* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Storage view implementation
#include <e32std.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <babackup.h>
#include "mvimpststorageserviceview.h"
#include "tvimpststoragepanics.h"
#include "tvimpstenums.h"
#include "mvimpststorageitemmodel.h"
#include "mvimpststorageactiveobserver.h"
class CVIMPSTStorageContactList;
class CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter;
class MVIMPSTStorageVPbkContactStore;
class MVPbkContactLink;
class CVIMPSTStorageActiveHandler;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CVIMPSTStorageServiceView ): public CBase,
public MVIMPSTStorageServiceView,
public MVIMPSTStorageServiceCacheWriter,
public MVIMPSTStorageItemModel,
public MVIMPSTStorageActiveObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CVIMPSTStorageServiceView* NewL(TUint32 aServiceId, const TDesC& aStoreName,
const TDesC& aServiceName);
* Destructor.
public: // New functions
TUint32 GetServiceId();
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void AddObserverL( MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver* aObserver ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void RemoveObserver( MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver* aObserver ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindContactByUserId( const TDesC& aUserId ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindContactByLink(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
TInt ListCount() const ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContactList& ListAt( TInt aIndex ) const ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContactList* FindContactList( const TDesC& aListId ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContactList* CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const TDesC& aDisplayName ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void RemoveContactList( const TDesC& aContactListId ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
TInt ContactCount( TBool aSkipOfflineContacts = EFalse ) const ;
* Update presence information of contact.
* @param aContactId Id of contact which presence is updated.
* @param aStatus. New presence status
* @param aAlias. New alias.
* @param aStatusText New status message text.
* @return MVIMPSTStorageContact* pointer of the contact
MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdatePresenceL(const TDesC& aContactId,
TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
const TDesC& aStatusText,
const TDesC8& aAvatarData,
TBool aIsClearingAvatar = EFalse) ;
* Update presence information of contact.
* @param aContactId Id of contact which presence is updated.
* @param aStatus. New presence status
* @param aAlias. New alias.
* @param aStatusText New status message text.
* @return MVIMPSTStorageContact* pointer of the contact
MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdateAvatarL(const TDesC& aContactId,
const TDesC8& aAvatarData ) ;
* add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
MVIMPSTStorageContact* CreateNewContactL(const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aDisplayName = KNullDesC,
TBool aIsInvitationItem = EFalse,
TBool aInvitationAutoAccept = EFalse) ;
* add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
TInt CreateNewContactFromRetrivedIdL( TInt aIndexToUse );
* remove contact ot the virtual phonebook.
* @param aContact contact id to be removed.
TInt DeleteNewContactFromRetrivedIdL( TInt aIndexToUse );
* add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
void CreateNewFetchContactsL( RArray <TPtrC> &aFirstNameList,
RArray <TPtrC> &aServiceField ) ;
* add contact ot the virtual phonebook.
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
TInt RemoveContactL( MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
TBool IsLocalStore() const ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void SetOwnUserIdL( const TDesC& aUserId );
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
TInt RetriveLinkXSPIdsL(const TDesC8& aContactPackLink );
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
const TDesC& GetRetrieveXSPIdL(TInt aIndex ) ;
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
MVIMPSTStorageContact& OwnContactL();
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void DeleteDatabaseL();
* From MVIMPSTStorageServiceView
void SetUnnamedTextL(HBufC* aUnnamedText );
public: // MVIMPSTStorageServiceCacheWriter
* update existing contact
* @param aContactLink contact id to be updatated
* @param aUserId contact id to be updated
* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be updated
* @reurn the storage contact pointer if found else NULL
MVIMPSTStorageContact* UpdateCacheContactL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aDisplayName,
const TDesC8& aAvatarContent ) ;
* add a new contact to cache
* @param aContactLink contact id to be add
* @param aUserId contact id to be add
* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be add
* @reurn the new storage contact pointer if contact is already exist return the smae
MVIMPSTStorageContact* AddContactToCacheL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aDisplayName,
const TDesC8& aAvatarContent,
TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType ) ;
* remopve existing contact
* @param aContactLink contact id to be removed
* @param aUserId contact id to be removed
* @param aDisplayName contact display name to be removed
* @reurn the error if any
TInt RemoveContactFromCacheL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType ) ;
* Removes all contacts from cache and notify to observers
void RemoveAllCacheContactsL() ;
* Read the default contact list if exist else create default list
* @return contact list pointer
MVIMPSTStorageContactList* GetDefaultContactListL() ;
* find contact by user id
* @param aUserId contact id to be find
* @return storage contact pointer if found else NULL
MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindCacheContactByUserId( const TDesC& aUserId ) ;
* find contact by user id
* @param aContactLink contact link to be find
* @return storage contact pointer if found else NULL
MVIMPSTStorageContact* FindCacheContactByLink(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink) ;
* add contact to the contact cache and notify the observers
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
TInt AddStorageContactToCacheL(MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContactToAdd );
* add contact to the contact cache and notify the observers
* @param aContact contact id to be added.
