changeset 0 5e5d6b214f4f
child 3 3aab497fdbb7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5e5d6b214f4f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  conversation main view
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include	"cimcvappview.h"
    20 #include    "cimcvmenuextensionmanager.h"
    22 #include	"cimcvappviewcontainer.h"
    23 #include 	"cimcvappui.h"
    24 #include 	"cimcvengine.h"
    25 #include 	"mimcvenginechatinterface.h"
    26 #include 	"imcvuiapp.hrh"
    27 #include 	"imcvuiliterals.h"
    28 #include 	"imcvlogger.h"
    29 #include 	"cimcvappstatuspanehandler.h"
    30 #include 	"cimcvappmessageextensionshandler.h"
    31 #include 	"imcvuiapputils.h"
    32 #include 	"imcvuiappnotemapper.h"
    33 #include 	"mimcvenginemessagehandler.h"
    34 #include 	"imcvuiapp.h"
    36 #include	<aknnotewrappers.h>
    37 #include    <CommonUiInternalCRKeys.h>
    38 #include    <AknIconUtils.h>
    39 #include    <finditem.hrh>
    40 #include    <finditemmenu.h>
    41 #include 	<imcvuiapp.mbg>
    43 #include 	<imcvuiapp.rsg>
    44 #include	<imerrors.hrh>
    45 //brandingserver
    46 #include 	<mbsaccess.h>
    47 #include    "conversations.h"
    49 #include    <conversations.mbg>
    50 #include 	<StringLoader.h> 
    51 #include 	<aknEditStateIndicator.h>
    52 #include 	<AknIndicatorContainer.h>
    53 // help launch
    54 #include <hlplch.h>
    55 #include <coehelp.h>
    56 #include "meco.hlp.hrh"
    58 #include "imcvuicommonuids.h"
    59 #include "cimcvappmessageeditor.h"
    60 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    62 #include <ccafactory.h>
    63 #include <mccaconnection.h>
    64 #include <mccaparameter.h>
    65 #include "vimpstdetailsviewpluginuids.hrh"
    66 #include "mimcvenginemessagecontainerinfo.h"
    67 #include "mimcvenginemessageswriteinterface.h"
    68 #include "cimcvenginefactory.h"
    69 #include "mimcvenginefactory.h"
    70 #include <imconnectionproviderconsts.h>
    71 #include <e32property.h>
    73 // Dll Uid of vimpstui, to maintain uniqueness of help uid
    74 const TUid KHelpUid = { 0x2001FDC2 } ;  
    75 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    77 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CIMCVAppView::CIMCVAppView()
    79 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    80 // might leave.
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83 CIMCVAppView::CIMCVAppView()
    84     {
    85     }
    87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CIMCVAppView::ConstructL()
    89 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 //
    92 void CIMCVAppView::ConstructL( TInt aAvkonViewResourceId, TUid aViewId, 
    93              CIMCVAppMessageExtensionsHandler& aMessageHandler )
    94 	{
    95 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ConstructL() start") );
    97 	iRTContainerCache = CIMCVAppRichTextContainerCache::NewL();
    99 	iViewId = aViewId;
   101 	BaseConstructL( aAvkonViewResourceId );
   103 	iExtensionHandler = &aMessageHandler;
   105     iFindContextMenu = new( ELeave ) CEikMenuBar;
   106     iFindContextMenu->ConstructL( this, 0, R_CONVERSATIONVIEW_MENUBAR_FINDITEMUI );
   108 	iEngineFactory = CIMCVEngineFactory::InstanceL(); 
   109 	iEngineFactory->RegisterServiceObserver( this );
   111 	iFindMenu = CFindItemMenu::NewL( EIMCVCmdFindMenuPlaceHolder ); 
   112     iFindMenu->AttachItemFinderMenuL( R_CONVERSATIONVIEW_VIEW_MENU );
   113     iFindMenu->AttachItemFinderMenuL( R_CONVERSATIONVIEW_MENUBAR_FINDITEMUI );
   114     // automatic finder on by default
   115     iFindMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( EFindItemCmdEnableAutoFind );
   116     iItemFinder = CItemFinder::NewL();
   118 	iAppUi = static_cast <CIMCVAppUi*> ( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
   120 	iRecipientUserId = HBufC::NewL(512);
   122 	 // to set the tile, label icon in title pane
   123     iStatusPane = CIMCVAppStatusPaneHandler::NewL(*iEngineFactory) ;
   125     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
   126         {
   127         Toolbar()->SetToolbarObserver(this);       
   128         }    
   129     iFromMe = NULL; 
   130     iToMe = NULL;
   132     //Creates manager for menu extension
   133     iMenuExtManager = CIMCVMenuExtensionManager::NewL();
   135     iConvViewDel = EFalse;
   136     iDetailViewOpen = EFalse;
   137 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ConstructL() end") );	
   138 	}
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   141 // CIMCVAppView::~CIMCVAppView()
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 CIMCVAppView::~CIMCVAppView()
   145     {  
   146     if( iEngineFactory )
   147         {
   148         iEngineFactory->UnRegisterServiceObserver();
   149         iEngineFactory = NULL;
   150         }
   152     if(iRTContainerCache)
   153         {
   154         delete iRTContainerCache;
   155         }
   156     delete iStatusPane;
   157     if ( iContainer && iAppUi )
   158         {
   159         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iContainer );
   160         delete iContainer;
   161         iContainer = NULL;
   162         }
   163     if ( iFindContextMenu && iAppUi )
   164         {
   165         iAppUi->RemoveFromStack( iFindContextMenu );
   166         }
   167     delete iFindContextMenu;
   169     delete iFindMenu;
   170     delete iItemFinder;
   171     delete iRecipientUserId;
   173     if(iParameter)
   174         {
   175         iParameter->Close();
   176         iParameter = NULL;
   177         }
   178     if(iConnection)
   179         {
   180         iConnection->Close();
   181         iConnection = NULL;
   182         }
   183     if(iFromMe)
   184         {
   185         delete iFromMe;
   186         }
   187     if(iToMe)
   188         {
   189         delete iToMe;
   190         }
   191     if(iMenuExtManager)
   192         {
   193         delete iMenuExtManager;
   194         }
   195     }
   198 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // CIMCVAppView::HandleCbaChangeL()
   200 // (other items were commented in a header).
