can contain additional information about the progress.
* @param aInfo2 An integer that can contain additional information about the progress.
void OnSyncMLSyncProgress(TStatus aStatus, TInt aInfo1, TInt aInfo2);
* Receives notification of modifications to synchronisation tasks.
* @param aTaskId The ID of the task.
* @param aClientModifications Modifications made on the clients Data Store.
* @param aServerModifications Modifications made on the server Data Store.
void OnSyncMLDataSyncModifications(TInt aTaskId, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aClientModifications, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aServerModifications);
void OnSyncMLDataSyncModificationsL(TInt aTaskId, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aClientModifications, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aServerModifications);
* Shows progress dialog.
* @param None.
* @return Error code.
void ShowProgressDialogL();
* Shows error dialog.
* @param None.
* @return Error code.
void ShowErrorNote();
* Completes sync operation.
* @param aError.
* @return None.
void SynchronizeCompleted(TInt aError);
* Performs synchronization.
* @param aSyncParam.
* @return None
void SynchronizeL(TAspSyncParam& aSyncParam);
* Sets sync observer.
* @param aObserevr.
* @return None
void SetObserver(MAspSyncObserver* aObserver);
* Performs synchronization.
* @param aSyncParam.
* @return None
void DoSynchronizeL(TAspSyncParam& aSyncParam);
* Utility function.
* @return CAspResHandler.
CAspResHandler* ResHandlerL();
* Utility function.
* @return Progress dialog.
CAspProgressDialog* Dialog();
* Utility function.
* @return Sync state.
CAspState* State();
* Utility function.
* @return ETrue if sync is currently running, EFalse otherwise.
TBool SyncRunning();
* Updates progress dialog.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void UpdateDialogL();
* Updates progress dialog.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void UpdateDialog();
* Get list profiles that can be used for syncing.
* @param aApplicationId Application (sync content) id.
* @return None.
CAspProfileList* GetProfileListLC(TInt aApplicationId);
* Utility function.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void CreateContentListL();
* Utility function.
* @param None.
* @return ETrue if server alert sync, EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsServerAlertSync();
* Opens sync session.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void OpenSyncSessionL();
* Closes sync session.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void CloseSyncSession();
* Calculates progress count.
* @param aC Phone side sync events.
* @param aS Server side sync events.
* @return Progress count.
TInt ProgressCount(const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aC,
const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aS);
* Checks that sync profile has valid local database.
* @param aProfileId.
* @return None.
void CheckLocalDatabaseL(TInt aProfileId);
* Checks whether progress dialog needs to be updated.
* @param None.
* @return Boolean.
TBool UpdateRequired();
* Completes sync with short delay.
* @param aError.
* @return None.
void CompleteWithDelay(TInt aError);
TBool IsRoamingL();
void ReadRepositoryL(TInt aKey, TInt& aValue);
TInt BearerTypeL(TInt aProfileId);
#ifdef _DEBUG
private: // debug code
void GetSyncStatusText(TDes& aText, MSyncMLProgressObserver::TStatus aStatus);
void GetSyncEventText(TDes& aText, MSyncMLEventObserver::TEvent aEvent);
void LogSessionEvent(TEvent& aEvent, TInt aIdentifier, TInt aError);
void LogProgressEvent(TStatus& aStatus, TInt aInfo1);
void LogErrorEvent(TErrorLevel aErrorLevel, TInt aError);
void LogModificationEvent(TInt aTaskId, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aC, const TSyncMLDataSyncModifications& aS);
void LogModificationEvent(TInt aTaskId, const TDesC& aText);
// id of the calling application
TInt iApplicationId;
// profile id
TInt iProfileId;
// sync session
RSyncMLSession iSyncSession;
// sync job
RSyncMLDataSyncJob iSyncJob;
// needed for getting data provider names
CAspContentList* iContentList;
// shows sync progress dialog
CAspProgressDialog* iProgressDialog;
// sync handler state
CAspState* iState;
// reads strings
CAspResHandler* iResHandler;
// for making function call via active scheduler
CAspActiveCaller* iActiveCaller;
// is sync currently running
TBool iSyncRunning;
// is current sync servert alert sync
TBool iServerAlertSync;
// is sync session open
TBool iSyncSessionOpen;
// sync error code
TInt iSyncError;
// current sync job id
TInt iCurrentSyncJobId;
// sync observer, used for sending sync completion event
MAspSyncObserver* iSyncObserver;
// for converting error code to error string
CTextResolver* iTextResolver;
// has "sync completed" event arrived
TBool iCompleteEventReceived;
// has "sync stopped" event arrived
TBool iStopEventReceived;
// sync modality
TBool iIsSynchronousOperation;
// for stopping code until sync is finished
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;
// End of file