void NotifyServiceViewL( TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aEventType,
MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact = NULL ) ;
public : //MVIMPSTStorageActiveObserver
* This call is made when the waiting completes
* @param aError error code for waiting error, KErrNone if completes without error
void HandleDelayedNotificationL(TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType,
MVIMPSTStorageContactList *aList,
MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact,
TInt aContactIndex) ;
* C++ default constructor.
CVIMPSTStorageServiceView(TUint32 aServiceId);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aStoreName, const TDesC& aServiceName);
CVIMPSTStorageContactList* FindContactListInternal( const TDesC& aListId );
TInt FindContactListById(const TDesC& aListId );
// TLinearOrder
static TInt ContactListOrderByDisplayName(
const CVIMPSTStorageContactList& aContactA,
const CVIMPSTStorageContactList& aContactB );
static TBool ContactListFindByContactListId(
const CVIMPSTStorageContactList& aContactA,
const CVIMPSTStorageContactList& aContactB );
* Notify all the observers about the given event
* @param aType The type of observer event
* @param aContact The contact in question
* (or -1 == KCAStorageDontKnowPos to force search for given contact id
* in aParameter)
* @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
void NotifyAllObserversL( TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType,
MVIMPSTStorageContactList* aContactList,
MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact,
TInt aContactIndex );
* Notify all the observer about the given event after small delay
* If new notify events come during delay, then notify is "shifted"
* with new delay time and notify event is change to "multiplechanges".
* @param aType The type of observer event
* @param aContact The contact in question
* (or -1 == KCAStorageDontKnowPos to force search for given contact id
* in aParameter)
* @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
void NotifyAllObserversWithDelay( TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType aType,
MVIMPSTStorageContactList* aContactList,
MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact,
TInt aContactIndex );
public : // from MVIMPSTStorageItemModel
* @return Count of items
TInt Count() const;
* Returns List item at given index.
* @param aIndex
* @return List item
MVIMPSTStorageItemModel::SItem Item( TInt aIndex ) const;
* @see MVIMPSTStorageItemModel
TInt IndexOfContact( MVIMPSTStorageContact* aContact ) const;
* @see MVIMPSTStorageItemModel
TInt IndexOfList( MVIMPSTStorageContactList* aList,
TBool aIgnoreOwnItem /*= EFalse*/,
TBool aIgnoreEmptyLists /*= ETrue*/ ) const;
public :
* Sets the correct sorting method to storage
* according to current setting value
void SetSort();
* sort the contacts of list
* according to current setting value
void Sort( const TDesC& aContactListId = KNullDesC );
protected: // Functions from MDesCArray
* @see MDesCArray
TInt MdcaCount() const;
* @see MDesCArray
TPtrC MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
private: // Data
// observers list, used with MVIMPSTStorageServiceView inherited methods
RPointerArray< MVIMPSTStorageContactsObserver > iContactObservers;
// list of contacts
RPointerArray< CVIMPSTStorageContactList > iContactListArray; // owns
//Service ID
TUint32 iServiceId;
// owns : pointer to service store ,Local/Server
MVIMPSTStorageVPbkContactStore* iVPbkContactStore;
/// Sorter for contacts. Owns
CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* iContactSorter;
/// Contact for own data
MVIMPSTStorageContact* iOwnContact;
/// Owns : refreshTimer
CVIMPSTStorageActiveHandler* iActiveHandler;
// if ETrue meaning a invitation is getting added to cache
TBool iIsInvitationItem;
// owns : unnamed text
HBufC* iUnNamedText;
// End of File