   201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 //
   203 void CIMCVAppView::HandleCbaChangeL( TInt aResourceId )
   204     {
   205    	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleCbaChangeL() start") );
   206     Cba()->SetCommandSetL( aResourceId );
   207     Cba()->DrawNow();
   208     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleCbaChangeL() end") );
   209     }
   212 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   213 // CIMCVAppView::DynInitMenuPaneL
   214 // Called when menupane is about to be shown.
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   216 //
   217 void CIMCVAppView::DynInitMenuPaneL( 
   218                 TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   219     {    
   220     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DynInitMenuPaneL() start") );   
   221     if( !iContainer )
   222         {
   223         return;
   224         }
   225     switch( aResourceId )
   226 	    {
   228 		    {
   229 		    if( iContainer->Editor().Editor().TextLength() > 0 )
   230 			    {
   231 			    aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EIMCVCmdSend, EFalse);	
   232 			    }
   233 		    else
   234 			    {
   235 			    aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EIMCVCmdSend, ETrue);	
   236 			    }
   237 			// "insert smiley"            
   238 		    if( !iContainer->Editor().Editor().IsFocused() )
   239                 {
   240                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( 
   241                                 EIMCVCmdSmiley, ETrue );
   242                 }
   243             else
   244                 {            
   245                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EIMCVCmdSmiley, EFalse );
   246                 }
   247             // item finder menu
   248             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EIMCVCmdFindMenuPlaceHolder, ETrue);
   250             if( iContainer->IsStopped() )
   251                 {
   252                 UpdateItemTypeL();            
   253                 iFindMenu->AddItemFindMenuL( iItemFinder, aMenuPane, 
   254                     EIMCVCmdFindMenuPlaceHolder, 
   255                     KNullDesC ); // we can ignore the sender here
   256                 }   
   257             //offers CV MenuPane to plugins to add their options
   258             iMenuExtManager->OfferMenuPaneToPlugins(EIMCVCmdSmiley,*aMenuPane,iServiceId);
   259 		    break;	
   260 		    }
   262 	        {
   263             if( iContainer->IsStopped() )
   264                 {
   265                 UpdateItemTypeL();            
   266                 iFindMenu->AddItemFindMenuL( iItemFinder, aMenuPane, 
   267                     EIMCVCmdFindMenuPlaceHolder,
   268                     KNullDesC, // we can ignore the sender here
   269                     EFalse, ETrue ); // context menu
   270                 }
   271             break;
   272             }
   274 		default:
   275             {
   276             // update find menu
   277             iFindMenu->UpdateItemFinderMenuL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
   278             break;
   279             }
   281 	    }
   282     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DynInitMenuPaneL() end") );
   283     }
   286 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // CVIMPSTCmdCCA::LaunchCcaL
   288 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 void CIMCVAppView::LaunchCcaL()
   291     {   
   294     if(!iConnection)
   295         {
   296         iConnection = TCCAFactory::NewConnectionL();
   297         }
   299     if ( iParameter )
   300         {
   301         iParameter->Close();
   302         iParameter = NULL;
   303         }
   305     // The lifetime of this cmd object is too short to hold
   306     // iParameterRef, caller of this must own it    
   307     iParameter = TCCAFactory::NewParameterL();
   308     iParameter->SetConnectionFlag(MCCAParameter::ENormal);
   309     iParameter->SetContactDataFlag(MCCAParameter::EContactLink);
   311     TUid uid( TUid::Null() );
   312     uid.iUid = KVIMPSTDetailsViewPluginImplmentationUid  + iServiceId ; // service details view implementation uid
   313     iParameter->SetLaunchedViewUid( uid );
   315    // RProperty::Set(KMeCoPropertyUid, KMeCoConvViewServiceIdKey, iServiceId ); 
   316     MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface& readInterface = 
   317         		iActiveChatInterface->MessageReadInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId );
   318     HBufC8* link8 = readInterface.ContactLink().AllocLC();
   319     HBufC16* link16 = HBufC16::NewLC( link8->Length() );
   320     link16->Des().Copy( *link8 );
   321     iParameter->SetContactDataL( *link16 );
   322     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );  //pop and destroy link8 and link16
   324     // Sync call
   325     iConnection->LaunchApplicationL(*iParameter);
   327     iDetailViewOpen = ETrue;
   328     }
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   330 // CIMCVAppView::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   331 // Handles commands
   332 // (other items were commented in a header).
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 void CIMCVAppView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   336     {
   337     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleCommandL() start") );
   339     //Offer commands to menu extension plugins
   340     if(iMenuExtManager->OfferHandleCommandToPlugins(aCommand))
   341         {
   342         //command is executed, hence return.
   343         return;
   344         }
   346     switch ( aCommand )
   347     	{
   349     	case EIMCVCmdToolbarDetails:
   350     	    //Launch the cca
   351     	    LaunchCcaL();
   352     	    break;
   353     	// flow through
   354     	case EIMCVCmdSend:
   355     	case EIMCVCmdToolbarSend:
   356     	case EAknSoftkeySend:
   357 			{
   358 			if( iContainer )
   359 			    {
   360 			    iContainer->SendMessageL();
   361 			    }
   362 		   	break;
   363         	}
   364     	case EIMCVCmdToolbarInsertSmiley:	
   365     	case EIMCVCmdSmiley	:
   366 			{			
   367 			TBool dialogCancelled = EFalse;
   368 			TSize size (iContainer->TextRect ().Height(), iContainer->TextRect ().Height() );
   369 			iContainer->SmileyDialogLaunched (ETrue);
   370 			iExtensionHandler->InsertExtensionL( iContainer->Editor().Editor(), 
   371 												iServiceId,
   372 	                                           EMessageExtensionSmiley,
   373 	                                           dialogCancelled,
   374 	                                           size);
   375 	        iContainer->UpdateCbaL();
   376 	        // Resize icons, use reading pane text line element as parent
   378 	        if ( !dialogCancelled )
   379 	            {
   380 	            iContainer->RefreshEditorL();
   381 	            iContainer->Editor().SetFocus(ETrue);
   382 	            }
   383 			iContainer->SmileyDialogLaunched (EFalse);
   384 			iContainer->UpdateChatViewL();
   386 			break;
   387 			}
   388     	case EIMCVCmdCloseConversation:
   389 	    	{
   390             HBufC* queryTxt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_CHAT_CQUERY_CLOSE_CONV, *iRecipientUserId );
   391             TInt response = DisplayQueryDialogL(
   392                                                 R_GENERIC_YES_NO_CONFIRMATION_QUERY,
   393                                                 *queryTxt );
   394             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( queryTxt );                             
   395             if(response)
   396                 { 
   397                 iViewDeactivated = ETrue;
   398                 TInt error = iContainer->CloseConversationL( *iRecipientUserId );
   399                 iActiveChatInterface->DeleteChatL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId );
   400                 ViewRefreshL();
   401                 // set this to KNullDesC since conversation is getting closed.
