changeset 28 3104fc151679
parent 27 2b7283837edb
child 29 9a48e301e94b
--- a/imstutils/imconversationview/imcvuiengine/inc/cimcvengine.h	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  owner class of this dll
-#include  <e32base.h>
-#include <ximpclient.h>
-#include <ximpcontext.h>
-#include <ximpcontextobserver.h>
-#include <ximpcontextstate.h>
-#include "mimcvenginecchhandler.h"
-#include "mimcvengineopenchats.h"
-#include "mimcvenginecchobserver.h"
-class   MIMCVEngineChatInterface;
-class   CIMCVEngineMessageHandler;
-class   MIMCVEngineMessageCreator;
-class 	CIMCVEngineContextObserver;
-class 	MIMCVEngineMessageHandler;
-class 	MIMCVEngineConnectionHandler;
-class   CIMCVEngineCchHandler;
-class   MBSAccess;
-class   CBSFactory;
-class   CGulIcon;
-class   CFbsBitmap;
-class  CIMCVEngineFetchSmiley;
- *  CIMCVEngine provides one of the interfaces to the engine.
- *  This interface is used by UI to access network services i.e.
- *  sending messages and joining to groups e.g. This class is
- *  also used to get different interfaces to the services
- *  offered by the imcvengine.dll.
- *
- *  @lib imcvengine.lib
- *  @since 5.0
- */
-class CIMCVEngine : public CActive,
-                    public MIMCVEngineCCHObserver
-    {
-    //from MIMCVEngineCCHObserver
-    void ServiceStatusChanged( TInt aServiceId,     								   
-	                          TServiceState aServiceStatus );	                                 
-    private:
-	/**
-         * Issues Request
-         */
-    	void IssueRequest();
-    public:  // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-         * Two-phased constructor.         
-         */
-        static CIMCVEngine* NewL(TInt aServiceId, 
-                MIMCVEngineMessageCreator& aMessageCreater, 
-                CBSFactory& aBrandingFactory);
-        /**
-         * Destructor.
-         */
-         virtual ~CIMCVEngine();
-        /**
-         * Get interface for chat interface.
-         */         
-        IMPORT_C MIMCVEngineChatInterface& ChatInterface() const;
-        /**
-         * Get interface to message handler 
-         */
-		IMPORT_C MIMCVEngineMessageHandler& MessageHandler() const ;
-	    /**
-         * IsLoggedIn 
-         * Return ETrue if loggedin else EFalse
-         */
-        IMPORT_C TBool IsLoggedIn() const;
-        /**
-         * GetLoggedInUserId 
-         * Return logged in user id 
-         */
-        IMPORT_C const TDesC& GetLoggedInUserId()  ;
-        /**
-         * ReleaseConnectionL 
-         * Release the connection from server
-         */
-       	IMPORT_C void ReleaseConnectionL() ;
-        /**
-         * Checks engine if its ready for shutdown.
-         * @return ETrue if ready.
-         */
-        IMPORT_C TBool ReadyForShutdown();
-		/**
-		* DeleteContextL 
-		*/
- 		void DeleteContextL() ;
-		/**
-		* CreateContextL 
-		*/
- 		void CreateContextL() ;
- 		 /**
-          * GetLoggedInUserId 
-          * Return logged in user id 
-          */
-        IMPORT_C const TDesC8& GetBrandId()  ;
-        /**
-         * Get Service Specific Array of Smiley Strings 
-         * Return array
-         * ownership not transferred
-         */
-        IMPORT_C RPointerArray<HBufC> GetSmileStringArray();
-        /**
-         * Get Service Specific Icon Array of Smiley's 
-         * Return array
-         * ownership not transferred
-         */        
-        IMPORT_C RPointerArray<CGulIcon> GetSmileyIconArray();
-        IMPORT_C CGulIcon* GetPresenceIconL(const TDesC8& aIconid);
-       /**
-        * GetLoggedInUserId 
-        * Return logged in user id 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt GetLanguageId()  ;
-       /**
-        * CCHHandler 
-        * Returns handler to CCH 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C MIMCVEngineCchHandler& CCHHandler() ;
-        /**
-        * ServiceName 
-        * Returns Name of the Service
-        */                
-		IMPORT_C const TDesC& ServiceName() ;
-		/**
-        * Returns the M-Interface class for list of Open Conversations 
-        * Returns MIMCVEngineOpenChats
-        */
-		IMPORT_C MIMCVEngineOpenChats& OpenChats() ;
-		/**
-        * ServiceId 
-        * Returns Service Id of the Engine
-        */
-		IMPORT_C TInt GetServiceId() ;
-		/**
-		* Resolves the CCH service state to and does a bindl to
-		* ximpfw if required.
