changeset 28 3104fc151679
parent 27 2b7283837edb
child 29 9a48e301e94b
--- a/uiservicetab/vimpstdetailsviewplugin/inc/cvimpstdetailscontacthandler.h	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  contact handler class implementaion to virtual phonebook observers
- *
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <badesca.h>
-#include <s32file.h>
-#include <d32dbms.h> 
-#include <MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver.h>
-#include <MVPbkContactFindObserver.h>
-#include <MVPbkContactStoreListObserver.h>
-#include <CVPbkContactIdConverter.h>
-// forward declaration
-class CVPbkContactManager;
-class MVPbkContactLinkArray;
-class MVPbkContactLink;
-class MVPbkStoreContact;
-class MVPbkContactOperationBase;
-class MVPbkContactStoreList;
-class MVIMPSTDetailsViewContactObserver;
-class MCCAParameter;
-enum TStoreType
-    {
-    EStoreUnkwon = -1,
-    EStoreLocal,
-    EStoreServer
-    };
- *  contact handler class implementaion to virtual phoneboo observers
- *  @lib vimpstdetailsviewplugin.dll
- *  @since S60 v5.0
- */
-class CVIMPSTDetailsContactHandler :  public CActive,
-							   public MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver,
-							   public MVPbkContactFindObserver,
-							   public MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-	{
-	public:
-	    /**
-	     * Two-phased constructor.
-	     * @param aParameter , reference to plugin parameter
-	     * @param aObserver , reference to contact view class
-	     * @param aServiceStoreUri , service store name
-	     * @return instance of same class 
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     * 
-	     */
-	    static CVIMPSTDetailsContactHandler* NewL( MCCAParameter& aParameter,
-	    									MVIMPSTDetailsViewContactObserver& aObserver,
-	    									const TDesC& aServiceStoreUri,
-	    									const TDesC& aServiceName,
-	    									TUint aserviceId);
-	    /**
-	     * Destructor.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    ~CVIMPSTDetailsContactHandler();
-	    /**
-	     * set the specified link ,it take the ownership of links.
-	     * @param aLinks , links to set
-	     * @param aReadXspId , need to read xsp id from contacts.cdb or not
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void SetLinks( MVPbkContactLinkArray* aLinks,TBool aReadXspId );
-	    /**
-	     * @return XSPuserId.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    const TDesC& GetXSPUserId();
-	    /**
-	     * @return List of all open store.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    MVPbkContactStoreList& ContactStoresL();
-	    /**
-        * @return store type
-        * @since S60 v5.0
-        */
-	    TStoreType StoreType();
-	    /**
-	     * @return current iCurrentLink.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    MVPbkContactLinkArray* Links() const;
-	     /**
-	     * cancel the ongoing request.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void CancelOngoingRequest();
-	public: // From CActive
-		/**
-	     * from CActive.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void RunL();
-		/**
-	     * from CActive.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    TInt RunError(TInt aError);
-		/**
-	     * from CActive.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void DoCancel();
-	public: // From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
-		/**
-	     * from MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver.
-	     * Called when the operation is completed.
-         *
-         * A client has the operation as a member and it can delete the operation
-         * instance in this function call. If the implementation of the store
-         * calls the function from the operation instance it must not handle
-         * any member data after calling it.
-         *
-         * @param aOperation The completed operation.
-         * @param aContact The contact returned by the operation.
-         *                 A client must take the ownership immediately.
-         *
-         *                  NOTE:
-         *                  If you use CleanupStack for MVPbkStoreContact
-         *                  Use MVPbkStoreContact::PushL or
-         *                  CleanupDeletePushL from e32base.h.
-         *                  (Do Not Use CleanupStack::PushL(TAny*) because
-         *                  then the virtual destructor of the M-class
-         *                  won't be called when the object is deleted).
-         * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
-						        MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
-						        MVPbkStoreContact* aContact);
-		/**
-	     * from MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver.
-	     * Called if the operation fails.
-         *
-         * A client has the operation as a member and it can delete the operation
-         * instance in this function call. If the implementation of the store
-         * calls the function from the operation instance it must not handle
-         * any member data after calling it.
-         *
-         * @param aOperation The failed operation.
-         * @param aError An error code of the failure.
-         * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
-						        MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
-						        TInt aError);
-	public: // From MVPbkContactFindObserver
-		/**
-         * Called when find is complete. Caller takes ownership of the results
-         * In case of an error during find, the aResults may contain only 
-         * partial results of the find
-         *
-         * @param aResults Array of contact links that matched the find
-         *                 Callee must take ownership of this object in
-         *                 the start of the function, ie. in case the 
-         *                 function leaves the results must be destroyed. 
-         *                 The find operation can be destroyed at the end 
-         *                  of this callback.
-         */
-        void FindCompleteL( MVPbkContactLinkArray* aResults ) ;
-        /**
-         * Called in case the find fails for some reason. The find operation
-         * can be destroyed at the end of this callback.
-         * 
-         * @param aError One of the system wide error codes.
