changeset 0 5e5d6b214f4f
child 30 2b4be3554d30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uiservicetab/vimpstengine/tsrc/vimpstengine_ut/src/t_vimpstenginecchhandler.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:18 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+* t_vimpstenginecchhandler.cpp :  Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: t_vimpstenginecchhandler.cpp
+#include <EUnitMacros.h>
+#include <TEUnitAssertionInfo.h>
+#include <CEUnitAllocTestCaseDecorator.h>
+#include <cch.h>
+#include "t_vimpstenginecchhandler.h"
+#include "cvimpstenginecchhandler.h"
+#include "s_cch.h"
+#include "s_mcchuiobserver.h"
+extern MyCchService* myService;
+extern TBool createService ;
+extern TBool tryAllSubserviceAvailable ;
+extern TBool tryVoipSubServiceAvailable ;
+extern TBool tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable ;
+extern TBool tryIMSubServiceAvailable ;
+extern TBool tryConnParamLeaveWithNotSupported ;
+extern TBool tryConnParamWithSuccess ;
+extern TBool sendObserverEvent;
+extern TBool tryConnParamWithFailure ;
+T_VimpstEngineCchHandler* T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::NewLC()
+    {
+    T_VimpstEngineCchHandler* self = new( ELeave ) T_VimpstEngineCchHandler;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CEUnitTestSuiteClass::ConstructL();
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::SetupL()
+    {
+    iCChHandler = CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler::NewL( 3,*iCchUiEventObserver );
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::SetupL1()
+    {
+    createService = ETrue;
+    iCChHandler = CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler::NewL( 3 ,*iCchUiEventObserver);
+    }    
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::Teardown()
+    {
+    delete myService;
+    myService = NULL;    
+    createService = EFalse;
+    tryAllSubserviceAvailable = EFalse;
+	tryVoipSubServiceAvailable = EFalse;
+	tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable = EFalse;
+	tryIMSubServiceAvailable = EFalse;
+	tryConnParamLeaveWithNotSupported = EFalse;
+	tryConnParamWithSuccess = EFalse;
+    delete iCChHandler;
+    iCChHandler = NULL;    
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestConstructionL()
+    {
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iCChHandler );
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestGetServiceStateServiceNotFoundL()
+    {
+    TCCHSubserviceState state;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotFound, iCChHandler->GetServiceState( 99, ECCHVoIPSub, state ) ); 
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestGetServiceStateServiceFoundL()
+    {
+    TCCHSubserviceState state;
+    createService = ETrue;
+    tryVoipSubServiceAvailable = ETrue;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNone, iCChHandler->GetServiceState( 5, ECCHVoIPSub, state ) );    
+    }
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestEnableServiceServiceFoundL() 
+	{
+    createService = ETrue;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNone, iCChHandler->EnableService() ); 
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestEnableServiceServiceNotFoundL() 
+	{
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotFound, iCChHandler->EnableService() ); 
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestDisableServiceServiceFoundL() 
+	{
+    createService = ETrue;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNone, iCChHandler->DisableService() ); 
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::TestDisableServiceServiceNotFoundL() 
+	{
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotFound, iCChHandler->DisableService() ); 
+	}	
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::ValidateServiceServiceNotFoundL()
+	{
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( EFalse, iCChHandler->ValidateService(99) ); 		
+	}*/
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::ValidateServiceAllSubserviceAvailableL()
+	{
+	createService = ETrue;
+	tryAllSubserviceAvailable = ETrue;
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( ETrue, iCChHandler->ValidateService(99) ); 		
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::ValidateServiceAnyOneSubserviceAvailableL()
+	{
+	createService = ETrue;
+	tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable = ETrue;
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( ETrue, iCChHandler->ValidateService(99) ); 		
+	}		
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::GetConParametersServiceNotFoundL()
+	{
+	HBufC* temp = NULL;
+	createService = ETrue;  
+	tryConnParamWithFailure = ETrue;
+	TRAPD(err, temp = iCChHandler->GetConParametersL(ECchUsername));
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotFound, err ); 
+	if (temp)
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument ); // For alloc failure testing	  	
+		}	
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::GetConParametersServiceFoundL()
+	{
+	HBufC* temp = NULL;
+	createService = ETrue;	
+	tryConnParamWithSuccess = ETrue;
+	tryConnParamWithFailure = EFalse;
+	TRAPD(err, temp = iCChHandler->GetConParametersL(ECchUsername));	
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNone, err ); 	
+	CleanupStack::PushL(temp);
+	if (temp->Des().Compare(KTestUserName()))
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument ); // For alloc failure testing	    		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(temp);
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::GetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL()
+	{
+	HBufC* temp = NULL;
+	createService = ETrue;
+	tryConnParamLeaveWithNotSupported = ETrue;	
+	TRAPD(err, temp = iCChHandler->GetConParametersL(ECchUsername));
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotSupported, err ); 	
+	if (temp)
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument ); // For alloc failure testing	  	
+		}	
+	}		
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::SetConParametersServiceNotFoundL()
+	{
+	TInt err = iCChHandler->SetConnectionParameter(ECchUsername, KTestUserName);
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotFound, err ); 	
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::SetConParametersServiceFoundL()
+	{
+	createService = ETrue;	
+	tryConnParamWithSuccess = ETrue;
+	TInt err = iCChHandler->SetConnectionParameter(ECchUsername, KTestUserName);	
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNone, err ); 	
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::SetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL()
+	{
+	createService = ETrue;
+	tryConnParamLeaveWithNotSupported = ETrue;	
+	TInt err = iCChHandler->SetConnectionParameter(ECchUsername, KTestUserName);
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KErrNotSupported, err ); 			
+	}				
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::ShutdownCch()
