changeset 28 3104fc151679
parent 27 2b7283837edb
child 29 9a48e301e94b
--- a/uiservicetab/vimpststorage/inc/mvimpststorageserviceview.h	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Stored contact data container interface
-#include "tvimpstenums.h"
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <badesca.h>
-#include "mvimpststoragecontact.h"
-class MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver;
-class MVIMPSTStorageContactList;
-class MVIMPSTStorageContact;
-class MVPbkContactLink;
-class MVIMPSTStorageServiceCacheWriter
-	{
-	public:
-		/**
-		* update existing contact 
-		* @param aContactLink contact id to be updatated
-		* @param aUserId contact id to be updated
-		* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be updated
-		* @reurn the storage contact pointer if found else NULL
-		*/
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdateCacheContactL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
-												 const TDesC& aUserId, 
-								   	   	         const TDesC& aDisplayName,
-								   	   	         const TDesC8& aAvatarContent ) = 0 ;
-		/**
-		* add a new contact to cache  
-		* @param aContactLink contact id to be add
-		* @param aUserId contact id to be add
-		* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be add 
-		* @reurn the new storage contact pointer if contact is already exist return the smae 
-		*/		 					   	   	       
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* AddContactToCacheL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
-										 const TDesC& aUserId, 
-						   	   	         const TDesC& aDisplayName,
-						   	   	         const TDesC8& aAvatarContent,
-						   	   	         TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType ) =0  ;
-		/*
-		* remopve existing contact 
-		* @param aContactLink contact id to be removed
-		* @param aUserId contact id to be removed
-		* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be removed
-		* @reurn the error if any
-		*/
-		virtual TInt RemoveContactFromCacheL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType ) = 0;
-		/**
-		* Removes all contacts from cache and notify to observers
-		*/
-		virtual void RemoveAllCacheContactsL() = 0;
-		/**
-		* Read the default contact list if exist else create default list
-		* @return contact list pointer
-		*/
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContactList* GetDefaultContactListL() =0;
-		/**
-		* send the notificatoion about fetch completion
-		*/
-		virtual void NotifyServiceViewL(TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aEventType, MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact = NULL ) = 0 ;
-		/**
-		* find contact by user id
-		* @param aUserId contact id to be find
-		* @return storage contact pointer if found else NULL
-		*/
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindCacheContactByUserId( const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0 ;
-		/**
-		* find contact by user id
-		* @param aContactLink contact link to be find
-		* @return storage contact pointer if found else NULL
-		*/
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindCacheContactByLink(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink) = 0 ;
-		/**
-		* add contact to the contact cache and notify the observers
-		* @param aContact contact id to be added.
-		*/
-	    virtual	TInt AddStorageContactToCacheL(MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContactToAdd ) = 0 ;
-	};
- *  Interface for stored contacts container
- *
- *  @lib VIMPSTStorage.dll
- *  @since 5.0
- */
-class MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
-    {
-    public: // Definitions
-        /**
-         * Add an observer.
-         * @param aObserver The observer
-         */
-        virtual void AddObserverL( MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * Remove an observer.
-         * @param aObserver The observer
-         */
-        virtual void RemoveObserver( MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
-		/**
-         * Find a contact from the store by using Service ID         
-         * @param aServiceId the Service ID of the contact to find
-         * @return The contact
-         */
-		virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindContactByUserId( const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * Count of lists.
-         * @return Count of lists.
-         */
-        virtual TInt ListCount() const = 0;
-        /**
-         * List in index.
-         * @param aIndex. Index of list.
-         * return Contact list.
-         */
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContactList& ListAt( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
-        /**
-         * Find contact list by id
-         * @param aListId. Id to find.
-         * @return Contactlist. If not found return NULL
-         */        
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContactList* FindContactList( const TDesC& aListId ) = 0;
-         /**
-         * Add new contact list.
-         * @param aContactListId Id for new contact list.
