changeset 29 9a48e301e94b
parent 0 5e5d6b214f4f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uiservicetab/vimpstutils/inc/cvimpstimageprocessor.h	Wed Sep 01 12:33:36 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Image processor
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "mvimpstimageprocessobserver.h"
+class CImageDecoder;
+class CBitmapScaler;
+class CFbsBitmap;
+class CImageEncoder;
+ *  Image processor
+ *
+ *  @lib vimpstutils.dll
+ */
+class CVimpstImageProcessor : public CActive
+	{
+   public: 
+   		/**
+	     * Content processing states
+	     */
+	    enum TContentProcessState
+	        {
+	        EContentNotProcessed = 0,
+	        EConvertImageDatatoBitmap,
+	        EScaleBitmap, 
+	        EConentFromScaledBitmap,
+	        EProcessingComplete
+	        };
+    public: // Construction
+		/**
+		 * Construction
+		 */
+		static CVimpstImageProcessor* NewL( MCAImageProcessObserver* aObserver);
+		/**
+		 * Destruction
+		 */
+		~CVimpstImageProcessor();
+	private: // Construction
+		/**
+		 * Constructor
+		 */
+		CVimpstImageProcessor(MCAImageProcessObserver* aObserver);
+		/**
+		 * Constructor
+		 */
+		void ConstructL();
+    private: // From CActive
+        /**
+         * @see CActive
+         */
+	    void RunL();
+        /**
+         * @see CActive
+         */
+	    void DoCancel();
+        /**
+         * @see CActive.
+         */
+		TInt RunError( TInt aError );	    
+   public: 
+       /**
+        * This is used when the image data is ready
+        * image data is proceesed and the new content is of the image is given
+        * by reducing the image data size
+        * 
+        * @param  aImageData : Content of the image file
+        * @param  aMimeType : Mime type of the file from which the content is passed
+        */
+       TInt ProcessFromDataL( const TDesC8& aImageData , const TDesC8& aMimeType);
+       /**
+        * This is used when the image data is ready
+        * image data is proceesed and the new content is of the image is given
+        * by reducing the image data size
+        * 
+        * @param  aFileName : image file name
+        * @param  aMimeType : Mime type of the file from which the content is passed
+        */
+       void ProcessFromFileL( const TDesC& aFileName , const TDesC8& aMimeType);
+       /**
+        * Cancel the image processing operation 
+        */ 
+       void CancelProcessing();
+       /**
+        * Register the observer to give callback
+        * once the processing is done
+        * @param  aObserver : obeserver
+        */   
+       void RegisterObserver( MCAImageProcessObserver* aObserver );
+       /**
+        * Retrieve the processed image
+        * Ownership of iContent is transferred to caller
+        * @return  processed image
+        */  
+       HBufC8* GetContentData();
+       /**
+        * Get Bitmap
+        * @return bitmap
+        */   
+       CFbsBitmap& Bitmap();
+   private: // New helper methods
+       /**
+        * Convert image to bitmap
+        */
+       void  ConvertImageToBitmapL();
+       /**
+        * Scale Bit map
+        */
+       void  ScaleBitmapL();
+       /**
+        * store scaled bitmap content into iimageencoder
+        */
+       void  ContentFromScaledBitmapL();
+       /**
+         * Get new size after decoding.
+         * Scale to nearest (larger or equal) size with ratio 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 or 1:8
+         * directly when decoding.
+         *
+         * @param aSize Size of original image
+         * @param aTargetSize Size of target image
+         * @param aAnyRatio Set this to ETrue if the decoder is cabable of scaling to any          *  ratio
+         * @return New size of decoded image
+         */
+        TSize DecodeSize( const TSize& aSize, const TSize& aTargetSize,
+                          TBool aAnyRatio );
+        /**
+         * Get new size after scaling. If scale not needed return EFalse
+         * Scaled size will be 40x30 if width > height or 30x40 if 
+         * height > width.
+         *
+         * @param aSize Original size of image
+         * @param aNewSize New size of scaled image
+         * @return ETrue if scale needed.
+         */
+        TBool ScaleSize( const TSize& aSize, TSize& aNewSize );
+        /**
+         * Notify observer for completion and remove message from array         
+         */
+        void CompleteRequestL();
+        /**
+         * Reset current operation and remove all pending messages from stack.
+         * @param aReason reson for reseting
+         */
+        void ResetProcessingL( TInt aReason );
+        /**
+         * Deletes and cancels all processing units ( decoder, encoder etc ).
+         */
+        void ClearState();
+    private: // Data
+        /// File system access
+        RFs iFs;
+        // Decoder for image.
+        CImageDecoder* iImageDecoder;
+        CBitmapScaler* iScaler;
+        CImageEncoder* iImageEncoder;
+        /**
+         *  Bitmap. Owns.
+         */
+        CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
+        /**
+         *  Target size for bitmap
+         */
+        TSize iTargetSize;
+        /**
+         *  Thumbnail size for bitmap
+         */
+        TSize iThumbSize;
+        /**
+         * Doesn't Own
+         */ 
+        HBufC8* iContent;
+        /// Owns.
+        HBufC8* iMimeType;
+        TContentProcessState iProcessingState;
+        HBufC* iFilename;
+        MCAImageProcessObserver* iObserver;
+        TInt iScaleSize;    
+        TBool isBitmapReturned;
+        };
+// End of File