+	{
+	iCChHandler->ShutdownCch();
+	}			    		
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::CheckObservingForPresenceSubServiceL()
+	{
+	sendObserverEvent = ETrue;
+	tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable = ETrue;
+	iCallingEnable = ETrue;
+	iGotObserverEvent = EFalse;
+	iCChHandler->RegisterCchObserverL(this, ECCHPresenceSub);
+	iCChHandler->EnableService();
+	iCChHandler->UnRegisterCchObserver(ECCHPresenceSub);	
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( ETrue, iGotObserverEvent ); 	
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::CheckNoObservingForPrsenceSubServiceL()
+	{
+	sendObserverEvent = ETrue;
+	tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable = ETrue;
+	iCallingEnable = ETrue;
+	iGotObserverEvent = EFalse;
+	iCChHandler->RegisterCchObserverL(this, ECCHIMSub);
+	iCChHandler->EnableService();
+	iCChHandler->UnRegisterCchObserver(ECCHIMSub);
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( EFalse, iGotObserverEvent ); 	
+	}	
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::RegisterObserverWithNull()
+	{
+	sendObserverEvent = ETrue;
+	tryPresenceSubServiceAvailable = ETrue;
+	iCallingEnable = ETrue;
+	iGotObserverEvent = EFalse;
+	iCChHandler->RegisterCchObserverL(NULL, ECCHUnknown);
+	iCChHandler->EnableService();
+	iCChHandler->UnRegisterCchObserver(ECCHUnknown);
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( EFalse, iGotObserverEvent ); 	
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::CchEventOccuredL( 
+            TUint /*aServiceId*/, 
+            TCCHSubserviceState aState, 
+            TInt /*aServiceError*/ )
+	{
+	if (iCallingEnable)
+		{
+		if (ECCHEnabled == aState)
+			{
+			iGotObserverEvent = ETrue;				
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void T_VimpstEngineCchHandler::CheckObservingWithoutRegisteringL()
+	{
+	sendObserverEvent = ETrue;
+	iCallingEnable = ETrue;
+	iGotObserverEvent = EFalse;
+	iCChHandler->EnableService();	
+	EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( EFalse, iGotObserverEvent ); 	
+	}
+EUNIT_BEGIN_TEST_TABLE( T_VimpstEngineCchHandler, "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler", "" )
+    EUNIT_TEST("TestConstructionL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "ConstructL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestConstructionL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST("TestGetServiceStateServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "GetServiceState",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY", 
+              SetupL, TestGetServiceStateServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "TestGetServiceStateServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "GetServiceState",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestGetServiceStateServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "TestEnableServiceServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "EnableService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestEnableServiceServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "TestEnableServiceServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "EnableService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestEnableServiceServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+   /* EUNIT_TEST( "ValidateServiceServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "ValidateService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, ValidateServiceServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST("ValidateServiceAllSubserviceAvailableL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "ValidateService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, ValidateServiceAllSubserviceAvailableL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST("ValidateServiceAnyOneSubserviceAvailableL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "ValidateService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, ValidateServiceAnyOneSubserviceAvailableL, Teardown )  
+            */  
+    EUNIT_TEST( "GetConParametersServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "GetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, GetConParametersServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "GetConParametersServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "GetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, GetConParametersServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST("GetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "GetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, GetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "SetConParametersServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "SetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, SetConParametersServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "SetConParametersServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "SetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, SetConParametersServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST("SetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "SetConParametersL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, SetConParametersLeavesServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "TestDisableServiceServiceFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "DisableService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestDisableServiceServiceFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "TestDisableServiceServiceNotFoundL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "DisableService",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, TestDisableServiceServiceNotFoundL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "ShutdownCch ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "ShutdownCch",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL, ShutdownCch, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "CheckObservingForPresenceSubServiceL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "CheckObservingForPresenceSubServiceL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL1, CheckObservingForPresenceSubServiceL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "CheckObservingWithoutRegisteringL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "CheckObservingWithoutRegisteringL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL1, CheckObservingWithoutRegisteringL, Teardown )
+    EUNIT_TEST( "RegisterObserverWithNull ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "RegisterObserverWithNull",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL1, RegisterObserverWithNull, Teardown )  
+    EUNIT_TEST( "CheckNoObservingForPrsenceSubServiceL ",
+            "T_VimpstEngineCchHandler",
+            "CheckNoObservingForPrsenceSubServiceL",
+            "FUNCTIONALITY",
+            SetupL1, CheckNoObservingForPrsenceSubServiceL, Teardown )  