changeset 28 3104fc151679
parent 27 2b7283837edb
child 29 9a48e301e94b
--- a/uiservicetab/vimpstengine/inc/cvimpstengine.h	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Class that capsulates single service data members
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include "tvimpstenums.h"
-#include "mvimpstengine.h"
-#include "mvimpststoragecontactsobserver.h"
-#include "mvimpstenginecchuieventobserver.h"
-#include "mvimpstengineserviceconnectioneventobserver.h"
-class CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher;
-class MVIMPSTServiceListManager;
-class MVIMPSTStorageServiceView;
-class MVIMPSTEngineSubService;
-class CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler;
-class MVIMPSTEngineSearchExtentionEventObserver;
-class CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver;
-class MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver;
-class MVIMPSTEngineCchUiEventObserver;
- * engine class for a Single Service
- * @lib vimpstengine.dll
- * @since 5.0
- */
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVIMPSTEngine ) : public CBase, 
-									public MVIMPSTEngine,
-									public MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver,
-									public MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver,
-									public MVIMPSTEngineCchUiEventObserver
-	{
-	//for test cases.
-    friend class T_VimpstEngine;
-	public:  // Two-phased constructors and destructor
-		/**
-		* NewLC two phase constructor.
-		* @param aServiceId - Service Id
-		* @param aTableFetcher - ServiceTable Fetcher
-		* return @ptr a new instance of this class
-		*/
-		static CVIMPSTEngine* NewLC(
-					TUint32 aServiceId,
-					CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher );
-		/**
-		* NewL two phase constructor.
-		* @param aServiceId - Service Id
-		* @param aTableFetcher - ServiceTable Fetcher
-		* return @ptr a new instance of this class
-		*/
-		static CVIMPSTEngine* NewL(
-					TUint32 aServiceId,
-					CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher );
-	   /**
-		* C++ default destructor
-		*/
-		virtual ~CVIMPSTEngine();		
-	public: //From MVIMPSTEngine	   
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TUint32 ServiceId() const  ;		
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState ServiceState() const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TInt GetBrandInfoL(TLanguage& aBrandLanguage, 
-					TInt& aBrandVersion, TDes8& aBrandId) const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/			
-		TBool IsSubServiceSupportedL(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TBool IsSubServiceEnabled(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void ContactStoreIdL( 
-					TDes& aContactStoreId ) const ;
-		/*
-		 * See MVIMPSTEngine
-		 */
-		TBool IsUnInstalled( );
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		const TDesC& ServiceName() const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		 void RegisterServiceSessionObserverL
-		 					(MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver* aObserver) ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void UnRegisterServiceSessionObserver
-		 					(MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver* aObserver) ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/	
-		void IntializeStorageL() ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/	
-		void UnIntializeStorage() ;	   	    
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		MVIMPSTEngineSubService* SubService(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures* ExtentionFeatures(TVIMPSTEnums::ExtentionType aType) const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		HBufC* GetOwnUserIdFromCChOrStorageL() const ;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TInt Login();
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void LogoutL();
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void DefaultDomainNameL( TDes& aDefaultDomainName ) const;
-		/**
-		* See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		TInt ChangeConnectionL();
-		/**
-		 * See MVIMPSTEngine
-		 * 
-		 * @return True if password is present in the settings else returns false
-         *
-		 */
-		TBool IsPasswordAvailableL();
-		/**
-         * See MVIMPSTEngine
-         * 
-        */
-		TBool IsBlockSupportedL();
-		/**
-         * See MVIMPSTEngine
-         * 
-        */
-		void DeleteDataBaseL();
-		/**
-         * See MVIMPSTEngine
-         * 
-        */
-		MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService* GetPreseceSubService();
-		/**
-         * See MVIMPSTEngine
-         * 
-         */
-		void FetchBlockedListL();
-		/**
-         * See MVIMPSTEngine
-         * 
-         */
-		void RegisterBlockedListObserver(
-						MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* aOb);
-		/**
-		*  See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void SetOwnUserIdIfChangedL(const TDesC& aUserId ) ;
-		/**
-		*  See MVIMPSTEngine
-		* 
-		*/
-		void RetriveContextIfCChEnabledL() ;
-	private: // From MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver
-		/**
-		 * See MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver
-		 */ 
-		void  HandleServceConnectionEventL();
-	private:
-		/**
-		* Returns a SubService is Supported or not
-		* Components intertested in knowing whether a SubService is Supported or not can use this API
-		* @param aType - Type of the SubService TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType - Defined in tvimpstenums.h
-		* @return TBool, ETrue if the SubService is Supported in this Service, else returns EFalse
-		*/
-		TBool IsSubServiceSupportedInternal(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const ;
-	public:	    
-		 /**
-          * Called when all the contacts are fetched from the virtual store.
