changeset 28 3104fc151679
parent 27 2b7283837edb
child 29 9a48e301e94b
--- a/servicewidget/servicewidgetdatapublisher/src/cservicewidgetcchhandler.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  class for cch service handling
- *                
- *
-#include "cservicewidgetcchhandler.h"
-#include "cservicewidgetcontentpublisher.h"
-#include "mservicewidgetobservers.h"
-#include "servicewidgetcpglobals.h"
-#include "swpdebugtrace.h"
-#include <spsettings.h> 
-#include <spentry.h>
-#include <spproperty.h>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::CServiceWidgetCchHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CServiceWidgetCchHandler::CServiceWidgetCchHandler(TUint32 aServiceId, 
-												   MServiceWidgetServiceStateObserver& aStateObserver ):
-   iServiceId(aServiceId),
-   iStateObserver( aStateObserver ),
-   iServiceState( ESWSNotRegistered )
-   {
-   TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::CServiceWidgetCchHandler iServiceId %d"),iServiceId );
-   }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CServiceWidgetCchHandler* CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewL(TUint32 aServiceId, 
-														 MServiceWidgetServiceStateObserver& aStateObserver  )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewL() start") );
-    CServiceWidgetCchHandler* self = NewLC(aServiceId, aStateObserver);
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewL() end") );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------aOwnStatusKey
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewLC
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CServiceWidgetCchHandler* CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewLC(TUint32 aServiceId,
-														 MServiceWidgetServiceStateObserver& aStateObserver )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewLC() start") );
-    CServiceWidgetCchHandler* self =
-        new (ELeave) CServiceWidgetCchHandler(aServiceId, aStateObserver);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL( );
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::NewLC() end") );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ConstructL()
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ConstructL() start") );
-	iCchClient = CCch::NewL();
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ConstructL() iCchClient created") );
-	CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );    
-	if( service )
-		{
-		service->AddObserver( *this );      
-		}
-	//Configure CCHUI notes
-	MCchUi& cchui = iCchClient->CchUiApi();
-	// Configure CCHUI API to show all notes/dialogs except connecting note.
-	// Also configure that only VoIP and IM subservices are allowed (notes are
-	// shown only for those).
-	RArray<MCchUiObserver::TCchUiDialogType> allowedNotes;
-	RArray<TCCHSubserviceType> allowedSubServices;
-	CleanupClosePushL( allowedNotes );
-	CleanupClosePushL( allowedSubServices );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeUsernamePasswordFailed );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeAuthenticationFailed );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeNoConnectionDefined );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeNoConnectionAvailable );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeConfirmChangeConnection );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeChangeConnection );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeDefectiveSettings );
-	allowedNotes.AppendL( MCchUiObserver::ECchUiDialogTypeErrorInConnection );  
-	allowedSubServices.AppendL( ECCHVoIPSub );
-	allowedSubServices.AppendL( ECCHIMSub );
-	allowedSubServices.AppendL( ECCHPresenceSub );
-	cchui.ConfigureVisualizationL( 
-			allowedNotes, allowedSubServices );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &allowedSubServices );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &allowedNotes );
-	ReadSupportedSubServices();
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ConstructL() end") );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::~CServiceWidgetCchHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::~CServiceWidgetCchHandler() start") );
-	if(iCchClient)
-		{
-		CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );
-		if( service )
-		    {
-		    service->RemoveObserver(*this);
-		    }
-		delete iCchClient; 
-		}
-	iSupportedSubServices.Reset();
-	delete iServiceName;
-	delete iOwnData;
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::~CServiceWidgetCchHandler() end") );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ReadSupportedSubServices
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ReadSupportedSubServices()
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ReadSupportedSubServices() start") );
-	iSupportedSubServices.Reset();
-	TSubServiceState subService;
-	TBool supported = IsServiceSupported( ECCHIMSub );
-	if( supported )
-		{
-		// im sub service supported
-		subService.iSubServiceType = ECCHIMSub;
-		subService.iSubServiceState = GetServiceState( ECCHIMSub );
-		iSupportedSubServices.Append( subService );	
-		}
-	supported = IsServiceSupported( ECCHPresenceSub );
-	if( supported )
-		{
-		// presence sub service supported
-		subService.iSubServiceType = ECCHPresenceSub;
-		subService.iSubServiceState = GetServiceState( ECCHPresenceSub );
-		iSupportedSubServices.Append( subService );	
-		}
-	supported = IsServiceSupported( ECCHVoIPSub );
-	if( supported )
-		{
-		// voip sub service supported
-		subService.iSubServiceType = ECCHVoIPSub;
-		subService.iSubServiceState = GetServiceState( ECCHVoIPSub );
-		iSupportedSubServices.Append( subService );	
-		}
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ReadSupportedSubServices() end") );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ServiceStatusChanged