   402                 iRecipientUserId->Des().Copy( KNullDesC());
   403                 // after closing conversation application will go to servicetab
   404                 if( error== KErrNone )
   405                     {
   406                     iAppUi->HandleCommandL( EAknSoftkeyBack );
   407                     }
   408                 }
   409 	    	break;	
   410 	    	} 
   411         	// flow through
   412         case EFindItemCmdEnableAutoFind:
   413         case EFindItemCmdDisableAutoFind:
   414             {
   415             if( iContainer )
   416                 {
   417                 iContainer->SetItemHighlightL( 
   418                         aCommand == EFindItemCmdEnableAutoFind );
   419                 iFindMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( aCommand );
   420                 if( MenuBar()->IsDisplayed() )
   421                     {
   422                     MenuBar()->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   423                     }
   424                 if( iFindContextMenu->IsDisplayed() )
   425                     {
   426                     iFindContextMenu->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   427                     }
   428                 }
   429             break;
   430             }
   431         case EIMCVCmdCall:
   432             {
   433             UpdateItemTypeL();
   434             CItemFinder::CFindItemExt& item = iItemFinder->CurrentItemExt();
   435             if(item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EEmailAddress)
   436                 {
   437                 iFindMenu->HandleVoIPCallL( *iItemFinder->CurrentItemExt().iItemDescriptor );
   438                 }
   439             else
   440                 {
   441                 iFindMenu->HandleCallL( *iItemFinder->CurrentItemExt().iItemDescriptor );
   442                 }
   443             break;
   444             }      
   445 	    case EAknCmdHelp:
   446 	    	{
   447 	    	LaunchHelpL( KSERVTAB_HLP_CONVERSATION );
   448 	    	break;	
   449 	    	} 
   451 	    case EEikCmdExit:
   452 	    case EAknSoftkeyExit:
   453 	    case EAknCmdExit:
   454 	    case EAknSoftkeyBack:
   455 			{
   456 			iViewDeactivated = ETrue;
   457 			if( iFindMenu->CommandIsValidL( aCommand ) )
   458 			    {
   459 			    iFindMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( aCommand );
   460 			    }
   461 			iContainer->StoreEditorMessageL();
   462 			ViewRefreshL();
   463 			iAppUi->HandleCommandL( aCommand );   		
   464 			break;	
   465 			}
   467         default:
   468             {
   469             //As per new UI spec change own status is not avilable in conversation
   470             //view menu  
   471              // check if it is find menu command
   472             if( iFindMenu->CommandIsValidL( aCommand ) )
   473                 {
   474                 Toolbar()->HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground(ETrue);
   475                 iFindMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( aCommand );
   476                 Toolbar()->HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground(EFalse);
   478                 }
   479             else
   480 	            {
   481 	            iAppUi->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   482 	            }
   484             break;
   485             }
   486     	}
   487     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleCommandL() end") );	
   488     }
   490 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   491 // CIMCVAppView::HandleForegroundEventL
   492 // (other items were commented in a header).
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   494 //
   495 void CIMCVAppView::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
   496     {
   497     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleForegroundEventL() start") );   
   499     if(aForeground && iDetailViewOpen)
   500         {
   501         iDetailViewOpen = EFalse;
   502         }
   504     if(iConvViewDel)
   505         {
   506         TApaTask task(iEikonEnv->WsSession());
   507         task.SetWgId( CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier());
   508         task.SendToBackground();
   509         iConvViewDel = EFalse;
   510         return;
   511         }
   513     if (!aForeground)
   514 	    {	    
   515 	    if (iStatusPane)
   516 		    {
   517 		    iStatusPane->SendBackGroundL();
   518 		    }
   519 	    iViewDeactivated = ETrue;
   520 		}
   521 	else
   522 		{
   523 		SetStatusPaneIconsL();
   524 		if (iStatusPane)
   525 		    {
   526 		    iStatusPane->BringToForegroundL();
   527 		    }		
   528 		iViewDeactivated = EFalse;	
   529 		}			    	
   531     if( iContainer )
   532         {
   533         //don't read messages if we're not in foreground
   534      //   iContainer->FetchMessages( aForeground );
   535         }
   537     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleForegroundEventL() end") );
   538     }
   542 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   543 // CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL(...)
   544 // Handles view activation
   545 // (other items were commented in a header).