-          * 
-          * @since s60 5.0
-          */
-         void HandleContactFetchedL();
- 	public: // From MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver
-        /**
-        * HandleChange: To handle the Chnage event from the MCAStoredContactsObserver
-        * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
-        * @param aList: reference to the list at which a change has occured
-        * @param aContact:  reference to the contact at which a change has occured
-        * @param aEventType: TVIMPSTEnums::TCAObserverEventType,type of change event that has occured 
-        * @param aUserIdChanged, ETrue if userid has changed, else EFalse.
-        * @return void
-        */
-         void HandleStorageChangeL( TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aEventType,
-         							MVIMPSTStorageContactList* aList, 
-	        						MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact,
-	        						TInt aContactIndex );
-         //From MVIMPSTEngineCchUiEventObserver
-         /**
-          * Handles the change connection event from CCHUI
-          *@ return void
-          */
-         void HandleChangeConnectionEventL();
-	private:		
-	    /**
-         * symbian second phase constructor
-         * @param aServiceId service id
-         */       
-		void ConstructL( TUint32 aServiceId );
-		/**
-		* C++ constructor.
-		*/
-		CVIMPSTEngine( TUint32 aServiceId, 
-					CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher );					
-		/**
-		* Parses and finds the Cumulative Service State of all Subservices
-		* @return TVIMPSTRegistrationState
-		*/
-		TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState ParseGetServiceState();		
-		/**
-		* Adds Extention Feature
-		* @param aFeature - Feature to be added
-		*/
-		void AddExtentionFeaturesL(MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures* aFeature) ; 
-		/**
-		* Removes Extention Feature
-		* @param aFeature - Feature to be Removed
-		*/
-		void RemoveExtentionFeatures(TVIMPSTEnums::ExtentionType aType) ;
-		/**
-		* Creates a list of known extention features
-		* 
-		*/
-		void CreateExtentionFeaturesL();
-		 /**
-          * Sets the supported extension feature
-          */
-		void SetExtentionFeaturesSupportedL();
-		/**
-          * ReSets the Support for all extension feature
-          */
-		void ReSetExtentionFeaturesSupportedL();
-	private :
-		//Service Id
-		TUint32 iServiceId;
-		//Settings Id
-		TUint32 iSettingsId;
-		//doesnt own reference to servicetable entry
-		CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& iTableFetcher;
-		//owns - service name
-		HBufC*   iServiceName;
-		//Owns, ximpfw session context observer.
-		CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver* iSessionCntxtObserver ;	
-		//does not own reference to the contact list interface
-		MVIMPSTStorageServiceView* iContactInterface;
-		//owns pointer to subservice     
-		RPointerArray <MVIMPSTEngineSubService> iSubService;
-		// Own, cch handler for this service
-		CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler*    iCchHandler;
-		//owns pointer to subservice     
-		RPointerArray <MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures> iExtentionFeatures;
-		// Doesnt Own, array of observers.
-		RPointerArray<MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver> iObserverArray;
-		//Owns Pointer to the ServiceState Listener
-		//Cumulative Service State of all SubServices Belonging to this Service
-		TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState iState;
-		//block list observer to notify the blocked list has been fetched.
-		MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* iBlockListObs;
-		// UnInstall Flag; Set to true during engine construction
-		// if engine fails to find ximp object implementation
-		TBool iUnInstall;
-	};
-#endif      //__CVIMPSTENGINE_H
-//  End of File