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ServiceStatusChanged(
-                TInt  aServiceId,
-                const TCCHSubserviceType aType,
-                const TCchServiceStatus& aServiceStatus )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ServiceStatusChanged() start") );
-    if( aServiceId != iServiceId )
-	    {
-	    return;
-	    }
-	TCCHSubserviceState state = aServiceStatus.State();
-    TInt subServiceCount = iSupportedSubServices.Count();
-    TInt error = aServiceStatus.Error();
-    for(TInt i=0; i< subServiceCount; i++)
-	    {
-	    TSubServiceState subService = iSupportedSubServices[ i ]; 
-	    if( subService.iSubServiceType == aType )
-			{
-			// sub service is matched ,supported
-			// check for ALR state if supported ,service may go to waiting state
-			if( error && (error != KCCHErrorInvalidSettings )  && 
-				( ECCHConnecting == state ) )
-				{
-				// waiting state
-				iSupportedSubServices[ i ].iSubServiceState = ESWSWaitingForNetwork;	
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				TSWSTRegistrationState swState = GetLocalServiceState( state );
-				if( swState == ESWSRegistered && aType == ECCHPresenceSub )
-					{
-					// in case of presence subservice ,need to fetch the contact ,so
-					// move to updating state
-					iSupportedSubServices[ i ].iSubServiceState = ESWSUpdatingContacts;	
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					// store the subservice state
-					iSupportedSubServices[ i ].iSubServiceState = swState;		
-					}
-				}
-			break; // break the loop if subservice matched	
-			}
-		}
-	TSWSTRegistrationState previousState = iServiceState;
-	// get best match state
-	iServiceState  = ParseGetServiceState();
-    if( iServiceState != previousState )
-		{
-		// inform the observer only if state changed
-		TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ServiceStatusChanged() state changed") );
-		// some times give the same state call back more than one
-		TRAP_IGNORE( iStateObserver.HandleServiceStatusChangedL( iServiceState  ) );	
-		}
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ServiceStatusChanged() end") );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ParseGetServiceState
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TSWSTRegistrationState CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ParseGetServiceState()
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ParseGetServiceState() start") );
-	TInt serviceState = 0;
-	TInt subServiceCount = iSupportedSubServices.Count();
-	//Find the cumulative of the ServiceStates of all subservices
-	// iterate the service array
-	for ( TInt index = 0; index < subServiceCount ; index++ )        
-		{	
-		serviceState |= iSupportedSubServices[index].iSubServiceState;
-		}
-	TSWSTRegistrationState swState = ESWSNotRegistered;
-	//The logic below is that, if any one subservice not enabled for us the service is not enabled
-	//So to do this we assign priority for each service state
-	//Connecting gets the High Priority, when copmared to Waiting for Connection,
-	//Disconnecting, Registered, UnRegistered.
-	//By this way the Sevice Tab will be more usable and atleast we can perform operations
-	//related to the the logged in subservice
-	//its upto the connection handlers to do the job properly, whether to provide connectivity to all
-	//sub services or not.. 
-	//Start parsing and decide the state of the ServiceTab   
-	if ( serviceState & ESWSNetworkConnecting )
-		{
-		//Connecting	
-		swState = ESWSNetworkConnecting;
-		}
-	else if ( serviceState & ESWSWaitingForNetwork )
-		{
-		//Waiting for Connection	
-		swState = ESWSWaitingForNetwork;
-		}
-	else if ( serviceState & ESWSUpdatingContacts )
-		{
-		//Waiting for Connection	
-		swState = ESWSUpdatingContacts;
-		}	    	    
-	else if ( serviceState & ESWSNetworkDisConnecting )
-		{
-		//disconnecting	
-		swState = ESWSNetworkDisConnecting;
-		}   
-	else if ( serviceState & ESWSRegistered ) 
-		{
-		//Enabled	
-		swState = ESWSRegistered;
-		}
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::ParseGetServiceState() end") );
-	return swState;   	
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceState
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TSWSTRegistrationState CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceState( TCCHSubserviceType aServiceType )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceState() start") );
-    CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );
-   	TCchServiceStatus status;
-	status.SetState(ECCHUninitialized);
-	if( service )
-		{
-		// Get status from the client
-	    service->GetStatus(  aServiceType , status );
-		}		
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceState() end") );
-    return GetLocalServiceState( status.State() );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetLocalServiceState
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TSWSTRegistrationState CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetLocalServiceState(TCCHSubserviceState aState )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetLocalServiceState() start") );
-    TSWSTRegistrationState mappedState = ESWSNotRegistered;
-	if( ECCHConnecting == aState )
-		{
-		mappedState = ESWSNetworkConnecting;	
-		}
-	else if( ECCHDisconnecting == aState )
-		{
-		mappedState = ESWSNetworkDisConnecting;	
-		}
-	else if( ECCHDisabled == aState )
-		{
-		mappedState = ESWSNotRegistered;	
-		}
-	else if( ECCHEnabled == aState )
-		{
-		mappedState = ESWSRegistered;	
-		}
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetLocalServiceState() end") );
-   	return mappedState;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC& CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL()
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL() start") );	
-    if( iOwnData )
-		{
-		delete iOwnData;