   546 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   547 //
   548 void CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL(
   549         const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/,
   550         const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
   551     {
   552     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() start") );
   553     // Register switch back if conversation view is opened from phonebook im service tab
   554     // in case if something lost
   556     ActivateViewL(ViewId());    
   559     TPckgBuf<TIMCVUiParams> params;
   560     params.Copy( aCustomMessage );
   562     //Get the service id  - this property is published by imcvlauncher
   563      TInt error = RProperty::Get( KMeCoPropertyUid, KMeCoConvViewServiceIdKey, iServiceId );
   564      User::LeaveIfError(error);
   566     TPtrC recieptId = params().iBuddyId;
   567     TPtrC buddyName = params().iBuddyName;
   568     TPtrC8 contactlinkPtr = params().iContactLink;
   569     //CCH has logged in, but conversation is not binded to the connection
   570     //so we need to login in conversation view, for the user to use this  view to 
   571     //send the message  
   572     iActiveEngine = &iEngineFactory->GetServiceEngineL( iServiceId );
   573     iActiveEngine->ResolveServiceStateL();    
   574 	/* Get the active chat recipient id from the engine factory so that we check if 
   575 	   container should switch */
   577 	TPtrC activeRecipientId = iEngineFactory->GetActiveItemL ();
   578    	// store previous view details if launch from service tab
   579     iAppUi->StorePreviousViewDetails(params().iAppUid, params().iViewUid ); 
   581 	iRecipientUserId->Des().Copy(recieptId);
   583     // subscribe for presence notification
   584     if ( iActiveEngine->IsLoggedIn() )
   585 	    {
   586 	    IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() LOGGED IN..  BEFORE subscribing.. *****************") );
   587 	    iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().SubscribePresenceL( recieptId );
   588 		IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() LOGGED IN..  AFTER subscribing.. *****************") );
   589 	    }
   590     iActiveChatInterface = &iActiveEngine->ChatInterface();
   591     // To prevent looping between this view and refresh view
   592     // resolve message read interface
   593     MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface& readInterface = 
   594         iActiveChatInterface->MessageReadInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId, buddyName, contactlinkPtr );
   595     MIMCVEngineMessageWriteInterface& writeInterface = 
   596         iActiveChatInterface->MessageWriteInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId, buddyName, contactlinkPtr );
   598     TPtrC displayId = readInterface.Name();   
   600     if (iStatusPane)
   601 		{		
   602 		iStatusPane->SetTitleL( displayId );
   603 		//hide navi pane decorators
   605     	iStatusPane->IMessageIndicator()->AddObserver( this );
   606     	//if activation is from contact list and not from switching between
   607 	    //tabs then create tabs and show them
   608 		iStatusPane->ShowTabGroupL( iRecipientUserId->Des());
   609 		iStatusPane->AddObserver(this) ;	
   610 		}
   611         SetStatusPaneIconsL();
   612     // When forwarding from contact to contact DoDeactivate is never called.
   613     // We have to cleanup the necessary stuff ourself.
   615    	if( !iContainer )
   616         {
   617         iContainer = CIMCVAppViewContainer::NewL( ClientRect(),iActiveEngine,
   618                                         &readInterface,&writeInterface, 
   619                                         this, *iExtensionHandler,Cba(),
   620                                         *iRecipientUserId,this, iRTContainerCache,
   621                                         iFromMe, iToMe);    
   622 		iAppUi->AddToViewStackL( *this, iContainer );
   623 		iAppUi->AddToStackL( *this, iFindContextMenu, ECoeStackPriorityDefault, 
   624 							  ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
   626 		IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() creating iContainer") );
   628         }
   629 	else 
   630 		{
   631 			IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() CONTAINER exist******************************") );
   632 			// If the recipient ID does not match the active chat, then switch the container */
   633 			if (0 != recieptId.Compare(activeRecipientId))
   634 				{
   635 				IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() SWITCHING TAB ******************************") );
   636 				iContainer->SwitchViewL (&readInterface, &writeInterface, recieptId);
   637 				}
   638 		}
   639 	// Restore find state
   640     TInt findState = IMCVUiAppUtils::CRKeyL( KCRUidCommonUi, KCuiAutomaticHighlight );
   641     iContainer->SetItemHighlightL( findState );
   644     // start a conversation since we have single conversation at a time
   646   	iContainer->StartConversationL ();
   648    readInterface.SetActive (ETrue);
   649    	if( recieptId == KNullDesC )
   650 	    {
   651 	    // open from idle 
   652 	    // not valid user id selected
   653 	    // Construct view identification for buddylist view activation
   654 		// launch servicetab for buddy list selection
   655 		TVwsViewId viewIdentification(KPhonebook2AppUid,KUidIMServiceTabViewUid );
   656 		ActivateViewL( viewIdentification );
   657 		// close cv ,no user defined for this
   658 	    iAppUi->ShutDownAndCloseApplicationL();	
   659 	    }
   660    	MenuBar()->SetContextMenuTitleResourceId( R_CONVERSATIONVIEW_MENUBAR_FINDITEMUI );   
   661    	UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL();
   662     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoActivateL() end") );
   663     }
   665 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   666 // CIMCVAppView::HandleCommandL()
   667 // Handles view deactivation
   668 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   669 //
   670 void CIMCVAppView::DoDeactivate()
   671     {
   672     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoDeactivate() start") );	
   673     //TSW bug Id - KBAA-6TM946
   674 	if (iStatusPane)
   675 		{
   676 		iStatusPane->RemoveObserver(this);
   677 		iStatusPane->IMessageIndicator()->AddObserver( NULL );
   678 	    iStatusPane->HideFadeText();		
   679 		}
   681     if ( iContainer )
   682 		{            
   683 		iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iContainer );
   684 		// not in a middle of sending message
   685 		delete iContainer;
   686 		iContainer = NULL;
   688 		}
   689      if ( iFindContextMenu )
   690         {
   691         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iFindContextMenu );
   692         }
   694      IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::DoDeactivate() end") );
   695      }
   697 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   698 // CIMCVAPPView::Id()
   699 // (other items were commented in a header).
   700 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   701 //
   702 TUid CIMCVAppView::Id() const
   703 	{
   704 	return iViewId;
   705 	}
   706 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   707 // CIMCVAppView::ActiveEngine()
   708 // (other items were commented in a header).
   709 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   710 //
   711 CIMCVEngine& CIMCVAppView::ActiveEngine() const
   712     {
   713     return *iActiveEngine;
   714     }
   715 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   716 // CIMCVAppView::SetStatusPaneIconsL()
   717 // (other items were commented in a header).
   718 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   719 //
   720 void CIMCVAppView::SetStatusPaneIconsL()
   721 	{
   722 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::SetStatusPaneIconsL() Start ") );
   723 	if(! iStatusPane )
   724 		{
   725 		return;			
   726 		}
   728 	if (!iActiveEngine)
   729 		return;
   730 	// if the status is EServiceOut then no need to set the icon, only title needs to be set.