-         * @param aDisplayName Display name of new contact list.
-         */
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContactList* CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aContactListId, 
-                                        				      const TDesC& aDisplayName ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * Remove contact list from store.
-         * @param aContactListId. Id of contact list to be removed.
-         */
-        virtual void RemoveContactList( const TDesC& aContactListId ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * Count of stored contacts
-         * @param aSkipOfflineContacts ETrue skip offline contacts. 
-         *                             EFalse Do not skip.
-         * @return TInt Count of contacts
-         */
-        virtual TInt ContactCount(TBool aSkipOfflineContacts = EFalse ) const = 0;
-        /** 
-         * Update presence information of contact.
-         * @param aContactId Id of contact which presence is updated.
-         * @param aStatus. New presence status
-         * @param aAlias. New alias.
-         * @param aStatusText New status message text.
-         * @param aAvatarData  avatar content,
-         * @param aIsClearingAvatar set to ETrue while clearing the avatar
-         * @return MVIMPSTStorageContact* pointer of the contact
-         */
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdatePresenceL(const TDesC& aContactId, 
-							                           TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus aStatus, 
-							                           const TDesC& aStatusText,
-							                           const TDesC8& aAvatarData,
-							                           TBool aIsClearingAvatar = EFalse) = 0;
-         /** 
-         * Update presence information of contact.
-         * @param aContactId Id of contact which presence is updated.
-         * @param aStatus. New presence status
-         * @param aAlias. New alias.
-         * @param aStatusText New status message text.
-         * @return MVIMPSTStorageContact* pointer of the contact
-         */
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdateAvatarL(const TDesC& aContactId,
-							                         const TDesC8& aAvatarData ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
-         * @param aContact contact id to be added.
-         */
-        virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* CreateNewContactL(const TDesC& aUserId, 
-        										         const TDesC& aDisplayName = KNullDesC,
-        										         TBool aIsInvitationItem = EFalse ,
-        										         TBool aInvitationAutoAccept = EFalse) = 0;
-        /**
-         * add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
-         * @param aContact contact id to be added.
-         */
-        virtual TInt CreateNewContactFromRetrivedIdL(  TInt aIndexToUse  ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
-         * @param aContact contact id to be added.
-         */
-        virtual TInt DeleteNewContactFromRetrivedIdL(  TInt aIndexToUse  ) = 0;
-		/**
-         * add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
-         * @param aContact contact id to be added.
-         */
-        virtual TInt RemoveContactL( MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact  )  = 0 ;
-        /**
-         * add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
-         * @param aContact contact id to be added.
-         */
-        virtual void CreateNewFetchContactsL( RArray <TPtrC> &aFirstNameList, 
-                                             RArray <TPtrC> &aServiceField ) = 0;
-        /**
-         * returns ETrue if Local Store, EFalse if XSP Store
-         * @return TBool
-         */
-        virtual TBool  IsLocalStore() const = 0;
-  		/**
-         * From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
-         */
-  		virtual TInt RetriveLinkXSPIdsL(const TDesC8& aContactPackLink ) = 0 ;
-        /**
-         * From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
-         */
-        virtual const TDesC& GetRetrieveXSPIdL(TInt aIndex )  = 0 ;
-       	/**
-         * From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
-         */
-	   virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindContactByLink(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink ) = 0  ;
-	   virtual void Sort( const TDesC& aContactListId  = KNullDesC ) = 0 ;
-	   virtual MVIMPSTStorageContact& OwnContactL() = 0 ;
-	   virtual void DeleteDatabaseL() = 0 ;
-	   virtual void SetOwnUserIdL(const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0 ; 
-		/**
-		* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
-		* takes the ownership of aUnnamedText
-		*/
-  	   virtual void SetUnnamedTextL(HBufC* aUnnamedText ) = 0 ;
-    protected:
-        /**
-         * virtual destructor.
-         */ 
-        virtual ~MVIMPSTStorageServiceView(){};
-    };
-// End of File