-         *        KErrNotReady if store is not ready (not open or unavailable)
-         */
-        void FindFailed( TInt aError ) ;
-		/* 
-		* get the display name of the contact to show in the status pane
-		*/
-        HBufC* GetDisplayNameLC();
-  private: // From MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-		/**
-		 * from MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-	     * Called when the opening process is complete. 
-         *
-         * Before this all stores have sent StoreReady or StoreUnavailable 
-         * event. The client can not trust that all stores are available
-         * for use when this is called.
-         * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void OpenComplete();
-		/**
-		 * from MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-	     * Called when a contact store is ready to use.
-         *
-         * @param aContactStore The store that is ready.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void StoreReady(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore );
-		/**
-		 * from MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-	     * Called when a contact store becomes unavailable.
-         *
-         * Client may inspect the reason of the unavailability and decide
-         * whether or not it will keep the store opened (ie. listen to 
-         * the store events).
-         *
-         * @param aContactStore The store that became unavailable.
-         * @param aReason The reason why the store is unavailable.
-         *                This is one of the system wide error codes.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void StoreUnavailable(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore, TInt aReason );
-		/**
-		 * from MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
-	     * Called when changes occur in the contact store.
-         *
-         * @see TVPbkContactStoreEvent
-         * @param aContactStore A store whose event it is.
-         * @param aStoreEvent The event that has occurred.
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void HandleStoreEventL(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore, TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent );
-	private:
-		/**
-	     * default constructor
-	     * @param aObserver , contact observer
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    CVIMPSTDetailsContactHandler( MVIMPSTDetailsViewContactObserver& aObserver, TUint aserviceId );
-		/**
-	     * provides two phase constrcution.
-	     * @param aPluginParameter , plugin parameter
-	     * @param aServiceStoreUri , service store name
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void ConstructL( MCCAParameter& aParameter, const TDesC& aServiceStoreUri, const TDesC& aServiceName );
-	   	/**
-	     * helper method for issue pending request.
-	     * @param aError , error if any 
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    void IssueRequest(TInt aError = KErrNone);
-	    /* API to be used for local store only
-	     * to check whether the phonebook contact is a buddy the service installed
-	     * @ param aCurrentLink of the phonebook contact
-	     * return ETrue if the link is a buddy of that service
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    TBool CheckWhetherValidLocalLinkL(
-	            const MVPbkContactLink& aCurrentLink );
-	    /* API to be used for local store service only
-	     * to check whether the local %service_name%.db (which has contact identifiers) 
-	     * exsists already
-	     */
-	    TBool DbExists();
-	    /* API to be used for local store only
-	     * open's the local %service_name%.db file
-	     */
-	    void OpenDbL();
-	     /* API to be used for local store only
-	     * close's the local %service_name%.db file
-	     */
-	    void CloseDb();
-	    /* API to be used for local store only
-	     * search the identifier aIdentifier passed in the ColNo aColNo of the db file
-	     * return ETrue if the identifier is found in the db col
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */
-	    TBool SeekRowL( TDbColNo aColNo, TInt32& aIdentifier );
-	    /* API to be used for local store only
-	     * open db table
-	     * @since S60 v5.0
-	     */	     
-	    void OpenTableL();
-	private:    // data
-		/**
-		* Not own : Reference to details view plugin
-		*/
-		MVIMPSTDetailsViewContactObserver& iObserver;
-		/**
-		* own :Reference to contact manager.
-		*/
-		CVPbkContactManager* iContactManager;
-		/**
-		* owns : reference to link array
-		*/ 
-		MVPbkContactLinkArray* iLinks;
-		/**
-		* not owns : reference to contact link which is owned by iLinks
-		*/
-		const MVPbkContactLink* iCurrentLink;
-		/**
-		* owns : reference to operation base contact
-		*/
-		MVPbkContactOperationBase* iRetrieveOperation;
-		/**
-		* owns : extracted user id from pbk xsp id 
-		*/
-		HBufC* iXSPUserId;
-		/**
-		* owns : if ETrue , xsp id need to read
-		*/
-		TBool iReadXspId;
-		/**
-		* owns : list of open store
-		*/
-		MVPbkContactStoreList* iStoreList;
-		/**
-		*  owns : reference to active chedular
-		*/
-		CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
-		/**
-		* owns : service store uri
-		*/
-		HBufC* iServiceStoreUri;
-		/**
-		 * Owned : Pointer to MVPbkStoreContact
-		 */
-		MVPbkStoreContact* iStoreContact; 
-		// owns : store type
-		TStoreType iStoreType;
-		//  owns, service name 
-		HBufC* iServiceName;
-        //Ownns - DB Store
-        CPermanentFileStore*    iFileStore;
-        //File Stream 
-        RFs     iFs;
-        //DataBase Object for Creating/Opening/Closing DB
-        RDbStoreDatabase        iDb;
-        // current column set
-        CDbColSet*          iColset;        // owned
-        RDbTable            iTable;         // current table
-        // own , contact id converter to and from link
-        CVPbkContactIdConverter* iIdConverter;
-        TUint iServiceId;
-	  	};
-// End of File