   731 	if(EServiceOut == iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().GetPresenceStatus())
   732 	    {
   733 	    return;
   734 	    }
   735 	// Load status icon
   736 	CGulIcon* connStatusIcon = 	LoadBitmapL( );
   737 	connStatusIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
   738 	CleanupStack::PushL( connStatusIcon );
   740 	// in portrait mode we are setting the status icon to status pane
   741 	iStatusPane->SetPicture( connStatusIcon->Bitmap(), 
   742 										 connStatusIcon->Mask() 
   743 										 );
   744 	// ownership was transferred
   745 	connStatusIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( ETrue );    
   747 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( connStatusIcon );
   749 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::SetStatusPaneIconsL() End ") );
   750 	}
   752 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   753 // CIMCVAppView::LoadDefaultBitmapL
   754 // (other items were commented in a header).
   755 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   756 //
   757 CGulIcon* CIMCVAppView::LoadBitmapL( )
   758 	{
   759 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::LoadBitmapL() Start ") );
   760 	CGulIcon* gulIcon;
   761 	HBufC8* brandIconId = HBufC8::NewLC(KVIMPSTUISPSMaxPropertyLength);
   762 	TPtr8 brandIconIdPtr = brandIconId->Des();
   763 	TIMCVOnlineStatus status = 	iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().GetPresenceStatus();
   764 	// default offline
   765 	switch( status ) 
   766 		{
   767 		case EOnline:
   768 			{
   769 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendon);
   770 			break;	
   771 			}
   772 		case EInvisible:
   773 			{
   774 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendinvisible);	
   775 			break;	
   776 			}
   777 		case EAway:
   778 			{
   779 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendaway);		
   780 			break;	
   781 			}
   782 		case EBusy:
   783 		case EDoNotDisturb:
   784 			{
   785 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendbusy);
   786 			break;	
   787 			}
   788 		case EOnPhone:
   789 			{
   790 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendonmobile);
   791 			break;	
   792 			}
   793 		case EBlock:
   794 		    {
   795 		     brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimuserblocked);	 
   796 		    break;
   797 		    }
   798 		case ECallForward:
   799 		    {
   800 		    brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimusercallforward);  
   801 		    break;
   802 		    }
   803 		case EOffline :
   804 		default:
   805 			{
   806 			brandIconIdPtr.Copy(KEMbmConversationsQgnpropimfriendoff);
   807 			// offline only
   808 			}
   809 		}
   812     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::LoadBitmapL()::if(iAppUi->BrandingAccess()) Start ") );    
   813     gulIcon = iActiveEngine->GetPresenceIconL( *brandIconId );
   814     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::LoadBitmapL()::if(iAppUi->BrandingAccess()) End ") );
   816     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(brandIconId);
   817     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::LoadBitmapL() End ") );
   818     return gulIcon;
   819     }
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   822 // CIMCVAppView::UpdateItemTypeL
   823 // (other items were commented in a header).
   824 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   825 //
   826 void CIMCVAppView::UpdateItemTypeL()
   827     {    
   828     if( !iContainer )
   829         {
   830         return;
   831         }
   832     CItemFinder::CFindItemExt& item = iItemFinder->CurrentItemExt();
   833     switch(  iContainer->SelectedItemType() )
   834         {
   835         case CFindItemEngine::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin:
   836             {
   837             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber;
   838             break;
   839             }                
   840         case CFindItemEngine::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin:
   841             {
   842             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::EEmailAddress;
   843             break;
   844             }
   845         case CFindItemEngine::EFindItemSearchURLBin:
   846             {
   847             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::EUrlAddress;
   848             break;
   849             }
   850         case CFindItemEngine::EFindItemSearchScheme:
   851             {
   852             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::EUriScheme;
   853             break;
   854             }
   855         case KErrNotFound:  // flowthrough
   856         default:
   857             {
   858             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::ENoneSelected;
   859             break;
   860             }    
   861         }
   862     delete item.iItemDescriptor;
   863     item.iItemDescriptor = NULL;
   864     item.iItemDescriptor = iContainer->SelectedItemL();  // takes the ownership
   866     // this logic comes from CItemFinder::ResolveAndSetItemTypeL.
   867     // should be in ItemFinder engine, but for some reason it isn't,
   868     // so, next few lines are copypasted from AknItemFinder.cpp..    
   869     if( item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EUrlAddress ) 
   870         { 
   871         // old url types need prefix in order to work w/ schemehandler
   872         const TDesC& pref = item.iItemDescriptor->Des().Left( 4 );
   874 		//fix for bug id  TJUO-79NETM ( Instant Messaging - 
   875 		// IM opening rtsp link from message don't work)		
   876 		//To avoid adding :http://" to rtsp links, we check it before it is done
   877 		//and return. 
   878         if (pref.CompareF (KIMRTSP().Left (4)) == 0)
   879 	        {
   880         	return;
   881 	        }
   883         if ( pref.CompareF( KIMHTTPPREFIX().Left( 4 ) ) != 0 )
   884             {
   885             HBufC* tmp = item.iItemDescriptor->ReAlloc( 
   886                         item.iItemDescriptor->Length() + KIMHTTPPREFIX().Length() );
   887             if( tmp )
   888                 {
   889                 // realloc succeeded
   890                 item.iItemDescriptor = tmp;
   891                 item.iItemDescriptor->Des().Insert( 0, KIMHTTPPREFIX );
   892                 }
   893             }        
   894         }
   895     if( item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EUriScheme )
   896         {
   897         // some schemes (ie. "old ones") have special handling 
   898         const TDesC& pref = item.iItemDescriptor->Des().Left( 4 );
   899         if ( pref.CompareF( KIMHTTPPREFIX().Left( 4 ) ) == 0 
   900             || pref.CompareF( KIMRTSP ) == 0 )
   901             {
   902             item.iItemType = CItemFinder::EUrlAddress;
   903             }
   904         }
   905     }
   907 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   908 // CIMCVAppView::DisplayQueryDialogL
   909 // (other items were commented in a header).