-		iOwnData = NULL;	
-		}
-   // call back can not be modified ignore the error
-	iOwnData = GetConParametersL( ECchUsername );
-	if( iOwnData )
-	    {
-	    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL() valid") );
-	    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL() end") );	
-	   	return *iOwnData;	
-	    }
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::OwnUserIdL() end") );	
-    return KNullDesC ;
-    }  
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::XimpAdaptationUidL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CServiceWidgetCchHandler::XimpAdaptationUidL()
-    {
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::XimpAdaptationUidL() start") );
-    TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
-    CSPSettings* settings = CSPSettings::NewLC(); 
-    CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
-    TInt err = settings->FindPropertyL( iServiceId,
-                                EPropertyPCSPluginId,
-                                *property );    
-    if (KErrNone == err)
-	    {
-	    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::XimpAdaptationUidL() uid read") );
-	    property->GetValue( ret );
-	    }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);// property ,settings
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::XimpAdaptationUidL() end") );
-    return ret;
-    }        
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetConParametersL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetConParametersL( TCchConnectionParameter aConnParam )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetConParametersL() start") );
-    HBufC* temp = NULL;
-    TInt error = KErrNotFound;
-    if(iCchClient)  
-	    {
-		CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );    
-		if( service )
-		   {              
-		   RBuf buffer;
-	       CleanupClosePushL( buffer );
-		   buffer.CreateL(KIMW_MAX_LENGTH);
-		   error = service->GetConnectionParameter(ECCHUnknown,aConnParam,buffer);
-		   User::LeaveIfError( error);
-		   if( buffer.Length() > 0)
-		      {
-		      TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetConParametersL() buffer valid") );
-              //extract only the user id in case
-		      // Check for prefix and remove if found
-              TInt prefixLocation = buffer.Locate( ':' );
-              if ( KErrNotFound != prefixLocation  && ECchUsername == aConnParam )
-                  {
-                  temp = buffer.Mid(prefixLocation+1 ).AllocL(); // ownership transferred  
-                  }
-              else
-                  {
-                  temp = buffer.AllocL(); // ownership transferred  
-                  }
-		      }
-		   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );
-		   }
-	    }
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetConParametersL() end") );
-    return temp;
-    }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsServiceSupported
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsServiceSupported(TCCHSubserviceType aSubServiceType )
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsServiceSupported() start") );
-	TBool ret = EFalse;
-   	if ( iCchClient )
-	   	{
-	   	CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );
-		if( service )
-			{
-			service->IsSupported(aSubServiceType, ret );
-			}		
-	   	}
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsServiceSupported() end") );
- 	return ret;   	
- 	}
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsSubServiceSupported
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsSubServiceSupported(TCCHSubserviceType aSubServiceType )
-	{
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsSubServiceSupported() start") );
-	TBool ret = EFalse;
-   	TInt subServiceCount = iSupportedSubServices.Count();
-	//Find the cumulative of the ServiceStates of all subservices
-	// iterate the service array
-	for ( TInt index = 0; index < subServiceCount ; index++ )        
-		{	
-		if( iSupportedSubServices[index].iSubServiceType == aSubServiceType )
-			{
-			ret = ETrue;
-			break;	
-			}
-		}
-	TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::IsSubServiceSupported() end") );
- 	return ret;   	
- 	}   
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceViewIdL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CServiceWidgetCchHandler::GetServiceViewIdL( TInt& aTabUid )
-    {
-    TInt serviceviewId = 0 ;
-    if( iServiceId != KErrNotFound)
-        {
-        CSPSettings* spSettings = CSPSettings::NewL();
-        CleanupStack::PushL(spSettings);
-        //get the tabview id from settings
-        CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
-        spSettings->FindPropertyL( iServiceId,
-                EPropertyContactViewId,
-                *property );    
-        property->GetValue(serviceviewId);
-        //get the tab uid from settings
-        spSettings->FindPropertyL( iServiceId,
-                EPropertyContactViewPluginId,
-                *property );    
-        property->GetValue(aTabUid);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property );  
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( spSettings );
-        }
-    return serviceviewId;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CServiceWidgetCchHandler::EnableServiceL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CServiceWidgetCchHandler::EnableServiceL( )
-    {
-    TRACE_SWP(TXT("CServiceWidgetCchHandler::EnableServiceL() start") );
-    TInt error = KErrNotFound;
-    if( iCchClient  )
-        {
-		iCchClient->SetConnectivityDialogsAllowed( ETrue );
-        CCchService* service = iCchClient->GetService( iServiceId );
-        if( service )
-            {
-            error = service->Enable( ECCHUnknown );
-            }
-        }
-    return error;
-    }
- // end of file