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C void ResolveServiceStateL();		
-		/**
-		* Login to the Service
-		* 
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C TInt LoginL();
-		/**
-         * CreateConnectionL
-        */
-		void CreateConnectionL() ;
-		/*
-		 * close all open chats
-		 */
-		void CloseAllOpenChatsL();
-	    /**
-	         * Check whether the service is VOIP Enabled Service
-	         *
-	         * @since S60 5.0
-	         * @return ETrue/EFalse
-	         */
-		IMPORT_C TBool IsVoipServiceL();
-	private:
-        /**
-         * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
-         */
-        void ConstructL(MIMCVEngineMessageCreator& aMessageCreater );
-        /**
-         * C++ default constructor.
-         * @see CIMCVEngine::NewL.
-         */
-        CIMCVEngine(TInt aServiceId,CBSFactory& aBrandingFactory);
-		/**
-         * Returns property brand language.
-         *
-         * @since S60 5.0
-         * @param aServiceId, service id
-         * @return TLanguage, brand language
-         */        
-        TLanguage PropertyBrandLanguageL( 
-            TUint32 aServiceId );
-		/**
-         * Gets brand id
-         *
-         * @since S60 5.0
-         * @param aServiceId service id
-         * @param aBrandId brand id
-         * @return None
-         */
-        void GetBrandIdL( TUint32 aServiceId, TDes8& aBrandId );
-		/**
-         * Gets the Settings ID
-         *
-         * @since S60 5.0
-         * @param aServiceId, service id         
-         * @return settings id
-         */						
-		TInt PropertySettingsIdL( TUint32 aServiceId );	
-		/**
-         * Gets the User Id ID
-         *
-         * @since S60 5.0
-         * @param aUserId holds the user id    
-         * @return None
-         */
-		void GetUserIdL(TPtr& aUserId ) ;
-		/**
-         * Gets the ServiceName
-         *
-         * @since S60 5.0
-         * @param aServiceId, service id 
-         * @param aServiceName holds the ServiceName    
-         * @return None
-         */
-		void GetServiceNameL( TUint32 aServiceId, TDes& aServiceName );
-		/**
-		 *consturct's the brandaccess specific to service engine
-		 */
-		void ConstructBrandL();
-		/**
-		 *utility function to parse the smiley string received from branding server
-		 * for example if smiley string is  ":-) [8]"
-		 * it forms an array of each smiley string 
-		 */
-		void ParseAllSmileyStringL(TInt aTotalCount, const TDesC& aAllSmileyString);
-	private: // From CActive
-        void RunL();
-        void DoCancel();
-        TInt RunError(
-                TInt aError );
-    private:    // Data
-    	/// Process states
-        enum TState
-            {
-            ELogin,                        
-            EOperationComplete,
-            EOperationInComplete
-            };
-		// service id to use
-		TInt iServiceId;
-			// own user id
-		HBufC* iOwnUserId;
-		//  Owns,Settings id of the service..
-        HBufC8* iBrandId;
-        // Language id
-        TInt iLanguageId; 
-	    // Owns , reference to message handler
-        CIMCVEngineMessageHandler*      iMessageHandler;
-        //owned, Chat interface
-        MIMCVEngineChatInterface* iChatInterface;
-        // own , client for ximp framework
-		MXIMPClient*               		  iClient;
-		// own ,presence context to ximp framework
-		MXIMPContext*     		  iPresenceContext;
-		//owned, observre for ximp call back
-		CIMCVEngineContextObserver* iContextEventObserver;
-		//Stores the XIMPFw EventTypes Subscribed for		
-		RArray< TInt32 > iAcceptedEventTypes;
-		//owns the handler for CCH
-		CIMCVEngineCchHandler* iCCHHandler;
-		//Owns the ServiceName
-		HBufC* iServiceName;
-		/// Own: State of the command
-        TState iState;  
-        // own active sheduler 
-        CActiveSchedulerWait    iWait;      
-        //doesn't own
-        CBSFactory& iBrandingFactory;
-        //owns: branding access specific to service
-        MBSAccess* iBrandingAccess;
-        // not owned array of smiley strings
-        RPointerArray<HBufC> iSmileyArray; 
-        // not owned ,array of smiley icons
-        RPointerArray<CGulIcon> iSmileyDlgIconArray;
-        // ETrue if array owned
-        TBool iSmileyArrayOwned;
-        // ETrue if array owned
-        TBool iSmileyDlgIconArrayOwned;
-    };
-#endif      // CIMCVENGINE_H
-// End of File