   910 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   911 //
   912 TInt CIMCVAppView::DisplayQueryDialogL( TInt aDialogResourceId, 
   913             							const TDesC& aPrompt )
   914 	{
   915 	CAknQueryDialog* dlg = new (ELeave) CAknQueryDialog(
   916 											CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone );
   917 	CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
   918 	if( aPrompt != KNullDesC )
   919 		{		
   920 		dlg->SetPromptL( aPrompt );		
   921 		}
   922 	CleanupStack::Pop( dlg );
   923 	return dlg->ExecuteLD( aDialogResourceId );
   924 	}
   926 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   927 // CIMCVAppView::ShowPopUpMenuL()
   928 // This method shows popup menu
   929 // (other items were commented in a header).
   930 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   931 //
   932 void CIMCVAppView::ShowPopUpMenuL( )
   933     {
   934     if( iContainer && iContainer->SelectedItemType() != KErrNotFound )
   935         {
   936 #ifndef RD_30_DISABLE_TOUCH
   937         MenuBar()->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   938         MenuBar()->TryDisplayContextMenuBarL();
   939 #else
   940         iFindContextMenu->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   941         iFindContextMenu->TryDisplayMenuBarL();
   942 #endif
   943         }
   944     }
   946 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   947 // CIMCVAppView::SwitchTabL
   948 // (other items were commented in a header).
   949 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   950 //
   951 void CIMCVAppView::SwitchTabL(TInt aActiveServiceId ,const TDesC& aChatId, const TInt /*aTabIndex*/)
   952 	{
   953 	//change the contact id based on tteh currenttab    	
   954 	iRecipientUserId->Des().Copy(aChatId);
   955     if( aActiveServiceId != iServiceId )
   956         {
   957         SwitchToValidServiceL( aActiveServiceId );
   958         }
   959     // subscribe for presence notification
   960     if (iActiveEngine->IsLoggedIn())
   961 	    {
   962 	    iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().SubscribePresenceL( aChatId );
   963 	    }
   964     // To prevent looping between this view and refresh view
   965     // resolve message read interface
   966     MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface& readInterface = 
   967         iActiveChatInterface->MessageReadInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId );
   968     MIMCVEngineMessageWriteInterface& writeInterface = 
   969     iActiveChatInterface->MessageWriteInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId );
   971    	TPtrC displayId = readInterface.Name();
   973     if (iStatusPane)
   974 	    {
   975 	    iStatusPane->SetTitleL( displayId );
   976 	    }
   977     SetStatusPaneIconsL();
   979     //remove the controls from view stack
   980     if ( iContainer )
   981         {            
   982         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iContainer );        
   983         }
   985     if ( iFindContextMenu )
   986         {
   987         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iFindContextMenu );
   988         }
   990 	//again add those controls to view stack
   991 	if ( iContainer )
   992         {
   993         iContainer->SwitchViewL(&readInterface, &writeInterface, *iRecipientUserId );            
   994         iAppUi->AddToViewStackL( *this, iContainer );      
   995         }
   997     if ( iFindContextMenu )
   998         {
   999         iAppUi->AddToStackL( *this, iFindContextMenu, ECoeStackPriorityDefault, 
  1000                           ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
  1001         }
  1002     UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL();
  1003   	}    
  1006 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1007 // CIMCVAppView::NotifyWhenCompleted()
  1008 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1009 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1010 //
  1011 void CIMCVAppView::NotifyWhenCompleted()
  1012     {
  1013     MAknEditingStateIndicator* editStateIndicator = 
  1014                                     CAknEnv::Static()->EditingStateIndicator();                                   
  1016     if ( editStateIndicator )
  1017         {
  1018         CAknIndicatorContainer* indicatorContainer = editStateIndicator->IndicatorContainer();
  1020         if (( indicatorContainer ) && (iStatusPane))
  1021             {
  1022             iStatusPane->HideFadeText();
  1023             iStatusPane->HideNavipaneIndicators();            
  1024             }
  1025         }
  1027     if ( iContainer )
  1028         {
  1029         CEikRichTextEditor& editor = iContainer->Editor().Editor();
  1031 		if (!editor.IsFocused())
  1032 			{
  1033 			editor.SetAknEditorFlags( editor.AknEdwinFlags()|EAknEditorFlagNoEditIndicators );	
  1034 			if (iStatusPane)
  1035 				{
  1036 				TRAP_IGNORE( iStatusPane->ShowTabL() );
  1037 				}
  1038 			}
  1039 		else
  1040 			{
  1041 			editor.SetAknEditorFlags( editor.AknEdwinFlags()&~EAknEditorFlagNoEditIndicators );			
  1042 			}
  1043         }
  1046     }
  1049 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1050 // CIMCVAppView::NotifyWhenStarted()
  1051 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1052 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1053 //
  1054 void CIMCVAppView::NotifyWhenStarted()
  1055     {    
  1056     if ( iContainer )
  1057         {
  1058         CEikRichTextEditor& editor = iContainer->Editor().Editor();
  1059 		if (editor.IsFocused())
  1060 			{
  1061 			editor.SetAknEditorFlags( editor.AknEdwinFlags()|EAknEditorFlagNoEditIndicators );
  1062 			}
  1063         }
  1064     }
  1066 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1067 // CIMCVAppView::ViewRefresh()
  1068 // This method refreshes the view.
  1069 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1070 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1071 void CIMCVAppView::ViewRefreshL()
  1072     {
  1073     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ViewRefreshL() start") );
  1075      if ( iContainer )
  1076         {            
  1077         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iContainer );
  1078         // not in a middle of sending message
  1079         delete iContainer;
  1080         iContainer = NULL;                  
  1081         }
  1082      if ( iFindContextMenu )
  1083         {
  1084         iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iFindContextMenu );
  1085         }
  1087      UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL();
  1088      IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ViewRefreshL() End") );
  1089     }
  1091 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1092 // CVIMPSTUiTabbedView::LaunchHelpL()
  1093 // Function launches help application using the HlpLauncher.
  1094 // @params: Reference to a descriptor, serves as context.
  1095 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1096 //
  1099 void CIMCVAppView::LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext )
  1100     {
  1101     CArrayFix< TCoeHelpContext >* cntx = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TCoeHelpContext >( KHelpContextSize );
  1102     CleanupStack::PushL( cntx );
  1104     cntx->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KHelpUid, aContext ) );
  1105     CleanupStack::Pop( cntx );
  1107     //and launch help - takes ownership of context array
  1108     HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession(), cntx );    
  1109     }
  1110 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1111 // CVIMPSTUiTabbedView::ShowMeL()
  1112 // Function launches help application using the HlpLauncher.
  1113 // @params: Reference to a descriptor, serves as context.
  1114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1115 //    
  1116 void CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL( const TDesC8& aParamData )
  1117 	{
  1118     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() Start" ));
  1119 	TPckgBuf<TIMCVUiParams> params;
  1120     params.Copy( aParamData );
  1122     if(iAppUi) 
  1123         {
  1124         IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() Inside if(iAppUi)" ));
  1125         if(iConnection)
  1126             {
  1127             iConnection->Close();
  1128             iConnection = NULL;
  1129             }
  1130         // show me may called before ActivateViewL is called
  1131         //Get the service id  - this property is published by imcvlauncher
  1132         TInt error = RProperty::Get( KMeCoPropertyUid, KMeCoConvViewServiceIdKey, iServiceId );
  1133         User::LeaveIfError(error);
  1134         TInt serviceId = iActiveEngine->GetServiceId();
  1135 		if( serviceId != iServiceId )
  1136 			{
  1137 			SwitchToValidServiceL( iServiceId );
  1138 			}
  1139 		/* Get the current active REcipient ID, if that is not matching, then launch cv */
  1140 		TPtrC activeRecipientId = iEngineFactory->GetActiveItemL ();
  1141 	//	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::SHOWMEL() ACTIVE RECIPIENT ID %S *****************"), &activeRecipientId );
  1143         TPtrC recieptId = params().iBuddyId;  
  1144         TPtrC displayName = params().iBuddyName;
  1145         iRecipientUserId->Des().Copy(recieptId);
  1146         // show me may called before ActivateViewL is called
  1147         // if its only update, which is true only when a contact is edited.
  1148         IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() Inside if(iAppUi) : %d" ), params().iUpdate);
  1150         if(params().iUpdate )
  1151             {
  1152             IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() if(params().iUpdate)" ));
  1154             MIMCVEngineMessageWriteInterface& messageWriteInterface = iActiveChatInterface->
  1155                                                                         MessageWriteInterfaceL(params().iServiceId,recieptId);
  1156             messageWriteInterface.SetNameL(displayName);
  1157             if(iStatusPane)
  1158                 {
  1159                 // refresh the view if the update has tacke place when the conversation view is open.
  1160                 IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() calling RefreshTabL)" ));
  1161                 iStatusPane->RefreshTabL(recieptId,displayName);
  1162                 }
  1164             }
  1165         else
  1166             {
  1167             IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() else" ));
  1168             iAppUi->StorePreviousViewDetails(params().iAppUid, params().iViewUid );
  1169             if ( (!iViewDeactivated) && (iRecipientUserId) && 
  1170                    (serviceId == iServiceId) && 
  1171                    (0 == recieptId.Compare(activeRecipientId)) )
  1172                 {       
  1173                 SetStatusPaneIconsL();
  1174                 if (iStatusPane)
  1175                     {
  1176                     iStatusPane->BringToForegroundL();  
  1177                     }
  1178                 iAppUi->BringToForeground(TUid::Uid(KIMCVUIAPPEXEUID3));
  1179                 // when view moved to background ,active conversation was deactivated
  1180                 // comming to forground activate it
  1181                 iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().StartNewConversationL( recieptId );           
  1182                 }
  1183             else
  1184                {
  1185                IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() NOT MATCHING AT ALL" ));
  1186                iAppUi->ActivateLocalViewL(KUidConversationsView, KNullUid, aParamData);                
  1187                }
  1188             UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL();
  1189             }
  1190         }
  1191 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::ShowMeL() End" ));
  1192 	}
  1193 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1194 // CVIMPSTUiTabbedView::SwitchToValidServiceL()
  1195 // Function launches help application using the HlpLauncher.
  1196 // @params: Reference to a descriptor, serves as context.
  1197 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1198 //    	
  1199 void CIMCVAppView::SwitchToValidServiceL( TInt aServiceId )
  1200     {
  1201     if( aServiceId <= 0 )
  1202         {
  1203         return;
  1204         }
  1205     iServiceId = aServiceId;
  1206     iActiveEngine = &iEngineFactory->GetServiceEngineL( iServiceId );
  1207     iActiveEngine->ResolveServiceStateL();    
  1208     iActiveChatInterface = &iActiveEngine->ChatInterface();
  1209     if( iContainer )
  1210         {
  1211         // resolve message read interface
  1212         iContainer->SetServiceParametersL( iActiveEngine );
  1213         }
  1214     }
  1215 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1216 // CVIMPSTUiTabbedView::OfferTabEventL()
  1217 // Function launches help application using the HlpLauncher.
  1218 // @params: Reference to a descriptor, serves as context.
  1219 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1220 //    
  1221 TKeyResponse CIMCVAppView::OfferTabEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
  1222     {
  1223     TKeyResponse keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
  1225     CAknTabGroup* tabGroup= NULL;
  1226     if(iStatusPane)
  1227         {
  1228         tabGroup = iStatusPane->TabGroup();
  1231         if(tabGroup)
  1232             {
  1233             keyResponse = tabGroup->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
  1234             }
  1235         }
  1237     return keyResponse;
  1239     }
  1241 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1242 // CIMCVAppView::UpdateToolbarButtonsState
  1243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1244 //
  1245 void CIMCVAppView::UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL()
  1246     {
  1247     if ( iContainer && iRecipientUserId )        
  1248         {
  1249         MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface& readInterface = 
  1250             iActiveChatInterface->MessageReadInterfaceL( iServiceId, *iRecipientUserId );
  1252         if ( readInterface.ContactLink().Length()> 0 )
  1253             {
  1254             Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed(EIMCVCmdToolbarDetails, EFalse, ETrue);
  1255             }
  1256         else {
  1257             Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed(EIMCVCmdToolbarDetails, ETrue, ETrue);
  1258             }
  1260         TBool needToDimSendBtn = ETrue;
  1261         if(iContainer->Editor().TextLength()> 0)
  1262             {
  1263             needToDimSendBtn = EFalse;    
  1264             } 
  1265         Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EIMCVCmdToolbarSend, needToDimSendBtn, ETrue );
  1266         }
  1267     }
  1269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1270 // CIMCVAppView: HandleNewServiceL
  1271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1272 //
  1273 void CIMCVAppView::HandleNewServiceL( TInt aServiceId )  
  1274     {
  1275     if( iExtensionHandler )
  1276         {
  1277         iExtensionHandler->CreateServiceSmileyL( aServiceId );
  1278         }
  1279     }
  1280 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1281 // CIMCVAppView: HandleServiceDeletedL
  1282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1283 //
  1284 void CIMCVAppView::HandleServiceDeletedL( TInt aServiceId ) 
  1285     {
  1286     if( iExtensionHandler )
  1287         {
  1288         iExtensionHandler->DeleteServiceSmileyL( aServiceId );
  1289         }
  1290     }
  1292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293 // CIMCVAppView::HandlePresenceChangedL
  1294 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1295 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1296 //
  1297 void CIMCVAppView::HandlePresenceChangedL(TInt aServiceId, const TDesC& aBuddyId )
  1298     {
  1299     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandlePresenceChangedL() start") );
  1300     if ( (iServiceId == aServiceId ) && ( iRecipientUserId->Compare( aBuddyId ) == 0 ) )
  1301         {
  1302         SetStatusPaneIconsL();
  1303         }
  1304     if (iContainer)
  1305         {
  1306         CIMCVEngine& engine = iEngineFactory->GetServiceEngineL( aServiceId );
  1307         iContainer->InsertStatusChangedMessageL(engine, aServiceId, aBuddyId );
  1308         }
  1309     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandlePresenceChangedL() End") );
  1310     }
  1311 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1312 // CIMCVAppView::HandleOperationCompletdL
  1313 // Handles operation completion
  1314 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1315 //
  1316 void CIMCVAppView::HandleOperationCompletdL(TInt /*aServiceId*/, MIMCVEngineMessage::TMessagerType /*aType*/ , TInt aResult )
  1317     {
  1318     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleOperationCompletdL() start") ); 
  1320     if( aResult!= KErrNone )
  1321         {
  1322         // show the corresponding error or information note
  1323         IMCVUiAppNoteMapper::ShowNoteL( aResult,*iRecipientUserId );    
  1324         }
  1326     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleOperationCompletdL() end") );  
  1327     }
  1329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1330 // CIMCVAppView::HandleConnectionTerminatedL
  1331 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1333 //
  1334 void CIMCVAppView::HandleConnectionEventL( TInt aServiceId, TIMCVConnectionState aState, TInt aReason )
  1335     {
  1336     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleConnectionEventL() start") );
  1338     switch (aState)
  1339         {
  1340         case EUnKnown:
  1341             break;
  1342         case ELoggedIn:
  1343             // Nothing to be done.
  1344             break;
  1345         case ELoggedOut:
  1346         case EForcedLoggedOut:
  1347             {
  1348             /*
  1349              * Only when the application is in Foreground, we need to show the note
  1350              * before closing the application. Once after that we need to shutdown the 
  1351              * application
  1352              */
  1353             if ( iAppUi->IsAppInForeground() && ( aServiceId == iServiceId ) )
  1354                 {
  1355                 // active service 
  1356                 if (KErrNone != aReason)
  1357                     IMCVUiAppNoteMapper::ShowNoteL( aReason , KNullDesC );
  1358                 }
  1359 			// This will be deleted by Engine factory later.
  1360 			//iActiveEngine = NULL;
  1361 			break;
  1362             }
  1363         }
  1364     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVAppView::HandleConnectionEventL() End") );
  1365     }
  1367 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1368 // CIMCVAppView: HandleChatListEvent
  1369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1370 //
  1371 void CIMCVAppView::HandleChatListEvent(TInt aServiceId,TChatListEventType aEvent, 
  1372                                       MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface* aContainerInfo
  1373                                      ) 
  1374     {
  1376     // Handles the close Conversation event triggered from service tab.    
  1377     switch (aEvent)
  1378         {
  1379         case EChatItemDeleted:
  1380             {               
  1381             DeleteContainerCache( aContainerInfo->TargetId().Target(),aServiceId );
  1382             break;
  1383             }
  1384         case EChatAllItemDeleted:
  1385             {               
  1386 			IM_CV_LOGS (TXT("CIMCVAPPVIEW  :: DELETE ALL CHATS ***************************"));
  1387             iRTContainerCache->DeleteAllServiceContainer( aServiceId );
  1388             break;
  1389             }
  1390         default:
  1391             break;
  1392         }
  1394     }
  1396 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1397 //CIMCVAppView::DeleteContainerCache
  1398 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1399 void CIMCVAppView::DeleteContainerCache(const TDesC& aPrimaryKey, TInt aServiceId )
  1400     {
  1401     iRTContainerCache->DeleteContainer( aPrimaryKey,aServiceId );
  1402     //iActiveEngine->MessageHandler().CloseConversationL( *iRecipientUserId );
  1403     ViewRefreshL();
  1404     iRecipientUserId->Des().Copy( KNullDesC());
  1406     if( !iViewDeactivated ) //if conv. view is active, we should go back to ST..
  1407         {
  1408         //this will execute when Back operation from Detail view is performed before call back (xsp id deletion call back)
  1409         //reaches the conv. view.
  1410         //In this case Conv. view will be active view and Conv. view need to be closed in this scenario.
  1411         TApaTask task(iEikonEnv->WsSession());
  1412         task.SetWgId( CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier());
  1413         task.SendToBackground();
  1414         }
  1415     else    //if view is not active (Current view is detail view).
  1416         {
  1417         if(iDetailViewOpen)
  1418             {
  1419             //xsp id deleted from detail view.
  1420             //conv. view need to be closed when doing back operation from detail view.
  1421             iConvViewDel = ETrue;
  1422             }
  1423         }
  1425     iViewDeactivated = ETrue;
  1426     }
  1427 //  End of File